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the Worship Satan thread

[Oct 13,2005 10:35pm - davefromthegrave ""]
the upcoming gorgoroth show has me all fired up





Master Belial, I summon thee from north
Bestow your power upon me
Fulfil my desires, make me invisible
So that my enemies cannot see
Lord Lucifer, plague this world with fire
Bring forth total destruction

For the glory of Satan, master Lucifer
Accept this goat, our offering
For the four crown princes of hell

My master Satan, hear my brave call
I pray for hell on earth
Let the locust attack, let it rain blood
Give me finally my Armageddon
Lord Leviathan, let loose the seas
So that weaklings will drown

For the glory of Satan, master Lucifer
Let there be darkness forever

And thus skies burst open
And terror was in their eyes
We could smell their fear of death
When they saw the shining blades

Lead: Somnium

In the name of Satan, we command the forces of hell
To head for the final battle
We slaughter the weak, destroy all the meek
Nothing can stop us now
As victory is ours, I raise my chalice of blood
To hail my lord Satanas

For the glory of Satan, master Lucifer
We are the servants that serve you well
Thy will be done, Thy kingdom come
Let there be darkness forever
All power to Satan, our true god

Finally we have reached the point
where we all are one with Satanas


contribute or don't
I really don't give a fuck either way
[Oct 13,2005 10:40pm - wade ""]
[Oct 13,2005 10:40pm - wade ""]
fuckin a ^
[Oct 13,2005 10:40pm - davefromthegrave ""]
more satan
less vegetables
[Oct 13,2005 10:44pm - wade ""]
[Oct 13,2005 10:49pm - davefromthegrave ""]
more satan
less midgets
[Oct 13,2005 10:50pm - wade ""]
[Oct 13,2005 10:51pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Oct 13,2005 10:54pm - wade ""]
[Oct 13,2005 10:54pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[Oct 13,2005 10:55pm - davefromthegrave ""]


[Oct 13,2005 10:56pm - wade ""]
[Oct 13,2005 10:57pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I go beddy-bye now
[Oct 13,2005 11:06pm - wade ""]
[Oct 13,2005 11:26pm - wade ""]
[Oct 13,2005 11:33pm - Yeti  ""]
ooo victorious call it will not befall
no salvations free, death comes beckoning thee
encircle thee, voices come in wind
son of perdition
you come beckoning me
[Oct 13,2005 11:45pm - wade ""]
[Oct 14,2005 12:05am - wade ""]
[Oct 14,2005 1:11am - ryan_m ""]
wade said:[img]

ah, the wheel! this has to be one of the most horrible tortures i've read about!
[Oct 14,2005 1:21am - the_reverend ""]
turning the wheel is fucking grusome.
[Oct 14,2005 5:14am - davefromthegrave ""]
well, this turned out well.
[Oct 14,2005 6:30am - wade ""]
i'd say so...but i was supposed to get work done last night. hah, this was more fun.
[Oct 14,2005 8:07am - DreamingInExile ""]
[Oct 14,2005 7:09pm - wade ""]
[Oct 14,2005 9:04pm - Berzerker  ""]
[Oct 14,2005 9:06pm - wade ""]
[Oct 15,2005 9:24am - wade ""]
[Oct 15,2005 9:26am - wade ""]
[Oct 15,2005 9:35am - davefromthegrave ""]
Wade, I commend you sir.
[Oct 15,2005 10:38am - wade ""]
hah. may this thread never die. i should post some of the descriptions of torture. the ironic thing is, most of this was done to help spread the word of god. to which I say, HAIL FUCKING SATAN!
[Oct 15,2005 10:58am - davefromthegrave ""]
wade said:[img]

I bought this shirt


any of those old wwodcuts featuring torture, I always like. I don't know why. I just think they're cool.
[Oct 15,2005 11:12am - wade ""]
some of that shit was so inventive and of course beyond cruel, especially the wheel.


