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Anyone else psyched about the upcoming Hobbit movies?

[Jul 20,2009 8:37am - aril on the commuter rail  ""]

They're close to naming who is going to be Bilbo Baggins. I'm hoping it's someone good and not a tool like Shia Labeouf.

Although I was slightly disappointed with some of the stuff they left out in the LotR movies, I'm hoping the Hobbit movie(s)are along the same levels of intensity.

Some of the scenes are aimed at a younger audience..
[Jul 20,2009 8:38am - MikeOv  ""]
I was until I found out who was directing it.
[Jul 20,2009 8:39am - aril on the commuter rail  ""]
haha yes.

I'm hoping Peter Jackson keeps him in his place.
[Jul 20,2009 9:45am - reimroc ""]
i hope they're going to be good.
[Jul 20,2009 9:50am - arilliusbm ""]
I just want to see Smaug, the Dwarves, and the infamous troll scene.
[Jul 20,2009 9:52am - rbss  ""]

MikeOv said:I was until I found out who was directing it.

Isn't it Del Toro? Why is that a bad thing? He is awesome, minus the Hellboy shit.
[Jul 20,2009 9:53am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm with Mike. I think Pan's Labyrinth was just a TAD overrated.
[Jul 20,2009 9:56am - rbss  ""]
I don't really care about things being "overrated." The movie was wicked cool and I really enjoyed it, whether or not other people kissed its ass a bunch is pretty irrelevant. Del Toro is an amazing special effects artist and he will create a visually stunning Middle Earth, I'm sure.
[Jul 20,2009 9:59am - MikeOv  ""]
Because I don't like the last few movies he's directed and I would have preferred someone else.

Pan's Labyrinth was completely overrated.
[Jul 20,2009 10:01am - rbss  ""]
Even so, with Jackson's involvement and the source material being so amazing, I would be so surprised if the Hobbit film adaptations don't rule hard.
[Jul 20,2009 10:03am - MikeOv  ""]
Not even Jackson's adaptation of LoTR was that spectacular. Lothlorien was well depicted, I guess. I've accepted it for what it is though.

Just read Tolkien instead.
[Jul 20,2009 10:06am - rbss  ""]
I have read all the Tolkien stuff, I love it. I hope they make a trilogy of movies from the Silmarillion next, that would be INSANE. I thought Jackson's film adaptations of LotR were amazing. I guess I am just easier to please.
[Jul 20,2009 10:06am - arilliusbm ""]
There's no way they can capture the pure essence of the book and every scene in its entirity. But I still like some of the stuff that came out of the LotR movies and I'm hoping the Hobbit movies don't disappoint.

About Pan's Labyrinth, I'm still bitter that it stole the award away from Apocalypto. I would watch it again because it was an enjoyable movie, but it didn't deserve the hype IMO.
[Jul 20,2009 10:07am - arilliusbm ""]

Thanks for adding the 'edit' feature in text mode, Rev
[Jul 20,2009 10:11am - MikeOv  ""]
I've seen haunted houses at Spooky World that have looked more ominous than Jackson's depiction of Minas Morgul.
[Jul 20,2009 10:16am - arilliusbm ""]
Minas Morgul's depiction SUCKED and was perhaps the worst depection in the whole movie. Most of the other ones I enjoyed and thought matched up perfectly with the book's description; Hobbiton being one of them.

But Minas Morgul... damn. Might as well just have used the Eiffel Tower.
[Jul 20,2009 10:38am - the_reverend ""]
"Silmarillion" - that would be like making a movie based on the encyclopedia.
[Jul 20,2009 10:40am - rbss  ""]
The first 100 pages or so are mostly origin of creation stuff.. so that might be hard to adapt, but there are definite plot-lines and stories throughout the book. It could be done. Might take more than 3 movies though.
[Jul 20,2009 10:42am - arilliusbm ""]
I'd like to see the Silmarillion as a TV/Film series like Band of Brothers. 10-15 long episodes. That'd be sick
[Jul 20,2009 11:33am - the_reverend ""]
needs moar tom bombadil
[Jul 20,2009 11:34am - arilliusbm ""]
argh. can't believe they left him out of the movies.
[Jul 20,2009 11:37am - MikeOv  ""]
I'm still going to go see this and bake out beforehand in movie parking lot, listening to Summoning.
[Jul 20,2009 11:39am - thuringwethil ""]
Don't forget Beorn!

