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Hey! Remember when W said he'd be a unifying president?

[Nov 15,2005 12:04am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
"Some Democrats who voted to authorize the use of force are now rewriting the past," Bush said. "They're playing politics with this issue and they are sending mixed signals to our troops and the enemy. That is irresponsible."

Good job unifying!
[Nov 15,2005 12:31am - PatMeebles ""]
Maybe Bush just got sick and tired of the Democrats not accepting his outreach. He's been trying to unify for the past 5 years. Democrats just keep bitching about stuff that isn't true.
[Nov 15,2005 12:43am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
One time I was at Friendly's and I wanted a chocolate cone, but then I changed my mind and wanted a Reese's Pieces Sundae. The guy behind the counter got so mad when I rewrote ice cream history and got all in my face for sending mixed signals to Baskin Robbins and the crew in the kitchen.
[Nov 15,2005 12:46am - Al_Ravage ""]
When you are at friendlys you have to order "the wizard" there is no other ice cream.
[Nov 15,2005 12:48am - BornSoVile ""]
PatMeebles said:Democrats just keep bitching about stuff that isn't true.

You still think they have WMDs??
[Nov 15,2005 1:06am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
The fucking Friendly's menu tells me they have the Apple Cobler Sundae so I get excited every time I go. But when I go to order it the waitress bitch is always like "We just ran out."
[Nov 15,2005 1:38am - PatMeebles ""]
BornSoVile said:PatMeebles said:Democrats just keep bitching about stuff that isn't true.

You still think they have WMDs??

In between the spectrum of democrat reality and republican reality I honestly believe that Saddam was in the middle bracket, heading more towards the republican reality every chance he got.
[Nov 15,2005 2:07am - hugeblackweenerofdeath  ""]
democrats should LOVE bush... I mean look at all the stuff he's done:
-Added entire new branches of government
-Increased Government spending
-Centeralised the federal government and stripped the states rights

I mean, come on!! This is the kind of stuff that democrats think of when they jerk off.
[Nov 15,2005 2:15am - PatMeebles ""]
hugeblackweenerofdeath said:democrats should LOVE bush... I mean look at all the stuff he's done:
-Added entire new branches of government
-Increased Government spending
-Centeralised the federal government and stripped the states rights

I mean, come on!! This is the kind of stuff that democrats think of when they jerk off.

Not only that, but he spends money like a socialist! He's increased poverty entitlements by at least 30 percent, education by 50 percent, and pell grants by 30 percent(?). And they have the balls to say that Bush HATES the poor?!?!
[Nov 15,2005 9:03am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Why is it every time W says he'll do something, then either fails or goes back on his word 100%, someone has to rush in and make an excuse for him?

He said he's get the dems and GOP to agree and be as one, and they haven't. He didn't say "Hey guys, can you work together?" He said he'd unify, plain and simple. Didn't state under what circumstances.

He said he'd find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and he didn't.

He made a plan to eradicate terrorism (which is much like trying to exterminate "awesome" or "sleepiness"...how the fuck are you going to eliminate something that is loose in it's definition?) and of course that's never going to see the light of day.

At this point I feel like he could pull out his dick and start raping a chinese baby on national TV and still someone would defend his actions.
[Nov 15,2005 9:40am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
wow, why a chinese baby though
[Nov 15,2005 9:41am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Georgey don't like China much these days.
[Nov 15,2005 9:45am - slowlypeelingtheflesh nli  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:He made a plan to eradicate terrorism (which is much like trying to exterminate "awesome" or "sleepiness"...how the fuck are you going to eliminate something that is loose in it's definition?) and of course that's never going to see the light of day.

hahaha, thats so true there is some bullshit pro-Bush club on my campus all the time...they are so fucking stupid
[Nov 15,2005 10:12am - anonymous  ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh nli said:the_taste_of_cigarettes said:He made a plan to eradicate terrorism (which is much like trying to exterminate "awesome" or "sleepiness"...how the fuck are you going to eliminate something that is loose in it's definition?) and of course that's never going to see the light of day.

hahaha, thats so true there is some bullshit pro-Bush club on my campus all the time...they are so fucking stupid

I don't seem to recall him saying that he would actually eradicate it. His idea was always marginalizing it so much that it was completely useless and that there would be a worldwide rejection of it.

