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attn DYA

[Dec 7,2009 3:27pm - aril  ""]
Just reread that old Zelda thread. Do you still have my Zelda Links Awakening cartridge? If so, may I have that back? It's one of my favorite games and I play it almost every year.

Can't remember if you gave it back.
[Dec 7,2009 3:29pm - aril  ""]
And yea, this thread reeks of 6th grade.
[Dec 7,2009 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
[Dec 7,2009 3:32pm - aril  ""]
12/m/your pants
[Dec 7,2009 3:40pm - arktouros ""]
Link's Awakening rules.
[Dec 7,2009 3:46pm - aril  ""]
Yep. Relay this message to him if he doesn't respond. Top priority. Need to fap to the Link- and-Marin-sitting-on-a-log-overlooking-the-beach scene again
[Dec 7,2009 3:46pm - arktouros ""]
LOL...you might get a sticky cartridge back
[Dec 7,2009 3:47pm - reimroc ""]
i still have my Links Awakening cart. i need to play that again. i recently beat oracle of seasons/ages.
[Dec 7,2009 3:52pm - aril  ""]
Ugh. The seasons and ages don't even hold a candle to this.
[Dec 7,2009 3:53pm - Martins ""]
Link's Awakening was my first real Zelda that I played on my own. Blew me away. Blah blah im young and shit
[Dec 7,2009 3:54pm - sacreligion ""]
Some of my earliest memories are playing the original Zelda hahaha.
[Dec 7,2009 3:55pm - dreadkill ""]
i always preferred mega man
[Dec 7,2009 3:56pm - aril  ""]
It's the deepest, darkest Zelda game. Zeldas not even in it either.

The fucking face shrine destroys any dungeon in any of the zeldas.
[Dec 7,2009 3:59pm - Martins ""]
I remember legitimately having no idea what to do in some of the dungeons and spending days trying to figure out what to do. When I went to play all the other 2D Zeldas, none of them seemed quite as hard.
[Dec 7,2009 4:00pm - reimroc ""]

aril said:Ugh. The seasons and ages don't even hold a candle to this.

actually i find them better. especially if you play both and get the actual boss/ending.
[Dec 7,2009 4:01pm - Martins ""]
Seasons and Ages were awesome but they really aren't as good. I'm probably picking up Spirit Tracks next week, too. I didn't play Phantom Hourglass though.
[Dec 7,2009 4:05pm - aril  ""]

reimroc said:
aril said:Ugh. The seasons and ages don't even hold a candle to this.

actually i find them better. especially if you play both and get the actual boss/ending.

your arrested
[Dec 7,2009 4:09pm - reimroc ""]
sorry aril. i also feel a link to the past is the best zelda game on the consoles with orcarina of time a close second.
[Dec 7,2009 4:10pm - Martins ""]
Link's Awakening > Link to the Past > everything else 2D > everything else 3D
[Dec 7,2009 4:17pm - aril  ""]
Links awakening > all other zeldas.

Rev, lock thread
[Dec 7,2009 4:35pm - reimroc ""]
martins > grant > aril > myself > all other posters

Rev, lock thread
[Dec 7,2009 4:55pm - aril  ""]
That's way off.
[Dec 7,2009 4:56pm - reimroc ""]
lol i know
[Dec 7,2009 5:03pm - narkybark ""]
o no u di'nt
[Dec 7,2009 5:40pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i like that steve's ignoring your stupid thread.

wa hahahahhahaha!
you'll never get your cartridge back.
[Dec 7,2009 5:42pm - aril  ""]

ouchdrummer said:i like that steve's ignoring your stupid thread.

wa hahahahhahaha!
you'll never get your cartridge back.

[Dec 7,2009 5:49pm - aril  ""]

Martins said:I remember legitimately having no idea what to do in some of the dungeons and spending days trying to figure out what to do. When I went to play all the other 2D Zeldas, none of them seemed quite as hard.

I bet you that you were one of those kids that didn't know how to open the doors in the bottle grotto.
Also I bet you didn't collect all the secret seashells.
[Dec 7,2009 5:59pm - Martins ""]
Knew how to open doors in bottle grotto. Collected all the secret seashells. fuck you
[Dec 7,2009 6:06pm - aril  ""]
haha what about the glitch where you can get stuck in the game and can't go any further?
[Dec 7,2009 6:08pm - Martins ""]
That happened to me once but I just thought it was because of the emulator lol I didn't have a gameboy yet.
[Dec 7,2009 6:13pm - aril  ""]
I love the subtle Mario references in the game too.

Such a great game. DYA. Hit me up. If you lost it in your move, expect to get trolled into eternity. Darkwor shows included.
[Dec 7,2009 8:03pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Hahaha... Yeah, I still got yo shit, homey. I can give it to Gaucher to give it to Jimcorpse, or you can quit being a big'ol hoomoo and come out to practice or nerd games some night. LOL. Lemme know either way.
[Dec 8,2009 8:10am - ouchdrummer ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Hahaha... Yeah, I still got yo shit, homey. I can give it to Gaucher to give it to Jimcorpse, or you can quit being a big'ol hoomoo and come out to practice or nerd games some night. LOL. Lemme know either way.

7 degrees from a troll
[Dec 8,2009 8:54am - aril  ""]
you're all guilty of trolling just as much as me or the next guy
[Dec 8,2009 10:43am - aril  ""]
Hmmm. what's the best way to get this?
You never let me know when the games happen.
[Dec 8,2009 10:44am - trioxin 245  ""]
Blessed Offal has your Zelda cartridge, and Blessed Offal has no intentions of returning it. Blessed Offal is a militant group of elite gamers who will challenge YOU to a FIST FIGHT!
[Dec 8,2009 10:47am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

aril said:Hmmm. what's the best way to get this?
You never let me know when the games happen.

Every every Tuesday for teh D&D, or most any Monday for practice. Or, like I said, I can give it to Gaucher to Jim to you, if you want. Nd any other games? I got Metroid, Castlevania, and FFIV.
[Dec 8,2009 10:48am - aril  ""]

trioxin%20245 said:Blessed Offal has your Zelda cartridge, and Blessed Offal has no intentions of returning it. Blessed Offal is a militant group of elite gamers who will challenge YOU to a FIST FIGHT!

word. to 212!
[Dec 8,2009 10:50am - aril  ""]
Hmm. Which ff is that? I've got ff legends iii. Love that game.
[Dec 8,2009 10:52am - Martins ""]
[Dec 8,2009 11:00am - aril  ""]
Wait. Are we talking gameboy or other systems?
[Dec 8,2009 11:00am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Martins said:FFIV is FFIX


The first SNES one. With Cecil and the Red Wings (har har).
[Dec 8,2009 11:01am - Martins ""]
lol I know FFIV was FFII LAWL what's an rpg gauyz?
[Dec 8,2009 11:02am - aril  ""]
So this must be for gba as a remake.

I loved that game.
[Dec 8,2009 11:03am - Martins ""]
I played the DS remake but I think I liked the original better - as much as I played of it.
[Dec 8,2009 11:04am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: Martins is FFIV-curious.
[Dec 8,2009 11:10am - aril  ""]
All remakes of RPGs suck
[Dec 8,2009 11:13am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Only nethack is real.
[Dec 8,2009 11:14am - Martins ""]
Nethack is lolzy
[Dec 8,2009 11:40am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Check this shit out:


Total heresy, looks amazing.

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