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4/22 - Behold A Pale Horse, It Will End In Pure Horror, Shit Fuck, Sign of the Goat, The Murder Elite @ Reflections Lounge in Chelmsford

QVCC (Worcester, MA) - [absence_of_the_sun][cannae][coffin_birth][end_it_all][godless_rising][goreality][randomshots][sacreligion][it_will_end_in_pure_horror][shit_fuck][sign_of_the_goat]
[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Mar 8,2006 10:45am - RichHorror ""]
April 22
The Murder Elite
Sign of the Goat
Shit Fuck
It Will End In Pure Horror
Behold A Pale Horse
@ Reflections Lounge - 67 Parkhurst Road - Chelmsford, MA
$8 tickets from one of the bands, $10 day of show
1pm - ALL AGES!!
[Mar 8,2006 12:25pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Rich, where did you find out all those bands were playing? The website just says us so far. Ehh, I was hoping to get a good show going with friends, but oh well. I'm going to set up a show at the Junkyard soon with some bands.
[Mar 8,2006 12:47pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
chris_from_shit_fuck said:Rich, where did you find out all those bands were playing? The website just says us so far. Ehh, I was hoping to get a good show going with friends, but oh well. I'm going to set up a show at the Junkyard soon with some bands.

Yo, get Dissector or Rat Burger at the JUnkyard. We wanna play more parties.
[Mar 8,2006 7:02pm - kadoooooooooooooooogan  ""]
you sure this is all ages? i thought this place was super strict about there 21 plusedness.

either way, this place is like 5 minutes from my house so i'll at least be there to loiter...
[Mar 8,2006 9:18pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Could have sworn it was 19+ there.
[Mar 10,2006 12:04am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
It's normally 21+, but because the show is during the day they are allowing all ages. So tell your friends, bring your kids, and lube your butthole. Get tickets through Rich, or through Me.
[Mar 10,2006 10:00am - RichHorrorNLI  ""]
[Mar 10,2006 8:23pm - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 11,2006 2:00am - HHH Moe  ""]

Best watch your mouth Mr. Charlie.
[Mar 11,2006 9:18am - RichHorror ""]
Great story. Compelling and rich.
[Mar 11,2006 4:23pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Venereal bump(s)
[Mar 13,2006 10:31am - RichHorror ""]

I did a google image search for 'venereal bumps' and got this.

[Mar 14,2006 12:33am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
[Mar 14,2006 2:25am - HHH Moe  ""]
A bump to your cracka head for talking smack. Fuck that, you no good rat soup eating honky motherfucker!
[Apr 7,2006 9:16pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Bump! It'll be fun we promise. We'll bring twister, and we can break out the beer once grandma's asleep.
[Apr 8,2006 2:28pm - RichHorror ""]
Cum-drenched grannies bump.
[Apr 9,2006 10:40am - RichHorror ""]
Come to this and then drink with me at HMB!
[Apr 9,2006 10:42am - Sinislazy  ""]
a whole day of drinking with Rich? dear lord.
[Apr 9,2006 10:45am - RichHorror ""]
The day drinking is better because since it's all ages, I imagine I'll have to revert back to the year I was homeless and be incognito... as well as incoherent.
[Apr 9,2006 10:54am - Sinislazy  ""]
they make an awesome chicken parm sub there, I might add
[Apr 9,2006 10:58am - RichHorror ""]
This show is starting to look up.
[Apr 10,2006 7:52am - RichHorror ""]
Come to this show and buy a new IWEIPH shirt and a kiss on the lips from Chris Fuck.
[Apr 10,2006 9:22am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am going to this show with Pam Garnett
[Apr 10,2006 10:42am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
RichHorror said:Come to this show and buy a new IWEIPH shirt and a kiss on the lips from Chris Fuck.