"Being broken or "braided" on the wheel was one of the most insidiously painful methods of torure and execution practised in Europe.

After hanging, “breaking with the wheel” was the most common means of execution throughout Germanic Europe from the early Middle Ages to the beginning of the eighteenth century; in Gallic and Latin Europe the breaking was done with massive iron bars and with maces instead of wheels.

The victim, naked, was stretched out supine on the ground or on the execution dock, with his or her limbs spread, and tied to stakes or iron rings. Stout wooden crosspieces were placed under the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and hips. The executioner then smashed limb after limb and joint after joint, including the shoulders and hips, with the iron-tyred edge of the wheel, but avoiding fatal blows. The victim was transformed, according to the observations of a seventeenth-century German chronicler, “into a sort of huge screaming puppet writhing in rivulets of blood, a puppet with four tentacles, like a sea monster, of raw, slimy and shapeless flesh (rohw, schleymig und formlos Fleisch wie di Schleuch eines Tündenfischs) mixed up with splinters of smashed bones”. Thereafter the shattered limbs were “braided” into the spokes of the large wheel, and the victim hoisted up horizontally to the top of a pole, where the crows ripped away bits of flesh and pecked out eyes. Death came after what was probably the longest and most atrocious agony that the ingenuousness of the power structure could inflict.

Together with burning at the stake and drawing-and-quartering, this was one of the most popular spectacles among the many similar ones that took place in all the squares of Europe more or less every day. Hundreds of depictions from the span 1450-1750 show throngs of plebeians and the well-born lost in rapt delight around a good wheeling, better if of a woman, best of all if of several women in a row."
[Oct 15,2005 11:27am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
[Oct 15,2005 11:59am - davefromthegrave ""]
[Oct 15,2005 12:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
davefromthegrave said:[img]


where is that? i wanna go
[Oct 15,2005 12:16pm - davefromthegrave ""]
That's H.R. Giger's bar. it's in Switzerland somewhere.
[Oct 15,2005 1:57pm - wade ""]
i just figured it was his house. that's fucking incredible.

usually, having tons of expendable $ = no taste.
[Oct 15,2005 11:21pm - davefromthegrave ""]

[Oct 16,2005 12:07am - davefromthegrave ""]


[Oct 16,2005 12:10am - davefromthegrave ""]
[Oct 16,2005 3:03pm - wade ""]
[Oct 16,2005 3:04pm - wade ""]
[Oct 16,2005 9:33pm - davefromthegrave ""]
this is the pinnacle of my time spent on the internet.
[Oct 16,2005 9:38pm - wade ""]
haha. this DOES rule.
[Oct 16,2005 9:41pm - wade ""]
davefromthegrave said:[img]

[Oct 16,2005 9:45pm - wade ""]
i want this book:
[Oct 16,2005 9:49pm - wade ""]
[img] [img]
[Oct 16,2005 9:53pm - powerkok ""]
[Oct 16,2005 9:56pm - powerkok ""]
[Oct 16,2005 9:56pm - powerkok ""]
[Oct 16,2005 9:57pm - wade ""]
davefromthegrave said:




i want that over my bed, or my front door.

[Oct 16,2005 10:14pm - davefromthegrave ""]


Bastard of the cross relentlessly
Strike fear preaching of his coming here
Scriptures, twisted words to provocate
Rapture from the lord your god so great


He fucked himself to save you - put to death, masochist
For this his word berate truth - agonized, prophecized
Revive the book of fiction - blasphemy, gluttony, to deceive you and me
In battled disposition - hang the bitch on the cross
Entitle his convictions - blasphemous, lunatic
your heart is full of hatred - BASTARDS DIE,
KILL YOURSELF........DIE!!!!!!!!!!

