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Blasphemous Art

[Jul 30,2004 11:36pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jul 30,2004 11:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Shit! Just click the broken pic if you cant see it.

...Damn it!
[Jul 30,2004 11:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jul 31,2004 12:09am - swamplorddvm ""]

ok this should do it.

[Jul 31,2004 12:46am - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jul 31,2004 3:11am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
wow... thats very mature!
[Jul 31,2004 2:20pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Define maturity, oh wise one.
[Jul 31,2004 3:37pm - Jellyfish ""]
[Jul 31,2004 5:46pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jul 31,2004 5:46pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jul 31,2004 5:53pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jul 31,2004 6:01pm - Jellyfish ""]
looks like this kid who works at big y, only gayer.
[Jul 31,2004 8:25pm - Abbath ""]
very true to the true black fagtal
[Jul 31,2004 8:58pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
swamplorddvm said:Define maturity, oh wise one.

anyone that is vehemently anti-christian or satanic or whatever is a fucking moron or is just being too immature to realize that they are acting like a total fucktard. anyone that thinks satanic stuff is super awesome neato cool, and i mean seriously thinks its boss, needs to grow up or just sort of, not be so stupid. being super spooky evil is gay, being a prissy mormon-esque nerd is gay. doing things specifically because you think its super extreme and that it will offend church goers is gay. you can like what you like, but keep it to yourself. no need to be so flamboyantly open about it. im not saying that i think you are like that at all, im just saying i cant stand troglodytic behavior like that. its gay and childish. i totally disagree with it all. and im not even going to comment on your lamely sarcastic jab torwards me because to be completely honest: 1. I'm more intelligent than you are and I'm younger than you. 2. I am beyond all of this "OMG!!! WHO IS THE BEST PERSON IN METAL EVER@!!!@" crap. all it does is just create a problematic atmosphere where people piss and moan about who they THINK is better. it isnt so hard to realize things like that. I am also beyond the whole "look at me! Im so damn metal!" schtick. i dont need to act super metal to know that i am more metal than most people i know. being metal is about enjoying all metal and genres beyond those. scenes are gay, this thread is gay, and i completely hate metal fans. adieu
[Jul 31,2004 9:16pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Never said anything about who the best person in metal.
I find Satanic thing humorous BACAUSE they are so rediculous. Why the hell do you think alot of those bands hyou listen to have those covers?
You may be more intelligent than me, BUT youre still an ass. and Im smarter. probably, cant say cause we havent done any sort of actual test. and way to assume that Im rying to be dark and what not.
Dude, Have fun in life before you die. Try to grow up too fast and you'll just regret it.
[Jul 31,2004 9:18pm - hoser ""]
I fart and poop merely for pleasure.
[Jul 31,2004 9:19pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Oh and My somewhat "anti-christian" views (before I got into Metal) are personal. But you probably wouldnt understant.
[Jul 31,2004 9:34pm - hoser ""]
I fart and poop merely for pleasure.
[Jul 31,2004 9:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yes pooping AND farting can feel rather good at times.
[Jul 31,2004 9:46pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
swamplorddvm said:Never said anything about who the best person in metal.

look on the first page and then again a few pages back and then again a few more pages back. your "who is the best" threads pollute this board like a putrid stench plagues shit.

and Im smarter.

get ready for this one...

I find Satanic thing humorous...



man I wish i was making that stuff up...

and way to assume that Im rying to be dark and what not.

read my post again Einstein, i said that i wasnt saying that you were trying to be all dark and satanic. amazing reading comprehension skills from someone that is "smarter than me"

Dude, Have fun in life before you die. Try to grow up too fast and you'll just regret it.

the funny thing about this post, is that i knew you were going to say something exactly like that at the end. its like you're Dr Phil... nah... i wouldnt give you that... more like Jerry Springer during his "insightful" final word monologue crap. man, hahaha.
[Jul 31,2004 9:59pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Oops misspellings god forbid.!
spelling is a matter of intelligent. not smarts. ass.
I dont think I'M more "metal". never said that sorry.
and I sticking with my last comment. Don't try to grow up too fast. You knew I might say that cause you probably know how obvious it is. I hate people who about people not being "mature".
Thank you and good day to you.

