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Can you caption this image?

[Jul 24,2007 9:58am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

[Jul 24,2007 10:07am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
How my trip to the wax museum went horribly, horribly wrong
[Jul 24,2007 10:14am - the_reverend ""]
I will never make fun of skinny rich horror again.
[Jul 24,2007 10:16am - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
Uncle Fester was pissed the audience ate all his animal crackers.
[Jul 24,2007 10:35am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
You have angered Butter Troll.
[Jul 24,2007 10:47am - largefreakatzero ""]
"See Mom, I AM too evil to empty the dishwasher."
[Jul 24,2007 10:53am - xanonymousx ""]
When Johnny plays his geetar
Evil Buddha from hell demolishes all.
[Jul 24,2007 11:54am - FleshFries ""]

bow tika lika wow
[Jul 24,2007 12:06pm - xmikex ""]
I don't know what it is, but something tells me I'm witnessing maybe the worst cover of Seek and Destroy ever.
[Jul 24,2007 1:39pm - ArrowHead likes Pie  ""]
Mr. Bean recruited Fat Pikachu as the new singer of his rock and roll band.
[Jul 24,2007 2:48pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jul 24,2007 2:58pm - thegreatspaldino ""]


i didnt know nick barker did vocals...
[Jul 24,2007 3:55pm - dreadkill ""]
after eating klaus meine, mongo proceeded to butcher the lyrics to big city nights and pass out under the bufffet table.
[Jul 24,2007 11:49pm - Samantha ""]
Ha ha! I've seen that band before.
[Jul 25,2007 12:10am - joshtruction ""]
Samantha said:Ha ha! I've seen that band before.

and who the hell are you?

[Jul 25,2007 2:20am - Aegathis ""]
Is that the Shadows Smile??
[Jul 25,2007 3:19am - Lamp ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]

Why the fuck are people even looking at the original picture in this thread after this thing got posted?

Just look at it.

Seriously, look at it.

All I'm gonna say is these kids better watch out around magnets. Having three chins and a $99 B.C. Rich...you couldn't get more pussy if you walked into an animal shelter.
[Jul 25,2007 5:06am - Samantha ""]
Aegathis said:Is that the Shadows Smile??

Yes, it is.
[Jul 25,2007 5:53am - Samantha ""]
Lamp said:menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]

Why the fuck are people even looking at the original picture in this thread after this thing got posted?

Just look at it.

Seriously, look at it.

All I'm gonna say is these kids better watch out around magnets. Having three chins and a $99 B.C. Rich...you couldn't get more pussy if you walked into an animal shelter.

When I first saw that picture, I immediately read that kid's Green Day shirt as "Green Gay".
[Jul 25,2007 6:24am - deadlikemurf ""]


Bill knew this was it. No longer would he tolerate Hugo's "black metal angle" in his jazz quartet.
[Jul 25,2007 8:29am - MassOfTwoSlits ""]
Heather, there's your boyfriend.
[Jul 25,2007 8:48am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
deadlikemurf said:Bill knew this was it. No longer would he tolerate Hugo's "black metal angle" in his jazz quartet.

[Jul 25,2007 8:50am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

[Jul 25,2007 9:12am - xmikex ""]
[Jul 25,2007 9:12am - xmikex ""]
[Jul 25,2007 9:13am - xmikex ""]
[Jul 25,2007 9:14am - xmikex ""]
[Jul 25,2007 9:16am - xmikex ""]
Caption for this one....

Satan's al-right. Odin's al-right. They just seem a little weeeeeeird. Surrender...
[Jul 25,2007 9:18am - xmikex ""]
In all fairness, I do think this is kind of cool:
[Jul 25,2007 9:39am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Pure Fucking Twinkiegeddon!!!
[Jul 25,2007 10:14am - Lamp ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]

We come from space, no we don't come from here...

[Jul 25,2007 10:27am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Lamp said:menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]

We come from space, no we don't come from here...

