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Kevorkian's Angels "Disorder is in Order" is the best damn album you fuckers never heard

[Jun 15,2010 2:33pm - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]

Two years later I finally got a copy from my brother John and it fucking slays just about everything that's come out of Massachusetts, ever, and I mean that with no exaggeration on my part.

Seems to be the absolute perfect culmination of the years they spent together as a band, as far as I can tell. The surfiness is still in there, but it's blended a lot more subtly with the thrashy/grindy insanity. Mark's vocals are ferocious. Seems like he learned to perfect the highscream during his time in Watchmaker. Nick nails that shouting scream that he has, the gang shouts sound huge, the drumming is Gillis at the best I've ever heard him...

and the RIFFS! Good fucking god, the RIFFS!

Brad and Mark and Nick are criminally underrated on their respective guitars and bass. Likewise with John on drums, even though he's been in every band you ever pretended to like whenever someone in an AC shirt said he liked your Today is the Day shirt at that Watchmaker show your boyfriend dragged you to.

You don't know what you're missing, both album-wise and live-wise.

I miss this band so damn much.

R.I.P. 2 years too little too late, to a truly unique band.


I am not a reviewer.

Ben Farley
[Jun 15,2010 2:37pm - boxxy ""]
that's sweet.
[Jun 15,2010 3:10pm - blue ""]
Still haven't heard this.
[Jun 15,2010 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
weird, i was just reading an interview with Jack Kevorkian yesterday and i though about this band.
[Jun 15,2010 3:56pm - C.dEAD  ""]
Tis true. This album kills. Shits hard on the first record. Miss these guys.
[Jun 15,2010 4:04pm - boxxy ""]
The drummer plays for hannaford and the heartstopers.
[Jun 15,2010 4:11pm - Fuck Loggin In  ""]
they were an awesome live band
[Jun 15,2010 10:02pm - anonymous  ""]
I'm the one who put the info up on metal-archives, got the CD from Mark and it rules
[Jun 15,2010 10:12pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

blue said:Still haven't heard this.

I gave you a cd at the last show numb nuts
[Jun 15,2010 10:16pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
ok, I have a blogspot thing i haven't done anything with. Which upload site should I use so I can give this shit away. Mark was supposed to get it distro'd out and instead got hooked on dope.

edit, i'm setting up a megaupload account and will be posting a blogspot thing by the end of the night. Thanks for the kind words Kadoogie
[Jun 16,2010 12:05am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
top-notch, duh
[Jun 16,2010 12:55am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
[Jun 16,2010 8:09am - boxxy ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:ok, I have a blogspot thing i haven't done anything with. Which upload site should I use so I can give this shit away. Mark was supposed to get it distro'd out and instead got hooked on dope.

edit, i'm setting up a megaupload account and will be posting a blogspot thing by the end of the night. Thanks for the kind words Kadoogie

drugs are bad.. mmmky
[Jun 16,2010 8:29am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
ok, here's direct links to download the shit one track at a time, i haven't figured out how to just have one link or how to efficiently use megaupload


I hope this works
[Jun 16,2010 8:33am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
ok, looks like it did. Sorry it's one track at a time, i'll figure out how to make it a folder later, gotta go to work.

This CD took 3 years to make, it was/is our masterpiece, our Reign in Blood if you will. It was truly a group effort. Mark was going to do his usual cat getting raped vocal style until we convinced him to be a little more manly, to great effect. Most songs were done in one take, except for Hilarity of Punctured skin, which took a million, funny since it's the slowest and should have been the easiest.

more on this later
[Jun 16,2010 8:34am - blue ""]
Brad, you definitely never gave me a copy. Now it don't matter though. Thanks for putting that shit up.
[Jun 16,2010 9:09am - Bradness NLI  ""]

blue said:Brad, you definitely never gave me a copy. Now it don't matter though. Thanks for putting that shit up.

[Jun 16,2010 9:53am - ouchdrummer ""]
your "Reign in Blood" huh? bold statement.
[Jun 16,2010 10:29am - duff138  ""]
Here's a rapidshare link with them all zipped. If for some reason you guys want me to take it down let me now. Just figured it might be easier for some people.
Heard of Kervokian's Angel, but had never actually heard them. This sounds real good to me.

[Jun 16,2010 10:44am - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]

ouchdrummer said:your "Reign in Blood" huh? bold statement.