[Jul 31,2004 10:06pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i mean... i totally understand the whole premise of "intelligence is different than smarts" concept that you are clinging onto... but seriously, that doesnt amount to shit. i also enjoy your lack of proper grammar, just proves my point more. im not growing up too fast... everyone knows that. besides.. im only an ass to people that stupid, make/say stupid things (and are serious about them), are blatantly immature, are complete scumbags. since you're so smart, figure out why you think im an ass torwards you, based on the list i provided and then correct that/those qualities and then BAM... i wont be an ass =)
[Jul 31,2004 10:14pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Simple, You assume stupid shit. and the ass comment is simply an insult, humans do sometimes. No not just stupid or dumb people. just People.
[Jul 31,2004 10:44pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
swamplorddvm said:Simple, You assume stupid shit. and the ass comment is simply an insult, humans do sometimes. No not just stupid or dumb people. just People.

assuming is something someone does when he or she lacks knowledge on a certain topic or situation. i was going by what i saw and what i have come to know. it was a little opinionated, sure, but it was an educated opinion. anyways... allow me to own you again...

notice how you just said that i was assuming stupid shit. now, notice that in 90% of my posts, i insult things. i never have a problem with people tossing insults. so now we have about 3 things here that i will bring up to spite you.

1. you ASSUMED that i think insults are lame or whatever. way to be hypocritical!

2. you assumed, or rather, made a slanderous comment about my total person. that last thing people normally say about me is that im an ass. the only people that think im an ass are people i insult, again proving #1 more and also, negating your slanderous and overly weak insult.

3. you are not one that should try to get into any sort of mental debacle with anyone over the age of 16. you arent that smart, you definitely arent smarter than i am (which ties into me being more intelligent). and you cant even keep a solid defense.

im sorry, but im just stating facts here based on what i have taken in and come to understand and what i have come to understand is that you're mediocre at best. im not trying to be an ass, im not desperately trying to be the big cheese around here, im just standing up and defending the greater logic. im also sorry if you cant comprehend half of this, because that would pretty much defeat the whole purpose of this, but whatever... im just going to ASSUME that you can understand.
[Jul 31,2004 11:02pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm to tired for this and I dodn't want to waste my last few weeks on this planet arguing with you. You own no one. Sorry. We don't get along cause our Humor differs. not greatly but enough. Sorry we couldnt get along better.
So... peace! Hail Satan! and keep it Metal!
[Jul 31,2004 11:05pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
hahahaha, that was weak man, that last post alone, totally showcases that i owned you. try again next time, you might do better. =)
[Jul 31,2004 11:06pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Aug 1,2004 4:01am - intricateprocess ""]
[Aug 1,2004 4:15am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
swamplorddvm said:No

why the crap did you edit that post? that is lame.
[Aug 1,2004 5:35am - swamplorddvm ""]
some stuff I didnt need to write. So I got rid of it.
[Aug 1,2004 1:26pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
no, you added to it... you didnt get rid of anything. the same message is still in the middle of the post. "you own no one. sorry." thats what i replied to, and then you added stuff onto the end and the beginning. man, you cant even lie right...
[Aug 1,2004 7:51pm - christraper ""]
swamplorddvm said:[img]

how do i get this girls phone number?
[Aug 1,2004 8:25pm - swamplorddvm ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:no, you added to it... you didnt get rid of anything. the same message is still in the middle of the post. "you own no one. sorry." thats what i replied to, and then you added stuff onto the end and the beginning. man, you cant even lie right...