I use tounge, that'll be an inncentive to any girl and or guy.
[Apr 10,2006 6:00pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
bump for man kisses
[Apr 10,2006 6:04pm - dreadkill ""]
Sinislazy said:a whole day of drinking with Rich? dear lord.

best day of your life
[Apr 10,2006 6:45pm - RichHorror ""]
[Apr 11,2006 10:44am - RichHorror ""]
I believe the Rich Horror Fan Club [aka Dreaded Silence] should come out for this.
[Apr 14,2006 4:40pm - RichHorror ""]
The non-Shit Fuck/IWEIPH portion of this show makes me want to die.
[Apr 14,2006 4:45pm - sinistas ""]
oh, I'll be there, with bells on and chicken parm in hand
[Apr 14,2006 5:25pm - dreadkill ""]
i will attend in the nude
[Apr 16,2006 3:52pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
We will have our new demo, one that we're actually happy with at this show:

Shit Fuck: Tour in 'Nam '68
1. 16 Hooves
2. Thrash Lobster
3. DYZF (Die You Zombie Fuck)
4. Sully Erna Loves Brokeback Mountain
5. Bite It (GG Allin Cover)
6. Thrash Ballet
7. Fuckin' Better Off Alone
8. A History of Violence

I'm going to print off the covers this week, and then get jewel cases and what not to make sure people get them at the Chelmsford show.
[Apr 17,2006 7:32am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Bump for like 6 people going!
[Apr 17,2006 7:33am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah. I will be sticking around though, since I'm going to HMB later that night anyway.
[Apr 17,2006 7:34am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Thanks Rich, you wanna play bass during Bite it?
[Apr 17,2006 7:36am - RichHorror ""]
I have no idea how to play that song. Otherwise I would.
[Apr 18,2006 11:19pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
[Apr 19,2006 3:08am - dwellingsickness ""]
I think that is the most covered GG Allin song EVER...We used to have matinee punk shows on sundays at the BS, and out of 10 or so bands, at least 6 played that song
[Apr 19,2006 10:48am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
dwellingsickness said:I think that is the most covered GG Allin song EVER...We used to have matinee punk shows on sundays at the BS, and out of 10 or so bands, at least 6 played that song

Yeah, we change the version around a little during the chorus, so hopefully at least it stands out a little. We also cover No Rules from Show to Show depending on our mood.

[Apr 19,2006 3:50pm - RichHorror ""]
I'll be singing it instead of playing bass. I can do that sort of power play because I'm popular on the internet.
[Apr 20,2006 8:36am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Fucking bump!
[Apr 20,2006 12:28pm - dreadkill ""]
i'll be at this show, patiently waiting for rich to autograph my boner.
[Apr 20,2006 12:39pm - RichHorror ""]
You won't have to wait for very long.
[Apr 20,2006 12:41pm - dreadkill ""]
[Apr 20,2006 10:55pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
[Apr 20,2006 11:43pm - Dissector ""]
I'm probably not going but gimmie a demo!
[Apr 21,2006 7:54am - the_reverend ""]
guess what photographer is probably going to be at this show.
the answer may surprise you.
[Apr 21,2006 10:27am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
So does that mean that we'll finally have pictures up on the board? yay (and I'm not being sarcastic as it might appear)
[Apr 21,2006 10:32am - the_reverend ""]
depends if you are ugly or not.
[Apr 21,2006 11:46am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
maybe I'll put on some blush for ya rev, I know Rich is going to be dolled up in woman's blood for punchin' em.
[Apr 21,2006 7:32pm - horror_tang ""]
Any chance of us dirtbags borrowing equipment? My wagon is still in the shop. I might be able to get Rich to do his strip routine.
[Apr 21,2006 7:35pm - RichHorror ""]
If by strip routine you mean commit suicide, then yes.
[Apr 21,2006 7:44pm - RichHorror ""]
Apparently we're opening now.
[Apr 21,2006 8:42pm - mOe NLI  ""]
You don't even deserve that.
[Apr 21,2006 8:46pm - KeithMutiny ""]
"new yorks alright, if your a homosexual"
[Apr 21,2006 8:48pm - mOe NLI  ""]
Gee, I thought we were cool with one another.
[Apr 21,2006 8:49pm - KeithMutiny ""]
your from NJ, it just smells there.
[Apr 21,2006 8:49pm - RichHorror ""]
[Apr 21,2006 8:53pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Apr 21,2006 10:44pm - mOe NLI  ""]
RichHorror said:[img]

