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Under rated death or black metal albums

[Nov 21,2006 9:43am - CNV  ""]
Desolate - Scourge of Sanity demo

Why was this never released on CD is beyond me. One of the best death metal bands to come out of New England and no knows about them. Damn shame

Miserys Omen (Australia)- Their self titled on Bind Rune recordings is fucking amazing

Totally original and unique suicidal type black metal that hardly anyone knows of

[Nov 21,2006 9:50am - davefromthegrave ""]

That's all I gotta say about that.
[Nov 21,2006 9:50am - CNV  ""]
[Nov 21,2006 9:54am - CNV  ""]

Saw Desolate with Grave and Incantation in the early nineties and they literally blew them off the fucking stage
[Nov 21,2006 9:55am - CNV  ""]
man, metal archives is really starting to get on my nerves
[Nov 21,2006 9:57am - CNV  ""]
[Nov 21,2006 10:21am - CNV  ""]
davefromthegrave said:[img]

That's all I gotta say about that.

Good stuff, no doubt

if you like them check this out

[Nov 21,2006 10:32am - Yeti ""]
[Nov 21,2006 10:33am - CNV  ""]
Yes!!! I have been hearing tons of good stuff about this album

what distros carry this
[Nov 21,2006 10:34am - CNV  ""]
[Nov 21,2006 10:39am - Yeti ""]
i found my copy at Newbury. dude if you havent heard it yet, find a way to get it. one of the best releases in a long time. you recommended Craft - Fuck the Universe and that has been one of my top albums, now i strongly recommend Tsjuder. the dudes voice is fucking nuts.
[Nov 21,2006 10:43am - CNV  ""]
I will definately get it
[Nov 21,2006 10:45am - Anthony ""]
CNV said:[img]

What is this album?
[Nov 21,2006 10:49am - Anthony ""]

Oppressor - Solstice of Oppression


Baphomet - The Dead Shall Inherit
[Nov 21,2006 1:06pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
baphomet were fucking sick. i'm not sure if it was directly after that album or not, but they changed their name to The Banished and put out "deliver me unto pain" which is awesome.

not sure how "underrated" hypnosia are, but their album "extreme hatred" is awesome. it's thrash with a little death metal and other influences, kind of like later kreator albums, but more intense. unfortunately hypnosia broke up and a few of the members are in the grind band Birdflesh now.
[Nov 21,2006 1:11pm - paganmegan ""]
bethlehem are fucking awesome. Some of the most tortured music I have ever heard
[Nov 21,2006 1:29pm - Yeti ""]

i think this album is also underrated. i never hear anyone talk about it, nor have i heard of them releasing anything after it. i love the way Themgoroths voice sounds. it sounds alot like "The Secrets of the Black Arts" but that isnt a bad thing.
[Nov 21,2006 1:42pm - davefromthegrave ""]
paganmegan said:bethlehem are fucking awesome. Some of the most tortured music I have ever heard

I didn't like music until I heard them. seriously.
[Nov 21,2006 1:48pm - CNV  ""]

[Nov 21,2006 1:50pm - CNV  ""]
Anthony said:CNV said:[img]

What is this album?

Necromantia- Scarlet Evil, Witching Black
[Nov 21,2006 1:58pm - paganmegan ""]
CNV said:[img]

great album!!:NEWHORNS: this is my second favorite after norz norz norz
[Nov 21,2006 2:14pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Morgue - Eroded Thoughts
[Nov 21,2006 2:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
paganmegan said:bethlehem are fucking awesome. Some of the most tortured music I have ever heard

Good thing I twisted your arm.

[Nov 21,2006 2:27pm - paganmegan ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:paganmegan said:bethlehem are fucking awesome. Some of the most tortured music I have ever heard

Good thing I twisted your arm.


ten years will go by and you will STILL be pointing out everything I have bought from your distro.
I didn't like Bethlehem so much at first, the vocal style is unique and takes some getting used to.

Has anyone heard Reflektionen aufs Sterben? Their cover of where eagles dare (wo udler wagen) on this album is really fucking weird but cool.
[Nov 21,2006 2:35pm - davefromthegrave ""]
paganmegan said:AUTOPSY_666 said:paganmegan said:bethlehem are fucking awesome. Some of the most tortured music I have ever heard

Good thing I twisted your arm.


ten years will go by and you will STILL be pointing out everything I have bought from your distro.
I didn't like Bethlehem so much at first, the vocal style is unique and takes some getting used to.

