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[Jun 29,2010 3:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
a logged in blessed offal? could this be true?
[Jun 29,2010 3:34pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
believe it comrade. there can be only one.
[Jun 29,2010 3:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
only trioxin is real
[Jun 29,2010 3:44pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
ya i forgot the password though and i never did anything with that project
[Jun 29,2010 3:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
me you and shoes could change that.
[Jun 29,2010 3:47pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
also, im going to post this song because it is niiiiiiiiice

[Jun 29,2010 6:39pm - nekronaut ""]

[Jun 29,2010 8:41pm - DYA IS CAPS LOCK YAY  ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:Is eating pizza allowed at death metal shows? Or is that ban still only exclusive to hardcore?

[Jun 30,2010 2:48pm - bick rerlin  ""]
18+? i hope there are some young and confused boys that i can tempt with bud and an open ear to come back to my rape tent
[Jun 30,2010 3:07pm - c.dead  ""]
[Jun 30,2010 9:39pm - nekronaut ""]
I'd rather be a TOP than a bottom
[Jul 1,2010 11:37pm - nekronaut ""]
[Jul 3,2010 12:01am - nekronaut ""]
Three days.. go to O'briens on the 4th and follow up here.
[Jul 3,2010 6:47pm - nekronaut ""]
Two days! Cure your hangover on Monday with some iternational death metal and local favorites Blessed Offal and Witch Tomb.

Surf nekid.
[Jul 3,2010 7:06pm - blue ""]
looking forward to 2 straight days of awesome touring death metal.
[Jul 4,2010 4:56am - bllessed offal  ""]

blue said:looking forward to 2 straight days of awesome touring death metal.

what just happend?
[Jul 4,2010 5:22am - bllessed offal  ""]

arilliusbm said:me you and shoes could change that.

nah i decided from now on im not playing in anything that isnt rock n roll. metal is fucking gay.
[Jul 4,2010 11:58am - nekronaut ""]
bump for tomorrow
[Jul 4,2010 2:54pm - blessed_offal ""]
we're gonna have my buddy josh from sewer goddess record our set so everyone KEEP IT DOWN
[Jul 4,2010 3:56pm - nekronaut ""]

blessed_offal said:we're gonna have my buddy josh from sewer goddess record our set so everyone KEEP IT DOWN

don't do anything with it or you're a pussy
[Jul 5,2010 2:08am - nekronaut ""]
[Jul 5,2010 3:54am - s.axl.beckett  ""]
Looks like I joined the right band. And I picked a bad time to stop sniffing glue.
[Jul 5,2010 10:50am - Czarnobog ""]
[Jul 5,2010 12:08pm - blue ""]
cant wait for this sheeet
[Jul 5,2010 12:50pm - blessed_offal ""]
my hands are shaking so much from DTs i can barely hold my dick straight to piss.
[Jul 5,2010 1:05pm - nekronaut ""]

blessed_offal said:my hands are shaking so much from DTs i can barely hold my dick straight to piss.

do illicit drugs RIGHT NOW or you're a pussy
[Jul 5,2010 1:10pm - blessed_offal ""]

nekronaut said:
blessed_offal said:my hands are shaking so much from DTs i can barely hold my dick straight to piss.

do illicit drugs RIGHT NOW or you're a pussy

supply me with said chemicals or GTFO
[Jul 5,2010 1:39pm - nekronaut ""]
Colombian police seize World Cup replica trophy made entirely of cocaine

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2010/07/05/2010-07-05_colombian_police_seize_world_cup_replica_trophy_made_entirely_of_cocaine.html#ixzz0spZMwK3S

[Jul 5,2010 2:59pm - nekronaut ""]

[Jul 5,2010 6:23pm - nekronaut ""]
bump for set times

Blessed Offal 8-8:20
Witch Tomb 8:30-8:55
Infinitum Obscure 9:10-9:50
Quinta Essentia 10:10-10:50
Nominon 11:10-12

[Jul 5,2010 7:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
bah i am unable to attend now.. may the night be wretched and cursed in alcoholic journeys of unfathomable pleasure
..andy, ill have to catch you some other time for those CDs
[Jul 5,2010 7:50pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
Is this starting on time? That would suck...
[Jul 5,2010 7:58pm - nekronaut ""]
it's metal so it's not on time.. still waiting for blessed offal and witch tomb.. starts at 8:30
[Jul 5,2010 8:27pm - nekronaut ""]
it's on!
[Jul 5,2010 9:25pm - Nostromo ""]
Didn;t want to drive my car from Haverhill by myself tonight. Back wheels feel like they're gonna fucking fall off. Had to skip the show =/
[Jul 5,2010 9:33pm - nekronaut ""]
witch tomb and blessed offal ruled...

don't bitch out tour bands start soon
[Jul 6,2010 12:43am - goatcatalystnli  ""]
Were the Satanisms acceptable to Him?
[Jul 6,2010 8:23am - blue ""]
I wouldve love to have stuck around, but right off the bat this show was way behind schedule. And then IO having almost a 45 minute setup was very annoying. Had to leave because there was no way Nominon was going to play at a reasonable time. Sucks too, they were the reason I went.

Why the fuck do metal bands take so long to set up? I never understood this.
[Jul 6,2010 8:25am - ouchdrummer ""]

blue said:

Why the fuck do metal bands take so long to set up? I never understood this.

Me and you sir, we sing the same gospel.
[Jul 6,2010 9:56am - AndrewBastard  ""]
i guess im not that bummed that i couldnt make it...my GF has a bum foot and she didnt want to go cause she can barely stand...plus i had a 7am job today and probably would have fucked it up if had been out drinking all night...i wish rev had shot this though.
[Jul 6,2010 10:16am - nekronaut ""]
Ugh.. feel like shit, had to work before show yesterday, deal with all that shit, now im at work again.. so tired

It was fun though.. thanks to Blessed Offal and Witch Tomb for playing on short notice and thanks to everybody that came out.

I want a nap now. thanx.
[Jul 6,2010 3:02pm - inject-nli  ""]
thanks for having us mike. i thought the show was great. more midway shows! i like that place a lot.
[Jul 6,2010 3:16pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
how was Nominon?
[Jul 6,2010 3:36pm - the_reverend ""]
I wish I took pictures too.
[Jul 6,2010 3:54pm - nekronaut ""]

AndrewBastard said:how was Nominon?

They were great.. lots of energy and some pretty cool dudes

Got them to play a couple extra songs too.. they plan on doing Boston right when they come to the states again
[Jul 6,2010 4:46pm - marshfield of rand  ""]
IO killed it too.
[Jul 6,2010 4:58pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Jul 6,2010 5:10pm - blessed offal nli  ""]
show was fun, nominon did all my cocaine though
also, mike and i are true patriots
[Jul 6,2010 5:10pm - blessed offal nli  ""]

blessed%20offal%20nli said:show was fun, nominon did all my cocaine though
also, mike and i are true patriots

forgot the pic

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