Do you see what I see? Do avoid what I see? I'm sorry.
[Aug 1,2004 9:28pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
you dont even know what you are talking about. just give up trying to defend yourself. you cant do it at all. you made a post that said "you own no one. sorry." i replied with the "that was weak..." post... you then said "no" i replied to that asking why you edited that "you own no one" post. you then proceeded to lie and said that you got rid of somethings when in fact you just added a bunch of other things. that isnt getting rid of anything. im sorry man, but you completely made yourself look a moron throughout this entire thread.
[Aug 1,2004 9:35pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:you dont even know what you are talking about. just give up trying to defend yourself. you cant do it at all. you made a post that said "you own no one. sorry." i replied with the "that was weak..." post... you then said "no" i replied to that asking why you edited that "you own no one" post. you then proceeded to lie and said that you got rid of somethings when in fact you just added a bunch of other things. that isnt getting rid of anything. im sorry man, but you completely made yourself look a moron throughout this entire thread.

why dont you shut your fucking face, Im sick of online fights its pointless. I dont see whats more mature the picture which was actually kind of funny or you trying to badmouth it and totally annoy me. Sometimes people just need to keep their mouth shut.. in your case spaldino yours should be shut most of the time. I personally don't care if you beg to differ because I dont know you in the least, Its just your attitude which craps on everyone that pisses me off. :gun:
[Aug 1,2004 10:22pm - dread_104 ""]
swamplorddvm said:I dodn't want to waste my last few weeks on this planet arguing with you.

anyone else catch that? what does that mean?

[Aug 1,2004 10:28pm - christraper ""]
it means hes only gonna be on this planet a few more weeks. and if this is the case then what the hell is he doing sitting in front of a computer?
[Aug 1,2004 10:32pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Hahahah well actualy its sortof complicated. so just ignore that melo-dramic crap. I'm on the comp cause I'm feeling lazy and tired.
[Aug 1,2004 10:33pm - dread_104 ""]
i figured that much, but why? is it disease, a cry for help, clairvoyance?
[Aug 1,2004 10:37pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Aug 1,2004 10:45pm - dread_104 ""]
what is in store for me? wait, don't answer that.
[Aug 1,2004 10:49pm - swamplorddvm ""]
dread_104 said:what is in store for me? wait, don't answer that.

hhhhhmmmmmmm..... You will take a dump and feel better aftewards.
[Aug 1,2004 10:51pm - dugoxistance  ""]
[Aug 1,2004 10:52pm - swamplorddvm ""]
HAHAHAHAHA yeah I was thinking about that the whole time.
[Aug 2,2004 12:34am - Abbath ""]
swamplorddvm said:[img]

i was thinking about this picture all day and it was making me so pissed off
[Aug 2,2004 1:21am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
The_ExhumeD said:


if my posts piss you off, then dont read them. if arguing online is as pointless as you say it is, then tossing in your two cents is just as equally pointless, therefore making you a hypocrite. so if thats the case, then this board is almost completely pointless. its the internet, you have the freedom to use it how you see fit. whining about how people piss you off when they post is how you chose to use the internet and thats fine. i gave my opinion on something, and golly gee, that is just as fine as your cyber pampers shitting. he tried to say that he was smarter than me and i completely ripped him apart and proved him wrong, again, thats my freedom to do so. its not my fault that you wanted to read this whole thread. you chose to do so and thats fine... but you cant knock on me for doing what i wanted to do... im not knocking on you for being a pansy about my posts because you obviously chose to do so. so yes, you should understand such basic concepts, as they are not so advanced. =)

(oh and my telling you not to read my posts was a suggestion. it was not an imperative statement that would contradict myself... so you or anyone else can throw trying to mention something about that right out the window)
[Aug 2,2004 2:06am - hoser ""]
I was wondering if anyone would toss my salad for a minimal fee...?
[Aug 2,2004 2:07am - hoser ""]
How about just a little rub on my junk?
[Aug 2,2004 2:09am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
give me a couple rodeo burgers and you have yourself a deal =)
[Aug 2,2004 2:19am - hoser ""]
Gotta love that BBQ taste!!
[Aug 2,2004 9:05am - RustedAngel ""]
adam, what the hell is wrong with you? lol.

most of the bands you listen to are all into blasphemous art, lyrics, and the 'look'... I don't understand why you're bothered by this thread so much like it offends you or something. did you find jesus?
[Aug 2,2004 2:02pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
RustedAngel said:adam, what the hell is wrong with you? lol.