Also, if you say you're going to be a uniter, I don't think anyone's going to call you a bullshitter if the other side you're going to try to unite with is constantly throwing baseless allegations at you about lying, etc.
[Nov 15,2005 10:13am - Pat Meebles nli  ""]
woops, forgot to put my name in there
[Nov 15,2005 11:01am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
they'll call you a bullshitter if you start attacking one of the sides you want to unite, yes. See quote above.
[Nov 15,2005 11:11am - Josh_Martin ""]
PatMeebles said: Democrats just keep bitching about stuff that isn't true.

Oh, so he's really not trying to pack the court with christian goofballs who want to overturn Roe?

And the FDA, under W's watch, really isn't putting politics over science by blocking over the counter sales of the Morning After pill?

And he's really didn't lie through his teeth about why we're in Iraq?

And he really didn't just give the credit card companies a giant hand job by completely emasculating Chapter 7 protection?

I could go on but I'm not going to write a novel.

You can't be serous though. "stuff that isn't true"???? Gimme a fucking break, kid.

[Nov 15,2005 11:22am - litacore ""]

it's no use, Josh.
They have their minds made up about how the world works.
[Nov 15,2005 1:41pm - anonymous  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:they'll call you a bullshitter if you start attacking one of the sides you want to unite, yes. See quote above.

I say it's about fucking time. See quotes above.

Christian fundamentalists on the court? Did you know that Alito upheld abortion statutes that didn't involve the basis of Roe V. Wade and that John Roberts, as an attorney, argued on behalf of gay rights?
[Nov 15,2005 1:47pm - Pat Meebles nli  ""]
Damnit, I forgot my name again.

And on the issue of lying through his teeth about WMD's, I could also go on and on and on and on and on proving thathe didn't lie, but I'm not going to write a novel either.

Now, people say that, after 6 months of being able to clean up and after bribing UN weapons inspectors, the fact that he DID try to get uranium from Niger, and the fact that entire buildings have disappeared before the invasion, the fact that there's no actual nuke heads found (try finding the last beer keg in California, to get the idea of what that's like) somehow means that the exact opposite is true, and that Saddam had absolutely nothing happening in his country. I find it hilarious that people will tout this argument, then get pissed off at Christian Fascists who believe that, since we haven't found the missing link to prove that WE evolved from monkeys, that proves that God not only exists, but also created us. That's pretty hypocritical.
[Nov 15,2005 1:54pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'm not sure I follow you pat

You're saying it makes sense that the president said we have absolute proof beyond even the slightest shadow of a doubt -- incredibly tangible, real, and appropriate evidence that anyone else would believe the same way we do -- that Sadam has WMD, and then we show up and WOOPS! not even a trace of them having ever been there or ever having been transported to or from there... You're saying that's not deception or lying?
[Nov 15,2005 1:54pm - BSV  ""]
Conservatives are the cancer killing democracy. I love how they say folks on the left manipulate more, when clearly they have the track record of abusing power like this for years and years and years. Simply put they're the biggest liars and bullshit artists going, and are responsible for destroying the Golden Age of America more than anything else. Still they'll deny it, still they're to scared to admit it, still they keep making things worse.
I love how they constantly change reasoning of actions, he's not a hawk - he's a uniter, he's not a liar - he has more integrity than clinton, he's not a fuck up - he's a born again christian or whatever. The sad part is that they live inside the fictional reality and are too sheep like to stand up for themselves and the country.
[Nov 15,2005 1:55pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
and also he has not been able to back up why he made those claims in the first place? And we overstepped UN due-process and policies to do this...that's not even the least bit unnerving?
[Nov 15,2005 1:55pm - BSV  ""]
still pat, you need to clarify the actions of the president when he said he'd "unify" but has done nothing but pit each side against each.
[Nov 15,2005 1:56pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
wow, this is just sad...you surprise me Pat
[Nov 15,2005 1:57pm - BSV  ""]
oh course it's not unnerving, conservatives only care about money and themselves, it doesn't matter that Bush is assaulting the American people daily with lies, misinformation etc...nothing matters to them except money and heaven.
[Nov 15,2005 2:02pm - Josh_Martin ""]
anonymous said:the_taste_of_cigarettes said:they'll call you a bullshitter if you start attacking one of the sides you want to unite, yes. See quote above.