Is anyone else not seeing this image? 'Cause I feel like I'm missing out on the fun. (I can never see MSD's http://dismal.ath.cx:8099 pics.)
[Jul 25,2007 12:00pm - c.dead  ""]

Seriously, that has to be the scariest photo of a human(?) i have ever laid eyes on. What a monstrous man pig.
[Jul 25,2007 12:52pm - goatcatalyst ""]

sexy people do sexy things
[Jul 25,2007 12:55pm - Kinslayer  ""]
the cross on his forhead is rightsideup as is the pentacle in the back ground... are they christian?
[Jul 25,2007 1:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Kinslayer said:the cross on his forhead is rightsideup as is the pentacle in the back ground... are they christian?

If this band's existence doesn't disprove once and for all the notion of a benevolent god, than I don't know what does.
[Jul 25,2007 2:28pm - Dr. sphincto  ""]
that dude is fatter than nick barker. Yes i've seen the shadows smile before, they are quite good i must say. But the band is good people
[Jul 25,2007 2:30pm - xmikex ""]
Great. Who wants to take bets on how long it takes for this band to find this thread and the name calling, and dick measuring begins?
[Jul 25,2007 3:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
xmikex said:Great. Who wants to take bets on how long it takes for this band to find this thread and the name calling, and dick measuring begins?

I'm waiting on tenterhooks.
[Jul 26,2007 12:54am - NIGGER ""]


[Jul 26,2007 1:08am - tylerl ""]
this whole thread has me lol-ing
[Jul 26,2007 1:16am - timjohn  ""]
Lamp said:menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]

Why the fuck are people even looking at the original picture in this thread after this thing got posted?

Just look at it.

Seriously, look at it.

All I'm gonna say is these kids better watch out around magnets. Having three chins and a $99 B.C. Rich...you couldn't get more pussy if you walked into an animal shelter.

uhh yeah true but you missed the police line do not cross guitar strap

[Jul 26,2007 1:22am - anonymous  ""]
Dr. sphincto said:that dude is fatter than nick barker. Yes i've seen the shadows smile before, they are quite good i must say. But the band is good people

r u on crack mofo? they r teh suxorz!!
[Jul 26,2007 4:32am - Colonel Clusterfuck  ""]
[Jul 26,2007 4:35am - Colonel Clusterfuck  ""]
[Jul 26,2007 5:42am - TROLL ""]

(in his grimmest voice)

You see folks, this is what happened to the last human who tried to steal a fry off my plate.
[Jul 26,2007 9:21am - timma ""]

umm....yeaaaaah, is that dude wearing a skirt?
[Jul 26,2007 9:52am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Ok, thread over. This thread is now about Flea's stuffed animal pants.

[Jul 26,2007 10:36am - SkinSandwich ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]

I have offically lost hope in humanity. Why?WHY!!!
[Jul 26,2007 11:49am - infect sli sli sli  ""]
timma said:[img]

umm....yeaaaaah, is that dude wearing a skirt?

more like a muu-muu
[Jul 26,2007 3:27pm - dreadkill ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:deadlikemurf said:Bill knew this was it. No longer would he tolerate Hugo's "black metal angle" in his jazz quartet.


agreed. i LULZed at it profusely
[Jul 26,2007 4:04pm - Aegathis ""]

I remember when someone on hear made the comparison between him and Rich Horror. Rich's response was "That guy looks like he ate me." Indeed he does, best comeback
[Jul 27,2007 5:38am - Colonel Clusterfuck  ""]


"Oh noez! Rich Horror gave me diarrhea!"
[Nov 30,2007 6:01am - douchebag_patrol  ""]
This chick looks like she smells like ass and feet.
[Nov 30,2007 6:08am - fleshfries ""]

...after being boiled for about an hour of course
[Nov 30,2007 6:20am - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
haha! my band was supposed to play a show with Shadows Smile. I quite before said show happened a regret I make to this day
[Nov 30,2007 7:23am - Mess ""]
fucking stupid
[Nov 30,2007 7:37am - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
If RichHorror and SkinnyRay had a love child
[Nov 30,2007 9:46am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
douchebag_patrol said:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [img]

Nice "The Crow" tattoo. Bet you'll never regret that one.