most of the bands you listen to are all into blasphemous art, lyrics, and the 'look'... I don't understand why you're bothered by this thread so much like it offends you or something. did you find jesus?

doesnt mean that i enjoy the band for their views and lyrics. in most metal i dont care about the vocals at all, therefore the lyrics are also tuned out. they make good metal, thats all that matters. infact, i always mock bands like that, especially black metal, deicide, and vital remains. great music, gay ideas. im atheist... i just think the whole "im evil because christians hate it" schtick is gay. this thread didnt offend me, i just thought it was gay, especially the mspaint drawings. so childish.
[Aug 2,2004 2:32pm - succubus ""]
wrong thread whoops...
[Aug 2,2004 2:48pm - RustedAngel ""]
yeah, well I enjoy being immature, I thought the mspaint drawings were amusing. I don't think he's trying to get a rise out of anyone, but just trying to make people laugh. It worked for me.

besides, I thought the point of extreme music was to be evil, even if it's not seriously preached outside of a band. It goes along with the music better than if someone was singing about love, what do you expect?
I'm an athiest, though I think some satanic concepts are neat. I hate organized religion, and anything that pisses them off is okay with me.
[Aug 2,2004 3:32pm - CNV  ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:RustedAngel said:adam, what the hell is wrong with you? lol.

most of the bands you listen to are all into blasphemous art, lyrics, and the 'look'... I don't understand why you're bothered by this thread so much like it offends you or something. did you find jesus?

doesnt mean that i enjoy the band for their views and lyrics. in most metal i dont care about the vocals at all, therefore the lyrics are also tuned out. they make good metal, thats all that matters. infact, i always mock bands like that, especially black metal, deicide, and vital remains. great music, gay ideas. im atheist... i just think the whole "im evil because christians hate it" schtick is gay. this thread didnt offend me, i just thought it was gay, especially the mspaint drawings. so childish.

Ok, so because your an atheist Vital Remains ideas are gay? What should Deicide , Vital Remains, Dark Throne, etc. be about then? The aesthetic adds to the depth of the band and makes Deicide fucking Deicide...I don't think it's evil for evil's sake, these bands are all probably very much into the occult and darkside which I think is great...I personally relate to the nihilism, misanthropy, and occult type stuff that is Black Metal, you either get it or ya don't...
[Aug 2,2004 3:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
okay, power metal artwork is far gayer, as well as the lyrics, yet they are amusing and I still listen to the band.

I can take evil music more seriously though, dragons and rainbows I cannot.

[Aug 2,2004 3:44pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
anyone with common will decree that satanism is gay. because if you believe in satan, you obviously believe in christianity, which in turn means that you believe that God is all powerful and all knowing. but no, some people dont get that far into the theory. "satan will kill god" and stuff like that... which is obviously untrue, assuming that you believe in this stuff, because if you do, you know that God totally owned Satan. its all bullshit. i never said that they cant be about what they want to be... its their image and their muse... and i enjoy their music, not their ideals. you need to assuming that you know what i am talking about and understand what i am saying instead. reading something and interpreting it for yoursel;f as opposed to actually getting the message are two different things. no where in my previous post did i say that deicide and vital remains should change their image or anything like that. again, i must stress that reading comprehension is imperative for getting the most out of the internet.

and RA... i am often referred to as immature and i enjoy immature humor... but those pictures werent funny. they wouldnt have been funny if someone im close to drew them and they wouldnt be funny if the funniest man alive drew them. granted that i find the sagging beefcurtains humorous, but thats only because i make jokes about them quite a bit.
[Aug 2,2004 4:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:anyone with common will decree that satanism is gay. because if you believe in satan, you obviously believe in christianity, which in turn means that you believe that God is all powerful and all knowing. but no, some people dont get that far into the theory. "satan will kill god" and stuff like that... which is obviously untrue, assuming that you believe in this stuff, because if you do, you know that God totally owned Satan. its all bullshit. i never said that they cant be about what they want to be... its their image and their muse... and i enjoy their music, not their ideals. you need to assuming that you know what i am talking about and understand what i am saying instead. reading something and interpreting it for yoursel;f as opposed to actually getting the message are two different things. no where in my previous post did i say that deicide and vital remains should change their image or anything like that. again, i must stress that reading comprehension is imperative for getting the most out of the internet.