Go fuck yourself! Ha, ha, very funny dickhead.:middlefinger:
[Apr 21,2006 10:44pm - RichHorror ""]
I thought so.
[Apr 21,2006 10:45pm - mOe NLI  ""]
What, you got something to say you racist with your "I hate niggers" shit in Providence.
[Apr 21,2006 10:53pm - mOe NLI  ""]
Right back at you.
[Apr 21,2006 10:55pm - RichHorror ""]
But... I didn't say anything.
[Apr 22,2006 9:22am - mOe NLI  ""]
Hey, everyone said you said "I hate midgets" but I find that hard to believe. Midgets, or dwarves as they like to be called, are very cool people and productive members of society.
[Apr 22,2006 10:37am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
hope some people show up, it'll be anarchy in the making, hopefully.
[Apr 22,2006 11:41am - the_reverend ""]
leaving for this in a few minutes
[Apr 22,2006 11:43am - KeithMutiny ""]
leaving now.
[Apr 22,2006 11:56am - the_reverend ""]
hopefully the door guy doesn't give me shit.
[Apr 22,2006 12:13pm - succubus ""]
well, i would be going to this but aaron's not going home after the show..he's going to another show...so leaving now and coming home in over 12 hours...no thanks..not feeling that great

have fun everyone!
[Apr 22,2006 12:17pm - the_reverend ""]
Take the US-3 / LOWELL CONNECTOR exit- EXIT 35C-B-A- toward NASHUA NH / BURLINGTON. 0.1 miles Map
10: Merge onto US-3 N via EXIT 35B on the LEFT toward NASHUA NH. 2.6 miles Map
11: Take the RT-4 exit- EXIT 32- toward N. CHELMSFORD / CHELMSFORD. 0.2 miles Map
12: Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto DRUM HILL RD. 0.3 miles Map
13: Turn SHARP RIGHT onto PARKHURST RD. 0.2 miles Map
14: End at 67 Parkhurst Rd
Chelmsford, MA 01824-1518, US Map
Total Est. Time: 55 minutes Total Est. Distance: 52.25 miles
[Apr 22,2006 12:20pm - the_reverend ""]
"what did you just poke" - carina
"whats on your mind" - aaron
"what directions did you just poke..er.. I mean post" - carina
[Apr 22,2006 12:22pm - the_reverend ""]
and no, we weren't playing a game of:
[Apr 22,2006 12:24pm - succubus ""]
[Apr 22,2006 4:03pm - the_reverend ""]
It Will End In Pure Horror: so bat boy and the rest went bassless for this show. I haven't seen them without a bassist since rich stopped taking shots of terpentine. With no bass rich had no one but himself to injure. I tried to get some of the fight his head had with the mic, but what ever. Also, nice anomalous ass. They will be proud!
"Did you see me flipping of jesus? That was grim as fuck" was the quit of the night. at the end of their set, jeff sang and rich picked up the mic to sing bitches get stiches in which he rymed shit and return to the pit. Surprising the "shit" was not used in the contexted of talking it. Jeff made BGS into a blood for blood song.
[Apr 22,2006 4:04pm - the_reverend ""]
shit_fuck: they sounded like DRI mixed with impaled. At one point, the singer, chris, spat outblood and got yelled at. Don't get it on the mic!
"blood straight from your mother's womb...in the words of Rich horror"
"i never said that in my life. I'm going to sue"
I don't remember my favorite 80's song having any line about dykes or loving houdinis in it. In the 80's I didn't even know what a dyke was... Since back then, you just said it was "aunty and her friend" or "the neighbor and her longtime room mate" so I don't think that song was my favorite from the 80's.
if there was any comment on their sound, I think that the bass needs distortion. I'm not big on distorted bass, but I think it would fill in a little more behind the guitar and give the non-trash sounding parts a dirtier sound to them.
[Apr 22,2006 4:06pm - the_reverend ""]
sign of the goat: pure USBM. They came out in full black metal corpse paint with spiked gauntlets, capes, fog machines, symbols from the blair witch, a goblet full of blood, an axe, and bullets. It didn't matter the number of actual people in the room, they played like they were infront of a hundred screaming metalheads. they actually reminded me of marduk look wise (minus the bare chests) when marduk was good (before they forgot that panzer was their best CD). they "won" hands down.
"black metal is about intolerance, fuck the trend"
at the end of their set, they mentioned myspace. People in corpse paint taling about myspace is as funny as guys in business suits doing.. Um.. Well.. Anything.
CNV, if you read this, have them on your BM fest.
[Apr 22,2006 7:00pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
So we and sign of the goat "won". I thought we sounded like ass, but oh well. The guy who is running it is trying to get Venom to headline the fest, he's in talks with now.

