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David Myatt Forms new Band 'Opposing Digits'. 2

[Dec 14,2010 12:35pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Do you have her email address? You could PM it to me. Discreet
[Dec 14,2010 12:44pm - anonymous  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Do you have her email address? You could PM it to me
nah sorry mate i don't but i guess if you joined the o9a you might be able to get hold of her ;)
anyone else here know the address?? or can someone pass on the message?
[Dec 14,2010 12:48pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Good looks, hoss.
[Dec 14,2010 1:02pm - anonymoussey  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Do you have her email address?

I guess you try and PM the gal as she runs the following account

[Dec 14,2010 3:13pm - needtohump ""]

anonymous said:If Myatt has so much support,
hey turdface - you run away every time your lies are exposed, and never reply to questions asked of you.
No doubt like the coward and obsessive idiot dwarf you are, you'll ignore all the evidence presented which discredits
all your lies, and just repost your lies and links to your own hate sites.
Pleasant dreams now, you mofo, and mind
the demons don't get you
while you sleep
[Dec 14,2010 3:25pm - CALZONE GESTAPO  ""]

anonymoussey said:
goatcatalyst said:Do you have her email address?

I guess you try and PM the gal as she runs the following account


Thank you but have you seen what brands of boots she wears? Shit ain't gotta be Italian but I can't be wasting my time on a bitch who shops at Payless.
[Dec 14,2010 3:36pm - CALZONE GESTAPO  ""]
Guess that cat's out of the bag
[Dec 14,2010 4:53pm - bigpileofhate  ""]

anonymous said:Even the dumbest of people ought to have caught by now that David Myatt is a police informer and a data thief
hey cunt features! do you seriously think anyone gives a shit about what your post about dave myatt?
No way! for if he's ONA, then he's only following his own sinister way - terror, hacking, threats. So fucking what? Evil genius at work!
way to go! myatt's the man.
great job, cunt features - hype the man. build the icon.
[Dec 14,2010 5:08pm - needtohump ""]

anonymous said:David Myatt - Satanist, Neo-Nazi and phony Muslim
So what?
What's your point? That a satanist is using mundanes and having fun and maybe making a few bucks
from ID fraud and getting others to commit acts of terror?
Big fucking deal! Not.
So what if he's a satanist? So what if he's pretending to be a muslim?
So what if he's a hacker and steals IDs and makes a good living and gets to hump a lot 'cos he
can afford a great class of gals?
your just a jealous SoB!
Why - he's even got a stalker, in you!
Have stalker - must be cool.
[Dec 15,2010 1:04pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
ITT: heartfelt myatt worship
[Dec 15,2010 1:27pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Our benevolent shepherd.
[Dec 16,2010 3:36am - anonymous  ""]
All the 'anonymous' people on here could publish their names and addresses.

David Myatt could publish his name and address.

Might be cowards have something in common.
[Dec 16,2010 3:43am - David Mouse  ""]
"and getting others to commit acts of terror?
Big fucking deal! Not."

Big man......but can't quite face the bereaved relatives in person?

Publish your address and photo.

Are you mundane?




[Dec 16,2010 10:38am - Dave Shamed  ""]
"In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king."

For decades David Myatt has exploited the fact that the only support he can get is from people of 'low academic achievement'. Most of these individuals are not privileged to live the life of an idler. They have to earn a living and do not have time to study Classical Greek. So without the education to check the quality of Myatt's translation work, his few ill-informed followers are tricked into believing David Myatt is an intellectual giant.

When well educated people scrutinize Myatt's work the lie is exposed. David Myatt has an average to poor grasp of Classical Greek and appears to be muddled about the writers intended meaning.


So pasting up a few lines of poorly translated Sophocles to impress your dim nazi friends, isn't the same as being a Professor of Classical Greek on the faculty of a recognized university, is it Dave?

David Myatt is a dilettante, which explains why none of his translations appear in volumes distributed by academic publishing houses. This same pattern of mediocrity applies to Myatt's fake biographer 'Julie Wright'. 'She' has no track record as an academic, is not employed as a member of the faculty staff on any university and has no published academic work.



For more on Myatt's 'failure to thrive' .
[Dec 16,2010 10:40am - Anon  ""]
You speak nonsense. All David Myatt knows is a cackle of cocksuckery. He especially loves the skeezy greezy greek dick.
[Dec 16,2010 1:12pm - anonymous  ""]
Hero worship is a wonderful thing, but poor David Myatt has to write all his own puff pieces, which are of course, all lies.

Outside Myatt's cosy fantasy world of self aggrandizement, cold reality awaits.