and RA... i am often referred to as immature and i enjoy immature humor... but those pictures werent funny. they wouldnt have been funny if someone im close to drew them and they wouldnt be funny if the funniest man alive drew them. granted that i find the sagging beefcurtains humorous, but thats only because i make jokes about them quite a bit.

adam you seriously need to take a chill pill, cause it seems like you're getting all offended that people dig occultism...I think religion is bullshit and I'll promote anything that rivals it, yeah I know christianity 'exists', do I agree with it? no... Do I believe the bullshit that christians believe, no? So why couldn't I believe that Evil is the superior power if I wanted too?

Either way, dissing what metal is based around (EVIL) on a metal fuckin board, is just wrong all in itself. Also insulting everyone's intelligence is pretty old.

Those illustrations weren't funny to you.. okay, don't laugh at them and go about your buisness I guess, but basically you sound like a whiney christian (though you're not).

You're free to believe what you want. Let the blasphemous artwork continue.......

[Aug 2,2004 4:08pm - succubus ""]
my 2 cents:
i thought the pics were lame (no offense SWPlord)

and like adam said above if you are athiest...then no jesus no beast

i didn't read what everyone wrote so i'm only commenting on a few things

personally i'm not really into all that satanic crap, there are a few bands i like that sing about that stuff...but for the most part, i don't bother, just not my thing

for the record, i also would not label myself atheist
[Aug 2,2004 4:12pm - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:

and like adam said above if you are athiest...then no jesus no beast

I guess, but I'd prefer rocking out to satanic music than jesus music. It appeals to me more.
[Aug 2,2004 4:16pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Aug 2,2004 4:18pm - dugoxistance  ""]
When did this become Return to the Soapbox?
[Aug 2,2004 4:25pm - ArrowHead ""]

Christianity and Satanism are spawned from the SAME RELIGION. It's like saying Judaism is anti-christian. They all believe in the same god, the same creation, and the same books with the exception of one.

According to the bible, Lucifer was cast out of heaven after a disagreement with God. After creating the world and the Angels, (who loved all of creation and were happy to have it), God created humans, showed them favor, and gave them the run of the place, restricting the angels to heaven. Lucifer argued with god, saying that humans were weak, selfish, un-appreciative creatures who did not deserve the glory that god granted them. God did not tolerate his most powerful angel's insubordination, and the argument led to an all out war of angels against angels. Once defeated (somewhat), Lucifer and the angels who supported him were cast from heaven.

This is important, because according to your the bible, the apocalypse will see the return of Jesus, this time as the lion- not the lamb. Also, it will see the coming of the anti-christ, a human spawn of the Devil that is about Jesus' equal. All those who accept christ as thier savior will be accepted into god's favor, while those who don't will be shunned. The war between the angels will be resumed (as it was never finished), with Jesus and the Antichrist leading opposing factions. The bible goes on to say that humanity will be wiped out, and implies (depending how you read into it, and weather you accept the predictions in the dead sea scrolls) that all of creation will likely be wiped out in the process.

So here's the point: Christians, Jews, etc... believe that god is correct, that humans are devine creation, and that we fulfill the potential god gave us. Satanists believe the devil is right, and that we're weak, selfish, and unappreciative of what god has given us and that the angels should have instead been allowed to remain here. My question would have to be, Which side do you agree with? Honestly.

Remember, the final apocalypse will have only one winning faction, and the last great war almost wiped out all of heaven. In the time that has passes since, the two sides have grown and developed. Who will win, and what side are you on? In all honesty, satanism is somewhat foolish since no matter what if the devil wins humanity will be wiped out permanently, or at least restricted from access to the world. However, does this make the devils opinion invalid?