I say it's about fucking time. See quotes above.

Christian fundamentalists on the court? Did you know that Alito upheld abortion statutes that didn't involve the basis of Roe V. Wade and that John Roberts, as an attorney, argued on behalf of gay rights?

Isn't Alito the guy that W was forced to nominate when Asshole Whatshisface from the Christian Coalition said the broad he first tried to nominate didn't have a conservative enough track record?
Yeah, no nuts there.
[Nov 15,2005 2:05pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Pat Meebles nli said:Damnit, I forgot my name again.

And on the issue of lying through his teeth about WMD's, I could also go on and on and on and on and on proving thathe didn't lie, but I'm not going to write a novel either.

Now, people say that, after 6 months of being able to clean up and after bribing UN weapons inspectors, the fact that he DID try to get uranium from Niger, and the fact that entire buildings have disappeared before the invasion, the fact that there's no actual nuke heads found (try finding the last beer keg in California, to get the idea of what that's like) somehow means that the exact opposite is true, and that Saddam had absolutely nothing happening in his country. I find it hilarious that people will tout this argument, then get pissed off at Christian Fascists who believe that, since we haven't found the missing link to prove that WE evolved from monkeys, that proves that God not only exists, but also created us. That's pretty hypocritical.

I think I'll believe professional weapons inspectors before some kid on the RTTP board.

Regardless, I fully believe this war is just there to keep people too busy to notice the real crap Bush is ramming through congress.
Just look at this thread.

[Nov 15,2005 7:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
Josh_Martin said:
Regardless, I fully believe this war is just there to keep people too busy to notice the real crap Bush is ramming through congress.
Just look at this thread.

[Nov 15,2005 8:43pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Josh_Martin said:Pat Meebles nli said:Damnit, I forgot my name again.

And on the issue of lying through his teeth about WMD's, I could also go on and on and on and on and on proving thathe didn't lie, but I'm not going to write a novel either.

I think I'll believe professional weapons inspectors before some kid on the RTTP board.

I know, right? If you can go on and on to prove that Iraq was full of WMDs, go right ahead! The fact is that the failure to turn up WMDs DOES prove that, even if Saddam did have some WMDs, the administration exaggerated and blatantly lied in their claims that they knew exactly where to find the WMDs. It's not like they said "We think there are WMDs are and we're going to find them even if it takes us a few years." Their claim was more along the lines of "We know they have WMDs and exactly where we are, and as soon as the formality of a short military operation is complete, we will have our hands on all these materials."
[Nov 15,2005 10:25pm - PatMeebles ""]
Some of your accusations are just ridiculous. You want to criticize the intelligence, fine. I don't care. I'm not saying that because you can't prove without a shadow of a doubt that Saddam was innocent proves that he was completely guilty. I'm just not convinced that Saddam was anywhere near innocent on any crimes he was accused of, given the evidence from the past 12 years and his noncompliance with the UN leading up to March 2003. Will someone tell me where Bush said that they have the exact coordinates of stockpiles? You know, those things can be MOVED. If Bush said he'd find them in a specific part of the country, then that's stupid even from a pro-war stance.

Do I really have to pull up quotes from UN weapons inspectors? Hell, the UN inspectors believed that Salman Pak was a terrorist training ground, yet Bush didn't include that in the final resolution in Congress. This whole notion that Democrats who are against the war didn't have the same intelligence are ignoring the fact that the intel given to Bush was even more unnerving than what Congress had.

I also can't believe that it's still being argued that Bush sidestepped the UN. I bet none of you even knew that Bush not only went to the UN, but he also went to all the Arab countries offering a peaceful exile for Saddam. Nobody wanted it. Combine that with the fact that all the members on the UN security council who voted against invading (but they signed on resolution 1441, interestingly) were in Saddam's pocket (what war for what oil, now?), and the fact people still believe that Bush held up his proverbial middle finger to the rest of the world because he wanted nothing more than to kill people becomes more and more ridiculous.

By the way, how many Democrat bills has Bush vetoed? Anyone care to give me a number? No need, I already know the answer.

