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April 2nd Waltham's GRINDFEST 2004

[Mar 31,2004 11:15pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i know you were there... but you werent part of the hug =(
[Mar 31,2004 11:30pm - Terence ""]
I never give good hugs, sometimes I squeeze too hard! :P
[Mar 31,2004 11:36pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
He does give great hand jobs though
[Mar 31,2004 11:51pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
you must like the rough squeezing ;)
[Apr 1,2004 12:58am - XmikeX ""]
get a room.
[Apr 1,2004 1:08am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
you gonna be there hitting people?
[Apr 1,2004 8:02am - jake  ""]
spalding, i think i'll be there tonight...

[Apr 1,2004 9:19am - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
OK final line up.
waltham's GRINDFEST 2004


If any other band would rather headline be my guest but if not thats the final line up. hope to see alot of ppl there

NOTE: if possible ALL bands Need to be there by 730. thanks
[Apr 1,2004 10:30am - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
due to short notice what weapons bring war will not be playing hirudinea you guys can open if you want..........yes i knwo this si the most un-organized show but hey what can you do.....
[Apr 1,2004 10:35am - anonymous  ""]
if hirudenia plays i'll go
[Apr 1,2004 12:35pm - bump  ""]
bump.everyone do the bump
[Apr 1,2004 12:51pm - joostin ""]
bump said:bump.everyone do the bump

the peter griffen bump...
[Apr 1,2004 3:08pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I would go to see Hirudinea, if I can find a way to get there
[Apr 1,2004 3:08pm - tyagxgrind ""]
DysenteryVokills@school said:yeah...Devon (tyag i guess is working on Embrace today(becuase they will draw people) but does anyone ahve contact info for what weapons bring war?

it was an idea.
[Apr 1,2004 3:16pm - intricateprocess ""]
i thought the darkness was headlining, oh well
[Apr 1,2004 7:16pm - asian aaron  ""]
suspension of graces is now opening this show
[Apr 2,2004 12:58am - joostin ""]
get there at 7 jiggas
[Apr 2,2004 2:25am - XmikeX ""]
To all the metal kids at this show,

In advance lets get this out of the way. Just because Im throwing kicks in the same room as you does not mean I am trying to fight you. It doesn't mean I'm trying to insult your family. It doesn't mean I'm trying to punch and/or sleep with your girlfriend. I am going there to attempt to have a fun enjoyable time dancing for bands that I like that ENCOURAGE crowd reactions of the like. Don't be a jerk, and I won't be either.

a kid with short hair.
[Apr 2,2004 11:14am - jake  ""]

anyone know how big this place is?
[Apr 2,2004 11:15am - joostin ""]
doesn't matter.
place got flooded, and the show's cancelled
[Apr 2,2004 11:18am - todayistheday  ""]
damn that sucks
[Apr 2,2004 11:20am - tyagxgrind ""]
joostin said:doesn't matter.
place got flooded, and the show's cancelled

[Apr 2,2004 11:58am - jake  ""]
[Apr 2,2004 12:05pm - succubus ""]
seriously cancelled?
[Apr 2,2004 12:05pm - succubus ""]
it's too late for april fool's ya know
[Apr 2,2004 12:05pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
yes, the roof leaked like hell i guess.
[Apr 2,2004 12:44pm - Mike_FOD ""]
XmikeX said:To all the metal kids at this show,

In advance lets get this out of the way. Just because Im throwing kicks in the same room as you does not mean I am trying to fight you. It doesn't mean I'm trying to insult your family. It doesn't mean I'm trying to punch and/or sleep with your girlfriend. I am going there to attempt to have a fun enjoyable time dancing for bands that I like that ENCOURAGE crowd reactions of the like. Don't be a jerk, and I won't be either.

a kid with short hair.

There's what? Two death metal bands on this entire line up? I'm sure the ratio of bury your dead fans to actual metal fans will be staggering
[Apr 2,2004 1:19pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
yes... me and this kid Doug are the only two metal fans in Waltham with long hair that actually go to shows.
[Apr 2,2004 1:21pm - anonymous  ""]
so this is not happening?
[Apr 2,2004 1:23pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
no, its not.
[Apr 2,2004 1:28pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
ah fuck. should have went to work today. thats gay. stupid rain.
[Apr 2,2004 5:11pm - jesus ""]
:bartmoon: lame
[Apr 2,2004 5:45pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I was gonna go too, 3 days of Hirudinea would have been awesome.
[Apr 2,2004 6:09pm - Terence ""]
what the FUCK

I got out of work early today, for the sole reason of going to this show.
[Apr 2,2004 6:23pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
3 shows that i know of got cancelled today, the waltham show, this kids band that i know's show, and then the bills bar show.
[Apr 2,2004 7:03pm - Terence ""]
[Apr 2,2004 7:05pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
yeah... i hate it... im definitely joining a less extreme "artsy" band thats really good so i can always have a bunch of people come to my shows
[Apr 3,2004 12:03am - the_reverend ""]
the chopping block roof was leaking yesterday too
[Apr 16,2004 2:37pm - TRUe  ""]
You fucking fag,saying your the only true metalhead who goes to shows in waltham, nice try
[Apr 16,2004 5:59pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
TRUe said:You fucking fag,saying your the only true metalhead who goes to shows in waltham, nice try

glad to see your reading comprehension skills are up to par... i said that me and Doug are the only two metal kids in waltham WITH LONG HAIR that go to shows. its not really that hard to understand such a simple string of basic words. and not once in that sentence were the words "true" or even "tr00" mentioned, so I have no idea where you finagled that one from... but yeah... "nice try" =)
[Apr 16,2004 6:06pm - the_reverend ""]
I meant o'briens roof.

and spaldino, you know that read comprehension is NOT a prerequisit for this site.
[Apr 16,2004 6:07pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
the_reverend said:

and spaldino, you know that read comprehension is NOT a prerequisitE***** for this site.

i can tell ;)
[Apr 16,2004 6:07pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Remember: Kill, Destroy, Think.
[Apr 16,2004 6:08pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
oh yeahhhhh... it all makes sense now

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