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Jackass' Ryan Dunn dies in car wreck

[Jun 20,2011 10:37am - timma ""]

Gnarly wreckage is gnarly.

Sucks to hear about this. This man has provided me many lulz and borderline dry heaves over the years.
[Jun 20,2011 10:38am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
that sucks. i know a bunch of people are gonna be wicked depressed about this.
[Jun 20,2011 10:39am - largefreakatzero ""]
Gnarly for sure -- that takes some serious effort to do that to a car. Sucks to die, RIP.
[Jun 20,2011 10:40am - AndrewBastard ""]
that sucks..he was my fav of that crew
[Jun 20,2011 10:41am - Yeti ""]
you don't wreck like that unless alcohol is involved. if that's the case, good job.
[Jun 20,2011 10:43am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:you don't wreck like that unless alcohol is involved. if that's the case, good job.

well this was taken teh night of the crash...


*Ryan Dunn on the left looking obviously hammered.
[Jun 20,2011 11:05am - the_reverend ""]

[Jun 20,2011 11:14am - Alexecutioner ""]
that car wreck must have been pretty "haggard" as they say
[Jun 20,2011 11:18am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ohhhhhhhhhhh snap.
[Jun 20,2011 11:24am - pam ""]
Considering his career, this is a pretty anticlimactic way to go.
[Jun 20,2011 11:25am - Kevord ""]
When I die I want to be remembered for being an asshole but not for sticking things in my asshole. Guess his high school didn't have career day.
[Jun 20,2011 11:38am - ark  ""]
he was doing 110 and took somebody out in the crash.
[Jun 20,2011 11:40am - pam ""]

ark said:he was doing 110 and took somebody out in the crash.

Yeah, no sympathy. Darwin FTW.
[Jun 20,2011 11:42am - dreadkill ""]
i wish bam and steve-o were in the car with this fag
[Jun 20,2011 11:48am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Awww, man. Sucks.

Dude was, not for nothin', known specifically for rolling car after car coming home from 15 North, this is pretty obviously how he was gonna die.
[Jun 20,2011 11:49am - Spaldino  ""]
It looks like Ryan

*puts on shades*

Dunn goofed.

[Jun 20,2011 11:49am - the_reverend ""]

pam said:
ark said:he was doing 110 and took somebody out in the crash.

Yeah, no sympathy. Darwin FTW.

[Jun 20,2011 11:52am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Spaldino said:It looks like Ryan

*puts on shades*

Dunn goofed.


[Jun 20,2011 12:09pm - Lamp ""]

Spaldino said:It looks like Ryan

*puts on shades*

Dunn goofed.


I just let out the loudest fucking cackle upon reading this.
[Jun 20,2011 12:12pm - aaron_michael ""]
I don't usually give a shit about celebrity deaths, but I always thought this guy was pretty funny when it came to mindless shock humor.

Pretty sad to see that his acting career is...

..all Dunn.
[Jun 20,2011 12:16pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
It's ironic he died doing something NOT related to Jackass.

And he was apparently only identified by tattoos and his beard. Getting burned to death is a shitty way to die.
[Jun 20,2011 12:17pm - oscarct ""]

Lamp said:
Spaldino said:It looks like Ryan

*puts on shades*

Dunn goofed.


I just let out the loudest fucking cackle upon reading this.

[Jun 20,2011 12:17pm - oscarct ""]

MillenialKingdom said:It's ironic he died doing something NOT related to Jackass.

And he was apparently only identified by tattoos and his beard. Getting burned to death is a shitty way to die.

wait so his face was disfigured,,but his beard was in tip top shape?
[Jun 20,2011 12:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Reports claim that his beard was identifiable, albeit looking "well-dunn."
[Jun 20,2011 12:31pm - Lamp ""]

MillenialKingdom said:It's ironic he died doing something NOT related to Jackass.

And he was apparently only identified by tattoos and his beard. Getting burned to death is a shitty way to die.

Good thing you came in the thread to make these profoundly poignant observations. Nobody else would have thought these things if you hadn't.
[Jun 20,2011 12:58pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Thank you for your pseudo-witty sarcastic response to my otherwise nonchalant post. Your gripings at the things I say provide these threads with high levels of suck, faggotry and feminine odor.
[Jun 20,2011 12:59pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Sorry bub, would you prefer me to shower the thread with masculine odor instead?
[Jun 20,2011 1:00pm - xmikex ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Getting burned to death is a shitty way to die.

Hey man! That's just your opinion!!

