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April 2nd Waltham's GRINDFEST 2004

[Mar 30,2004 1:38pm - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
waltham Moose lodge
17 spruce street

If anyone has trouble on the wawy to the show and gets lost in waltham or near it call me for help (781) 266-8400

5.Headliner (to be announced)9:50-10:35
3.Terminally your aborted ghost........8:40-9:10pm
2.In Dire Need..........8:05-8:35
1.Fall of Decrepitude...........7:30-8:00pm

Cost: $8
Yeah i knwo it might be alittler pricey for a local show but its too pay for the headliners trip up here. everyone should go to this.
[Mar 30,2004 2:01pm - anonymous  ""]
tell me the headliner and then i will go....
[Mar 30,2004 2:05pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
#12 looks like you
[Mar 30,2004 2:49pm - Dysenteryvokills@school  ""]
i wasnt sure if they were confirmed yet becuase devon(tyag) hadnt gotten back to me yet...bump this shit everyone should go
[Mar 30,2004 3:28pm - anonymous  ""]
i don't care what the #12 looks like, i want to know who's headlining
[Mar 30,2004 3:38pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[Mar 30,2004 3:43pm - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 30,2004 3:44pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
How are you going to manage 5 minutes between bands?
[Mar 30,2004 3:54pm - Ninkaszi  ""]
I'll probably go.
[Mar 30,2004 3:57pm - jesus ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:How are you going to manage 5 minutes between bands?

good point...time to rethink this booboo
[Mar 30,2004 4:02pm - Justin ACR  ""]
i set up times for the last gig...peter did the saMe thing, u need aTleast 15 minutes between bands
[Mar 30,2004 4:04pm - Justin ACR  ""]

5.The Number 12 Looks Like You......10:30-11:15
3.Terminally your aborted ghost........9:00-9:30pm
2.In Dire Need..........8:15-8:45
1.Fall of Decrepitude...........7:30-8:00pm
[Mar 30,2004 9:55pm - anonymous  ""]
is this like the tin can fest, wherein no tin cans were actually involved?
[Mar 30,2004 10:36pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't think 8 bucks is too pricey for a show with a headliner who is known, plus doesn't In Dire Need have a pretty strong local following?
[Mar 30,2004 10:46pm - joostin ""]
i was kind of hoping to see CODC, oh well, Dysentery, FOD, and TYAG will make for a good substitute(s)
[Mar 30,2004 10:54pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i guess #12 cant play
[Mar 30,2004 10:56pm - Terence ""]
wow,...it seems like a headliner, or "last band" wouldnt matter. There will probably be tons of people anyway.
[Mar 31,2004 9:07am - xbumpx  ""]
[Mar 31,2004 11:32am - joostin ""]
so, if there's not #12, and no CODC, who's "headlining"?
[Mar 31,2004 12:07pm - XmikeX ""]
you can do 5 minutes in between bands if you setup bands on alternating ends of the hall.

as far as a headliner goes.......hmmmm......on this short notice......i dunno

how well does Dysentery draw in waltham, pretty well im guesing. maybe you guys could step up and headline and fit in another band somewhere. May I reccomend What Weapons Bring War (Ross), or Fear For Your Life (Western Mass), or one of those bands that really aren't that good but draw tons of kids anyways like Our Fate Ends.
[Mar 31,2004 12:28pm - nick ""]
if it comes down to putting our fate ends on this show put ken haskell on instead. 1) i dont think they are a band anymore. 2) we would prob draw a decent amount of our friends haha 3) i forgot what i was going too put for three. 4) jake and i will be there anyway.

we are alot more decent than these mp3s make us out to be. thx.
[Mar 31,2004 12:55pm - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
yeah...Devon (tyag i guess is working on Embrace today(becuase they will draw people) but does anyone ahve contact info for what weapons bring war?
[Mar 31,2004 1:11pm - joostin ""]
DysenteryVokills@school said:yeah...Devon (tyag i guess is working on Embrace today(becuase they will draw people) but does anyone ahve contact info for what weapons bring war?

i do, i'll call the rossinator in a few
[Mar 31,2004 1:12pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
I'm not going because the headliner is gay (unless it's CODC) and I don't want my money going to a gay band or gayer sXe band. fuck that.
[Mar 31,2004 1:13pm - dysenteryvokills@school  ""]
actually the money is no longer going towards a headliner becuase we dont havea headliner that wants money so now its sjut going towards paying for the hall.

So does anyone know for sure if there going? Rev you going?
[Mar 31,2004 1:15pm - joostin ""]
DysenteryVokills@school said:(tyag i guess is working on Embrace today(becuase they will draw people)

talk about out of place.

