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Lord Viall Booking

[Jul 11,2013 11:13am - Lord_Viall ""]
Hails and welcome to Lord Viall Booking, booking shows in Connecticut for black metal, death metal, doom, thrash, folk, hardcore and more. I first started doing shows in Keene NH in 1997 till 2000. I then stopped because I wanted to focus on my
band Perpetual Winter. I am now doing shows again in
Connecticut and working with the owners of the El N GEE, New London, CT. email: lordviall1@hotmail.com

[Jul 11,2013 11:24am - Hell No!!!  ""]
There I said it, and first.
[Jul 11,2013 11:44am - KEVORD ""]
Can Winter is Coming 2 get on this?
[Jul 11,2013 12:06pm - Legit Questions  ""]
1. Will there be grave digging?
2. Do we have to supply our own shovels?
3. Did the legion implode as predicted?
4. Will David Gold's mom be at said shows?
5. Hamburgers how will they be cooked?
6. Colon Blow, interested?
7. Do you know where RustyPS is?
[Jul 11,2013 12:18pm - Grandmothernett Webskar  ""]
Are you interested in booking a fire eating, plate spinning, canine agility show extravaganza? We're thinking about having bands but they would have to play behind a curtain. I'm thinking one featuring another Space Ghost character, possibly Zoltar.
[Jul 11,2013 12:24pm - metalofhonour  ""]
can you PLEASE put Murrum on some shows? they are the best NSBM band in new england right now and getting no love.
[Jul 11,2013 12:31pm - Droll Tedector  ""]
Smells very DYA in here
[Jul 11,2013 12:41pm - Early_Cuyler ""]
Nothing binds a father and a son more closely than the truth behind the decapitated hooker in the rec room.

[Jul 11,2013 12:49pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]

Droll%20Tedector said:Smells very DYA in here

You're 1/8th correct.
[Jul 11,2013 1:00pm - Lord_faill  ""]
Puke at people still saying "hails" like it isn't just a holdover from Myspace black metal networking for 99.9% of those who use it. Hails, thx for the add. Fuck you.
[Jul 11,2013 1:05pm - shut the fuck up  ""]
A lot of pent up passive aggressive ppl on this board. Shut the fuck up, nick is one of the nicest guys ever and knows what he's doing. I don't know why all you trolls have to be such pussies and hide behind masks when you talk shit. This obviously isn't nick that posted this because he is smarter then that. Get a fucking life for once
[Jul 11,2013 1:17pm - Early_Cuyler ""]

[Jul 11,2013 1:22pm - KEVORD ""]

shut%20the%20fuck%20up said:A lot of pent up passive aggressive ppl on this board. Shut the fuck up, nick is one of the nicest guys ever and knows what he's doing. I don't know why all you trolls have to be such pussies and hide behind masks when you talk shit. This obviously isn't nick that posted this because he is smarter then that. Get a fucking life for once
So, Nobody should book shows with him?
[Jul 11,2013 1:26pm - Lord_Viall ""]
Kwaazey Kaatey said:A lot of pent up passive aggressive ppl on this board. Shut the fuck up, nick is one of the nicest guys ever and knows what he's doing. I don't know why all you trolls have to be such pussies and hide behind masks when you talk shit. This obviously isn't nick that posted this because he is smarter then that. Get a fucking life for once

Hails and thank you for your support of Lord Viall Booking!!
[Jul 11,2013 1:36pm - Shut the fuck up Katey  ""]

[Jul 11,2013 1:51pm - socks n sandals black metal  ""]
fuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkk yyyyyoooooooooouuuuuuu krazy broad.
[Jul 11,2013 2:00pm - the directors cut  ""]

[Jul 11,2013 2:09pm - arilliusbm ""]
Oh man, did that girl just say "MarduCK?"

What's the other band, Mar Goose?
[Jul 11,2013 2:14pm - KEVORD ""]
Did that girl just say Mayhem? They haven't been relevant to Black Metal in two decades.
[Jul 11,2013 2:37pm - what  ""]

KEVORD said:Did that girl just say Mayhem? They haven't been relevant to Black Metal in two decades.

Relevance is subjective. But Ordo Ad Chao is an amazing record
[Jul 11,2013 2:38pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]

shut%20the%20fuck%20up said:A lot of pent up passive aggressive ppl on this board. Shut the fuck up, nick is one of the nicest guys ever and knows what he's doing. I don't know why all you trolls have to be such pussies and hide behind masks when you talk shit. This obviously isn't nick that posted this because he is smarter then that. Get a fucking life for once

My favorite part is that someone who doesn't know anything about anything is constantly telling us who "knows their stuff". A weighty endorsement, to be sure.
[Jul 11,2013 3:06pm - Yeti ""]

what said:
KEVORD said:Did that girl just say Mayhem? They haven't been relevant to Black Metal in two decades.

