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the official jan 20 grafton recap thread, accept no subs.

American Legion (Grafton, Ma) - [contagion][dour_cursiva][porphyria][randomshots][sacreligion][seed][smite_the_righteous][throwing_shrapnel]
[Jan 21,2006 1:39pm - brian (shrapnel bass guy)  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:pam said:tall, blond. sad.

ah dan from porphyria refered to her as tractor butt

thought it was an upside down mop left against the wall...
go figure
[Jan 21,2006 1:55pm - sacreligion ""]
succubus said:he's only human and is not on the computer 24/7..though sometimes it seems like it, especially when he brings his phone when we're out and about

haha...i know

i'm just an arrogant fuck who wants to know what everyone thinks of my band :ralphie:

my ankle is so raw today


that shit is funny to me
[Jan 21,2006 3:35pm - Craig of ATNFAC  ""]
this show was awesome. Porphyria and Dour Cursiva were great, Throwing Shrapnel was really good too. There was just too much unison stopping. More feedback!
[Jan 21,2006 3:56pm - the_reverend ""]
contagion: in a lot of ways, these guys stole the show. Amazing musicians and quitar work that leaves everyone scratching their heads. I thought that the guitars sounded a lot more melodic than the last time. There were tons of insanely fast finger parts that made people clap in the middle of the songs.some of the vocals reminded me of impaled.
[Jan 21,2006 4:06pm - the_reverend ""]
Smite The Righteous: for the beginning 1/2 of their set, pams vocals sounded terrible. It was the PA system. It wasn't making a constat sound when someone was singing into it, it would pulse, making the vocals sound bad. Other than that, the played pretty hard. At the end, the vocals were turned to aegthesis and that other guy who's name I forget. They play 1/2 of the crowd pleasing stripped, raped, and strangled, but then went into their last song.
[Jan 21,2006 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
seed: so.. This was my second time seeing them. First off, I got told about 30 times to get a good shot of the singer's shirt. Funny stuff. So, they played really hard, head banging the entire time. last time I saw them, I thought they sounded a lot more hardcore. This time, it was more deathmetally. They were the first band who seemed to figure out how not to have the PA feed back he entire set. The singer stayed back behind the speakers. Duh!
[Jan 21,2006 4:44pm - the_reverend ""]
Sacreligion: they had an awesome response from the crowd. I think they brought a bunch of their friends to the show. There was actually one kid who danced at the end. One thing I noticed was the drummer out plays the rest of the band. he's really good. Plus, everything else was quiet. It was hilarious to look over and see throwing shrapnel doing little coreogrphy to their songs. I don't remember there being any feedback for them, but the PA was mighty low.
[Jan 21,2006 4:55pm - the_reverend ""]

throwing shrapnel: so I was outside talking to chris (smite's drummer) when I heard them start. This used to mean that I missed 1/2 their set. But this was the longest hbbsi set ever did... Er, I mean throwing shrapnel. They second to last set they did was very hbbsi. From outside, they sounds f'n loud.
[Jan 21,2006 4:59pm - the_reverend ""]
Porphyria: again, the feedback came back. It was probably cause they moved way far forward as compared with the other bands. Other than that, their set was good. I can definitely tell that their days touring recently have brought them together as a band. They played a lot better and were more comfortable together. This made them souund a lot better.
[Jan 21,2006 8:04pm - kell nli  ""]
You're welcome to Pam and Brian.

I had a swell time! This was an awesome show.
[Jan 21,2006 11:42pm - ra still in grafton  ""]
pretty cool show, it was especially nice having a show in walking distance of my girlfriends house. The sound for every band was kinda muddy even us but oh well!

Ken Susi and Trevor of unearth were suppose to come to this since Ken live's less than a mile away but Trevor went to Sonata Arctica and Ken was too busy suckin dude's, I mean recording seemless. It was funny because I randomly went to the guitar center in Natick today and while I'm looking at the wall of guitars I hear 7-string chugga chugga behind me and there's Ken testing out a VHT. haha.
[Jan 21,2006 11:43pm - ra still in grafton  ""]
the_reverend said: I can definitely tell that their days touring recently have brought them together as a band.

you mean the 'What No Bands Could Play Tour 2006'? haha

[Jan 22,2006 1:18am - contagion ""]
ra still in grafton said:pretty cool show, it was especially nice having a show in walking distance of my girlfriends house. The sound for every band was kinda muddy even us but oh well!

Ken Susi and Trevor of unearth were suppose to come to this since Ken live's less than a mile away but Trevor went to Sonata Arctica and Ken was too busy suckin dude's, I mean recording seemless. It was funny because I randomly went to the guitar center in Natick today and while I'm looking at the wall of guitars I hear 7-string chugga chugga behind me and there's Ken testing out a VHT. haha.

i didnt think the sound was muddy at all
[Jan 22,2006 1:30am - Burnsy ""]
awesome fuckin' show. my ears are still ringing. so glad i went. i was extremely impressed with contagion, who i've never seen or heard before.
[Jan 22,2006 9:26am - Aegathis ""]
Mike for Petes sake, put some info in your profile. No not Pillory pete, haha
[Jan 22,2006 12:04pm - Burnsy ""]
It's a good thing you clarified that for me, because for a minute there, I thought you meant for Pillory Pete's sake haha.
[Jan 22,2006 7:37pm - seedbassist nli  ""]
pam said:I'm waiting for the THAT'S MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND post from someone I know.

