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Now Find a show to go to!

Nov 1 (Sat) - TRAP THEM (Trash Art / Ex-BSI), New Lows, HY Empty Orchestra, Hivesmasher, Caligula - TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM BANDS - Rocko's (Manchester, NH)

Nov 1 (Sat) - Trap Them, New Lows, Hive Smasher, Heisai Yasokawa's Empty Orchestra, Caligula, The Turn, more TBA - Rocko's (Manchester, NH)


[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Oct 27,2008 3:29pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Fuck that dance party. Nick bring them tapes (or was it 1?)! Anyone know the order? I won't be there for the beginning.
[Oct 27,2008 5:12pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Nobody_Cares said:Fuck that dance party. Nick bring them tapes (or was it 1?)! Anyone know the order? I won't be there for the beginning.

I think it was either 1 or 2. I have them in a bag so they don't get ruined. I'll do my best to remember. Feel free to remind me by bumping away at this thread!
[Oct 27,2008 11:16pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Oct 28,2008 8:54am - RustyPS ""]
1. 400pm-425pm - Fugitives And Refugees
2. 435pm-500pm - The Turn
3. 510pm-535pm - Caligula
4. 545pm-610pm - HY Empty Orchestra
5. 630pm-655pm - Hive Smasher
6. 705pm-730pm - Furnace
7. 740pm-810pm - In Remembrance
8. 825pm-855pm - TRAP THEM
[Oct 28,2008 9:12am - archaeon@skewl  ""]
trap them is done by 9? I guess i won't be at this then. dumb
[Oct 28,2008 9:16am - Sacreligion ""]
this show needs moar bands and less time
[Oct 28,2008 10:32am - aaron_michael ""]

archaeon@skewl said:trap them is done by 9? I guess i won't be at this then. dumb

yeah, because a show getting out early is a terrible thing. I hate having more time to enjoy my evening after seeing a great band haha.
[Oct 28,2008 10:43am - RustyPS ""]
It's an early show so they could do all ages. If it were later, it'd be either 18+ or 21+.
[Oct 28,2008 1:49pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
I know how this place works, they do like 3 shows a night. I'm glad its early, and Nick I won't be missing you guys! Fuck work, metal is life!
[Oct 28,2008 3:05pm - archaeon ""]

aaron_michael said:
archaeon@skewl said:trap them is done by 9? I guess i won't be at this then. dumb

yeah, because a show getting out early is a terrible thing. I hate having more time to enjoy my evening after seeing a great band haha.

Well im going to be at band practice so i doubt id be able to make it there for them.
[Oct 28,2008 3:53pm - joeycobra ""]

Nobody_Cares said:I know how this place works, they do like 3 shows a night. I'm glad its early, and Nick I won't be missing you guys! Fuck work, metal is life!

yeah they have this new dance night every saturday now....

I think Fridays after the all ages show they also run an 18+ hiphop night.

I'll try to make it to this...I originally planned to...then I thought about my lack of money and the amount of gas my car will consume.

[Oct 28,2008 3:57pm - aaron_michael ""]
Ride up with the terrorist and I'll buy you a drink
[Oct 28,2008 4:21pm - immortal13 ""]
I think I might go to this.
[Oct 28,2008 6:33pm - Nobody_Cares ""]

joeycobra said:
Nobody_Cares said:I know how this place works, they do like 3 shows a night. I'm glad its early, and Nick I won't be missing you guys! Fuck work, metal is life!

yeah they have this new dance night every saturday now....

I think Fridays after the all ages show they also run an 18+ hiphop night.

I'll try to make it to this...I originally planned to...then I thought about my lack of money and the amount of gas my car will consume.

That dance night used to be in Dover, it took the place of the hip hop night I hosted. Obviously didn't do too well there when it could have. It was all ages 10 bucks, with bands and djs. Its a boston trendy club that tries to make loot off NH kids by telling them it will feel like boston if they come. Look at the flyer, it says "frat brothers, metal heads, club kids, ravers, rimjobbers, albino b boys welcome". Keep the white belts in Allston. As far as the hip hop thing at Rockos, I've done one and it was a bust, mostly due to the Manchester artists dropping off. I'm there Nov 8th with bands that don't appear to be metal, but its a hip hop/ band thing which I prefer.
[Oct 28,2008 6:52pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Oh yeah Aaron, I've been listening to the Hivesmasher disc. Very awesome, 1 of the songs really reminds me of Pig Destroyer when they were awesome. The vocals are on point, though I may slightly prefer how they sound live. See you doodz saturday.
[Oct 29,2008 8:26am - RustyPS ""]
its so close, I can feel it in my lower genitals
[Oct 29,2008 11:44pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I need pizza buffet
[Oct 30,2008 8:33am - aaron_michael ""]
Pizza buffet intrigues me. And Seth, bring me recordings of your work on saturday!
[Oct 30,2008 1:16pm - RustyPS ""]
[Oct 30,2008 5:32pm - Nobody_Cares ""]

aaron_michael said:Pizza buffet intrigues me. And Seth, bring me recordings of your work on saturday!