I think he means relatively, which is why he said "our Reign in Blood", not "the world's new Reign in Blood".
[Jun 16,2010 10:46am - ouchdrummer ""]
yeah dude, i get it. it's still a bold statement.
[Jun 16,2010 11:06am - Captain Obvious  ""]
ITT: egos and more egos
[Jun 16,2010 11:26am - ouchdrummer ""]

Captain%20Obvious said:ITT: egos and more egos

i wasn't even saying that the statement was wrong, or unwarranted. I just said bold. RIB was to Slayer a record that did more than just step up the music, it attracted much more attention, it had much better recording, To make a statement like that speaks to leaps and bounds of advancement from their other stuff.... and like i said, i don't think it's incorrect, but definitely bold.
[Jun 16,2010 12:42pm - bradness so totally at work  ""]

ouchdrummer said:
Captain%20Obvious said:ITT: egos and more egos

i wasn't even saying that the statement was wrong, or unwarranted. I just said bold. RIB was to Slayer a record that did more than just step up the music, it attracted much more attention, it had much better recording, To make a statement like that speaks to leaps and bounds of advancement from their other stuff.... and like i said, i don't think it's incorrect, but definitely bold.

indeed, it is a bold statement. But it is leaps and bounds above our previous album both in content and recording. I don't think we broke the mold or did anything all that new, though i'd like to hear a metal band have surf influences like we did.

as far as whoever zipped it and rapidshared it, thank you. I tried doing that but only had about 5 minutes to attepmt it this morning. Leave it up!
[Jun 16,2010 2:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]
bold is good.
[Jun 16,2010 2:08pm - poopshit  ""]
these days i feel like so many people are doing these hybrid punk/thrash/grind/crust/metal hybrid bands. Kevorkian's Angels had been doing it in their own way for like ten years. it's just that they were townies as opposed to all-out-scenester Allston types so they were doomed to never become popular outside of real underground circles.

just think what could've become of them if they were "cool" and lived in Allston and promoted their band to hipster-metal fags and bike messengers and printed tons and tons of t-shirts and gear and and and and...
[Jun 17,2010 1:32am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

ouchdrummer said:bold is good.
[Jun 17,2010 7:52am - watchmaker666 ""]
Love this record, love and miss these guys. Miss jamming with mark as much of a fuckup as he was.
[Jun 17,2010 8:18am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

watchmaker666 said:Love this record, love and miss these guys. Miss jamming with mark as much of a fuckup as he was.

yeah, he was a talented little fucker. After all those years of being bros he immediatly started backstabbing as soon as we broke up. It was fucked up. I still don't understand, probably never will.
[Jun 17,2010 9:46am - ouchdrummer ""]

poopshit said:these days i feel like so many people are doing these hybrid punk/thrash/grind/crust/metal hybrid bands. Kevorkian's Angels had been doing it in their own way for like ten years. it's just that they were townies as opposed to all-out-scenester Allston types so they were doomed to never become popular outside of real underground circles.

just think what could've become of them if they were "cool" and lived in Allston and promoted their band to hipster-metal fags and bike messengers and printed tons and tons of t-shirts and gear and and and and...

I dunno. I mean, i get that what you're describing is what it takes to be cool IN Alston, but does that really matter anyways? I don't think appeasing the Alston crowd is the right way to "make something" of your band, no matter how much that crowd likes you, they'd never travel somewhere that's uncomfortable for them to see you, and once you DID start getting any notice, you wouldn't be "underground/scene" enough for them, and they'd stop liking you.

That being said, i honestly think there are/have been LOTS of really good bands out there that do it for years, get no/little recognition, then break up. It's just the way it is, that's why Kevorkians A Did it the right way by just being themselves, having fun, and making music that they love. If you even begin to care about how you're perceived/how to "make it big" then you're probably gonna fail. Unfortunately even with all the drive in the world, love for your music, skills and networking you STILL need a good dose of luck. That's why you should just do your best and have a blast doing it.

(that was in no way "arguing" with what someone else said, i was merely getting a thought off of my chest.)
[Jun 17,2010 10:35am - blue ""]
I pretty much completely agree with what 'poopshit' said. Had KA been way more in with the Allston DIY/crusty kids they wouldve gotten nuch more recognition.
[Jun 17,2010 10:38am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

blue said:I pretty much completely agree with what 'poopshit' said. Had KA been way more in with the Allston DIY/crusty kids they wouldve gotten nuch more sexually transmitted diseases.

fix'd, back'd
[Jun 17,2010 10:39am - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]


