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ATTN: Backwards Hat People

[Dec 3,2011 9:02am - Randy_Marsh ""]

MikeOfDecrepitude said:Rims for grims: Aril edition

I forgot to log out and meant to post this under my name

[Dec 3,2011 10:56am - narkybark ""]
1-8-7-7 Rimz For Grimz
[Dec 3,2011 11:28am - arilliusbm ""]
niggas u whack. ima go blaze now ttyl
[Dec 3,2011 9:51pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
Now I must all hats backwards
[Dec 3,2011 10:04pm - Burnsy ""]
My point is totally valid and you all know it. I'm gonna do a fuckin' representative sample about it.
[Apr 4,2012 9:13pm - Burnsy ""]
Bump. Smarmy douche at the bar. Fuck backwards hats.
[Apr 4,2012 9:19pm - anonanon  ""]

arilliusbm said:Yea, nothing but flat rimmed FiftyFiveFifty. I keep the Herugrim NBA logo on da bottom too. Got to look brand new.
[Apr 4,2012 9:20pm - Lamp ""]
[Apr 4,2012 9:21pm - Burnsy ""]

Lamp said:[img]

Perfect haha!
[Apr 4,2012 9:48pm - Burnsy ""]
Just ordered a Budweiser to troll this faggot since he was talking shit about Budweiser. I'm so badass.
[Apr 4,2012 10:27pm - Alx_Casket ""]
And they're still talking shit in their faggot suite.
[Apr 4,2012 10:38pm - Burnsy ""]
I seriously wish I knew what suite they were in. I'd buy a case of budweiser select to leave at their door. Dude had the personality of David Spade with a decent vocabulary. He used .25 cent words way too........ superfluously.
[Apr 5,2012 2:39am - DukeManjunk ""]
i think my favorite mosh move at "hardcore" shows is to run around and flip the back wards straight brimmed hats off of peoples heads using an upwards slap motion, they get really mad, but are too pussy to try to fight me.
[Apr 5,2012 1:41pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Apr 14,2012 12:03am - Burnsy ""]
Backwards hat bros burning each other with cigarettes. All brims inverted, faggots.
[Apr 14,2012 12:56am - Lamp nli  ""]
I work nights in downtown Providence. They're EVERYWHERE.
[Apr 14,2012 1:18am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
only upside-down backwards visors are something something
[Apr 14,2012 1:22am - Burnsy ""]
I think Tiger Woods is what you were looking for there.
[Apr 14,2012 1:29am - arillius_the_white ""]
I wore one today.
[Apr 14,2012 1:30am - Burnsy ""]
You are a badass among scholars, sir.
[Apr 14,2012 11:17am - ITT TECH  ""]
ITT: burnsy has backwards hat envy he wishes that he could fit his overly round egg head into backwards hat cause it makes it easier to tongue kiss dudes when the brim doesn't get in the way
[Apr 14,2012 11:39am - Burnsy ""]
That's a good school, they're on TV.
[Apr 14,2012 11:29pm - Samantha ""]

DukeManjunk said:i think my favorite mosh move at "hardcore" shows is to run around and flip the back wards straight brimmed hats off of peoples heads using an upwards slap motion, they get really mad, but are too pussy to try to fight me.

I have actually done this before. The best part is when they all scramble to pick up their hats and inevitably end up in a giant pig pile.
[Apr 14,2012 11:33pm - KEVORD ""]
Got a couple of badasses over here.
[Apr 14,2012 11:40pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:[img]


[Apr 15,2012 8:53am - Burnsy ""]
Dude at the coffee shop just said people that work overnights look like level three sex offenders... While wearing a backwards hat.
[Apr 15,2012 9:19am - Chernobyl  ""]
Fuckin burnsy awakens
[Apr 15,2012 9:22am - Burnsy ""]
Sleeping in is for the false.
[Apr 16,2012 12:44am - rawr  ""]
sleeping in is for the healthy
[Apr 16,2012 12:46am - Chernobyl  ""]
Went to sleep at 7-8pm to wake up to basketball dunk being played next door. Fucking ripped, guy
[Apr 16,2012 7:05am - arillius_the_white ""]
Sleeping in is for those who don't have teh kidz.
[Apr 17,2012 1:35pm - Samantha ""]

KEVORD said:Got a couple of badasses over here.

[Oct 26,2012 11:41pm - Burnsy ""]
Just saw Scott Brown on TV wearing a backwards hat. NOT SURE IF FALLS INTO CATEGORY OF EXCEPTIONS OR UNRELENTING DOUCHE. I've been a firm supporter until now. I've got some thinking to do.
[Oct 27,2012 12:04am - Garth Algar  ""]
Haha pics or bro. I need to see this.
[Oct 27,2012 12:08am - Burnsy ""]
Haha it was on that Charlie fishing guy show on NESN. I'm on my phone and too lazy to do a search.
[Oct 27,2012 12:15am - Garth Algar  ""]
My god, it just gets worse.
[Oct 27,2012 2:40am - Asparagus Pee  ""]
[Oct 27,2012 2:43am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]

Pretty much says it all.


[Oct 27,2012 6:03am - Ancient_Master ""]
[Oct 27,2012 10:13am - gaybook  ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:
Pretty much says it all.


You seem to know where all the gay pictures are. You're a fuckin fag!!!

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