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looking to start black metal band

[Nov 10,2010 10:03pm - erostratus  ""]
Moved from Missouri a few months ago. Play guitar, bass, can do vocals. Influences include Wolves in the Throne Room, Weakling, Shining, Leviathan and Woe. Reply if interested and I'll give info.
[Nov 10,2010 10:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
got any samples?
[Nov 10,2010 11:04pm - nekronaut ""]
I do vocals, if you are looking for additional help let me know.. have one band I focus on but trying to start a few other things, (edit: retard speak before was retarded and due to being drunk, didn't phrase propely, thus sounding pompous and like an asshole) but always looking to have some fun with other projects..
[Nov 11,2010 12:07am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I do vocals but am not interested in any of your influences, let's sound like Neutron Hammer.
[Nov 11,2010 12:18am - LPCustom  ""]
I'm black, but don't like metal.
[Nov 11,2010 12:25am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I'm joining right now, we're called Nigger Faggot, the end
[Nov 11,2010 1:02am - burnsy ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:I'm joining right now, we're called Nigger Faggot, the end

I heard what you said.
[Nov 11,2010 1:15am - erostratus  ""]
I have a really really rough cut, done through a microphone on a headset, before I had a few parts written. No lyrics, pretty much the entire song is improv. Much tighter now, though I still don't know if anyone would like it.
[Nov 11,2010 1:17am - W3 nli  ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:I'm joining right now, we're called Nigger Faggot, the end

weird the best sludge band ever formed was Nigger Jew
[Nov 11,2010 1:23am - erostratus  ""]
Especially the part at 1:58. Fucking awful.
[Nov 11,2010 7:39am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Black metal? sounds more like mlack betal to me.

[Nov 11,2010 8:12am - arilliusbm ""]
listen man, post anything you got. I had sexual relations with bedroom black metal in the past, so I'll give you my honest opinion on what you got. No need to be ashamed- there's people that would start something with you
[Nov 11,2010 8:19am - escape_artist ""]
I'm interested...
[Nov 11,2010 8:22am - Slag NLI  ""]

arilliusbm said:"black metal is dead"
[Nov 11,2010 8:25am - arilliusbm ""]

Slag%20NLI said:Black metal? BLACK METAL!? Fuck that shit. Only Loess is real.
[Nov 11,2010 8:36am - Slag NLI  ""]
Black Metal is dead. Long live the Black Metal. Meet the new Black Metal, same as the old Black Metal.
[Nov 11,2010 8:43am - arilliusbm ""]
I would argue to my grave that MUSIC is dead. Everything has possibly been done... Except bluegrass black metal.
[Nov 11,2010 8:48am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

arilliusbm said:I would argue to my grave that MUSIC is dead. Everything has possibly been done... Except bluegrass black metal.

What about Flamenco black metal?
[Nov 11,2010 8:50am - Slag NLI  ""]
I always disagree that very point. I would say, an open mind would be receptive to the fact there are certain things that have not yet been imagined. It's akin to saying, "well, I know there is not a 4th or 5th dimension as I cannot see it." There are some things that yet still lie outside of the current unconscious state of being that society dwells in. There are things (IMHO) that we have yet to pull from the well of creativity.
[Nov 11,2010 8:54am - Bisque and the Biscuits NLI  ""]
Only Nigger Black Metal is real.
[Nov 11,2010 9:02am - arilliusbm ""]
Things that borrow styles and blend them or whole 'new' sounds? They did debut a new instrument recently..
[Nov 11,2010 9:38am - reimroc ""]
opinions are like assholes. aril has 10000000 orifices that shoot poop.
[Nov 11,2010 9:49am - arilliusbm ""]
only being an argumentative lawyer online is real
[Nov 11,2010 9:56am - reimroc ""]
if i wasnt being lazy right now i would totally shop some boston legal picture with images of aril and funny black metal memes to go with what you just said.
[Nov 11,2010 9:57am - SkinSandwich ""]
Looking to stop black metal band.
[Nov 11,2010 10:01am - reimroc ""]
[Nov 11,2010 11:26am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
what be a "anon"

can't triforce
[Nov 11,2010 2:27pm - erostratus  ""]
Going to get some of the better recordings off my laptop and make a compilation....and yes, I can triforce. Newfags.
[Nov 11,2010 2:32pm - Former Governor Mike Huckabee (R - Arkansas)  ""]
I'll play bass for your band. Are you open to playing Christian Black Metal or "White Metal" as they call it?
[Nov 11,2010 2:33pm - Bisque and the Biscuits NLI  ""]
I've read here that if you like Woe, you are fag. Is this true?
[Nov 11,2010 3:37pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Nigger Faggot just released their debut EP

Download here
[Nov 11,2010 4:20pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
why do you only site hipster BM bands as influences? Though I do love Dead As Dreams....
[Nov 11,2010 4:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
Oh shit. Shining went hipster?
[Nov 11,2010 4:44pm - erostratus  ""]
Weakling, Woe, and Shining are hipster? And who gives a shit if they sound good? Just listed bands most people would be familiar with to give a better idea of my style of playing.
[Nov 11,2010 4:53pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Weaking...have you seen those douches? i heard they were a joke too...

Shining aren't...Woe...eh?
[Nov 11,2010 4:53pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I'm also referring to their fans...
[Nov 11,2010 4:56pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
drop it...im a douche and i'm aware of it. sorry.

start a good BM band, honestly...I'm all for good local black metal
[Nov 11,2010 5:01pm - xmikex ""]

erostratus said:Moved from Missouri a few months ago. Play guitar, bass, can do vocals. Influences include Wolves in the Throne Room, Weakling, Shining, Leviathan and Woe. Reply if interested and I'll give info.

I like all of the above mentioned bands and support this guy starting a band.
[Nov 11,2010 5:07pm - Mutis ""]
Sounds good to me. Needs moar corpse paint though.
[Nov 11,2010 6:03pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I wish hipsters would embrace my douchey band. they have money to spend and hipster broads are dope.
[Nov 11,2010 6:20pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Nov 11,2010 6:20pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
they by die hard releases and then sell them on ebay after the trend ends
[Nov 11,2010 6:21pm - nekronaut ""]
Never stop the madnesssssssssssssssssssssssniff
[Nov 11,2010 6:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Nov 11,2010 7:00pm - goatcatalyst ""]
If I join we have to be NSBM, K?
[Nov 11,2010 7:17pm - nekronaut ""]
Only Cymophane Records is real hate.
[Nov 11,2010 7:20pm - SICK FUCK II  ""]


[Nov 11,2010 7:28pm - Hollywood Hamtits  ""]
Aye haav pahchis oav awl thoaz bahndz! Wat dew thei sownd lyke?
[Nov 11,2010 7:41pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
hahah! ^^ you DICK
[Nov 12,2010 2:40pm - erostratus  ""]
Well, if anyone is still interested after the influx of beautiful trannies, give me your email and ill send some samples.

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