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you're right, paganmegan

[Jul 27,2005 11:24am - litacore ""]
the new Arch Enemy bites the big one.

were they TRYING to come off as soulless nu-metal?


*let the 'chicks-ruin-metal' comments ensue*:wiggam:
[Jul 27,2005 11:25am - the_reverend ""]
nemisis is a really good and fast track.
there isn't a single bit of nu-metal in it.
[Jul 27,2005 11:25am - litacore ""]
don't like it

but then again my expectations were high

serves me right
[Jul 27,2005 11:38am - yodaslab  ""]
her vocals get a bit tiresome after listening to 10 songs in a row, but overall i would say its pretty good
[Jul 27,2005 11:40am - paganmegan ""]
I need to sit down and listen to the album all the way through

It's not the vocals that are the problem, its ammott's riffs lacking real coherance, the production of the drums (especially the kick drums) in the mix, and the overall feel is just not "brutal" as they stated in interviews prior to the release of it

I'm gonna listen to carcass now (necrotisism followed by the pre-amott reek of putrefaction)

[Jul 27,2005 11:51am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I don't like any of the Angela-era albums much, but I thought this one was a little better and had a little less nu-metal than 'Anthems of Rebellion' or whatever ironic title tha last one had. The vocals here are a little better than the last two.

But it's not like I'm going to listen to either of them, so I should just butt out and listen to NunSlaughter and Bestial Mockery instead!
[Jul 27,2005 12:05pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
Wages of Sin was good.

Other than that anything with Angela I rather listen to someone slap meat slabs together.
[Jul 27,2005 12:55pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
through the countless metal albums i have listened to, i find that Arch Enemy is one of my least favorites. i just cant get into their stuff. not just stuff with Angela, but all of it.
[Jul 27,2005 12:56pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
[Jul 27,2005 2:12pm - litacore ""]
Jesus_Slaves said:through the countless metal albums i have listened to, i find that Arch Enemy is one of my least favorites. i just cant get into their stuff. not just stuff with Angela, but all of it.

I'm the same way with Overkill
[Jul 27,2005 2:14pm - paganmegan ""]
Overkill are better

just uselessly spouting my opinion because I'm bored
[Jul 27,2005 2:18pm - litacore ""]
Overkill started boring me over 15 years ago
[Jul 27,2005 2:28pm - alisterfiend ""]
you don't even like "years of decay"?...thats one of the best thrash albums ever!..at least i think so
[Jul 27,2005 2:34pm - litacore ""]
I don't fault the band. I fault that vocalist. Ugh--

I reiterate Butthead's comment while he and Beavis were commenting on the video for "Hello From the Gutter"--

"That skull should fly away to a video that doesn't suck."
[Jul 27,2005 2:36pm - Christraper ""]
Gimme the King
[Jul 27,2005 2:38pm - litacore ""]
"that means you too, King! and stop playing that thing!"

[Jul 27,2005 2:39pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
"These guys are cool - for a bunch of mimes."
Beavis & Butthead (about Kiss)

"Beavis, I thought you were daddie's little cutie."
"Shut up Bunghole!"
Beavis & Butthead (while watching Aerosmith's Ragdoll)

"These chicks look like guys."
"Yeah. That one's not wearin' a bra."
Beavis & Butthead (about Nelson)

"He's smiling at you, Beavis."
"Shut up, Butthead!"
Beavis & Butthead (about George Michael in Wham video)

"I wonder how Axl Rose would feel if he got his ass kicked by a couple
of 14 year olds."
"Yeah, that would really suck. Getting your asses kicked by Kris Kross. Heh
Hehheh, henh hmm, heh, heh."
Beavis & Butthead
[Jul 27,2005 2:42pm - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:"that means you too, King! and stop playing that thing!"


gotta love it
[Jul 27,2005 2:44pm - alisterfiend ""]
[Jul 27,2005 2:54pm - swamplorddvm ""]
litacore said:
*let the 'chicks-ruin-metal' comments ensue*:wiggam:

Ok... no wait. They don't really. Blame it on those asses who try to apeal to chicks by writing shitty music. MOST "metal" chicks I've met or know OF have some good taste in Metal but usually its the "bigger bands or they have some sort of whack record in their collection somewhere. The shows I see chicks at the most are bands like Cannibal corpse, Nightwish or bands of that... fame, if you will. I don't think Angela has anything to do with Arch enemy sucking. Unless she writes some of the shit.:shocker:
[Jul 27,2005 3:00pm - Christraper ""]
alisterfiend said:ALL HAIL KIM BENDIX PETERSEN!!!!

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! His name is Kim.....

[Jul 27,2005 3:04pm - litacore ""]
Christraper said:alisterfiend said:ALL HAIL KIM BENDIX PETERSEN!!!!

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! His name is Kim.....

he used to be a pro football player too

Photoshop fun, anyone?
[Jul 27,2005 3:07pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
paganmegan said:Overkill are better

just uselessly spouting my opinion because I'm bored

Well, yes, 'Taking Over' alone is better than Arch Enemy's entire career. But they do have some shitty records too.

[Jul 27,2005 3:09pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
'Chicks' do not ruin metal music.

Dawn Crosby (ex-Fear of God/Detente), Leather Leone (ex-Chastain) and Nicole Lee (ex-Znowhite) are some of my all-time metal idols. I'm just tired of the ones in the corsets who don't even like or listen to metal fronting all these lame goth bands and having it be called 'metal'.
[Jul 27,2005 3:12pm - paganmegan ""]
Detente were awesome
[Jul 27,2005 3:13pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
[Jul 27,2005 3:14pm - swamplorddvm ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:'Chicks' do not ruin metal music.

Dawn Crosby (ex-Fear of God/Detente), Leather Leone (ex-Chastain) and Nicole Lee (ex-Znowhite) are some of my all-time metal idols. I'm just tired of the ones in the corsets who don't even like or listen to metal fronting all these lame goth bands and having it be called 'metal'.

Chicks in corsets are hot. But yes the're usually there with their stupid boyfriends.
[Jul 27,2005 3:15pm - paganmegan ""]
What I dug about arch enemy was the guitar playing. I can't say I enjoy those riffs in the same way I would be enjoying thrash or black metal for example, probably more along the lines of the way I enjoy Ynwie Malmsteen or other very capable guitarists
[Jul 27,2005 3:16pm - paganmegan ""]
but the new one is bleghh
[Jul 27,2005 3:16pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
doesn't every band who releases something new use the word brutal when they describe it?
[Jul 27,2005 3:17pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
dan_bloodblister said:sinister

She was pretty new though....isn't she in Infinited Hate now? I think she might not be in Sinister anymore since they all changed instruments.
[Jul 27,2005 3:18pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I will one day fist-fight Nightwish.
[Jul 27,2005 3:18pm - paganmegan ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:dan_bloodblister said:sinister

She was pretty new though....isn't she in Infinited Hate now? I think she might not be in Sinister anymore since they all changed instruments.

Rachel is in Infinited Hate and not Sinister any more
[Jul 27,2005 3:19pm - litacore ""]
yeah I think she divorced Aad though--he's Sinister's singer now?

anyhoo Inifinited Hate's second CD will be out in the fall
[Jul 27,2005 3:19pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
yeah shes not in sinister anymore, but she was a brutal chick and their best singer imo
[Jul 27,2005 3:19pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
paganmegan said:What I dug about arch enemy was the guitar playing. I can't say I enjoy those riffs in the same way I would be enjoying thrash or black metal for example, probably more along the lines of the way I enjoy Ynwie Malmsteen or other very capable guitarists

I really like the records with Johan Liiva, his voice was nothing special but he was great live and the music on 'Stigmata' and 'Burning Bridges' is fuckin' MASSIF!