Will do.
[Oct 31,2008 10:15am - aaron_michael ""]
yo yo yo
[Oct 31,2008 1:21pm - RustyPS ""]
ĦSi usted no comienza a hablar jerkoffs ingleses no vamos dondequiera!
[Oct 31,2008 3:10pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
I love telling work, "I gotta leave 2 hours early to go to to a show". When all they ever leave for is kids birthdays or weddings or some family shit. Fuck their square, un-metal asses.
[Oct 31,2008 11:42pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
squeeze the pimps
[Oct 31,2008 11:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I was going to this until sisters...
[Nov 1,2008 8:07am - thirsty ""]
Hey we only do two shows a night on saturday's, the owners of Rocko's want me to do at least one 18+ show a week. Sorry if this bothers anyone.
Don't miss it!
[Nov 1,2008 8:31am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

the_reverend said:I was going to this until sisters...

I have a t-shirt for you, so you must come.

It has a photo you took on it!
[Nov 1,2008 9:06am - the_reverend ""]
I might come to this for the first 2 hour before heading to worcester. I have to leave basically when hivesmasher starts. debating cause I could get sals pizza.
[Nov 1,2008 9:24am - archaeon ""]
I'll be at this with the Richards of Mark
[Nov 1,2008 9:48am - RustyPS@school  ""]

[Nov 1,2008 10:15am - Nobody_Cares ""]
Get me outta here!
[Nov 1,2008 11:58am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Nobody_Cares said:Get me outta here!

Seth - got the tapes, now I just gotta remember to bring them!
[Nov 1,2008 3:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I just got back in and have a ton of stuff to do before leaving.
have a good show.
[Nov 1,2008 4:09pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Hope you bring em. Tapes aren't as important as friends though. See you in a bit.
[Nov 1,2008 10:01pm - archaeon ""]
smells like peanuts
[Nov 1,2008 10:55pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Good times, nice chatting. MFR, Rusty, Nick, Aaron. Got there as HYEO was ending, kinda pissed I missed everything but the last song. The drumming was awesome and fast and heavy. The song I heard was killer. Nick thanks for the TTOS cd, guess I missed the boat I'd never heard that stuff, way darker songwriting.
Hivesmasher- Aaron had the puke bucket ready, but held it like a champ. They sound really good with 2 guitars, I've been listening to the cd lately.
In Rememberence- A sea of flannel shirts moshing. Not my thing musically.
Furnace- Never heard them but heard of them. I thought it was good, really liked the fast but not quite blast tempo. I would need time with some recordings to appreciate them.
Trap Them- Basically the reason I came (besides friends). They killed, that drummer is reckless. The blasts were so good. Takes me back to a time of seeing awesome drummers at shows all the time (Dying Fetus, Cryptopsy, Skinless with the guy from Origin etc...). Need to buy their cds. Awesome thrash riffs and if you call them hardcore, then I like it (and I denounce hardcore).
[Nov 2,2008 11:49am - the_taste_of_cigarettes@work  ""]
Rev - I have a T-shirt for you, I'll keep it in the van.

Seth - awesome to see you

Hivesmasher was fucking ridiculous, great band, Aaron's best project yet.
[Nov 3,2008 8:52am - aaron_michael ""]
As Justin put it, the crowd was really apathetic to all of the bands but from what I saw, all of them played great.
It's always a pleasure seeing Nick and Rusty. Their drummer is one of the most intense musicians I've ever seen.
The Caligula boys had a silly light show, but I won't hold it against them.
In Remembrance just keeps getting better and better. Less breakdowns and more focus on writting.
I had to miss Furnace.
Trap Them was just astounding. Great riffs, amazing drumming, and one of the most intimidating front men ever.
[Nov 3,2008 12:12pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I missed everyone up to Hivesmasher. I was hoping to see HYEO with the new drummer; I'm sure I'll catch them soon enough though.

Hivesmasher sounded a lot better at the Dover Brickhouse a couple weeks ago; I can only attribute this to the fact that the Brickhouse sounds fucking amazing, and Rocko's just lacks in every dimension. Wonderful performance nonetheless, as always.

I am not really into In Remembrance; they put on a good show, but they're missing something, or just sound like a million other bands to me. Either way they got an army of pseudo-lumberjacks doing barrel rolls and dividing by zero all over the place.

I was really excited to see Furnace, but the technical difficulties they had really ruined their thunder. If I hadn't already known who they were I probably would have lost interest after the 3rd of 4th malfunction. I don't really think their sound reached its full potential in this venue either.

Trap Them is always fucking amazing. Once again, Rocko's sound ruined the feel though. They've always been one of the loudest, angriest sounding bands I've seen live and I didn't get the same experience in Rocko's. New material is fucking amazing; the last song they played made me want to start smoking weed, and tons of it...but alas, I retain my "edge."
[Nov 3,2008 12:23pm - aaron_michael ""]
the word of the night was definitely "flannel"
[Nov 3,2008 12:58pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes@work  ""]

aaron_michael said:the word of the night was definitely "flannel"

pfff good point...shit, I was wearing flannel!

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