The real tragedy here is Bam Margera still being alive.
[Jun 20,2011 1:04pm - xmikex ""]
The sunny side to this, as Louie CK pointed out, is that there are way more dead people then there are living people. Just to put it in perspective.
[Jun 20,2011 1:08pm - Yeti ""]
this was the car world exacting it's revenge for the car-in-rectum stunt.
[Jun 20,2011 1:14pm - aaron_michael ""]

Yeti said:this was the car world exacting it's revenge for the car-in-rectum stunt.

HAHAHA crash like car, talk like people...
carrrrr people carrrrr people...
[Jun 20,2011 1:27pm - Kevord ""]
Use your friends corpse in a wacky stunt or you're a pussy.
[Jun 20,2011 1:48pm - timma ""]

xmikex said:
The real tragedy here is Bam Margera still being alive.

[Jun 20,2011 2:00pm - pam ""]
This thread is going straight to awesome.
[Jun 20,2011 2:34pm - Lamp ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Thank you for your pseudo-witty sarcastic response to my otherwise nonchalant post. Your gripings at the things I say provide these threads with high levels of suck, faggotry and feminine odor.

And just think, if I was here being nice to you, you'd be wanting to be my friend.

You're a fucking tool who states the obvious in every single thread you post in. No original opinions, no apparent sense of humor, nothing more than a simple need to draw attention to yourself. You'll say or do anything just to fit in because you're a loser coward with no backbone, and I'm sure you got into the military just so nobody would ever dare challenge you on that notion, lest they want to get pounded.

You've never done anything of ill will towards me, and yet I hate you, and every time you post on this board I can feel myself get dumber and the urge to grab my laptop, fold it up, and smash myself over the head with it until one or the other breaks open increases. What does that say?

Really, the only thing making this post is going to do is illicit annoyance among other people on the board, but I DON'T care. This HAS to be said, because I for the most part find this to be an enjoyable message board, and yet nobody seems to be saying anything about your moronic posting, even though it hasn't changed over the years. If anything, it's gotten worse. Maybe everyone else is burnt out. But I'm not going to just sit here and say nothing. I can't do it. I can't be the only one thinking this as I read this board either. There's no fucking way.

[Jun 20,2011 2:40pm - nekronaut ""]
Dunn arrived to a bar called Barnaby's of America in West Chester, PA around 10:30 PM ... to hang out with a small group of male friends.

One of the friends tells TMZ ... Dunn had 3 Miller Lites and 3 "girly shots" between 10:30 PM and 2:10 AM -- nearly a 4 hour span -- but he was "not too drunk to drive."

But according to another person who was inside the bar that night, Dunn was "wasted" -- and "had a lot to drink."

As TMZ previously reported, Dunn crashed his Porsche soon after -- killing himself and an unidentified passenger. Cops believe speed may have been a factor.

[Jun 20,2011 4:10pm - xmikex ""]
Had a mini-MSD moment today. Decided to share it. A friend was trying to make a joke about all the sudden Ryan Dunn statuses on FB. I played along because I like fun. Some girl didn't get the joke. There were more posts after this but they were boring.
[Jun 20,2011 5:12pm - Slag ""]
One Notshaver clone down, many to go.
[Jun 20,2011 5:15pm - nekronaut ""]

[Jun 20,2011 5:18pm - Yeti ""]

xmikex said:Had a mini-MSD moment today. Decided to share it. A friend was trying to make a joke about all the sudden Ryan Dunn statuses on FB. I played along because I like fun. Some girl didn't get the joke. There were more posts after this but they were boring.

every youngin' at my work has been boohooing about this. he got famous for sticking things in his ass. what a legacy.
[Jun 20,2011 5:26pm - Alx_Casket ""]
@mike: lulz were had on a crowded train thanks to that screenshot
[Jun 20,2011 6:05pm - NuclearWinter ""]

xmikex said:Had a mini-MSD moment today. Decided to share it. A friend was trying to make a joke about all the sudden Ryan Dunn statuses on FB. I played along because I like fun. Some girl didn't get the joke. There were more posts after this but they were boring.

Well Dunn.
[Jun 20,2011 6:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think after the crash he was more over-dunn then well.
[Jun 20,2011 6:19pm - NuclearWinter ""]

[Jun 20,2011 6:21pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jun 20,2011 6:21pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Cool 8-bit Halford, bro!
[Jun 20,2011 6:24pm - RichHorror ""]
I could have taught him so much.
[Jun 20,2011 6:27pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
[Jun 20,2011 6:40pm - nekronaut ""]

[Jun 20,2011 6:46pm - nekronaut ""]

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