[Nov 30,2007 5:35pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
[Nov 30,2007 5:40pm - DomesticTerror ""]
xmikex said:Caption for this one....

Satan's al-right. Odin's al-right. They just seem a little weeeeeeird. Surrender...

you just made me blow snot outta my nose...

[Nov 30,2007 5:46pm - RichHorror ""]
Fuck_Logging_In_NLI said:[img]
If RichHorror and SkinnyRay had a love child

He's too physically fit.
[Nov 30,2007 6:11pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
[Nov 30,2007 7:28pm - pam ""]
I feel so sexy now. This thread is my new self-esteem.
[Dec 1,2007 11:15am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
theaccurseddrummer said:[img]

[Dec 1,2007 2:18pm - Hungtableed  ""]
These guys fucking slay! Check out their shit on gayspace. Fucking Br00000000000tal mang.

[Dec 1,2007 3:07pm - rotivore ""]


an overweight former vital remains vocalist thorns......on the "fat and with aids" tour
[Dec 1,2007 3:12pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
[Dec 1,2007 3:17pm - dildo  ""]
Fuck_Logging_In_NLI said:haha! my band was supposed to play a show with Shadows Smile. I quite before said show happened a regret I make to this day

[Dec 1,2007 4:09pm - NIGGER ""]
[Dec 1,2007 7:38pm - fatty lovin  ""]
that fat man is a lovable hunk o burning love. i would stick him in my cunt any day.
[Dec 1,2007 10:32pm - Ryan_M ""]
The Shadows Smile's MySpace page....you think they look like a joke? Just listen to the songs; its like a really, really bad Type O Negative ripoff with a drum machine and the singer.....well I can't come up with anything clever enough to describe how bad he is.
[Dec 1,2007 11:49pm - SteveOTB ""]
I'm ashmed to say that we just played with them a couple nights ago. We made it through one of their songs and left...it was horrible.
[Dec 2,2007 3:06am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Ryan_M said:http://www.tssmetal.com/
The Shadows Smile's MySpace page....you think they look like a joke? Just listen to the songs; its like a really, really bad Type O Negative ripoff with a drum machine and the singer.....well I can't come up with anything clever enough to describe how bad he is.

omg...I just listened to some of this shit on their myspace...you know how 8th graders will try to belch the entire alphabet sometimes? this vocalist sounds like that's what he's trying to do..belch entire songs.
[Dec 2,2007 3:25am - theaccurseddrummer ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:theaccurseddrummer said:[img]


Thanks! Don't forget my other entry...

theaccurseddrummer said:[img]

[Dec 2,2007 7:02am - douchebag_patrol  ""]
[Dec 2,2007 7:05am - douchebag_patrol  ""]
Ryan_M said:Just listen to the songs; its like a really, really bad Type O Negative ripoff with a drum machine and the singer.....well I can't come up with anything clever enough to describe how bad he is.

It sounds more like if Marilyn Manson puked on Bauhaus.

[Dec 2,2007 7:06am - douchebag_patrol  ""]
Someone should send them a link to this thread.
[Dec 2,2007 8:48pm - immortal13 ""]
Hah! We just played with that band on Wednesday at the Compound. We were a last minute addition. They don't even have a real drummer. They have MP3's of a drum machine playing through the PA and someone sitting behind a drum kit pretending to play.

Funniest thing is that the MP3's kept skipping.

And at that point I went outside and fell asleep in my drummer's truck.
[Dec 2,2007 9:38pm - tylerl ""]
immortal13 said:They don't even have a real drummer. They have MP3's of a drum machine playing through the PA and someone sitting behind a drum kit pretending to play.

hahaha whats the point
[Dec 2,2007 9:44pm - tylerl ""]

[Dec 3,2007 9:48am - immortal13 ""]
tylerl said:immortal13 said:They don't even have a real drummer. They have MP3's of a drum machine playing through the PA and someone sitting behind a drum kit pretending to play.

hahaha whats the point

Maybe it's for the show? Entertainment? Maybe they want everyone to laugh like we are? I mean, we're looking at all of these pictures of them, and do any of them actually have a drummer?

