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Russia invades Gerogia - war ensues

[Aug 8,2008 11:27am - aril  ""]
Not the state Georgia - the country.
This is bad news for that region - and if it escalates - the world. Someone is going to retaliate.

The US now has called for an immediate cease-fire. Not going to happen buddies.
[Aug 8,2008 11:30am - aril  ""]
No idea why I tagged this sports unless someone is fucking with me haha
[Aug 8,2008 11:33am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 8,2008 11:36am - aril  ""]
I meant to click news_article
[Aug 8,2008 11:37am - thuringwethil ""]
[Aug 8,2008 11:38am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
war is a sport
[Aug 8,2008 12:55pm - Yeti ""]
this is, WAR, heh, WAR!!
[Aug 8,2008 12:55pm - Yeti ""]
"War. its fantastic!"
[Aug 8,2008 12:58pm - Yeti ""]
[Aug 8,2008 3:41pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
This is fucking amazing, ww3 unfolding as we fucking speak.

rise of russia
the us and eu swoop in

but it's too late, there's no way we can win against the east, ie against a russian, chinese, iranian coalition.

because just like in ww2...it will just be our boys and some canadians if we're lucky
[Aug 8,2008 3:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I'm gonna go by a helmet and sit in my basement now.
[Aug 8,2008 3:52pm - SacreligioNLI  ""]
fuck that. georgia is off the coast of patagonia. let's get the dread pirate roberts. he just needs a month to think of something.
[Aug 8,2008 3:58pm - thuringwethil ""]
John Edwards cheating on his wife is bigger news right now.
[Aug 8,2008 4:20pm - SacreligioNLI  ""]
getting into politics is willingly becoming a patsy for someone with more money than you.
[Aug 8,2008 4:59pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
this should be the world headline right now, if this esculates russia will control oil flows to europe and the u.s.... People don't realize it but georgia is vital to the flow of oil in the middle east.

i can only imagine when half of america reads of this they will respond "oh my god russia invaded the south!"
[Aug 8,2008 5:07pm - the_reverend ""]
you mean the 1/2 that can read?
[Aug 8,2008 5:15pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
it's sad that i have to look for videos of this on youtube because there is nothing more than a ticker on one new channel out of the twenty i have. I want to see some russian fire fighting.
[Aug 8,2008 5:19pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

[Aug 8,2008 5:26pm - SacreligioNLI  ""]
hmm...until now i thought this was the island georgia off of south america. weird.
[Aug 8,2008 5:33pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

SacreligioNLI said:hmm...until now i thought this was the island georgia off of south america. weird.

it's a former russian satellite linking the middle east with russia. it borders turkey, azerbaijan, and russia.

I think this was timed perfectly with the olympics...whole world is busy watching them to care for a conflict that is very similar to the start of ww2.

aka when Germany rolled into neighboring countries to "reunite" germans.

If I am correct, south ossetia (in the north of georgia) used to be part of russia til very recently, in fact north ossetia is in russia.
[Aug 8,2008 5:36pm - SacreligioNLI  ""]
well good for them. i don't care until GWB says "we must go to war with russia," at which point i would care.
[Aug 8,2008 5:50pm - The true CNV  ""]
Sneaky fucking russians... All those hard years in the cold commie eastern block has turned those people into the most ruthless, cunning and treacherous motherfuckers you would ever run into. All of them know how to fight to kill too.... The USA could be in some deep shit.
[Aug 8,2008 5:55pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

SacreligioNLI said:well good for them. i don't care until GWB says "we must go to war with russia," at which point i would care.

sounds an awful lot like how we responded to china being invaded by japan before pearl harbor...or how we thought about germany invading hollan
[Aug 8,2008 6:15pm - The true CNV  ""]
yeah and we went in there and turned them into plasma too... Whippity doo da.

AMERICA- FUCK YEAH!!! Nuthin our nuclear physics team can't handle son

Let's jus hope everbody pushes the red button at the same time.
[Aug 8,2008 6:20pm - The true CNV  ""]
[Aug 8,2008 6:48pm - |an ""]
i'm in saint petersburg right now, as far as i knew, georgia was already bombing the shit out of s. ossetia. dont listen to fox new$...
[Aug 8,2008 6:50pm - CtB0rderpatrol  ""]
i <3 slavonic barbarism. we all can learn from them mofos
[Aug 8,2008 6:52pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

|an said:i'm in saint petersburg right now, as far as i knew, georgia was already bombing the shit out of s. ossetia. dont listen to fox new$...

yeah but russia's no saint, massing troops on the border for "training" for the last few months...don't blame em though
[Aug 8,2008 6:57pm - |an ""]
agreed. but seriously, I wouldn't believe this ww3 shit. skirmish at best, remember kosovo last year?
[Aug 8,2008 7:07pm - |an ""]

The%20true%20CNV said:Sneaky fucking russians... All those hard years in the cold commie eastern block has turned those people into the most ruthless, cunning and treacherous motherfuckers you would ever run into. All of them know how to fight to kill too.... The USA could be in some deep shit.

have you ever been to russia?
[Aug 8,2008 7:22pm - dftg  ""]
yeah, have you ever tried to fight a heroin addict? They may be scary, but not because they're physically intimidating.
[Aug 8,2008 7:35pm - zyklon ""]
WW3 begins today
[Aug 8,2008 7:53pm - |an ""]

dftg said:yeah, have you ever tried to fight a heroin addict? They may be scary, but not because they're physically intimidating.

no offense, i'm not russia supporter, but here they honestly don't give a flying fuck about the US, much less squashing it. don't be so afraid, if anything, they eat up american culture like there's no tomorrow.
[Aug 9,2008 8:04am - powerkok ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:This is fucking amazing, ww3 unfolding as we fucking speak.

rise of russia
the us and eu swoop in

but it's too late, there's no way we can win against the east, ie against a russian, chinese, iranian coalition.

because just like in ww2...it will just be our boys and some canadians if we're lucky

wow, someone is ignorant on their wwII history. How about Britain, Austrailia, Poland, Greece, Canada, France, even a post-Mussolini Italy.

