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[Jan 5,2008 3:33am - juhhhh  ""]
what the fuck is it?
[Jan 5,2008 5:19am - engaaziz  ""]
I coud not understand
[Jan 5,2008 5:38am - Punisher ""]
A mix of Godzilla and the Blair Witch Project.
[Jan 5,2008 10:25am - archaeon ""]
someone told me that it was a gigantic whale, kinda ruined it if its true.
[Jan 5,2008 10:31am - metal cvlt  ""]
GIGANTIC WHALE?? dude you see it blowing shit up, how can that not be suprising? fucking atomic lava blowhole... my bet is it's pam. raaar
[Jan 5,2008 11:35am - the_reverend ""]

[Jan 5,2008 12:55pm - metal cvlt  ""]
pulled already????
[Jan 5,2008 1:01pm - metal cvlt  ""]
i did a quick googling and i found the monster.. it looks pretty fuckin crazy, it does have a whale's tail i guess. it looks like pam at 9 months. lawl
[Jan 5,2008 1:05pm - archaeon ""]
and a whales head
[Jan 5,2008 1:22pm - metal cvlt  ""]
i thought this movie looked kind of gay, but that monster's pretty tricked out, what with the giant parasites that are all over it. maybe i will waste some time and watch it.
[Jan 5,2008 1:23pm - archaeon ""]
yeah those parasites are pretty badass, i'll be seeing this for sure.
[Jan 5,2008 1:30pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Jan 5,2008 1:48pm - metal cvlt  ""]
if that was the monster, i would shit a brick.

i hope cloverfield monster has those funny brisle whale teeth.
[Jan 5,2008 2:50pm - OCR ""]
whales don't pick up and throw the statue of liberty's head across NYC
[Jan 5,2008 2:59pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jan 5,2008 5:11pm - Dankill  ""]
If it's THAT fucking big, how the hell could it hide around the buildings of NYC?
It's would pretty much be too damn wide and long to do it.
I gotta say though, that thing is fuckin weird looking.
[Jan 5,2008 5:21pm - Greg D  ""]
[Jan 5,2008 5:28pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Jan 5,2008 5:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
seems like all they gotta do to kill it is shoot a nuke down its throat. but i dont know about those parasites.
[Jan 5,2008 7:09pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Jan 5,2008 7:11pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i heard that it was related to some "bloop" sound they recorded off the coast of south america that was similar to a whale's call, but judging by the noise many who researched it said the creature would have to be much, much, much, much bigger than a blue whale. apparently they may have based it off of that.

i was really hoping it was a rampage movie
[Jan 5,2008 7:44pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
SacreligionNLI said:i was really hoping it was a rampage movie

That would be fucking awesome.
[Jan 5,2008 9:36pm - shamash ""]
knowing that it is a giant rampaging whale, I am even more intigued. The whole handcam thing turns me off though.
[Jan 5,2008 9:41pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Yeah me too. I'm not in the mood for a Blair Witch Lost circle jerk.
[Jan 5,2008 10:00pm - archaeon ""]
the handcam seems kinda cool to me. it not as shitty and retarded as the blair witch bull.
[Jan 18,2008 12:53pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Just got back from the 10:30am showing, except for a false alarm emergency which caused a 20 minute break in the movie (free pass out of it), it was easily one of the best American Monsters movies I've seen in a long time. And no, it is not a giant whale. That monster is fucking bad ass, and crazy looking. I'm sure someone will be posting bootleg pictures of that thing soon, but trust me go to the theaters to see it. I'm easily going to go see it at least 2 more times.
[Jan 18,2008 12:53pm - Yeti ""]
nice. i'm sold.
[Jan 18,2008 12:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Looking forward to this.
[Jan 18,2008 1:07pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Me= there.
[Jan 18,2008 1:10pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Does all of humanity perish? If not, then fuck this.
[Jan 18,2008 2:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Kinslayer said:Does all of humanity perish? If not, then fuck this.

that'd be impossible barring a solar event, asteroid, or mass nuclear disaster.