[Jul 27,2005 3:19pm - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:yeah I think she divorced Aad though--he's Sinister's singer now?

anyhoo Inifinited Hate's second CD will be out in the fall

they kicked out their drum machine right? :p
[Jul 27,2005 3:20pm - alisterfiend ""]
that bitch from Warlock! i forget her name
[Jul 27,2005 3:20pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
his voice is alot better now, check out Hearse..
[Jul 27,2005 3:20pm - paganmegan ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:paganmegan said:What I dug about arch enemy was the guitar playing. I can't say I enjoy those riffs in the same way I would be enjoying thrash or black metal for example, probably more along the lines of the way I enjoy Ynwie Malmsteen or other very capable guitarists

I really like the records with Johan Liiva, his voice was nothing special but he was great live and the music on 'Stigmata' and 'Burning Bridges' is fuckin' MASSIF!

I love love love the riffs on burning bridges

[Jul 27,2005 3:20pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
dan_bloodblister said:yeah shes not in sinister anymore, but she was a brutal chick and their best singer imo

Really? I still like the first two records the best by Sinister, that guy was a madman.

[Jul 27,2005 3:20pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
[Jul 27,2005 3:20pm - paganmegan ""]
alisterfiend said:that bitch from Warlock! i forget her name

hahaha doro pesch
[Jul 27,2005 3:21pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
dan_bloodblister said:his voice is alot better now, check out Hearse..

Yeah, I've got Hearse and Nonexist and enjoy both.
[Jul 27,2005 3:21pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Let's not forget Zed Yago's Jutta Weinhold, she was a great melodic power metal singer....when she was in Zed Yago and Velvet Viper of course. Those were borderline hard rock bands but I still love them.
[Jul 27,2005 3:21pm - paganmegan ""]
[Jul 27,2005 3:22pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
is nonexist the band with the drummer from dark funeral???
[Jul 27,2005 3:22pm - litacore ""]
paganmegan said:litacore said:yeah I think she divorced Aad though--he's Sinister's singer now?

anyhoo Inifinited Hate's second CD will be out in the fall

they kicked out their drum machine right? :p

oooooooo, Repulsion cover ... nice

Dear fans
Sorry for the late update,but here it is,some news about Infinited hate. The recordings are almost done,we’ve record everything in the excess studio in Rotterdam,also the mixing will be done in the excess studio,again we worked with Hans Pieters,like we did before also with Sinister. This time they don't have a drummachine. We asked Dirk Verbeuren (Soilwork,Scarve,Aborted) to join the album and he did a hell of a job!!
Here are the titles of “Heaven termination”

-Horned Priest
-Demonical Supulture
-Citadel of Carnage
-The Purity Corrupted
-Faced Aggressor
-Memento Recollection
-Unholy Commandments
-Pierced with Nails
-See Hell
-Before Creation of T ime(Unleashed)

Repulsion "The smell of burning dead" (possible bonus track)

In the update of 09-2004 we told you that we will record the cover from Infernal majesty. We changed our minds and we recorded Before creation of time from Unleased.It worked out very good. We also recorded “the smell of burning death”from Repulsion,maybe for a bonus track or whatever,we’ll see,we don’t know yet.But what we know is that it is as fast as hell!

You already know that Dirk did the drumming parts on the “Heaven termination”. It’s amazing what he did,he’s really one of the best drummers ever!!And he’s also one of the nicest people we’ve met(ofcours we already knew that),thanks dirk!This time Aad didn’t used any effects on his vocals. “Heaven termination”sounds more different than “Revel in bloodshed”,it’s more in the vein of old Sinister/hate eternal.

We hope to bring more news next time about playing live. That’s it for now,have a good new year everyone!!!!

Rachel and Infinited Hate
[Jul 27,2005 3:22pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
Dana - Demonic Christ, Sarcanna - ex-Gehenna, Runhild - Thorrs Hammer, SUNNO))), the chics from Ebonsight, that chic who sang with Deathwitch, those are metal chicks that dont suck
[Jul 27,2005 3:24pm - paganmegan ""]
I can't wait for the demonic christ re-issues even though I have originals

I hope they tour

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