Relevance is subjective. But Ordo Ad Chao is an amazing record

no, no it's not.
[Jul 11,2013 3:06pm - xmikex ""]

shut%20the%20fuck%20up said:A lot of pent up passive aggressive ppl on this board. Shut the fuck up, nick is one of the nicest guys ever and knows what he's doing. I don't know why all you trolls have to be such pussies and hide behind masks when you talk shit. This obviously isn't nick that posted this because he is smarter then that. Get a fucking life for once

[Jul 11,2013 3:36pm - KEVORD ""]
Mayhem is relevant to nowadays black metal as much as Death to All is relevant to nowadays death metal.
[Jul 11,2013 4:04pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
[Jul 11,2013 4:56pm - LucidCurse ""]

[Jul 11,2013 7:26pm - what  ""]

KEVORD said:Mayhem is relevant to nowadays black metal as much as Death to All is relevant to nowadays death metal.

I love this. Black metal "relevance". Typical Pitchforkified mindset. Never mind the oldr guys making records that destroy 95% of what's out there. It's all about what's new and relevant. Fuck that. Obviously there are tons of amazing newer bands out there (Nyog, Cult Of Fire etc.) but to argue for their "relevance" as if its a virtue is total bullshit. A world exists outside the internet, where your opinion was obviously formed
[Jul 11,2013 7:58pm - DYA is ANALRAPISTING THIS THREAD  ""]

what said:
KEVORD said:Mayhem is relevant to nowadays black metal as much as Death to All is relevant to nowadays death metal.

I love this. Black metal "relevance". Typical Pitchforkified mindset.


I mean,

Hahahahhaha yer dumb
[Jul 11,2013 8:28pm - what  ""]
you don't have to have Pitchfork as your fucking hopepage to be of that mindset, genius. Only by "nowadays" internet pseudostandards could Ordo Ad Chao be viewed as irrelevant. Irrelevant to what?? The bullshit current zeitgeist of dickriding homage bands? The garbage hype on Cult Nation and Brooklyn Vegan? Get real. Relevance is the exact opposite of what is valuable in nowadays black metal. Good or bad, fine.. "irrelevant" smacks of standards born out of blogs and youtube kulting
[Jul 11,2013 8:31pm - DYA is ANALRAPISTING THIS THREAD  ""]

what said:Irrelevant to what?? The bullshit current zeitgeist of dickriding homage bands? The garbage hype on Cult Nation and Brooklyn Vegan?

Leading one to believe these were sources you consulted, what, last year? Until somebody told you that shit was lame, and now you're all sensitive about it. (Whereas we all already knew.)
[Jul 11,2013 9:03pm - the_reverend ""]
Nick has always been nice to me.
[Jul 11,2013 9:06pm - what  ""]
^No idea what that means. That is one of the most poorly constructed thoughts I've had to read. But if you're actually confused, no, I didn't develop this opinion by looking at the internet sites I literally just criticized above.. I bought the fucking cd when it was released and leaned it was good that way. The particular record isn't the point. Its the smarmy bullshit standards that nowadays internet jockies use, which is imo identical to that applied by Pitchfork. Shit is fucking weak. Still confused?
[Jul 11,2013 9:08pm - the_reverend ""]
on the internet, no one knows what being nice is.
[Jul 11,2013 9:14pm - DYA is ANALRAPISTING THIS THREAD  ""]

what said:^No idea what that means. That is one of the most poorly constructed thoughts I've had to read. But if you're actually confused, no, I didn't develop this opinion by looking at the internet sites I literally just criticized above.. I bought the fucking cd when it was released and leaned it was good that way. The particular record isn't the point. Its the smarmy bullshit standards that nowadays internet jockies use, which is imo identical to that applied by Pitchfork. Shit is fucking weak. Still confused?

There, there. It's ok. We know.
[Jul 11,2013 11:11pm - xmikex ""]
Area mall goth launches unwinable war to defend the Al Kaprielian of black metal.

[Jul 11,2013 11:19pm - anonymous  ""]

xmikex said:the Al Kaprielian of black metal.


[Jul 11,2013 11:32pm - calm the fuck down  ""]
Say what you will about Viall and the Legion (and the latter will soon be a non-issue because even he realized how ridiculous it had become), but the dude's an honest promoter.
[Jul 11,2013 11:33pm - KEVORD ""]
ITT: Web sites I don't visit informing my opinion.
[Jul 11,2013 11:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
this thread is ridiculous, and who the fuck reads pitchfork?
[Jul 12,2013 12:06am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
"what", last year.
[Jul 12,2013 1:22pm - what  ""]

arilliusbm said:this thread is ridiculous, and who the fuck reads pitchfork?