Look, I'm no Bush fanboy, but the more you level these kind of accusations against him, the more people like me feel obliged to defend him, and the less we have a chance to actually criticize him for real things done wrong. I'm guessing that if we didn't have to spend so much time going back to Iraq (already investigated by three independent commissions), we'd have spotted things like the FEMA debacle a mile away. Bush didn't win the election; Kerry lost.
[Nov 15,2005 10:27pm - PatMeebles ""]
By the way, if you actually paid attention to who Harriet Miers was, you'd realize that she was just unqualified in constitutional law, as everyone on the Judiciary Committee, including Democrats, easily saw.
[Nov 15,2005 10:41pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
PatMeebles said:By the way, if you actually paid attention to who Harriet Miers was, you'd realize that she was just unqualified in constitutional law, as everyone on the Judiciary Committee, including Democrats, easily saw.

Great point. So riddle me this: why didn't the president of the united states of america see that?

also has it occured to Bush that having all those investments in country several thousand miles away has made it so we can not properly focus money, military, and attention on our own country?
[Nov 15,2005 11:02pm - PatMeebles ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:PatMeebles said:By the way, if you actually paid attention to who Harriet Miers was, you'd realize that she was just unqualified in constitutional law, as everyone on the Judiciary Committee, including Democrats, easily saw.

Great point. So riddle me this: why didn't the president of the united states of america see that?

also has it occured to Bush that having all those investments in country several thousand miles away has made it so we can not properly focus money, military, and attention on our own country?

We can still do that. We have 60% of national guard strength, which was more than enough for NO post-Katrina.

I'd also like to make the point that Harriet Miers was highly recommended by Democrats. Maybe Bush nominated her so that, I don't know, the two parties would unite to support her. But, as nice a lady she was, she was just completely unqualified for the position.
[Nov 16,2005 1:35am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
umm republicians tore her to shit as well.
[Nov 16,2005 1:40am - PatMeebles ""]
Right, because she was unqualified. Everyone seems to think that Republicans only want Pat Robertson on the Supreme Court. But Ginsberg was approved almost unanimously, because she was still qualified. Miers was just a bad pick, recommended by the Democrats.
[Nov 16,2005 1:54am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
wow man, just fucking wow
[Nov 16,2005 2:08am - DJ Death  ""]
Life is one big chess game. Sometimes the easiest moves of the moment will lead to eventual demise. Haha Bush, Your lies are streaming out like the juice of a crushed apple. Democrats will not do any better. Lets just watch and see...
[Nov 17,2005 9:25am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I guess the problem I'm seeing here is the assumption that pointing out where Bush is an asshole somehow implies support for Democrats. There are plenty of Democrats that would've done more or less the same thing as Bush has, given the right inducement, and possibly even fucked it up as badly. And I'd be just as critical of them as I am of the curent gang of morons. But they're who we've got to blame at the moment, we have to wait a year or two before we can have somebody else to fuck it up for the rest of us.
[Nov 17,2005 10:01am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:I guess the problem I'm seeing here is the assumption that pointing out where Bush is an asshole somehow implies support for Democrats. There are plenty of Democrats that would've done more or less the same thing as Bush has, given the right inducement, and possibly even fucked it up as badly. And I'd be just as critical of them as I am of the curent gang of morons. But they're who we've got to blame at the moment, we have to wait a year or two before we can have somebody else to fuck it up for the rest of us.

oh I agree. But check it: Who was the "worthy" candidate in the last presidential election? Answer: No one as far as I can tell. We keep getting this bag of unqualified, non-representative of my day-to-day life candidates; with their money and their obscure use of etiquettes...they aren't the average joe. How do we vote for? No one?
[Nov 17,2005 10:32am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Abortion and Gay Marriage are the two biggest non-issues of all time. Republicans won't outright ban either of them because they'll lose the two things they use to snag Christian voters (I don't think tax breaks for the wealthy carry as much weight for Christians as who puts their dick where) If Democrats had power they wouldn't make Abortion and Gay Marriage unamendable articles in the Constitution because they'd lose the Gay and Women's vote.