Rich, I want you to come and do vocals at the fest if we decide to play that shit.

Oh and Rev, I'll buy a distortion pedal just cause you said so, and that I've always wanted one. The fact you said we sound like DRI mixed with Impaled makes me happy, cause those are 2 really big influences on us.
[Apr 22,2006 7:23pm - the_reverend ""]
don't forget, I'm here to ruin things... my next target is thrash metal AND goremetal.

and the ruining continues on... dundundun
[Apr 23,2006 12:51am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading
[Apr 23,2006 12:51am - the_reverend ""]
I mean.. dundundun
[Apr 23,2006 8:06pm - RichHorror ""]
the_reverend said:It Will End In Pure Horror:Jeff made BGS into a blood for blood song.

I bet this made Jeff cry for 18 hours straight.
[Apr 23,2006 8:08pm - dreadkill ""]
no, your penis made him cry that long
[Apr 23,2006 8:09pm - RichHorror ""]
My penis was the inspiration for "When Doves Cry".
[Apr 24,2006 4:35pm - anonymous  ""]
SIGN OF THE GOAT is an embarassment to bm. Myspace black metal is for weak trend whores looking for friends and acceptence(i.e not fucking black metal). claiming to be bm terrorists and having nothing to show for it makes you so fucking fake. Go add some more fanpages of defunct bands you only have mp3's for. No wonder bands like darkthrone stopped wearing paint.
[Apr 24,2006 4:47pm - the_reverend ""]
but.. but.. on myspace, they are friend with carpathian forest and infernum...
[Apr 24,2006 4:50pm - RichHorror ""]
That's right. Certified kvltness right there.
[Apr 24,2006 4:51pm - anonymous  ""]
I think you are a little misunderstood. Myspace is to promote your band dumbass. Hence what they are doing.
[Apr 24,2006 8:41pm - blackmetalelitest  ""]
hahahaha myspace the death of black metal as we know it whatever happened to getting your shit out the old fashioned way like tape trading or flyering kids like s.o.t.g. would make quorthon roll over in his grave,being antichristian what an original gimmick, hail internet black metal!!!!
[Apr 25,2006 1:14am - frozenforest  ""]
hail blackmetalelitest for having a fucking brain.
[Apr 25,2006 1:32am - dwellingsickness ""]
the_reverend said:sign of the goat: pure USBM. CNV, if you read this, have them on your BM fest.

Good idea, hey look I commented on a Black Metal band, No I am not ill
[Apr 25,2006 8:46pm - anonymous  ""]
some people are just pissed cause sotg isn't hardcore or metalcore

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