No way we can win?
I beg to differ, its called anti-matter bombs....look it up. Noob.
[Aug 9,2008 8:09am - powerkok ""]

SacreligioNLI said:hmm...until now i thought this was the island georgia off of south america. weird.

Im sorry, but weird is incorrect.
The correct word you were looking for was, dee-dee-dee.

Look at a fucking map once in a while. Jeezwhiz.
[Aug 9,2008 10:32am - Conservationist ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:but it's too late, there's no way we can win against the east, ie against a russian, chinese, iranian coalition.

Or Russia, China and India
[Aug 9,2008 12:17pm - aril  ""]
I think WWIII is bound to happen sometime. There's too unstable environments in our world today. WWIII would happen out of a chain of events; for example, if the US decides to join in a small skirmish like this one, and someone decides to attack us, we'll have to intervene some more. And then other countries would, and then other ones, and so on.
That's why the whole presence of Israel is creating so much drama in the Middle East. Just about every country down there does not want Israel there - but Israel has a strong alliance with the US and some European countries so it's kind of a tug of war.
The tension is boiling again, I'm just waiting for the pot to explode.
[Aug 9,2008 1:39pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]

powerkok said:
SacreligioNLI said:hmm...until now i thought this was the island georgia off of south america. weird.

Im sorry, but weird is incorrect.
The correct word you were looking for was, dee-dee-dee.

Look at a fucking map once in a while. Jeezwhiz.

[Aug 9,2008 1:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh snap
[Aug 9,2008 3:10pm - Conservationist ""]

aril said:I think WWIII is bound to happen sometime.

It might save humanity -- from its own excess

Eugenics! Genocide! War! Famine! Sodomy!

These are your new allies.
[Aug 9,2008 3:15pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

powerkok said:
y_ddraig_goch said:This is fucking amazing, ww3 unfolding as we fucking speak.

rise of russia
the us and eu swoop in

but it's too late, there's no way we can win against the east, ie against a russian, chinese, iranian coalition.

because just like in ww2...it will just be our boys and some canadians if we're lucky

wow, someone is ignorant on their wwII history. How about Britain, Austrailia, Poland, Greece, Canada, France, even a post-Mussolini Italy.

No way we can win?
I beg to differ, its called anti-matter bombs....look it up. Noob.

hhaha out of those countries...maybe britian was useful.

Russia however, was better at the war in europe then we were. Everyone underestimates the role russia played in crushing the german offensive. no disrespect to the ww2 vets, but about 80 percent of the germans were fighting russia. we were just taking out the skeleton of an army that was left in the west.
[Aug 9,2008 4:02pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
new videos



I guess kazakhstan is saying they're going to back russia and send troops if needed.

yeah minor skirmish my ass.
[Aug 9,2008 4:49pm - aril  ""]
If China ever steps into any war with the US, I'm afraid we may not stand a chance.
We do have many different types of destructive bombs, but as I learned in college, a lot of them are politically motivated (ie "We're America. We have this. Don't fuck with us.")
We all know that if ANY country drops large scale destructive bombs in any other sovereign nation in the world, it will result in an all out war. Bombs represent power and technology, but to actually use them will require some serious balls, as its impact will be unforgettable and deemed immoral. If you had to push the button to drop an anti-matter bomb on a nation, would you?
[Aug 10,2008 9:11am - SkinSandwich ""]
kazakhstan? Haha!
[Aug 10,2008 10:42am - Conservationist ""]

aril said:If you had to push the button to drop an anti-matter bomb on a nation, would you?

Old tech: bombs:

New tech: autonomous micro-drones.

In the time it took you to be outraged at this reply, one of your political enemies pressed a switch on his console. The cicada on the tree outside your window flew right inside the house. You had one brief moment to be amused before you realized the "cicada" was actually an ultralight housing for a caseless .45 round. The next day they found you with a hole in your forehead and brain chips on the wall.
[Aug 10,2008 1:06pm - aril  ""]
haha. Cicada bullet. nice.

I think that the most popular term for bombs these days are "weapons of mass destruction." Frankly, I'm more terrified on biological warfare. Such weapons exist today that could destroy an entire nation in no time; the question is whether or not it will have an affect on world affairs. Of course it fucking will. Any country (no matter who it'll be ... terrorists are more likley) who participates on destruction in a large scale will have to be retaliated against. That's just how it works. The fact that the US has numerous weapons which are capable of destroying humanity is scary, only in the sense that if we ever decide to use them again, I've got a feeling the rest of the world won't like it.
[Aug 10,2008 1:53pm - goatcatalystnli  ""]
I hope nuclear armageddon comes before the Carcass show so you all die unhappy.
[Aug 10,2008 2:24pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I would rather have a zombie armageddon.

[Aug 10,2008 2:51pm - goatcatalyst ""]
you know those dusties have some nefarious shit they're stuffing their bombs with! i wouldn't necessarily rule out the possibility of partial (further?) zombification of those left undead.
[Aug 10,2008 3:26pm - pam ""]
All while Bush happily chats with Putin at the Olympics. Ahhh.

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