From Cowards, Sickos and Weirdos

"David Myatt is both sick and weird: his far-right activities go back to the late 1960s, through the British Movement and into Combat 18. He was also close to Victor Norris, a convicted paedophile. Myatt was also a Satanist and has changed religion several times. He is currently a Muslim. This kind of boat jumping is common in fascism when people get dissatisfied with the tiny groupings and move to another one, start their own or drop out. This frequent realignment creates mistrust on the far right and accusations of being a splitter, a ‘red’ or an informant are rarely far behind."


Google Group Discussion On David Myatt:
"............perhaps his intelligence has been so twisted by his hopeless rage that he does indeed believe that God Almighty wants what he, David, wants. I honestly think he borders on insanity."

"He is a sad character though. The very portrayal of a wasted life."

"His discussion pattern does indicate a constructed reality. He cannot (or is unwilling to) engage in a discussion on a variety of topics because he doesn't like the optics created by his generalities. This is common with INSANE people."


Previous associate of David Myatt:



[Dec 16,2010 1:14pm - anonymous  ""]


[Dec 16,2010 2:50pm - anonymous  ""]

Dave%20Shamed said:.
http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/162292...-incest-in-myatt-translation?page=1 .

You quote from some post on the Net from someone who admits he doesn't know Greek?
You just hate Myatt and are jealous of him and stand stand the fact that he's a genius and that his Greek translations are used by High Schools and universities.
Myatt rated a mention in the prestigious Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities (Summer, 1996) where his translation of Sophocles was quoted. Not to mention a transaltion of his was also quoted in the equally prestiguous
The Lancet (Neurology), Volume 1, Issue 3, July 2002

His Greek translations are used by Ball State University, and New York Uni, among others. His Sappho trasnaltions are adored by Sapphic ladies and others (check out Σαπφώ, η 10η Μούσα for example). Some appeared in the New England published literary MiPOesias Magazine (Sept 2004) and in many other literary zines, worldwide. They were featured in a book used by the Universidad Nur (in Bolivia). Check out - Gary Daher Canedo: Safo y Catulo: poesía amorosa de la antigüedad, Universidad Nur, 2005. Also used by Die Universität Basel (listed under Übersetzungen)

The Philosophy depart of Virgina Tech use his Sophocles translations.

Blah blah blah
[Dec 16,2010 2:54pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:http://truthisnowherenearmydickbrain.blogspot.com
OK let's play repost the links game then




[Dec 16,2010 2:55pm - anonymous  ""]


[Dec 16,2010 3:06pm - anonymous  ""]
Why doesn't the MOAC answer the question about Ben Coes - former White House to two US presidents - knowing about Myatt and his work??
[Dec 16,2010 3:09pm - anonymous  ""]

David%20Mouse said:Publish your address and photo.
OK - but you've got to post YOURS as well!

No?? No suprise there then. All mouth, no trousers, even less balls. Heck you too cowardly even to PM your name and address!
[Dec 16,2010 3:16pm - funwiththemoac  ""]

Dave%20Shamed said:'She' has no track record as an academic, is not employed as a member of the faculty staff on any university and has no published academic work.
Try harder next term. Maybe you should what professor Wistrich did - some real research minus the internet. He found her!
Hey ever thought that that name be a "pen name"? Do you even know what a pen name is?
Do you even know why someone as eminent as Wistrich and an anti-Myatt group like "Searchlight" trust her as a source?
Hey, maybe she's Jewish! What a mindfuck that is - for you!
[Dec 16,2010 3:18pm - cull-the-moac  ""]
We'e all waiting for you, MOAC -
Why doesn't the MOAC answer the question about Ben Coes - former White House aide to two US presidents - knowing about Myatt and his work??
[Dec 16,2010 3:22pm - yeah-cull-the-moac  ""]

anonymous said:Myatt's a genius

It's official! According to a reliable source - a Professor at the Uni of North Virginia - Myatt has an IQ of 187, which makes him a genius.
Source - Professor Michael, George. (2006) The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right. University Press of Kansas
[Dec 16,2010 3:33pm - demonheart  ""]

Dave%20Shamed said:Myatt's 'failure to thrive' .
Myatt more popular than ever, you twat.

Now let's see - and this is per day, mind - hits for Myatt and ONA on wikipedia, 200.
Hits on ONA blog, 200, and on WSA blog 90
Hits on ONA website 1,000
Hits on Myatt's own website 200
Hits on Ms Wrights Myatt site 100

That's, what (and my math ain't that good), nearly two thousand hits a day for people curious about or interested in Myatt and his works - and on only the above sites.