Plus, when I first saw the singer before they played, he had all that face paint on which I thought was supposed to be corpse paint, so I was all like "Black metal, nice." And he was like "Not even close, goth metal."

I then proceeded in my marathon of Hydro Thunder.
[Dec 3,2007 10:27am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I will say this: It's gotta be tough being a gigantic fat girl trying to play music. That being said - wow, is she a gigantic fat girl. With a Fender Squire. Eesh.
[Dec 3,2007 10:34am - immortal13 ""]
All their amps are little crate combos and stuff. That SWR behind her isn't even hers.
[Dec 3,2007 10:35am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
These are high school kids, right?

[Dec 3,2007 10:41am - xanonymousx ""]
they have a voice comment box on their myspace
[Dec 3,2007 11:08am - ancient master  ""]
hahah that dude is drinking chocolate milk in one picture....typical
[Dec 3,2007 11:31am - immortal13 ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:These are high school kids, right?


I don't think so. I think they're out of high school but stuck in their high school days.
[Dec 3,2007 11:36am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Ryan_M said:http://www.tssmetal.com/
The Shadows Smile's MySpace page....you think they look like a joke? Just listen to the songs; its like a really, really bad Type O Negative ripoff with a drum machine and the singer.....well I can't come up with anything clever enough to describe how bad he is.

Dwyer should get a hold of them and tell them about their inappropriate apostrophe. Unless those shadows own a smile, which is just silly.

P.S.: "Bubba Grim?" The singer intentionally calls himself "Bubba Grim?" You can't make shit like that up.
[Dec 3,2007 11:39am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Hahaha... Check out their "Top Friends List." 13 Winters, Scarecrow Hill, Habitual Offendaz, all our RTTP favorites.
[Jan 9,2008 1:19pm - brad weymouth  ""]
all that and no captions?
[Jan 9,2008 1:21pm - Yeti ""]
Kirby's Nightmare Land.
[Jan 9,2008 1:51pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:Ok, thread over. This thread is now about Flea's stuffed animal pants.


I'm still pissed that this never caught on.
[Jan 9,2008 2:35pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
tylerl said:[img]

"My Mom says I'm not supposed to smoke, but SHE'S NOT HERE!" (insert girlish giggling fit)

[Jan 9,2008 2:42pm - KillerKadoogan ""]

Hahaha I'm listening to this shit right now, and these fuckers wish they were Rammstein reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally badly. If only they had giant strap ons big enough to kill themselves with...
[Jan 9,2008 2:47pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Influences: The Occult, Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, Ghosts, Folklore, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe, Bram Stoker & New England

Sounds Like: White Zombie fellating Him (meaning Rob Zombie), using Rammstein's double-sided dildo on Cradle of Filth's Manson-look-a-like singer, while looking for The Cure for AIDS in Depeche Mode's bung at the Bauhaus School for Looking Angry and Depressed. Godsmack does not belong next to Type O Negative, or Iron Maiden.
[Jan 9,2008 2:51pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
14 Dec 2007 12:12 PM

yeah well ya'll are goth metal gods!!!

If only someone would call ME a goth metal god, I could finally kill myself and be as one with our dark lord and saviour, Dani Filth. ALAS, I AM DOOMED TO A DARK FIRE OF GRIM WANTING AND DEPRESSION FOR THE REST OF MY DARK DAYS AND DARKER NIGHTS AND DARKEST MIDNIGHTS AND DARKWING DUCKS.

This band is worse than Wretched Asylum and Mastamindz combined. FACT. Highly entertaining in its awful-ness, though.
[Jan 9,2008 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
Type O Negative and this band do not belong in the same universe.
[Jan 9,2008 6:03pm - brandon nli  ""]

Good to see alot of people come out to supoort the local freak show scene. By far the funniest shit on here in awhile!!!

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