[Lead: Brian]

Bastard, for your god you compromise
Do without, search the truth you'll never find
Scriptures offer little to relate
Laughter from the lord into your face


You think your god will save who - I will see, just believe
You fool, not true, no thank you - enemy of the cross
His word installs deception - pray to god, not for me,
for yourself, soon you'll see
You'll die for your religion - holy shit, pacifist
Untrue with choices given - nothing won, you are dead
NOTHINGNESS, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 16,2005 10:28pm - anonymous  ""]
wade said:[img]

My man knows whats up
Looking In in my favorite Savoy Brown album, and I have 6 or 7
[Oct 16,2005 10:36pm - wade ""]
that was the first time I noticed LP art, as a kid, while checking out my father's stuff. that comic on the inside is STILL one of the most genuinely creepy pieces of art I've seen. so effective, dark and intricate.
[Oct 17,2005 4:35pm - anonymous  ""]
i would like to be a slave to the servents of satan.
[Oct 17,2005 4:56pm - Christraper ""]
[Oct 17,2005 5:49pm - jhngilbjg@aol.comanonymous  ""]
i whould like to be a slave to the servents of satan
[Oct 25,2005 9:42pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Oct 25,2005 10:05pm - wade ""]
welcome back, Worship Satan thread.

[Oct 25,2005 10:09pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Oct 25,2005 10:10pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Oct 25,2005 10:13pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Oct 25,2005 10:15pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Oct 25,2005 10:16pm - wade ""]
[img] [img]
[Oct 26,2005 10:54am - learn playpker online free  ""]
[Oct 26,2005 10:55am - davefromthegrave ""]
learn playpker online free said:[img]

haha wtf?
[Oct 26,2005 10:55am - the_reverend ""]
that was me.
[Oct 26,2005 12:06pm - brian_dc ""]
powerkok said:[img]

I don't care about hockey...but yeah!
[Oct 26,2005 12:29pm - wade nli  ""]

[Oct 26,2005 12:29pm - wade nli  ""]
fuck, wrong thread!
[Oct 26,2005 1:18pm - Christraper ""]
[Oct 26,2005 1:23pm - Christraper ""]
[Nov 11,2005 12:57pm - davefromthegrave ""]

[Nov 11,2005 1:06pm - wade nli  ""]
THAT rules.
[Nov 11,2005 1:06pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I'm gonna put it on a shirt
[Nov 11,2005 1:17pm - wade nli  ""]
[Dec 12,2005 6:32pm - anonymous  ""]
[Dec 14,2005 7:34pm - dftg  ""]
[Jun 6,2006 7:19pm - davefromthegrave ""]
guess who's back, motherfuckers!
[Jun 6,2006 9:38pm - sacreligion ""]
i want to kill
satan is good
satan is our pal
[Jun 6,2006 9:40pm - yeti ""]
damnit wrong name again.

you were inspired by the devil?
thats it
i was, inspired by the devil

[Jun 6,2006 9:42pm - anonymous  ""]
wade said:[img]

what is that?
[Jun 6,2006 10:19pm - Hooker nli  ""]
satan reads messageboards
[Jun 6,2006 10:50pm - Ryan_M ""]

some stills from Drawn and Quartered's music video for "Orgiastic Feast of Excremental Blasphemy"

watch the video here:
[Jun 6,2006 11:34pm - davefromthegrave ""]
hahaha, I thought this thread was silly before. now it's fuckin ridiculous.
[Jun 6,2006 11:38pm - This_Is_Heresy ""]
anonymous said:wade said:[img]

what is that?

This wonderful little item was placed in somebody's mouth or vag while closed... Then they pop it open! Must have been fun!
[Jun 6,2006 11:43pm - KeithMutiny ""]
to be a satanist, you must first be a christian.

fuck ALL of you.
[Jun 6,2006 11:43pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 7,2006 12:21am - Jugulator ""]
He was born of a Jackyl!!!!
[Aug 25,2006 12:37am - davefromthegrave ""]
[Aug 25,2006 12:38am - davefromthegrave ""]
[Aug 25,2006 6:38pm - anonymous  ""]
yes kill jews !!

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