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Under rated death or black metal albums

[Nov 21,2006 10:11pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Prime Evil

Sathanas - all their works are great


Depravity - Silence of the Centuries, amazing and severely underrated.

Liers In Wait - Spiritually Uncontrolled Art, excellent material.

Desecrate - Call Thee Ancients, awesome Spanish death.

Necrophiliac - Endless Death, my favourite Spanish band.

Betrayer(Poland) - Calamity

Dissect - Swallow Swouming Mass
[Nov 21,2006 10:18pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have all those, was the DESECRATE ever put on CD? I have the cassette of it.
[Nov 22,2006 2:27am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
intricateprocess said:yattering-i think im the only person that likes them

dude, yattering are fucking sick. i got lucky every time i went looking for a yattering cd and found all of them used for like 20 bucks total. i need to find their dvd next.
[Nov 22,2006 2:35am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Troll said:Woops! Doesn't fit these genres.

Who cares, Still an awesome disc
[Nov 22,2006 6:50am - maslayer  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:maslayer said:
Exhumer - Complete Works

Is this the same band as EXUMER?

Yeah...I keep putting an "h" in there for some reason...
[Nov 22,2006 6:59am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I have all those, was the DESECRATE ever put on CD? I have the cassette of it.

Not that I know of, but it should though.
[Nov 27,2006 6:56am - velsaquat  ""]
[Nov 27,2006 10:39am - Yeti ""]
i was tempted to pick that up, i just havent. i do have "Memoria Vetusta" which is great.
[Nov 27,2006 10:54am - anonymousteinberg  ""]
Necrophiliac is another.
[Nov 27,2006 11:14am - anonymous  ""]
Infester was great....to the depths in degradation ruled!

Dead from Germany is quite underrated... "You'll never know pleasure.." and "VIP" are great albums.
[Nov 27,2006 11:29am - theaccurseddrummer nli  ""]
I always thought Massacre (ex-Death) was pretty underrated, and Sadus never really got too much credit. Swallowed in Black was brilliant.
Some others...
Asphyx (Everyone NEEDS to own The Rack)
Demolition Hammer (Find Tortured Existence, .44 Caliber Brain Surgery is CLASSIC, just avoid the album Time Bomb, I'm not a fan. I still need to find Epidemic of Violence though.)
Autopsy (Pretty much everything rules)
Cancer (Death Shall Rise is another MUST-own)
You don't hear enough about really great old school death metal bands anymore.
[Nov 27,2006 11:34am - Anthony ""]
FUCKING SADUS... and Demolition Hammer, great shit.

All Pestilence CDs should be owned by everybody. One of the greatest DM bands ever.

[Nov 27,2006 12:10pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
"Miserys Omen (Australia)- Their self titled on Bind Rune recordings is fucking amazing"

Hell fucking yes paul, totally. One of the most overlooked bands i can think of. Like Bethelhem and Ved Buens Ende on crack. those guys vocals and bass work kill me every time. Seek this out if you havent heard.

And yes, Desolate was ace, someone should reissue that. Also, as far as overlooked......

Murdergod, amazing oregon band. Sounded like Blasphemy and Terrorizer mixed. Black/grind is a genre in serious need.

Naked Whipper, look around.

[Nov 27,2006 12:13pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
"Infester! "

Oh man, "To the depths...." is such a great cd. They actually backed up Meatshits on a coulpe of records too. Total doomy sewage black/death, i think you can still find that cd somewhere.
[Nov 27,2006 12:27pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
some great ones here and some ones i need to check out.

oppressor is/was awesome, though i prefer "agony". too bad they're nu-homoz now.

and pestilence "consuming impulse" and "testimony of the ancients" are fucking godly.

and it goes without saying, ALL of the Norma Evangelium Diaboli bands

[Nov 27,2006 12:39pm - infoterror ""]
SlavonicIdentity said:P
Necrophiliac - Endless Death, my favourite Spanish band.

Can you upload?

Agreed on the Betrayer.
[Nov 27,2006 12:40pm - infoterror ""]
Ceremony (Hol, not ZOG-USA version)
[Nov 27,2006 12:48pm - Anthony ""]
One of the best Swedish death metal CDs.

[Nov 27,2006 12:50pm - Anthony ""]
the_reverend said:to anthony's baphomet post: they are sick and that disc is a personal fav, but underrated? maybe by average fans, but they influenced just about every good slammy dm band that formed in the mid-late 90's. with out baphoment there probably would have been no dying fetus. they are like the velvet underground or my bloody valentine of their genre. (you know, only sold 100 CDs, but all those people start bands)

Aaron you so smaaaht
[Nov 27,2006 1:45pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
Oppressor underrated? that cant be true, because i always wondered why people liked them, and believe me, alot of people did when they were around. They sucked.
[Nov 27,2006 1:46pm - RichHorror ""]
[Nov 27,2006 1:48pm - infoterror ""]
Dying Fetus is terrible, but Baphomet were great. Old school death metal like Num Skull, Cianide and Master. If you like Baphomet, try Morpheus (Descends).

First Therion cannot be overrated.
[Nov 27,2006 1:50pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Clinically Dead said:Oppressor underrated? that cant be true, because i always wondered why people liked them, and believe me, alot of people did when they were around. They sucked.

