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What song is stuck in your head right this second?

[Jul 20,2007 8:50pm - Seth/Hekseri  ""]
[Jul 20,2007 8:52pm - Seth/Hekseri  ""]
Sorry I meant "Pussy" by Lords of Acid
[Jul 20,2007 9:43pm - detazathoth ""]
chocolate rainnnnnnnn
[Jul 21,2007 10:25am - hungtableed  ""]
"fuck it, suck it or leave it alone. fuck your 8th grade handjobs I can do on my own"

-the handjob protest song
[Jul 22,2007 12:51am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Falkenbach - "...When Gjallarhorn Will Sound"


Metallica covering Diamondhead - "Helpless"
[Jul 22,2007 11:34am - dreadkill ""]
chocolate rain here too
[Jul 22,2007 11:38am - metalguy ""]
Song That Never Ends - Lamb Chops Play Along
[Jul 22,2007 4:04pm - brad weymouth  ""]
lord of the thighs-arrowsmith
[Jul 22,2007 10:41pm - Fuck Logging In  ""]
jesus said:spiderpig spiderpig
does whatever a spiderpig does

[Jul 22,2007 10:46pm - RichHorror ""]
In the name of metal, in the name of mosh
The hordes of evil gather for a bash
Joining all together to explode as one
The moshing pit is where to we all run
We love the horror metal we love the sound of mosh
We love the crunching riffs that defines thrash
The amps are on full power the drums being to pound
The night of metal madness has arrived
You wanna mosh? Then mosh!
You wanna thrash? Go ahead and thrash!

METAL METAL METAL! Metal moshing mad
METAL METAL! Metal moshing mad
METAL METAL! Metal moshing mad
Metal moshing mad

In the name of Freddy, four fingers in the air
Get into the mosh pit if you dare
Feel the power rising, adrenaline exploding
Be sure to see us when we're on the road!
You wanna mosh? Then mosh!
You wanna thrash? Go ahead and thrash!

[Chorus x2]
I wanna see you mosh for the cause
See you bang your head
It's all madness anyway
And you're...
Metal moshing mad [x5]

[Chorus x2]

METAL... Mad!
[Jul 22,2007 10:49pm - badsneakers ""]
new presley tunes I have been recording for two days
[Jul 23,2007 12:42am - infect sli sli sli  ""]
driller killer;
[Jul 23,2007 9:27am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Metallica - "One" (Can you tell I'm on a Metallica kick, right now?)
[Sep 21,2009 9:40am - boblovesmusic ""]
going back and forth between "And It Stoned Me" by Van Morrison and music from Jurassic Park, specifically the scene where the helicopter is approaching Jurassic Park island and there's that really epic music. You know what I'm talking about.
[Sep 21,2009 10:00am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
More than a Feeling
[Sep 21,2009 10:17am - the_reverend ""]

[Sep 21,2009 10:20am - aril  ""]
The Starwars Cantina song. Then again, this has constantly been playing in my head since childhood.
[Sep 21,2009 10:20am - boblovesmusic ""]
now it's "Believe In Love" by Scorpions
[Sep 21,2009 10:23am - blue ""]
Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
[Sep 21,2009 10:29am - Yeti ""]
Transylvanian Hunger. surprisingly its not Chemical Plant Zone, that plays continuously in my head.
[Sep 21,2009 10:54am - SkinSandwich ""]
Vagina full of vomit
[Sep 21,2009 11:01am - timma ""]
It's log, log, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood!

It's log, log, it's better than bad--it's good!
[Sep 21,2009 11:03am - aril  ""]
Don't whiz on the electric fence
[Sep 21,2009 11:22am - fishcakes ""]
spongebob squarepants
[Sep 21,2009 11:24am - boblovesmusic ""]
Love Bites by Def Leppard
[Sep 21,2009 11:26am - IvoryandSteel ""]
"Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. Been watching season 6 of Sopranos lately.
[Oct 29,2009 4:40pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Strangly enough, I have HYEO's I Live With Kings stuck in my head.
[Oct 29,2009 4:48pm - KPanzer  ""]
NIK KERSHAW-Wouldn't It Be Good?
It showed up at the end of an 'Extras' episode i was watching Monday night and I've had it up on youtube ever since.
[Oct 29,2009 4:53pm - demondave ""]
Americon by Slayer ....

but then I saw Boblovesmusic list Love Bites by Def Leppard

and now I have Judas Priest's love bites in my head.

[Oct 29,2009 4:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

thanks to dave maggot
[Oct 29,2009 5:59pm - Blue ""]
iron maiden - sun and steel
[Oct 29,2009 9:48pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Blue said:iron maiden - sun and steel

great song

Alice in Chains-private hell

lately it's either She-Wolf by Shakira or that Party song by Miley Cyrus
[Oct 29,2009 9:53pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Shut up woman get on my horse.

I wish it were a joke.
[Oct 29,2009 11:25pm - ShadowSD ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
Blue said:iron maiden - sun and steel

great song

Alice in Chains-private hell

lately it's either She-Wolf by Shakira or that Party song by Miley Cyrus

Shakira covered Megadeth?
[Oct 29,2009 11:43pm - Nash/Nli  ""]
Blank File- Sonata Arctica
[Oct 29,2009 11:58pm - aril fapping at ralphs i  ""]
Hey Nick what's going on
[Oct 30,2009 10:34am - Yeti ""]
the Tom & Jerry theme song
[Oct 30,2009 10:40am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 30,2009 10:41am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 30,2009 10:41am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 30,2009 10:42am - boblovesmusic ""]
fuck, now I have that stuck in my head too...
[Oct 30,2009 10:43am - boblovesmusic ""]
plus "A Beautiful Start To The End Of The World" by the Clan Destined
[Oct 30,2009 10:49am - aril fapping at ralphs i  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:WE BUILT THIS CITY

[Oct 30,2009 10:54am - ark w/ muscle spasms  ""]

the_reverend said:one of the songs from agalloch's the mantle.

In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion gives me an erection every time
[Oct 30,2009 10:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

aril%20fapping%20at%20ralphs%20i said:
FuckIsMySignature said:WE BUILT THIS CITY


doesnt stop it from being stuck in my head

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