That - what? - well over a half a million per year (more like near three quarters of a million hits, but I'll err on the side of caution). Are you jealous, already? Even if we halve that number, it's - what? - a quarter of a million!

[Dec 16,2010 6:18pm - blue-eyed-geek  ""]

Dave%20Shamed said:When well educated people
well educated? The guy you quote can't even read ancient Greek!
Why, he can't even understand what Myatt wrote, which is, in full,

"v.981-2: This is one of the crucial lines in understanding how Sophocles - and the Greeks themselves - viewed what we call the 'incest' of Oedipus with his mother (the Greeks had no word for 'incest'). On a first reading of the Greek text, it gives the impression that what is meant is: "many are the mortals who already - in dreams also - have lain with their mothers..." That is, while it is disrespectful and a disgrace, it is nothing to seriously concern oneself with.

Of course, this is far too 'amoral' for most translators and scholars to even consider, and so the line is taken as meaning: "many are the mortals who in dreams (and also in prophecies) have lain with their mothers..." This sense is rather strained, and not apparent on first reading the Greek.

However, if moral Christianized abstractions are not read into the Oedipus Tyrannus - as nearly all previous translators have done, often from laziness and sometimes from misunderstanding what the Greek means - then what emerges, if for purpose of argument we accept the above interpretation, is that the incest may not be that important. Thus, what concerns Oedipus most is his killing of his father - all he says about the incest is that he "should not" have slept with his mother and it is disrespectful (for example, qv. v.1184f and v.1441). What has brought about the plague which is devastating the clan of Thebes, is the killing of Laius. Furthermore, the offender has not given tributes to the gods to clean his hands of the bloodstain (qv. v.1445 - which is often overlooked or misinterpreted). That is, the pollution caused by the killing has not been purified by offerings to the gods - and thus the offender has offended the gods."

No doubt you'll now spend another days trawling the net for anyone anywhere who can't understand Myatt or doesn't like him.

[Dec 16,2010 10:32pm - conservationist ""]
[Dec 17,2010 12:27am - goatcatalyst ""]
Death to False Myatt
[Dec 17,2010 12:59am - Garth Algar  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Death to False Myatt

Isnt't that right Mr. Scream
[Dec 17,2010 1:58am - dark-eyed-greek  ""]
[Dec 17,2010 12:03pm - goatcatalyst ""]
only Secular Myattarianism is real
[Dec 20,2010 6:57am - Anonymous  ""]





"Try harder next term. Maybe you should what professor Wistrich did - some real research minus the internet. He found her! "

1) Publish the reference that proves 'Julie Wright', is a real academic with real academic work from a recognized publisher, outside of the internet.

2) Publish the reference which links the pen name 'Julie Wright' with a recognized working academic.

Nobody on RTTP would be stupid enough to believe David Myatt, so the 'support' is from multiple accounts controlled by David Myatt.

Very sad.
[Dec 20,2010 9:29am - hunt-the-moac-down  ""]

Anonymous said:
1) Publish the reference that proves 'Julie Wright', is a real academic

Do you own leg work, fuckface

Anonymous said: so the 'support' is from multiple accounts controlled by David Myatt.


You're saying Myatt is Ben Coes?? HAHAHA!
[Dec 20,2010 9:31am - badgerdown  ""]

Anonymous said: so the 'support' is from multiple accounts controlled by David Myatt.

[Dec 20,2010 9:33am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Dec 20,2010 9:33am - repostlinkstroll  ""]
[Dec 20,2010 9:35am - anonymous  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:[img]
Yep - MOAC and anti-MOAC are one person
[Dec 20,2010 9:47am - anonymous  ""]
[img]Anton Long c 1910
[img]Anton Long c 2010
Images of Anton Long
[Dec 20,2010 12:14pm - needtohump ""]
We've renamed the MOAC "turd-features"!
or should that be diminutive hate-filled turd-features?
[Jan 22,2011 7:21pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Bump for reverence on bended knee
[Jan 22,2011 7:33pm - Pires ""]
We've made the big time fellas!!!



[Jan 22,2011 8:16pm - nekronaut ""]
All for the glory of Myatt.
[Jan 22,2011 10:00pm - goatcatalyst ""]
The manifold pleasantries of the numinous way.
[Jan 23,2011 1:46am - Randy_Marsh ""]
hell yeah, we got sum myatt in this bitch!
[Jan 23,2011 10:23am - goatcatalyst ""]
If Myatt were an ice cream flavor it would surely be an austere refinement of pistachio sans nuts and devoid of artificial coloring

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