Heh, Solstice of Oppression is a nice slice of brutality, to my ears. I didn't know they were popular when they were around. They seemed pretty obscure and unheard of by the time I found about them.
[Nov 27,2006 1:56pm - Anthony nli  ""]
I dunno if RIPPING CORPSE is a straight up death metal band, but they are sure as hell under-heard, if not underappreciated. Same goes for DIM MAK... it seems very few people have heard the first 2 CDs and they are amazing.



[Nov 27,2006 1:57pm - infoterror ""]
RIPPING CORPSE qualifies for me. Like Voivod but meaner.
[Nov 27,2006 1:58pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Dreaming with the Dead is so fucking brutal and nasty. One of my all-time favorites.
[Nov 27,2006 2:17pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
infoterror said:SlavonicIdentity said:P
Necrophiliac - Endless Death, my favourite Spanish band.

Can you upload?

Agreed on the Betrayer.

Yeah, I can probably upload that for you. I'll post the link in a bit.
[Nov 27,2006 2:26pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
"Heh, Solstice of Oppression is a nice slice of brutality, to my ears. I didn't know they were popular when they were around. They seemed pretty obscure and unheard of by the time I found about them. "

Yeah, i guess i could see why they would be more obscure nowadays as that album is long OOP. But then again, i just think no one remembers them because of how awfully mediocre it was.
[Nov 27,2006 2:36pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
Anthony nli said:I dunno if RIPPING CORPSE is a straight up death metal band, but they are sure as hell under-heard, if not underappreciated. Same goes for DIM MAK... it seems very few people have heard the first 2 CDs and they are amazing.




Yeah, I need all of these. All I have is Knives of Ice, every link I've found is dead, and every torrent I've tried to download is either also dead or no longer seeded. Shitty.
[Nov 27,2006 2:38pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
For infoterror and anyone else : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D69QHO9E
[Nov 27,2006 2:45pm - Anthony ""]
theaccurseddrummer said:
Yeah, I need all of these. All I have is Knives of Ice, every link I've found is dead, and every torrent I've tried to download is either also dead or no longer seeded. Shitty.

If you want CDr copies, PM me your address.
[Nov 27,2006 9:01pm - Ryan_M ""]
When talking about Darkthrone, people usually tend to ignore this release, and tend to praise "A Blaze in the Northern Sky" or "Transilvanian Hunger". "Goatlord" is probably the most unique of all the Darkthrone albums, and because of its experimental feel, it's easy to undermine its brilliance.
I never liked this one much before, but I gave it another shot, and I've really been digging it a lot.
[Nov 28,2006 1:06am - anonymousteinberg  ""]


Aurora Borealis

[Nov 28,2006 8:59am - HeavensJail ""]

Bethlehem, Cianide, Demolition Hammer

others of note:
Bifrost, Rossomahaar, Master's Hammer, Negura Bunget
[Nov 28,2006 9:04am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
[Nov 28,2006 9:17am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I liked the last Gorelord album but I just got the new "Norwegian Chainsaw Massacre" and it was pretty boring to say the least.
[Nov 28,2006 9:22am - FuckIsMySignature  ""]
good to know
[Nov 28,2006 9:42am - Clinically Dead  ""]

Ugh. Good to know they are underrated.
[Nov 28,2006 10:36am - Yeti ""]
Ryan_M said:[img]
When talking about Darkthrone, people usually tend to ignore this release, and tend to praise "A Blaze in the Northern Sky" or "Transilvanian Hunger". "Goatlord" is probably the most unique of all the Darkthrone albums, and because of its experimental feel, it's easy to undermine its brilliance.
I never liked this one much before, but I gave it another shot, and I've really been digging it a lot.

i only heard this once and it was awesome, i like how its more death than anything. i just picked this one up, i never hear anyone talking about it but i really like it. its like a predecessor to "Ravishing Grimness" which i also love:

[Nov 28,2006 11:27am - GoatCatalyst ""]
Negura Bunget!!! YES!!!


Lykathia Aflame and Azarath
[Dec 23,2006 8:14pm - CNV  ""]

[Dec 23,2006 8:50pm - retzam ""]
I havn't heard the album, but the cover of The Dead Will Inherit certainly tickles my fancy. That's some coooool artwork.
[Dec 23,2006 9:53pm - Kevord ""]
Yeti said:Ryan_M said:[img]
When talking about Darkthrone, people usually tend to ignore this release, and tend to praise "A Blaze in the Northern Sky" or "Transilvanian Hunger". "Goatlord" is probably the most unique of all the Darkthrone albums, and because of its experimental feel, it's easy to undermine its brilliance.
I never liked this one much before, but I gave it another shot, and I've really been digging it a lot.

i only heard this once and it was awesome, i like how its more death than anything. i just picked this one up, i never hear anyone talking about it but i really like it. its like a predecessor to "Ravishing Grimness" which i also love:


Total Death is my favorite Darkthrone album. For some reason people always overlook it.
[Dec 23,2006 10:10pm - SlavonicIdentity ""]
I've always found BENEDICTION's works to be underrated. I rarely ever hear anyone talk about this great band.
Also, Vital Remains - Dawn of the Apocalypse, fucking amazing album.

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