now that i thank about it a movie about the sun hurling towards the earth at insane speeds and blowing up when it gets here would be fantastic!
[Jan 18,2008 2:48pm - dr. doctor  ""]
Stupid ending... They're allergic to the smell of fire and that's what defeats them and then jacob wakes up to find out that the monsters were all a dream and that he had been drugged at the party. Stupid if you ask me. Don't waste your time or money. The monster looked fake and you couldn't even see the second monster close enough. Don't bother.
[Jan 18,2008 2:51pm - dr. doctor  ""]
Ooops...did I just give away the movie to everyone here that wanted to see it?
[Jan 18,2008 2:52pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i really hope that's not true and if so go fuck yourself for ruining the movie.

if that's really the ending...why the fuck is every movie now "just a dream?" can they really not think of anything to tie movies together anymore and need to say "oh it was all fake!"

i swear it happens in like 75% of all fictional movies as of late
[Jan 18,2008 3:09pm - dr. doctor  ""]
You didn't have to read it but i saw it earlier today and I figured you'd all want to know. Sorry
[Jan 18,2008 3:13pm - dr. doctor  ""]
Make it 76%:thescream:
SacreligionNLI said:i really hope that's not true and if so go fuck yourself for ruining the movie.

if that's really the ending...why the fuck is every movie now "just a dream?" can they really not think of anything to tie movies together anymore and need to say "oh it was all fake!"

i swear it happens in like 75% of all fictional movies as of late

[Jan 18,2008 3:19pm - Yeti ""]
i can't believe that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father...
[Jan 18,2008 3:20pm - dr. doctor  ""]
Or that Darth Vader is princess laya's father
[Jan 18,2008 3:23pm - Punisher ""]
dr. doctor give me the news i gotta bad case of loving you.
[Jan 18,2008 3:30pm - dr. doctor  ""]
God damn right
Brad renfro is dead
S.E.T.I. received a message
The pats are 17-0
It's cold
[Jan 18,2008 3:32pm - Punisher ""]
Oh shit! Droppin mad knowledge.
[Jan 18,2008 3:37pm - dr. doctor  ""]
Also there are no WMD's in Iraq and Bill clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman......Wait....yeah he did! Liar
[Jan 18,2008 4:06pm - poop ""]
[Jan 18,2008 4:08pm - dr. doctor  ""]
you're gay
[Jan 18,2008 7:54pm - fleshfries ""]
Well.....has anyone seen it yet? I'm waiting on a review before I go to see it.
[Jan 18,2008 8:13pm - Hungtableed  ""]
My old lady and I are going to see it at 9:30 tonight. I'll let you in on whether it was good or not. I read an article in the Herald today and it spoiled the whole "monster" concept.
[Jan 18,2008 8:30pm - Revocation ""]
Saw it today, it was really cool. Might go see it again.
[Jan 18,2008 11:43pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Sick!!! The monster(s) are awesome looking. You don't see them that often.
[Jan 19,2008 10:18am - sever ""]
It'll give you motion sickness if you're susceptible but other than that it was fucking awesome.
[Jan 19,2008 10:31am - SkinSandwich ""]
Well, did it end like the Dr. Doctor said it did!? If so I am not going to see it, unless someone on here can convince me otherwise, or the Doc is full O' shit. THANKS YOU LIMEYS!!!
[Jan 19,2008 10:43am - sever ""]
haha no it didnt end like that at all.

the government bombs the fuck out of manhattan because it cant kill the monster, and whats left of the cast gets killed in those bombing raids.
[Jan 19,2008 10:44am - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
Decent movie until they turned it into a fucking love story.
Though, a movie that shows the first person view of getting eaten by a giant monster makes up for the lame portion.
I need to go again since I read I missed some "easter eggs", but this time I need to eat something with substance before I watch it.
I just had popcorn and I actually started feeling motion sick a couple times.
[Jan 19,2008 10:50am - dr. doctor  ""]
SkinSandwich said:Well, did it end like the Dr. Doctor said it did!? If so I am not going to see it, unless someone on here can convince me otherwise, or the Doc is full O' shit. THANKS YOU LIMEYS!!!