Has anyone heard Reflektionen aufs Sterben? Their cover of where eagles dare (wo udler wagen) on this album is really fucking weird but cool.

first time I listened to that album I hated it, but only because of the techno-ish intro and most of the songs had a vocal style that didn't compare to dictius te necare.

after I gave it a chance, though, I realized it's pretty cool.
[Nov 21,2006 2:40pm - paganmegan ""]
techno-ish intro... the album itself is by no means techno influenced though as a whole. But you are right, it is different from Dictius te Necare
[Nov 21,2006 3:21pm - Yeti ""]

another one. whenever you hear someone talk about Satyricon, its either Nemesis Divina and beyond, or Dark Medieval Times. of course thats not a bad thing, but this one doesnt deserve just honorable mention. this is what i think of when i think of viking black metal.
[Nov 21,2006 3:24pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Morta Skuld - Dying Remains

Authorize - The Source of Dominion

Nocturnus - Thresholds

Deathstrike - Fuckin' Death

Massacre - From Beyond

Incubus - Serpent Temptation, Beyond the Unknown

Flames - Summon the Dead
[Nov 21,2006 3:26pm - Anthony ""]
Those Incubus records are fucking incredible man, good call. As well as Nocturnus and Massacre. I've never heard Authorize, Deathstrike, or Flames, I will check those out.
[Nov 21,2006 3:34pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Hell yeah. Do it man. I promise you won't regret checking them out. Flames is probably my favourite out of those three, with Authorize in a close second. Fucking great.
[Nov 21,2006 3:53pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I think that AUTHORIZE CD just got reissued finally.
[Nov 21,2006 4:03pm - Anthony ""]
I feel like BRUTALITY is a great band that not enough people listen to also.

As well as SEANCE, they are amazing!
[Nov 21,2006 4:04pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Another one I forgot:

Cremation - Sempiternal Hatred

And who reissued the AUTHORIZE album? If you know.
[Nov 21,2006 4:08pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No idea, I haven't seen the reissue yet.
[Nov 21,2006 4:27pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
CNV said:Desolate - Scourge of Sanity demo

Why was this never released on CD is beyond me. One of the best death metal bands to come out of New England and no knows about them. Damn shame

Miserys Omen (Australia)- Their self titled on Bind Rune recordings is fucking amazing

Totally original and unique suicidal type black metal that hardly anyone knows of

I transferred my copy onto CD so I could take it with me to listen to also did not wanna ruin the demo , But yeah someone should put that out officially on disc, killer demo
[Nov 21,2006 4:35pm - the_reverend ""]
to anthony's baphomet post: they are sick and thay disc is a personal fav, but underrated? maybe by average fans, but they influenced just about every good slammy dm band that formed in the mid-late 90's. with out baphoment there probably would have been no dying fetus. they are like the velvet underground or my bloody valentine of their genre. (you know, only sold 100 CDs, but all those people starte bands)
[Nov 21,2006 4:36pm - intricateprocess ""]
yattering-i think im the only person that likes them
[Nov 21,2006 4:39pm - the_reverend ""]
no, I like them.
[Nov 21,2006 4:43pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
CNV said:Anthony said:CNV said:[img]

What is this album?

Necromantia- Scarlet Evil, Witching Black

Everything Necromantia has done is underrated. Great band.
[Nov 21,2006 4:54pm - dreadkill ""]
Yeti said:[img]

another one. whenever you hear someone talk about Satyricon, its either Nemesis Divina and beyond, or Dark Medieval Times. of course thats not a bad thing, but this one doesnt deserve just honorable mention. this is what i think of when i think of viking black metal.

i think of enslaved - eld
[Nov 21,2006 5:00pm - CNV  ""]
Dwellingsickness said:CNV said:Desolate - Scourge of Sanity demo

Why was this never released on CD is beyond me. One of the best death metal bands to come out of New England and no knows about them. Damn shame

Miserys Omen (Australia)- Their self titled on Bind Rune recordings is fucking amazing

Totally original and unique suicidal type black metal that hardly anyone knows of

I transferred my copy onto CD so I could take it with me to listen to also did not wanna ruin the demo , But yeah someone should put that out officially on disc, killer demo

Mine does not play anymore

I have been dying to hear it again for years

Still have my Deface and Obliterate but it just comes no where close to Scourge

[Nov 21,2006 6:14pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I offered to press all of their demo tapes onto CD years ago, they seemed interested.

I saw them play a bunch of shows, all were great.
[Nov 21,2006 6:17pm - CNV  ""]
Do it!!!

Desolate and Rancid Christ demos on disc

I would definately buy it
[Nov 21,2006 6:44pm - maslayer  ""]
Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death
Opthalamia - Via Dolorosa
Profanum - Eminence of Satanic Imperial Art
Pazuzu - End of Ages
Disinter - Desecrated
Exhumer - Complete Works

Just to name a few off the top of my head...
[Nov 21,2006 7:14pm - my_dying_bride ""]
thorns - s/t
[Nov 21,2006 8:28pm - Troll ""]
Suicide Contest- Hammer Of The Tards
[Nov 21,2006 8:33pm - Troll ""]
Woops! Doesn't fit these genres.
[Nov 21,2006 8:59pm - Troll ""]
Twin Obscenity- Were Light Touches None

I am surprised that there isn't more of a buzz around this band. Maybe I just have bad tast.!?!? look at these guys........
You know they rock.[img]

[Nov 21,2006 9:30pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
maslayer said:
Exhumer - Complete Works

Is this the same band as EXUMER?
[Nov 21,2006 9:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
PAVOR and EDGE OF SANITY are sadly under appreciated.

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