[Mar 31,2004 1:17pm - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
ugh...i know...i jsut e-mialed what weapons bring war so well see about them id rather them were jsut trying to draw alot of people so i canbook shows here more.
[Mar 31,2004 1:19pm - XmikeX ""]
Life In Seconds too. they're a great band and will draw a handfull of kids.
[Mar 31,2004 1:19pm - joostin ""]
what's malignancy up to? hey will, can my friend's band Suspension of Graces play? They'll open, no questions asked. http://www.hxcmp3.com/bands/941/
[Mar 31,2004 1:23pm - XmikeX ""]
nick said:if it comes down to putting our fate ends on this show put ken haskell on instead. 1) i dont think they are a band anymore. 2) we would prob draw a decent amount of our friends haha 3) i forgot what i was going too put for three. 4) jake and i will be there anyway.

we are alot more decent than these mp3s make us out to be. thx.

just listened to the mp3's.

tears of avarel called....
[Mar 31,2004 1:28pm - XmikeX ""]
that came out more sarcastic then i wanted it to.
[Mar 31,2004 1:31pm - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
ok heres the deal............i just e-mailed malignacy and what weapons bring war and told them both to get back to me tonight if they want to play. so i will post the FINAL line up tonight at some point and i will be throwing more shows here alot with one of my friends if this show goes good.

ways this show will go good?
no croud punching
keep it in the pit
to tough guy hardcore bullshit

*everyone can go crazy but dont hurt anyone thats not in the pit and respect the place and everything will be sick!!!*
[Mar 31,2004 1:45pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
5 minutes between bands wouldnt work even if you had the bands set up on opposite sides of the hall, becuase you would need to move the PA through the crowd to the other side, and also the bands would need to make sure everything is tuned right and the level are all correct, all that would take approximately 10 minutes depending on the band, maybe more.
[Mar 31,2004 1:45pm - XmikeX ""]
fine.....no croud punching whatsoever....check.
[Mar 31,2004 1:54pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
no crowd punching the sound guys or the bands
[Mar 31,2004 2:08pm - Ninkaszi  ""]
If you guys need a band, Hirudinea would do it. We don't need to be paid, we can draw people, etc.. We live five minutes away.
[Mar 31,2004 2:09pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I use to think Hirudinea was from Rhode Island, even earlier this year.
I am not sure why I thought that.
[Mar 31,2004 2:11pm - Ninkaszi  ""]
Nope, Lexington, MA boyeee!
[Mar 31,2004 2:48pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Hirudinea is pretty good, if neither of those bands can do it Will (malig or weapons) get Hirudinea
[Mar 31,2004 3:06pm - Ninkaszi  ""]
Cool, thanks Spalding. Anyone can contact me at Ninkaszi187@yahoo.com if it's cool for us to play.
[Mar 31,2004 3:35pm - Terence ""]
If Malignancy play I'll be there. I doubt they would be able to though.
[Mar 31,2004 3:42pm - joostin ""]
Terence said:If Malignancy play I'll be there. I doubt they would be able to though.

we can always keep out fingers crossed though.
[Mar 31,2004 3:49pm - Paul fod  ""]
dude terence come anyways man it should be a fun show no matter who headlines. Malignancy would definalty be bad ass but the past shows they have played down here they have been screwed so dont expect them to show lol, but then again they are kickass guys so they will probably do it
[Mar 31,2004 3:51pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
yeah man... come and be part of the metal group hug Terence, its the sequel to the Dying Fetus show one that YOU werent a part of!
[Mar 31,2004 6:58pm - BingChlorine ""]
So, no Number 12?
[Mar 31,2004 8:24pm - XmikeX ""]
anyone who misses What Weapons Bring Ross is kicked out of metal
[Mar 31,2004 8:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
Fall of Decrepitude is sick. I'll go if Terence brings me : p
[Mar 31,2004 9:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Hirudinea is sick. I'll go if Terence brings me : p
[Mar 31,2004 10:53pm - Terence ""]
Paul fod said:dude terence come anyways man it should be a fun show no matter who headlines. Malignancy would definalty be bad ass but the past shows they have played down here they have been screwed so dont expect them to show lol, but then again they are kickass guys so they will probably do it

I would go, but I get out of work at 9pm, so I would probably get to the place at around 9:30 or so just in time for maybe the last bands or so. I would have loved to have gone if I werent working.
[Mar 31,2004 10:54pm - Terence ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:yeah man... come and be part of the metal group hug Terence, its the sequel to the Dying Fetus show one that YOU werent a part of!

What are you talking about? Do you mean the Misery Index/Divine Empire/Skinless/Dying Fetus show? I was there. silly pants.

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