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BOARCORPSE..... listen bitches!!

[May 3,2009 1:20pm - ouchdrummer ""]

So our final mix is up, there could still be minor adjustments, but this is pretty much it. Let me know what ya think.
[May 3,2009 1:21pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[May 3,2009 1:22pm - ouchdrummer ""]
it seems that for now the old version is still up there as well, but just ignore that one.
[May 3,2009 1:25pm - narkybark ""]
geez, wait a second, I'm working on it.
[May 3,2009 1:40pm - Blue ""]
um, how about giving us a description of your band? maybe i'd be more inclined to go check your stuff out.
[May 3,2009 1:47pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[May 3,2009 1:48pm - Blue ""]
[May 3,2009 1:51pm - ouchdrummer ""]
geez blue, that sounds really familiar...so here goes:

Our stuff would be categorized as grooved out extreme metal. Influences include Arsis, Decapitated, Meshuggah, Dillinger, The Faceless, Nile, Burnt By The Sun, Cattle Decapitation.
[May 3,2009 1:54pm - narkybark ""]
myspace is compressing the shit out of it. I'm trying to make a version that sounds a little cleaner.
[May 3,2009 1:58pm - ouchdrummer ""]
that's myspizzle for ya, it still sounds good though.
[May 3,2009 2:05pm - archaeon ""]
shitti deafcore.
[May 3,2009 2:08pm - ouchdrummer ""]
yep, we get that ALL the time. We all believe that "Suicide Silence" is the best group of musicians to ever set foot on earth.... wait, WTF?
[May 3,2009 2:14pm - SW  ""]
sounds awesome
[May 3,2009 2:18pm - ouchdrummer ""]
sweet, thanks for listening. MarkfuckingRichards is doing the artwork for it, we should have our 3 song out with the month.
[May 3,2009 2:35pm - timma ""]
This shit is killer man, kudos.
[May 3,2009 7:17pm - markrichardsmobile  ""]
I also did gurgles and shit.
[May 3,2009 7:35pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i did some backing vocals as well
[May 3,2009 7:38pm - archaeon ""]
I danced around naked.
[May 3,2009 7:40pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
we went back in a time machine and molested grant
[May 3,2009 9:12pm - narkybark ""]
why wasn't I invited?
[May 3,2009 10:35pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
well i guess we could all just molest him at the age he is now, but it wouldnt be as delicious. . .
[May 3,2009 11:31pm - narkybark ""]
that's like saying ice cream is bad. it's just never true.
[May 4,2009 1:33am - The_Bludgeoner ""]
that shit sounds fucking brutal, mmm bacon
[May 4,2009 1:34am - ouchdrummer ""]
.... our biggest collective influence has always been bacon.
[May 4,2009 1:53am - The_Bludgeoner ""]
boarcorpse is definitely the most brutal way to describe bacon, i should ask for it next time i'm at denny's
[May 4,2009 2:21am - ouchdrummer ""]
Don't settle for anything less, ask for Boarcorpse.
[May 4,2009 2:22am - RichHorror ""]
It's thanks to me this band is called Boarcorpse. They were afraid to go with it until i said it was awesome. Kiss my dick.
[May 4,2009 2:26am - ouchdrummer ""]
we play all the music, but Mr. Horror composes all of our songs... we just TRY and play to his standards.
[May 4,2009 2:27am - RichHorror ""]
I invented everything because I'm a champion and everyone else is a faggot.
[May 4,2009 2:58am - narkybark ""]
It's true. The US patent office has a box marked "Horror" and it's always filled with papers. I heard the shamwow guy pays royalties.
[May 4,2009 8:09am - blue ""]
And I still stay you guys should change the name. Something cool like deviated septum or something sweet liek that.
[May 4,2009 8:23am - RustyPS ""]
Hypochondriasis is the jimmy jam.....siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
[May 4,2009 8:34am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I still think BoarCorpse should start a street team called The BoarCorps.
[May 4,2009 8:36am - ouchdrummer ""]
gayest.....idea.....ever.... i like it!
[May 4,2009 8:49am - ouchdrummer ""]
Hey kids, don't forget to check out the tune,.
[May 4,2009 9:03am - reimroc ""]
good stuff jimbo.
[May 4,2009 9:05am - RustyPS ""]

reimroc said:good stuff jimbo.
yea, even though he doesn't like Nasum
[May 4,2009 9:08am - reimroc ""]
yea..tisk tisk tisk

[May 4,2009 9:09am - reimroc ""]
btw the rusty you missed a killer show on friday @ umass. you would've had a blast.
[May 4,2009 9:10am - RustyPS ""]
Friday night classes have been a bummer...we were originally asked to play that show, and I couldn't
[May 4,2009 9:11am - reimroc ""]
yea i hear ya.
[May 4,2009 9:13am - ouchdrummer ""]
i dunno if you guys realize it, but your "shooting the shit" in the middle of my shameless self promotion. What gives?
[May 4,2009 9:15am - ouchdrummer ""]
JK, keep bumping this shit jigga!!
[May 4,2009 9:15am - RustyPS ""]
sorry Jimbo lol

[May 4,2009 9:18am - reimroc ""]

ouchdrummer said:i dunno if you guys realize it, but your "shooting the shit" in the middle of my shameless self promotion. What gives?

lol sowwy jim
[May 4,2009 10:40am - ouchdrummer ""]
no prob. Hey Reim, does the song remind you of anyone?
[May 4,2009 10:51am - darkwor ""]
the end of Hypochondriasis is INSANE. Like a storm of boiling bacon grease. Can't wait to hear it NOT on myspace. Great work dudes!!
[May 4,2009 11:09am - narkybark ""]
Thanks mr. j wor... that's a great metaphor, it needs to be used
[May 4,2009 12:02pm - darkwor ""]
I gotta say I doubted Terrence's vocal abilities after hearing the Ouch demo a couple years back, but I'm slapping myself now, he's a fucking monster, can hold up to absolutely any extreme vocalist but maintains his manic, spastic style. He hereby gets the Most Improved Vocalist award. :yoda:
[May 4,2009 1:17pm - ouchdrummer ""]
bumped for a good metaphor, and a most improved vocalist award.

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