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Eyehategod- Nachtmystium - Howl - COA - INTHESHIT June 15th @ Rockos

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Jun 11,2010 1:31pm - xmikex ""]
I give respect to CNV for having the balls to walk away from this show the minute it started to turn sour. Write it down: June 11th, 2010 the day Dave cemented himself into the role of Lord Poser.
[Jun 11,2010 1:31pm - RichHorror ""]
Unsurprising result is unsurprising. Rocko's should hire TNT Security while they're at it.
[Jun 11,2010 1:34pm - DreadKill ""]

RichHorror said:Rocko's should hire TNT Security while they're at it.
i hear they're dy-no-mite!
[Jun 11,2010 1:38pm - RichHorror ""]

xmikex said:I give respect to CNV for having the balls to walk away from this show the minute it started to turn sour. Write it down: June 11th, 2010 the day Dave cemented himself into the role of Lord Poser.

Nah, it happened long before today.
[Jun 11,2010 1:49pm - xgodzillax ""]
[Jun 11,2010 1:56pm - Robing ""]
sean can i get a ride.
[Jun 11,2010 1:56pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 11,2010 1:56pm - Robing ""]
I need a ride.
[Jun 11,2010 2:10pm - blue ""]
Glad I got us off this shitstorm early. Proof positive that New England Concerts is a plague to music.
[Jun 11,2010 2:31pm - Pissed Off Owl  ""]
[Jun 11,2010 6:17pm - Pires ""]
Ah yes. The classic "dental plan, Lisa needs braces agrument".
[Jun 11,2010 6:35pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

I'm gonna be pissed if NH just stops having shows altogether. It's really retarded how selfish and greedy people are and I can't believe these assholes are still in fucking business. I wanna punch the owner of NEC in the face until he drinks his own blood.
[Jun 11,2010 6:49pm - Lamp ""]
New Hampshire could definitely use a solid DIY booking agent... seems like nothing but absolutely worthless shit going on up in that state. Too bad really.
[Jun 11,2010 7:16pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
It's not even a booking agent I'm worried about. Are we gonna have enough venues that will take on bigger shows or shows at all for that matter?
[Jun 11,2010 7:28pm - Lamp ""]
The bigger shows, who cares really. Does New Hampshire ever have basement shows? I've never heard of one happening.
[Jun 11,2010 7:31pm - the_reverend ""]
ive been to tons of nh basement shows that are completely disgusting and dangerous. that makes them fun. the one thing is that if you hear about them then they arent happening for long cause the venues will get shut down.
[Jun 11,2010 7:32pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
They should happen more often. I'd like to see a resurgence of DIY shows and stuff happen around here. I personally don't have any resources to start this but it would be cool to see.
[Jun 11,2010 7:33pm - the_reverend ""]
the aviary still has shows.
[Jun 11,2010 7:37pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I thought Alex stopped doing those? Maybe it was just the punk shows.
[Jun 11,2010 7:40pm - the_reverend ""]
i keep seeing dates there pop up.
[Jun 11,2010 8:48pm - Kevord ""]
Wow this is a pile of bullshit. I should have known better then to buy a ticket to a show in NH. Now I have to try to go to Club Hell.
[Jun 12,2010 12:48am - Kevord ""]
I know that some people who post on RTTP know the guys from Nachtmystium. I wonder if we could get them to play a show here on Tuesday for whatever the door cover is. Maybe even Eyehategod. I bet Anchors Up would book it last minute.
[Jun 12,2010 1:12am - xgodzillax ""]
kev, your money will be refunded. its in our merch box right now.
[Jun 12,2010 1:15am - Kevord ""]
Don't worry about the money man. I know you guys got screwed. Just send me a XL black logo INTHESHIT shirt and we'll call it even.
[Jun 12,2010 1:19am - xgodzillax ""]
word, will do dude!
[Jun 12,2010 4:34am - keynotecompany ""]

Lamp said:New Hampshire could definitely use a solid DIY booking agent... seems like nothing but absolutely worthless shit going on up in that state. Too bad really.