I just thought I'd throw this out here. I hate it when people just assume satanic and Hot Topic are synonymous. If you're interested in learning more about this stuff, check out the book of Revelations, Genesis, and any info you can find on the Dead Sea Scrolls. You might also want to run a search on Nostradamus, as many of his prophecies were regarding the coming of the antichrist and the apocalypse.

By the way, just to make it clear, I'm a fucking athiest. I just make it a point to know the view from every window in the house I live in.
[Aug 2,2004 4:37pm - RustedAngel ""]

what he said... well done.
[Aug 2,2004 4:42pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
RustedAngel said:

adam you seriously need to take a chill pill, cause it seems like you're getting all offended that people dig occultism...I think religion is bullshit and I'll promote anything that rivals it, yeah I know christianity 'exists', do I agree with it? no... Do I believe the bullshit that christians believe, no? So why couldn't I believe that Evil is the superior power if I wanted too?

Those illustrations weren't funny to you.. okay, don't laugh at them and go about your buisness I guess, but basically you sound like a whiney christian (though you're not).

You're free to believe what you want. Let the blasphemous artwork continue.......


i did not say that you couldnt believe in evil stuff... but again, if you believe in hell and Lucifer and what not... then you definitely know that God is superior. its a fact. God created Lucifer, The Devil, and shot him down to hell... not once, but twice. im just saying, that if you believe in satanism, then you're rooting for the losing team. also, i dont listen to metal for its lyrics, be it power metal, black metal, death metal, doom metal... unless a band actually has good lyrics that are well written and that illustrate a good point. im not getting offended by any of this. everytime i post something that is over a paragraph long, people think im all pissed off or something. its quite the contrary. im being well mannered and very timid right now. there is no anger. there is no vehemence. there is no nihilty. i am very content (all though sort of depressed, but hey, shit happens) with my whole demeanor at this very moment.

i think that the whole picking on Christians thing is cliche and most of the things i have heard about Christians that make them seem like the bad guy are generally false. i know a lot of religious people and they are great people that dont try to force anything onto me. my best friends mother teaches sunday school and she is a nice woman (all be it sometimes out of the loop with how things are now-a-days) but she is awesome and normally has a smile on her face. same goes with her grandfather who seems to be more so religious than her mother. again, he is a sweet guy and unless he is concentrating on something, i never seem him without a smile. i jsut cant take the whole "bash the religion" crap anymore. most of the arguments that these people have against religion is totally defunct. they dont have the right idea about it and they are thoroughly ignorant. will back up well thought out, calm, well mannered people over nihilistic, savagery anyday. so you hate christianity? big deal. read a bible or do some research on it first, then decide if you really hate it. its sickening how ignorant people can be.

there is nothing more important than intelligence. without it, we would all still be troglodytes. intelligence is everything. you try living a few days without rational thought... its impossible. even if you are stupid... the fact that you have a little intelligence means you do what you like to do, or talk to people that you recognize as friends, and make purchases based on your "intelligent" decision to do so. anyone that says they dont care about intelligence, is a blatant hypocrite.
[Aug 2,2004 4:49pm - ArrowHead ""]
God is superior? God is god, dude. The source of life, energy, and all of creation. As far as might? Lucifer ended the war, not God. He ended the war because he loved God and all of creation, NOT because he was losing. Again, read some of the sources I listed, and do a little research. For one who is so proud of thier intellect, you seem to have closed your opinion at a pretty young age.

By the way, INTELLECT is a capacity to learn, not learning itself. There are many things more important than intellect, mainly WISDOM, which is the application of intellect. All living things (and some non-living, such as the classic example of fire) have intellects of varying degrees.
[Aug 2,2004 4:55pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
the wisdom thing is quite true... but it wouldnt do shit if you didnt have much intellect to apply, hence my point.
[Aug 2,2004 5:05pm - ArrowHead ""]
So who is wiser? A retard (someone with an i.q. of say, 40) who doesn't touch a hot stove when they cook because they touched one before and gained the wisdom not to do it again, or a genius (with an I.Q. of 160) who won't cook on the stove because they heard it can burn you?