I was fucking with you. Seriously though, just saw it last night. This is how it really ends. At the end during battle you see a ufo crash in the distance and the camera goes dead. That is the real ending.
[Jan 19,2008 11:14am - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
Apparently the UFO or space egg or monster itself or whatever falling into the ocean is what I missed.
I guess after the credit finish rolling, you hear a voice over a radio say "its still alive".
But still, "I love you", "I love you too" KABOOM sort of cheesed it up to pay too much attention at the end.
[Jan 19,2008 11:31am - DrewBlood ""]
Loved the movie. There were so many scenes where my jaw literally dropped. Although I don't think a love story is the right thing to put in a monster movie, I think that Cloverfield is a romance movie with a monster in it.
[Jan 19,2008 11:42am - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
sweet. I'll go see this after work
[Jan 19,2008 11:55am - pam nli  ""]
metal cvlt said:i did a quick googling and i found the monster.. it looks pretty fuckin crazy, it does have a whale's tail i guess. it looks like pam at 9 months. lawl

Get a name, pussy.
[Jan 19,2008 1:27pm - BlackoutRick ""]
So was the monster that ate Hud the same one that took Stealth bombs to the back or was that a smaller one making it two monsters? And the parasites were awesome too with the weird sounds they made.
[Jan 19,2008 3:58pm - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
Yeah, it was just a huge one with those little spider monsters that rode around on it like parasites.
[Jan 19,2008 4:16pm - Ryan_ ""]
saw it last night. good movie. fun to watch.
[Jan 19,2008 5:50pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Quick, someone photoshop some hassidic jew gear onto the monster and rename the movie Cloverfeld.
[Jan 19,2008 6:34pm - demondave ""]

that movie was really good

[Jan 19,2008 10:25pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
aaron michaelNLI said:Apparently the UFO or space egg or monster itself or whatever falling into the ocean is what I missed.
I guess after the credit finish rolling, you hear a voice over a radio say "its still alive".
But still, "I love you", "I love you too" KABOOM sort of cheesed it up to pay too much attention at the end.

I never saw that, what scene?
[Jan 20,2008 12:47am - fleshfries ""]
Awesome movie...just saw it.

That UFO thing everybody is talking about...was that when the two of them were on the ferris wheel at the end going "Say one more thing to the camera"...because I know they do a quick glance at the ocean, and I thought it might be significant, but I didn't really see.
[Jan 20,2008 4:59pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 21,2008 12:55pm - BlackoutRick ""]
[Jan 21,2008 7:29pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Just saw it. Quite impressed. Didn't blow me away or anything, but that was a damn fine monster movie. The love story worked, because it was the only reason we had a movie - otherwise, dude would've gotten the hell outta NYC and that'd be it. Thumbs up.
[Jan 21,2008 10:59pm - neverpurified ""]
Let me get this straight. Something terribly fucked up, in Manhatten? And the government isn't sure how to handle it?

They should have sent in this guy.....


it worked the last time something got fucked up in New York
[Jan 21,2008 11:36pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Pretty fucking awesome movie. I have to say that it at least certainly lived up to my expectations if not exceeded them. The whole first person-theme was a little tough to get use to at first but the intensity of the movie tends to undermine it. What would be cool is if they come out with an actual movie-style sequel and base it off the whole "Dept. of Defense stock video" theme they used to portray the basis of the film in this part of the story. Then they could establish where the monster came from and whether or not it was actually killed- two questions that were not even attempted to explain in the film.
[Jan 22,2008 9:44am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Supposedly, they're looking at making a sequel (or sequels) based on the recorded experiences of other people who were there. So, likely more 1st-person stuff (at least in part), but it's supposed to go more into the creature's origin. Although they did establish that it touched down from the sky (whether that means space, or a sub-orbital launch) in the last scene with the ferris wheel.
[Jan 22,2008 12:23pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Hungtableed said:Pretty fucking awesome movie. I have to say that it at least certainly lived up to my expectations if not exceeded them. The whole first person-theme was a little tough to get use to at first but the intensity of the movie tends to undermine it. What would be cool is if they come out with an actual movie-style sequel and base it off the whole "Dept. of Defense stock video" theme they used to portray the basis of the film in this part of the story. Then they could establish where the monster came from and whether or not it was actually killed- two questions that were not even attempted to explain in the film.

at the end of the credits you hear muffled screams "it's still alive!"
[Jan 22,2008 1:33pm - largefreakatzero ""]
neverpurified said:Let me get this straight. Something terribly fucked up, in Manhatten? And the government isn't sure how to handle it?

