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5 Hour Energy = liquid crack

[Sep 13,2010 2:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
it sounds ridiculous
[Sep 13,2010 2:06pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
maybe I'll bring a jug of it for the Saco River trip
[Sep 13,2010 2:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
maybe? there's no maybe
[Sep 13,2010 2:10pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
Wren. Fuck off. Now I'm hungry.
There's this chain restaurant in Colombia called Crepes & Waffles... holy shit their food is delicious! I wished it existed here in the US. I guess this Paris place you speak of will have to suffice. When it comes to food, if its already really good, stuff it in a crepe and it immediately becomes magical, imho!
[Sep 13,2010 2:11pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
the crepes at this place are good, hardly the best, but still delicious.

The crack, however, is heavenly.

Also I'm very willing to do the jug of said crack!
[Sep 13,2010 2:14pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
We would all appreciate it. You may need to bring more than one jug though.
[Sep 13,2010 2:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
one jug per person plz
[Sep 13,2010 2:25pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
the catch would be that it would have to be drunk the first night or else it'll probably go bad
[Sep 13,2010 2:29pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
the catch is that it might not make it further than the parking lot
[Sep 13,2010 2:30pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
I'm okay with that too
[Sep 13,2010 3:14pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Just asked the creperie and they'll totally do it! Just need to find a jug or two! (that's what she said)
[Sep 13,2010 3:17pm - Yeti ""]

ValkyrieScreams said:"Already"? You started this thread last month... if it lasted til now, I'd say that was a hell of a good run.

[Sep 13,2010 3:24pm - boxxy ""]
wait BOBLOVESMUSIC.. Frozen... HOT... chocholate? Genus
[Sep 13,2010 3:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
Genius of the Restoration. Aid our own resuscitation!
[Sep 13,2010 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
[Sep 13,2010 3:31pm - arilliusbm ""]
The pen, Henry!
[Sep 13,2010 3:41pm - TIMMA ""]

boxxy said:wait BOBLOVESMUSIC.. Frozen... HOT... chocholate? Genus

Cool spell check bro
[Sep 13,2010 3:58pm - boxxy ""]
cool... fucku. ha
[Apr 3,2011 10:15am - Alexecutioner ""]
this shit is hitting me hard right now haha. got maybe 2 hours of sleep last night
[Apr 3,2011 1:44pm - the_reverend ""]
It does NOTHING!
[Apr 3,2011 1:45pm - Alexecutioner ""]
i only drink it once every couple weeks or so, when i really need it to stay awake, so it usually hits me pretty hard
[Apr 3,2011 3:08pm - Anonymous  ""]
Does nothing
[Apr 3,2011 3:33pm - Lamp ""]
I tried one a couple years back and it did nothing for me either.
[Apr 3,2011 4:52pm - NuclearWinter ""]
[Apr 3,2011 6:13pm - the_reverend ""]
Real men snort aderal.
[Apr 3,2011 8:33pm - swampthing  ""]
5 hour energy is bullshit

[Apr 3,2011 10:01pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Oxyelite Pro or GTFO. Fat burner pill that keeps me going all day.
[Apr 4,2011 7:20am - Yeti ""]

Yeti said:i don't touch any of this energy drink shit. it may even taste good, i just don't want that chemical garbage in my body.

"pleasing taste, some monsterism"

i still mostly agree with this, but sometimes 5 hour energy is more or less a necessity.
[Apr 4,2011 8:06am - arilliusbm ""]
I haven't had this shit/crap/junk since my old job. There's no reason for me to take it. Sometimes it'd keep me wired for 2 hours or so, sometimes it'd do nothing at all, and other times it'd just give me jitters.
[Apr 4,2011 8:07am - arilliusbm ""]

arilliusbm said:Genius of the Restoration. Aid our own resuscitation!

Oh, and this
[Apr 4,2011 8:12am - Yeti ""]
yeah it doesn't always do the same thing. before we went to Purgatory that day i was a total zombie, and one of these woke me up. but on Saturday i drank one before playing and it fucked with my heart, so i think i'm all set for now.
[Apr 4,2011 9:07am - boxxy ""]
Yeah, these don't do anything for me.
[Apr 4,2011 9:52am - Alexecutioner ""]
they perk me up but i could still fall asleep on it if i wanted to. same thing for aderall tho, id fucking fall asleep on that shit too
[Apr 4,2011 10:27am - ouchdrummer ""]
sure, at low dosages. At high dosages though, even Ambien wouldn't be able to knock you out... i know from experience. That combo is a hallucinatory heaven! ha!
[Apr 4,2011 11:38am - posbleak ""]
Fuck yeah niacin rash~
[Apr 4,2011 12:52pm - Alexecutioner ""]
i sold Niacin to some bitch when i was in high school and told her it was E. her and her friend got the biggest Niacin rash on their noses, they looked like fucking Rudolph haha. bitch totally deserved it
[Apr 4,2011 1:25pm - posbleak ""]
Supposedly it's good for ending an acid trip quickly, so keep a bottle on you in case the elephants start to circle too closely.
[Apr 4,2011 2:45pm - ouchdrummer ""]

posbleak said:Supposedly it's good for ending an acid trip quickly, so keep a bottle on you in case the elephants start to circle too closely.

You can't possibly believe this statement... When you say "supposedly", you're implying that someone, or something claimed it to be true, but that you can't trust or verify the statement... where did you hear this?
[Apr 4,2011 2:47pm - narkybark ""]
Niacin makes me both look and feel sunburned all over. It rules.
[Apr 4,2011 3:00pm - posbleak ""]

ouchdrummer said:You can't possibly believe this statement... When you say "supposedly", you're implying that someone, or something claimed it to be true, but that you can't trust or verify the statement... where did you hear this?

Some ancient-ass hippie who was going off 1950s-era research: http://www.lycaeum.org/research/researchpdfs/0234-1.pdf

(There's more studies, with varying results, profiled here: http://www.lycaeum.org/mv/mu/LSD_niacin.html )

Haven't bothered trying it, sounds like a waste of good acid.
[Apr 4,2011 3:09pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I'm very familiar with lyceum, and will read those when i'm home, but my work blocks that whole site... I've personally never tried to prematurely end a trip, buy the ticket, take the ride.. that's what i say. Although I HAVE been with people who've gone too far and wanted to "stop the ride and get off", despite much reading on my part, i've only read one thing that i think would actually be worthwhile, and that's taking sleeping pills (preferably prescription strength) and putting some nice music on. Now, while that was fine 10 years ago, i wouldn't do it now. Not because of a change with my life, but because of a change in what is sold as "LSD" these days. I know from multiple personal experiences, and from various "testing" websites (dancesafe etc..) that the majority of what people buy nowadays as either blotter acid, or liquid acid are actually hallucinogenic phenethylamines. The reason this poses a problem with taking sleeping pills is simple, these speed your heart up greatly, and you shouldn't mix uppers with downers, it's the recipe for a heart attack. booo

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