You know what would be awesome, if people got as up in arms about healthcare or working conditions as they do about two guys fucking.
[Nov 17,2005 10:38am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
my two big issues right now are:

1) Cheap, affordable, effective health care
2) Cheap, affordable, clean housing conditions

where the fuck are either of these?
[Nov 17,2005 11:27am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
They need to lower the age of consent, like in half.
[Nov 17,2005 11:54am - anonymous  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:my two big issues right now are:

1) Cheap, affordable, effective health care
2) Cheap, affordable, clean housing conditions

where the fuck are either of these?

Health care is being ravaged by faulty lawsuits. If you look at statistics from each state, the states that put a cap on NON-economic damages (money not for reimbursement) have a lot more doctors per x population number (I forget what it is exactly). More doctors = lower costs in a competitive enviroment.
[Nov 17,2005 11:58am - Pat Meebles nli  ""]
Damnit, I keep forgetting to put my name when I post at school.

By the way, I'm pro-gay marriage and pretty pro-choice (the safe, but rare category). Even my friends who are Christian and against these things say that we need to set aside the social issues until after we're done with getting a good economic policy and foreign policy.
[Nov 17,2005 12:11pm - babyshaker ""]
i just wanna bring one thing up...sure i dont think saddam had wmd's but he did gas like a crazy number of kurds and for that he deserved to be taken from power.but i think bush went about it all wrong....i still think bush is a douche but i support the ousting of his regime
[Nov 17,2005 3:46pm - BSV  ""]
the whole notion about Saddam being a horrilbe injustice to the world is totally exagerated, don't get me wrong he's nasty and what not but there are worse people out there. it's not like we've never been friends with him, back during ronnie's term the republicans loved saddam, sold him weapons etc etc, i blame them for getting us involved in this matter.
if the republicans are so concerned about bringing justice to people being oppressed or whatever, why aren't we doing anything about North Korea??? that dude has a legimate Nuclear program and he's incredible brutal on everyone, lying about the famine that killed thousands, executing anyone who leaves NK, convincing the citizens they live in paradise so on and so forth.
If only the right could have more direction and a little less manipulation they could gain some respect but their behavior in general is appaling. what ever happened to the promises of good leadership??? corruption in washington is rampant, it's nothing new, but it's simply out of hand and it has nothing to do with bill clinton getting a blow job.
[Nov 17,2005 4:50pm - anonymous  ""]
BSV said:the whole notion about Saddam being a horrilbe injustice to the world is totally exagerated, don't get me wrong he's nasty and what not but there are worse people out there. it's not like we've never been friends with him, back during ronnie's term the republicans loved saddam, sold him weapons etc etc, i blame them for getting us involved in this matter.
if the republicans are so concerned about bringing justice to people being oppressed or whatever, why aren't we doing anything about North Korea??? that dude has a legimate Nuclear program and he's incredible brutal on everyone, lying about the famine that killed thousands, executing anyone who leaves NK, convincing the citizens they live in paradise so on and so forth.
If only the right could have more direction and a little less manipulation they could gain some respect but their behavior in general is appaling. what ever happened to the promises of good leadership??? corruption in washington is rampant, it's nothing new, but it's simply out of hand and it has nothing to do with bill clinton getting a blow job.

While North Korea is bad, Saddam was even worse. And right now, North Korea doesn't want any real trouble because they'd get China and Russia involved. But back to Saddam, he also starved his people, but he also invaded another country and used chemical and bio weapons in the past against his own people, which NK has not.

And to the whole "we were friends with him in the past." Yeah, I agree that's pretty fucked up. Washington was full of people who relied more on realism than idealism. However, while we sold him weapons, we never sold him nuclear reactors (which the French did) or heavy cache's of weapons (which the Russians did). We sold him dual use chemicals, which is still pretty fucked up. However, if you claim that by selling dual use chemicals, we sold Saddam chemical weapons, then you must also claim that the dual use chemicals we've found in Iraq so far (that's what the "insecticide" was) are also chemical weapons.
[Nov 17,2005 4:51pm - Pat Meebles is a dumbass  ""]
Damnit, I forgot my name again!
[Nov 17,2005 4:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Pat Meebles is a dumbass said:Damnit, I forgot my name again!

Sounds like you've been indulging in some "dual use chemicals", sir. :duffbeer:

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