One of my favorite characters in the book and he totally BRINGS IT during the Battle of the Five Armies
[Jul 20,2009 11:52am - dreadkill ""]
tom bombadil was a really annoying character, but he should've been in the movies.
[Jul 20,2009 11:58am - MikeOv  ""]
He's like Tolkien's version of Pan, minus the sleaze.
[Jul 20,2009 11:59am - arilliusbm ""]
Mr. Bombadil could supposedly be one of the eldest beings in middle-earth. I remember reading that he could be the literary representation of god in LoTR
[Jul 20,2009 12:05pm - martinswork  ""]
Hating on Pan's Labyrinth = fail. Wishing Apocalypto won the award =FAIL
Hobbit movie = win!
[Jul 20,2009 12:06pm - MikeOv  ""]
[Jul 20,2009 12:11pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

martinswork said:Hating on Pan's Labyrinth = fail. Wishing Apocalypto won the award =FAIL
Hobbit movie = win!

Not even close, dude. Pan's Labyrinth was one of the most boring movies I've ever seen, despite being visually awesome. Apocalypto was such a monstrous movie in every way, it deserved more recognition.
[Jul 20,2009 12:37pm - martinswork  ""]
Everyone can just say they didn't get Pan's Labyrinth, it's cool.

Coolest thing about it for me was watching it without subtitles and understanding nearly every word. Pan's Labyrinth is an experience, not a movie. Deal with it.
[Jul 20,2009 12:39pm - martinswork  ""]
Also, how is my opinion "not even close, dude?"
[Jul 20,2009 12:44pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Hey, at least it's not Michael Bay.

Although it'd be interesting to see how he incorporates a "Slow-motion shot of someone in distress underneath a low-flying helicopter" shot in Middle Earth.
[Jul 20,2009 12:46pm - MikeOv  ""]

martinswork said:Everyone can just say they didn't get Pan's Labyrinth, it's cool.


[Jul 20,2009 12:50pm - MikeOv  ""]
If I want an experience, I'll watch Svankmajer's Faust. If I want a visual sedative, I'll watch Pan's Labyrinth.
[Jul 20,2009 12:53pm - martinswork  ""]
Next you're going to say Harry Potter is bad!
[Jul 20,2009 12:58pm - MikeOv  ""]
Oh man. Don't stop while you're hot.
[Jul 20,2009 1:02pm - martinswork  ""]
Maybe I'm biased. I was enchanted by Pan's Labyrinth the first time I saw it. I saw it like 10 times after that so that other people could see it too. I loved it. You're all entitled to your own opinions but you can't deny that the violence was BRUTAL.
[Jul 20,2009 1:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
Harry Potter = bad
Pan's Labyrinth = CGI wasn't even THAT good. look at the fucking bug in tbe beginning!
[Jul 20,2009 1:06pm - martinswork  ""]
I agree with the CGI but whatever. And I was very very kidding about Harry Potter hahaha.
[Jul 20,2009 2:06pm - MikeOv  ""]
Yeah, I'm not telling anyone they shouldn't watch Pan's Labyrinth. Personally, I just found it to be disappointing.
[Jul 20,2009 2:16pm - boine (NLI)  ""]
should be a good movie how can they not fit all of the hobbit into 2 movies just hope they dont add there own made up scenes like the did in the lord of the rings and did anyone check out tolkiens The Legend of Sigurd & Gudrun
[Jul 20,2009 4:31pm - slymo ""]
i hope aaliyah plays bilbo, striking resemblance.
[Jul 20,2009 4:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
The Legend of Sigurd & Gudrun? never checked that out
[Jul 20,2009 4:37pm - notorious_D.U.G. ""]
Great. That means the At The Mountains Of Madness movie will never get made in this lifetime. Damn you Del Toro!
[Jul 20,2009 4:39pm - darkwornli  ""]
the hobbit book is filled with more childish anecdotes than the lord of the rings series, so the movie is probably going to appeal more to kids. but as long as it doesn't feel like harry potter i'll still end up seeing it eventually.
[Jul 20,2009 4:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
i'm hoping they cut make the "childish" scenes a little more mature or cut them out altogether. If they want to stay true to the feel of the book, then they'll keep it as more childish. but by doing so the movies would be strange in comparison to the lotr movies
[Jul 20,2009 4:52pm - dreadkill ""]

notorious_D.U.G. said:Great. That means the At The Mountains Of Madness movie will never get made in this lifetime. Damn you Del Toro!
HP Lovecraft had a cat named Nigger-man when he was a kid.
[Jul 21,2009 7:42am - Yeti ""]
Pan's Labyrinth was amazing, i strongly doubt that Del Toro is going to muck this up.
[Aug 16,2011 8:53am - arilliusbm ""]
Apparently they're still having open casting calls for extras in the Hobbit movie.
Sadly, you've got to be really short or really tall. For tall people, they're only accepting people 6'8 and above. FUCK just a few inches short!
[Aug 16,2011 9:03am - arktouros ""]

darkwornli said:the hobbit book is filled with more childish anecdotes than the lord of the rings series, so the movie is probably going to appeal more to kids. but as long as it doesn't feel like harry potter i'll still end up seeing it eventually.

yeah, was just going to post this, but glad to know i've not wavered in my attitude toward the hobbut over these years.

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