That may be a bad example, but you get my point I hope. Intellect is a pretty useless measurement originally gauged to help understand people with learning disabilities. People of lesser intellect are still capapble of learning just as much, as long as they have the desire to do so. They just learn DIFFERENTLY. What sets us apart from other life is ration ability, you are correct there. However, Rationality is just an adaptive tool we used somewhere in our evolution. What truly makes humans unique is not out ability to interpret and learn about the things that directly affect us (this is again just our adaptive way of surviving) but is instead our desire to learn about and understand things which do NOT directly affect us. Humans have a curiosity and desire for progress that is unmatched in any other species.
[Aug 2,2004 5:16pm - RustedAngel ""]
haha pwn3d. give it up spaldino! <3

arrowhead seems to be not only 'smarter' but more intelligent than any of us, therefore he's right, and cooler. I'm not lying.
[Aug 2,2004 5:21pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
knowing more than someone else is advantageous. i believe that intelligence is very important and that everybody should embrace it and learn more. now we know that everyone has the capacity to take in massive amounts of information, but if someone is not as fast as someone else mentally, then they dont actually LEARN it. memorization and actual learning are two different things. if you learn something, you actually understand and know how to use that information correctly. memorization is only the abilty to recall what it something is if prompted. hence why the US public school system sucks. but a retard can be wise... but thats only by retard standards... a genius has more wisdom, realistically, than a simpleton (obviously wisdom increases exponentially as intelligence increases). it comes with all of that knowledge. there is no way someone can learn so many thing and not be wise. there are a lot of other things that can corrupt someones mind and make them unwise, such as greed, lust, power, etc... but the base genius, totally unaffected by lack of morals and whatnot, is insanely wise by default. im starting to ramble so before i get into a bunch of other relevant, but boring things, ill quit here...
[Aug 2,2004 5:30pm - ArrowHead ""]
RustedAngel said:haha pwn3d. give it up spaldino! <3

arrowhead seems to be not only 'smarter' but more intelligent than any of us, therefore he's right, and cooler. I'm not lying.

Actually, Spaldino is about as intelligent as I am, if not more. That's why I like arguing with him. I just have about ten years on the kid. I'm sure he'll be just as knowledgeable as I am when he's my age, he's smart and seems like he must actively persue learning, but age is after all nothing but a measured and progressive battle with ego. As someone once said, "with age comes wisdom."

[Aug 2,2004 5:33pm - ArrowHead ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said: there is no way someone can learn so many thing and not be wise.

Funny, Jesus thought that too. We turned him into teryaki.

[Aug 2,2004 5:36pm - Abbath ""]
this thread has gone from a severed head of christ gettting cummed one
from two guys having a cat fight, to a retard running, from hoser asking if anyone can toss his salad, to talking about how metal is gay because it bashes christians, which one is better "satan" or "god" , from how gay but awesome power metal is, to arrowhead finally stepping in and killing this thread, to a a battle about what's better wisdom or intellegents
[Aug 2,2004 5:44pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
ArrowHead said:
"with age comes wisdom."

well duh =P you have more time to understand things for what they truly are as opposed to what they seem to be. having experience is better than having no experience. thats just obvious =P
[Aug 2,2004 5:45pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Abbath said:this thread has gone from a severed head of christ gettting cummed one
from two guys having a cat fight, to a retard running, from hoser asking if anyone can toss his salad, to talking about how metal is gay because it bashes christians, which one is better "satan" or "god" , from how gay but awesome power metal is, to arrowhead finally stepping in and killing this thread, to a a battle about what's better wisdom or intellegents

yeah... we rule. B-)
[Aug 2,2004 5:57pm - tbone_r ""]
these intelligent debates are a lot more enjoyable to read than the 'metal is better than hardcore' debates that every other thread on this site morphs into

with that said, metal kids are faggots who take their shirts off and hug other dudes
[Aug 2,2004 6:06pm - Jellyfish ""]
[Aug 2,2004 7:29pm - ArrowHead ""]
tbone_r said:
metal kids are faggots

We wouldn't have to resort to gay sex if some women actually WENT to the SHOWS. The way I see it, I play, I'm a rockstar, I'm getting laid. When there's only 30 men there at the end of the night, what can you do? You just gotta bend Spaldino over.