NHBooking is back up and running now.
No tickets and $5-$10 shows - wants most to be $5.
Currently looking for bands to fill slots on already booked shows.
They are doing a lot of the bands that were at Rockos, but I'm sure they'd be open to other ideas in the upcoming months/future.
Check them out.
[Jun 12,2010 6:48am - anonymous  ""]
NHB sucks - the dude running it is just as bad as NEC, he says $5.00 shows and no tickets. Actually half of them are $10 and $12 and my band is selling tickets to one of them.
[Jun 13,2010 1:17pm - duff138  ""]
How did this show get canceled and the D.R.I. didn't? strange. still can't believe this is not happening.
[Jun 13,2010 2:06pm - DreadKill ""]

Kevord said:I know that some people who post on RTTP know the guys from Nachtmystium. I wonder if we could get them to play a show here on Tuesday for whatever the door cover is. Maybe even Eyehategod. I bet Anchors Up would book it last minute.
[Jun 13,2010 3:00pm - xmikex ""]

duff138 said:How did this show get canceled and the D.R.I. didn't? strange. still can't believe this is not happening.

Believe it.
[Jun 13,2010 3:19pm - Rocko‘s  ""]
haha so funny. I cant beleive that you actually took the time and went on my facebook page and found this!

[Jun 13,2010 3:21pm - xmikex ""]

Rocko‘s said:haha so funny. I cant beleive that you actually took the time and went on my facebook page and found this!

gonna be even funnier when it's on the new Intheshit shirts. lolololol
[Jun 13,2010 11:04pm - xgodzillax ""]

xmikex said:[img]

dude looks like a baby toucher, just sayin..
[Jun 14,2010 2:21pm - fuckNHshows  ""]
dude i have a friend who works the scene a bit, and im told the "ehg" show was bailed on by the bands @ Rockos because presales were low, and it was a door deal, and they were not going to play. I fucking hate all the promoter fags in this whole area, b ut it sounds to me this one is not on the fucks of NEC... Im going to the Vital Remains show there Friday night, as long thats still going on. Havent been there since the supposedly fixed the shit whole up
[Jun 14,2010 2:27pm - FAPUCHINO  ""]

xgodzillax said:
xmikex said:[img]


[Jun 14,2010 2:29pm - fuckNHshows  ""]
NH BOOKING SUCKS EVEN MORE THAN MILLYS & ROCKOS. ALL that little fuck does is says how he is changing the scene and he does exactly what the otheres du. this little fuck is worse because he hides behind it. $5 shows. yea right, i checked his stupid page out and seen $12 shows for a fucking local show, who the fuck is and then there were none anyways, didnt they go fag or somthing. also that little shit fuck promoter got fired from wall mart, how do you get fired from wal mart, and on top of that his own fiance girl slut friend left him for another woman, shit he made her go gay
[Jun 14,2010 3:20pm - xgodzillax ""]
No, dave and bernie didn't wanna have to pay the tour cost outta pocket, hense why bands had to sell tickets..

Fuck both dave AND bernie
[Jun 14,2010 3:27pm - FAPMASTER RAY  ""]


[Jun 14,2010 3:41pm - Jerry LOLer  ""]

fuckNHshows said:dude i have a friend who works the scene a bit, and im told the "ehg" show was bailed on by the bands @ Rockos because presales were low, and it was a door deal, and they were not going to play. I fucking hate all the promoter fags in this whole area, b ut it sounds to me this one is not on the fucks of NEC... Im going to the Vital Remains show there Friday night, as long thats still going on. Havent been there since the supposedly fixed the shit whole up

Gee, I wonder why pre-sales were low. Maybe it had something to do with the bait and switch tactics the promoters used that sketched out all the local bands and wiped out the lineup a month before the show. Maybe it had something to do with the promoters fucking around with the lineup up until a couple weeks before the show. MAYYYBE it had something to do with the fact that the tour was hitting other spots in New England with way bigger names on the bill.
[Jun 14,2010 3:49pm - xmikex ""]
[Jun 14,2010 4:25pm - eyehategod  ""]
Eyahategod is not playing tomorrow. Stop posting this faggot
[Jun 14,2010 5:36pm - xmikex ""]
[Jun 16,2010 12:53am - xmikex ""]

eyehategod said:Eyahategod is not playing tomorrow. Stop posting this faggot

[Jun 16,2010 12:56am - im logged in  ""]
who promotes for NEC and if they do such a shitty job why do bands continue to sign on to play for them?
[Jun 16,2010 12:59am - Lamp ""]
Because the world is full of people who are as gullible and clueless as the day is long.
[Jun 16,2010 2:27pm - Tuskunga nli  ""]

Lamp said:Because the world is full of people who are as gullible and clueless as the day is long.

Forever true statement.

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