They should have sent in this guy.....


it worked the last time something got fucked up in New York

I thought he was dead?
[Jan 22,2008 1:44pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
He's Death Proof, silly!
[Jan 22,2008 4:32pm - Lamp ""]
Just got home from the theater, this was NOT a feel good movie in any sense of the word! It was intense as hell though, I'd recommend it to anybody.
[Jan 22,2008 11:49pm - thuringwethil ""]
I just saw it tonight, I thought the buildup in suspense was very effective

they're all bumming about relationships on the fire escape, and the next second *THWACK!* they're dodging shrapnel from the Empire State Building, and then things get worse

[Jan 22,2008 11:56pm - neverpurified ""]
largefreakatzero said:neverpurified said:Let me get this straight. Something terribly fucked up, in Manhatten? And the government isn't sure how to handle it?

They should have sent in this guy.....


it worked the last time something got fucked up in New York

I thought he was dead?

Nah he ain't dead.... but I kinda thought he'd be taller
[Jan 23,2008 2:57am - Big Daddy Dominationface  ""]
That movie rules like this thread is a repost.
[Jan 31,2008 9:03pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 31,2008 10:11pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
It was an ok movie.
[Feb 1,2008 1:46pm - Brandon nli  ""]
Yea i saw this movie about a week ago. Fucking hated it. The camera view was a decent idea but it fucking ruined the movie. I am also sick as fuck of love stories ruining movies. And the characters pissed me off. Stupid assholes running around the city. Im getting the fuck out. Screw you guys. Plus who crashes from the sky and lives. The only thing that was good was the ending. Not just because the movie was over, but i liked that it wasnt happy and everyone was ok. 2 thumbs down. Also i hated the loser kid with the camera for "comic relief" Yea like im joking when a fucking monsters after me.
[Feb 2,2008 3:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
great movie. wow is all i gotta say.
[Feb 3,2008 6:08pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, the movie was decent at least. love stories do fuck up movies, but that was kind of the center of this movie. I liked the very last scene with the thing hitting the water. I was hoping to see video of a mushroom cloud from brooklyn.
[Feb 3,2008 6:16pm - the_reverend ""]
the best part of the movie was the noises on the brooklyn bridge. i'm sitting here right now listeming after th credits. you don't hear shit.. at least I did. no clue what was said.
[Feb 3,2008 7:10pm - the_reverend ""]
now that I've seen it, can people link more lore?
[Feb 3,2008 7:20pm - the_reverend ""]
fleshfries said:Awesome movie...just saw it.

That UFO thing everybody is talking about...was that when the two of them were on the ferris wheel at the end going "Say one more thing to the camera"...because I know they do a quick glance at the ocean, and I thought it might be significant, but I didn't really see.

I think it's more like that is the significance of the tape at all. the reason that the government has it and it's part of the DOD is cause they cause it hitting the water. When I saw that, I realized that all the tape (to the government) would be worthless fluff to be thrown away like garbage. The importance of the whole tape was the ending since it's the only evidence that they have that something happened.

I don't think they dropped nukes or the tape wouldn't have survived:
Unless it was recording to SONY miniDVD but they are only 30 minutes to 1hr.
miniDV would be wiped, analog tape, harddrives, solid state, etc...
plus, rob said "tape"
[Feb 3,2008 7:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I found this:
If they nuked Manhattan, how did an electronic video recording survive? Wouldn't the EMP wipe it?

and a forum dedicated to cloverfield.
[Feb 3,2008 8:32pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 3,2008 8:41pm - the_reverend ""]
carina linked me this:
At the end of cloverfield, the object seen falling into the ocean is a satellite. The monster was on the ocean floor dormant for thousands of years (J.J. A said this in an interview) A japanese company that produces a soft drink called Slusho! were deep sea mining for a new flavor that they had discovered when they awoke the monster. What's funny is that this company is the same one that Rob was going to Japan to work for.

[Feb 6,2008 10:08pm - the_reverend ""]

[Feb 7,2008 4:29am - thuringwethil ""]
I still like the movie
[Apr 23,2008 6:55pm - thuringwethil ""]
got this from the library, gonna watch this shiz natch TONIGHT!
[Jun 8,2008 3:10pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
this was a pretty cool movie
[Jun 8,2008 4:04pm - powerkok ""]
This movie sucked ballbag. And I like JJ Abrahms.
[Jun 8,2008 4:53pm - Ravbage  ""]
it was decent until they actually showed the monster...which turned out to be pretty stupid-looking

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