Many points to poopshit for nailing it, though.
[Jun 17,2010 10:41am - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]
and thank goodness that wasn't the case.
[Jun 17,2010 11:51am - ouchdrummer ""]
recognition in allston? the sort of recognition that you can assume has very little to do with your music, and more to do with your image? I would think that THAT kind of recognition is lame.
[Jun 17,2010 11:56am - ouchdrummer ""]

Kadoog-a-go-go said:and thank goodness that wasn't the case.

i'm glad you said this. I thought poopy's comment about the band being "doomed" meant that it would have been better to be "allston big".
[Jun 17,2010 11:57am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Listening to this right now and I'm very much loving it. That guitar tone is digustingly awesome.
[Jun 17,2010 1:54pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

MillenialKingdom said:Listening to this right now and I'm very much loving it. That guitar tone is digustingly awesome.

don't tell Blue, it's solid state Crate. mwhahahaha

after this weekend I'm gonna upload some more stuff. We did 2 other songs. me on drums and guitar, Nick on bass. After the KA songs were done, John and Mark passed out and me and nick were bored, so we recorded Somethin Else by Eddie Cochran and Bernadette by the Four Tops. Somethin Else ended up goofy and we improvised the lyrics, ended up being about fat girls. plus I have some demos and live stuff that is really good. I think i'll make covers for them too.

Feels good to get some recognition, thanks:NEWHORNS:
[Jun 17,2010 2:29pm - blue ""]
Brad, nothing wrong with SS if it sounds good duh.
[Jun 17,2010 3:46pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I always thought Kevorkian's Angels was a RTTP gem. Were you guys not very active? This is the first I've heard the music.
[Jun 17,2010 3:56pm - W3 nli  ""]
still love my Weymouth Rocks boxset
[Jun 17,2010 5:55pm - bradness so totally at work  ""]

MillenialKingdom said:I always thought Kevorkian's Angels was a RTTP gem. Were you guys not very active? This is the first I've heard the music.

we were very active from 2001 to 2005. we started recording Disorder is in Order in March of 05. We kept picking away at it and didn't think we were putting enough effort into it, so we thought we'd take a break and concentrate on that. At the same time, we started doing a shitload of coke and our gear got padlocked in our sketchy practice space in Rockland. So 2006 was a waste and by the time we got our gear, finished the recording and started to play shows again, Mark had gotten sober and was being a pussy about everything, then I decided to move out here to Illinois.

[Jun 17,2010 6:12pm - Fuck Loggin In  ""]
The awesome thing about this band was they were a bunch of fuckups from the South Shore like the rest of us and didn't need to suck the dicks of about of Alston-hipster faggots like so many more popular bands do.
[Jun 17,2010 6:12pm - Fuck Loggin In  ""]
and let's give props to Continued Without A Finding, which featured some of the same members.
[Jun 17,2010 6:35pm - W3 nli  ""]

Fuck%20Loggin%20In said:and let's give props to Continued Without A Finding, which featured some of the same members.

yuh best grind band Boston had to offer
[Jun 17,2010 7:28pm - poopshit  ""]
i agree with everything. i wasn't trying to say that appeasing the trendy crowd was a better route to go, but more just thinking out loud about what it is that makes a band get recognition from the outside world and where lots of the usual activity takes place.

at least their legacy is intact.
[Jun 17,2010 8:28pm - W3 nli  ""]
and let's not, let's not forget about FLOYDESTROYER
[Jun 17,2010 8:52pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Mark used to get so mad when people would say they liked CWAF better than KA. I was in both bands but was a fan of Tom and John before I joined back when CWAF was called Cestus. The bands were totally different. I never understood why Mark got so bent about it. He did have a fragile ego, guess it makes sense.

I'd love to play in a band with John and Nick again. They have You're Fired going again, said it's leaning more towards fast hardcore rather than straight blast beats. Can't wait to hear it.

My only regret with KA is I wish we recorded the night before the Halloween show when we did Jerry's Kids Is this my World album. We had taken mushrooms and played that album SO fucking perfect, it was unreal. Then we played the show and it was half disaster/ half ok. Having half of Jerry's Kids there was fucking intimidating as fuck, we did ok though.
[Jun 18,2010 11:10am - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]
Brad, if for some reason I'm ever coming through Illinois, we gotta jam on some 50's/60's covers, at LEAST. Have no idea if that'll ever happen. Gotta throw it out there, though.

"My semen smells like fruity pebbles and bleach." - Nick Kevorkian, in the Chopping Block Alley
[Jun 18,2010 11:11am - BSV  ""]
i want to BUY a copy of this.

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