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Apr 2 (Thu) - Metal Thursday LVIII: Fires of Old, Ipsissimus, Shadar Logoth & Morgirion - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)

April 2nd @ Ralph's - Metal Thursday LVIII: Fires of Old, Ipsissimus, Shadar Logoth & Morgirion 21+ 9PM $5

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Mar 28,2009 2:09pm - beleth ""]
I'm shoving this in your face as hard as I can.
[Mar 28,2009 5:23pm - MetalThursday ""]
I sat in on a Fires of Old practice last night... these guys will definitely please any fans of early-mid 90's black metal. Worcester's best-kept metal secret!
[Mar 29,2009 12:14am - beleth ""]
Well, I'm stoked then.
[Mar 29,2009 12:41am - goatcatalyst ""]
Blow your stoke out your ass, hippie. This will NOT be a good time.
[Mar 29,2009 12:46am - beleth ""]
....I gotta start hitting the anti-antidepressants again.
[Mar 29,2009 6:10am - Samantha ""]

MetalThursday said:I sat in on a Fires of Old practice last night... these guys will definitely please any fans of early-mid 90's black metal. Worcester's best-kept metal secret!

Really? I was thinking about going there, but I drank beer in a graveyard instead.
[Mar 29,2009 11:36am - MetalThursday ""]

Samantha said:
MetalThursday said:I sat in on a Fires of Old practice last night... these guys will definitely please any fans of early-mid 90's black metal. Worcester's best-kept metal secret!

Really? I was thinking about going there, but I drank beer in a graveyard instead.

Yeah I finally made it down, Hel was relentlessly sending me urgent text messages, haha...
[Mar 31,2009 4:36am - LongDeadGod ""]
3 days
[Mar 31,2009 7:05am - MetalThursday ""]
It's supposed to be cold and rainy... perfect weather
[Mar 31,2009 10:33am - Yeti ""]
i am fucking psyched to see Ipsissimus.
[Mar 31,2009 11:11am - DYA NLI  ""]
I will officially punch everyone in the nuts at this. Artificial nuts will be provided for the ladies.
[Mar 31,2009 1:04pm - beleth ""]
Fortunately for me, I wear my studded cup everywhere I go.
[Mar 31,2009 5:56pm - Barney Miller  ""]
Will there be mopery at this show as well as grumpery?
[Apr 1,2009 11:54am -  ""]
You bring the blind people, I'll bring my junk.
[Apr 1,2009 12:46pm - FinntrollYouAlot  ""]
So is Finntroll still on this show or not?
[Apr 1,2009 12:50pm -  ""]
They dropped! Jon from Dissection just called me and said he's down for playing.
[Apr 1,2009 12:57pm - FinntrollYouAlot  ""]
In that case I'm going to slip this and go see A.C. at the compound.
[Apr 1,2009 1:00pm -  ""]
I havent been listenig to A.C. so much since they took that no drug stand. but wutever....thats kewl i guess....
[Apr 1,2009 1:07pm - Beleth the Unfriendly  ""]
[Apr 1,2009 8:56pm - LongDeadGod ""]
24 hours
[Apr 1,2009 9:16pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I hope a stalagtite falls from heaven and hits New England on the head and everybody dies or has to go to the hospital really bad so I don't have to play for none of you tomorrow!
[Apr 2,2009 7:20am - Yeti ""]
if that happens then when i end up in Hell you had best be there already set up and ready to play.
[Apr 2,2009 10:31am - DYA NLI  ""]
LOL @ "stalagtite"
[Apr 2,2009 10:48am - Yeti ""]
Tom are you going to this?
[Apr 2,2009 12:35pm - beleth ""]
I hope everyone gets in a fatal car accident driving to this show.
[Apr 2,2009 12:37pm - Yeti ""]
i'll get into a fatal walking accident while walking to Ralphs.
[Apr 2,2009 12:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:Tom are you going to this?

not sure ...might be doing an open mic at the raven. although this show looks badass
[Apr 2,2009 12:51pm - Yeti ""]
okely dokely
[Apr 2,2009 12:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Also Tony... did you get that mic from Jimbo?
[Apr 2,2009 12:52pm - Yeti ""]
yes indeed, its at my house.
[Apr 2,2009 1:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:yes indeed, its at my house.

sweet well its Sullivans mic if you feel like shootin it over to him since you live down the street...otherwise i'll just get in touch with ya later today.
[Apr 2,2009 1:11pm - Yeti ""]
ah, ok i'll tell him i've got it.
[Apr 2,2009 1:52pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Grim reefer on the menu tonight.
[Apr 2,2009 2:52pm - beleth ""]
I'll be drinking space beer all night. It tastes alright!!!
[Apr 2,2009 5:39pm - MetalThursday ""]
Enough with the friendly chit chat, it's time to get grim.
[Apr 2,2009 6:16pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Apr 2,2009 6:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Stomach flu decided that I'd have more fun losing everything that goes into me than going to shows, tonight. THANKS, STOMACH FLU.
[Apr 2,2009 7:24pm - Samantha ""]
I hope someone wears corpse paint tonight. I want to laugh.
[Apr 2,2009 7:28pm - goatcatalyst ""]
vibe forecast: unpleasantries
[Apr 2,2009 8:17pm - josh_hates_you ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:WHAT THE FUCK

Stomach flu decided that I'd have more fun losing everything that goes into me than going to shows, tonight. THANKS, STOMACH FLU.

Show up anyways and vomit on someone in corpse paint or you are a pussy.
[Apr 3,2009 2:29am - MetalThursday ""]
Holy shit.... just... holy shit... what a fucking show. I am going to hate myself in the morning.
[Apr 3,2009 7:19am - Yeti ""]
yeah this was a killer show. Morgirion and Ipsissimus were fucking devastating. i wasn't feeling Shadar Logoth. i saw a little of Fires of Old but i had to leave unfortunately. a very big thanks to Ryan of Ipsissimus for the smoke session, i haven't been that baked in a while. seeing you guys while i was stoned out of my gourd was amazing.
[Apr 3,2009 10:25am - josh_hates_you ""]

Morgirion - music was tight singer was having lots of fun. even the fast parts seemed a bit slow.

shadar logoth - i was also not feeling this band. vocalist need to stay next to the mic. and all the songs had no flow. just a collection of riffs and parts slammed together in no particular order. everytime they started doing something cool it immediately turned gay 4 bars later.

ipissimus - yup. that was awesome. huge sound from a 3 piece band. I danced harder than I think I ever have a MT. Well since the last time Zircon played anyway........yeah more zircon please.

fires of old - would have liked to stay to catch them but had people waiting at my house. fuck life.
[Apr 3,2009 10:31am - Yeti ""]
haha more like everyone being dry or having mids.
[Apr 3,2009 10:51am - josh_hates_you ""]
pm sent.
[Apr 3,2009 11:31am - thesac ""]
morgirion is slow as balls
[Apr 3,2009 12:32pm - beleth ""]
The sac IS balls!

Ipsissimus and Fires of old did NOT disappoint. Absolutely relentless all around.
[Apr 4,2009 10:50pm - malicious mopery  ""]

[Apr 5,2009 1:05am - beleth ""]
I love the bootlegery involved in that video.

Thursday night my pants were down and my business was ready for sin, but there wasn't ONE fucking blind person there. Total downer on the night for me.


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