HAHAHA that tall blonde girl you're refering to is Pete, our tall guitar player's sister
[Jan 22,2006 7:53pm - KeithMutiny ""]
where is that kid, pete, from?

he looks a lot like a kid i was friends with in high school, maybe a brother or something, perhaps?
[Jan 22,2006 7:55pm - seedbassist nli  ""]
He hails from Essex, MA
[Jan 22,2006 8:09pm - KeithMutiny ""]
oh, ok, the kid i knew was from North Attleboro, thanks.
[Jan 23,2006 11:54am - contagion ""]
she has a bright future in the wnba.
[Jan 23,2006 1:53pm - pam nli  ""]
seedbassist nli said:pam said:I'm waiting for the THAT'S MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND post from someone I know.

HAHAHA that tall blonde girl you're refering to is Pete, our tall guitar player's sister

haha, see?
[Jan 23,2006 2:03pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
contagion said:she has a bright future in the wnba.

[Jan 23,2006 2:17pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the_reverend said:Sacreligion: One thing I noticed was the drummer out plays the rest of the band. he's really good.

obscenely good...i've been jammin with that kid since he was like 14 and we were rockin out COF songs(even though i hated em...but he knew em all and made me so that we could play them)

[Jan 23,2006 2:18pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you should see him play tool too...i watched him play along with the grudge once and i soiled my pantaloons
[Jan 25,2006 10:35am - Yeti ""]
this was a killer show. thanks to everyone who checked it out, and thanks to everyone for keeping everything in line. Contagion rules all
[Jan 25,2006 12:06pm - contagion ""]
Yeti said:this was a killer show. thanks to everyone who checked it out, and thanks to everyone for keeping everything in line. Contagion rules all

we arent a band anymore. we're forming a sports management agency so we can get that tall chick from the show as our first client. should be profitable at least.
[Jan 25,2006 12:08pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
profitable? i'd go as far as to say lucrative
[Jan 25,2006 12:30pm - contagion ""]
SacreligionNLI said:profitable? i'd go as far as to say lucrative

lets just say we'll make more in one year than any of you metalhead scum will make in a lifetime. $$$$$$$$$$$$:shocked:$$$$$$$$$$$$
[Jan 25,2006 12:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
*shakes fist*
[Jan 25,2006 3:29pm - i_am_not_me ""]
ra still in grafton said:pretty cool show, it was especially nice having a show in walking distance of my girlfriends house. The sound for every band was kinda muddy even us but oh well!

Ken Susi and Trevor of unearth were suppose to come to this since Ken live's less than a mile away but Trevor went to Sonata Arctica and Ken was too busy suckin dude's, I mean recording seemless. It was funny because I randomly went to the guitar center in Natick today and while I'm looking at the wall of guitars I hear 7-string chugga chugga behind me and there's Ken testing out a VHT. haha.

All of us need to get a collective together to steal that VHT. God damn is that amp awewsome.
[Jan 25,2006 3:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
i_am_not_me said:

All of us need to get a collective together to steal that VHT. God damn is that amp awewsome.

go to guitar center and steal it!!!

or buy one used on ebay!
[Jan 25,2006 9:45pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i'd do it
[Jan 27,2006 2:28pm - Smite_The_Righteous_Bassist_aka_The_Mexicutioner  ""]
great show guys. just wanted to thank the bassist from Contagion again for lettin' me use his rig. Greatly appreciated and I WILL have my own for the End It All CD release show next week mang.
[Jan 27,2006 2:33pm - contagion ""]
Smite_The_Righteous_Bassist_aka_The_Mexicutioner said:great show guys. just wanted to thank the bassist from Contagion again for lettin' me use his rig. Greatly appreciated and I WILL have my own for the End It All CD release show next week mang.

he says you better or youll have to play without one. :middlefinger:
[Jan 27,2006 2:36pm - pam nli  ""]
haha sucker
[Jan 28,2006 1:32am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the mexicutioner?! hahaha that's fuckin great
[Feb 1,2006 10:45am - SeedBassist ""]
sacreligion said:also, there was a cymbal stand left at the show, and i have no idea who it belongs to...anyone have a clue? i have it here so it's safe, no need to worry about it...i just want to get it back to its rightful owner

I'm positive that cymbal stand belongs to our drummer. Since we're playing that show with you guys at UML on the 15th....just bring it with you, and we'll see if it infact does belong to him.

[Feb 1,2006 2:01pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
done and done
[Feb 27,2006 11:35am - Cav ""]
hey anyone still have the flyer for this show???...im printing up all the flyers from shows weve played to put em up in our practice space so i can feel cool. please guys help me feel important
[Feb 27,2006 11:56pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
send me an e-mail at massachusettsdeathtrip@hotmail.com
[Feb 28,2006 12:08am - brian_dc ""]
I will now be accepting meatball subs for our participation in this show.

I don't care about what this thread says anymore.

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