[Aug 2,2004 7:51pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
from behind i look like a harry large chick
[Aug 2,2004 10:33pm - envelopeddisfiguration ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:The_ExhumeD said:


if my posts piss you off, then dont read them. if arguing online is as pointless as you say it is, then tossing in your two cents is just as equally pointless, therefore making you a hypocrite. so if thats the case, then this board is almost completely pointless. its the internet, you have the freedom to use it how you see fit. whining about how people piss you off when they post is how you chose to use the internet and thats fine. i gave my opinion on something, and golly gee, that is just as fine as your cyber pampers shitting. he tried to say that he was smarter than me and i completely ripped him apart and proved him wrong, again, thats my freedom to do so. its not my fault that you wanted to read this whole thread. you chose to do so and thats fine... but you cant knock on me for doing what i wanted to do... im not knocking on you for being a pansy about my posts because you obviously chose to do so. so yes, you should understand such basic concepts, as they are not so advanced. =)

(oh and my telling you not to read my posts was a suggestion. it was not an imperative statement that would contradict myself... so you or anyone else can throw trying to mention something about that right out the window)

I wasnt planning on trying to playcate you nor try to say you were contradicting yourself, and no I didnt read all your posts but seriously whos whining other than yourself maybe you can check back and look at the 10 posts you made trying to make someone look stupid... your a whiny bitch if anyone is. I also expect you to try to counterattack me with some half witted "Im smarted than you bullshit", but honestly save your words kid, because theres better things in life to do then make other people feel like shit.

[Aug 2,2004 10:38pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
envelopeddisfiguration said:

I wasnt planning on trying to playcate you nor try to say you were contradicting yourself, and no I didnt read all your posts but seriously whos whining other than yourself maybe you can check back and look at the 10 posts you made trying to make someone look stupid... your a whiny bitch if anyone is. I also expect you to try to counterattack me with some half witted "Im smarted than you bullshit", but honestly save your words kid, because theres better things in life to do then make other people feel like shit.

i beg to differ... people need to die. and at no point, in this entire thread, was i being whiny. so umm... im smarter than you.

[Aug 3,2004 3:29am - MyDeadDoll ""]
oh crap, when you see every other post is spaldino's, is it really a thread worth reading? it's a given that some arguing is going on...
[Aug 3,2004 7:04am - tbone_r ""]
arguing/debating posts would be fine if people didnt complain about people having their own opinions. it's the people who bitch about the people who bitch that annoy me

and spaldino is a badunkadunk
[Aug 3,2004 8:07am - RustedAngel ""]
okay 1, 2 fuck you...

back to the ART... POST AWAY.
[Aug 3,2004 4:02pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I will post more later. And just to make things clear. I am not a Satanist. I dont believe in god or anything. I just find this kinda shit funny bacause its so rediculous. If any one here is offeneded by this. Im sorry but if you listen to "satanic" metal and are offended by this or find these pics to be stupid. Toss all your band shirts and CDs away.

Hail Ave Satana!!!
[Aug 3,2004 4:32pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Aug 4,2004 5:14pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Aug 4,2004 5:38pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Aug 8,2004 4:04pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Aug 8,2004 4:08pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
oooooo... eEeEeEeEeville
[Aug 8,2004 4:16pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]

and the MOST Blasphemous picture ever... a group shot of the band Blasphemous!
[Aug 9,2004 11:53am - swamplorddvm ""]
Are they on some ride at disney world?
[Aug 9,2004 12:26pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Aug 9,2004 5:48pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
laveys a dork
[Aug 9,2004 6:16pm - Abbath ""]
dork is too kind of a word
[Aug 10,2004 2:43pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yet he's more of a "satanist" than mayhem or emperor will ever be.

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