Wow. You guys really are slow. Ok, I'll reiterate once again. Try to comprehend this incredibly simple concept:

You don't read Pitchfork, don't read Cult Nation, BV etc etc. That is a given, but completely beside the point. The idiotic current affairs and PR mindset of those sites has carried over and trickled down over the last 10 or so years into a general mentality among many metal listeners and manifests in opinions about such things as "relevance". Relevance therefore becomes a mutated and selfserving concept that is the opposite of value to the non-internet/blog-jockeying world. When you say Mayhem is no longer relevant, what you are doing is parroting the same garbage that clueless hip music "journalists" and frustrated grandiose blog/forum dwellers are selling.
[Jul 12,2013 1:31pm - Sounds Familiar...  ""]

what said:
arilliusbm said:this thread is ridiculous, and who the fuck reads pitchfork?

Wow. You guys really are slow. Ok, I'll reiterate once again. Try to comprehend this incredibly simple concept:

You don't read Pitchfork, don't read Cult Nation, BV etc etc. That is a given, but completely beside the point. The idiotic current affairs and PR mindset of those sites has carried over and trickled down over the last 10 or so years into a general mentality among many metal listeners and manifests in opinions about such things as "relevance". Relevance therefore becomes a mutated and selfserving concept that is the opposite of value to the non-internet/blog-jockeying world. When you say Mayhem is no longer relevant, what you are doing is parroting the same garbage that clueless hip music "journalists" and frustrated grandiose blog/forum dwellers are selling.

Ironically enough your opinion is as irrelevant as mine or any other anonymous poster. Congratulations on wasting your time on a self-serving post like this.
[Jul 12,2013 1:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
No, you are over thinking it. Bands evolve over time, as does music. Mayhem, at one point, was more relevant to the progression of the genre, and as a band. They are no longer as relevant in that regard, as are a number of other bands which were at one time. They are still making albums, though, and if you enjoy them then no one is going to stop you. It's all subjective. But relevancy here is more than taking it at face value, it has to do with what they represent in the artistic medium they present themselves in. Metallica could serve as an example; extremely relevant in their hey day to the progression of thrash, yet now they are old geezers who no longer contribute to the genre the way they used to. Things change over time, and Mayhem has changed when they are compared to their former selves.
You're looking at this from a standpoint that I cannot agree with, sorry.
[Jul 12,2013 1:38pm - Stone Cold Steve Austin  ""]

[Jul 12,2013 1:44pm - what  ""]

arilliusbm said:No, you are over thinking it. Bands evolve over time, as does music. Mayhem, at one point, was more relevant to the progression of the genre, and as a band. They are no longer as relevant in that regard, as are a number of other bands which were at one time. They are still making albums, though, and if you enjoy them then no one is going to stop you. It's all subjective. But relevancy here is more than taking it at face value, it has to do with what they represent in the artistic medium they present themselves in. Metallica could serve as an example; extremely relevant in their hey day to the progression of thrash, yet now they are old geezers who no longer contribute to the genre the way they used to. Things change over time, and Mayhem has changed when they are compared to their former selves.
You're looking at this from a standpoint that I cannot agree with, sorry.

That's fair. I think the case you lay out applies to a very small amount of people though. Mostly the current concept of relevance is a product of blogs. The later/latest albums from formerly great bands like Immortal, Morbid Angel, Burzum, the list goes on.. but consider Judas Priest's Painkiller, an awesome album that was very late in the game for them, changed it up and slayed 99% of the current crop of bands who were trying to push extremes. At that point, according to todays standards, JP was irrelevant. But regardless, Painkiller is great. The relevance issue is such a non-argument and again, smacks of false standards.
[Jul 12,2013 1:47pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]
Keep rearranging the words, they'll coalesce into a point eventually. It's cool, we'll wait.
[Jul 12,2013 1:48pm - KEVORD ""]
Mayhem in their current incarnation is Necrobutcher and Hellhammer touring on the legend of their dead friends. They haven't even released a studio album in six years or a good album in nineteen. So give me a fucking break about how relevant they are to black metal music in 2013.
[Jul 12,2013 2:02pm - what  ""]

DYA%20is%20ANALYZING%20THIS%20THREAD said:Keep rearranging the words, they'll coalesce into a point eventually. It's cool, we'll wait.

Aril seemed to get it and was able to form a coherent counterargument, not just "urrr you make no sense you're dumb" Do you really not understand what I'm saying?
[Jul 12,2013 2:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
Dude, log in.. There is absolutely no reason to hide your opinion behind anonymity. These kind of convos are what the board misses.
[Jul 12,2013 2:08pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]

what said:
DYA%20is%20ANALYZING%20THIS%20THREAD said:Keep rearranging the words, they'll coalesce into a point eventually. It's cool, we'll wait.

Aril seemed to get it and was able to form a coherent counterargument, not just "urrr you make no sense you're dumb" Do you really not understand what I'm saying?

Can't talk, researching 1996 AOL chatroom debating techniques so I can form a proper response to this

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