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[Feb 17,2012 4:04pm - Josh_Martin ""]
If she gave you money it counts.

Which guy from Hirudenia are you??
[Feb 17,2012 4:05pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I was just briefly in hirudinea, I played bass for about a year and a half then moved to NY for a while and was replaced by bobby.
[Feb 17,2012 4:05pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I met a chick on tour and lived off of her for 4 months. IF THEY GIVE YOU MONEY, IT COUNTS
[Feb 17,2012 4:06pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Do I know you?
[Feb 17,2012 4:08pm - trioxin_245 ""]

that's me on the right khed, like 7 years ago thoug.
[Feb 17,2012 4:14pm - Josh_Martin ""]
That looks like the Chopping Block. We must've met at some point. 7 years ago I was on so much dope that I dont remember much.
[Feb 17,2012 4:17pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]
we've met many times. we drank beers like 2 weeks ago in providence, you arm wrestled my girlfriend.
[Feb 17,2012 4:21pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Ross?!?!?!? Why the fuck didnt you say so??
[Feb 17,2012 4:22pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Thats why I use my real name here. Im TERRIBLE with names.

Who won??? I have no memory of that.
[Feb 17,2012 4:22pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]
eh I'm high and bored as fuck. all I did today was amphetamines, and make a tattoo appointment that I will probably have to cancel because I'm broke.
[Feb 17,2012 4:23pm - Josh_Martin ""]
and I never tell any chick I date about this site. You guys get the truth
[Feb 17,2012 4:23pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Please tell me I won
[Feb 17,2012 4:24pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Hey, theres a horrible death metal show in
Prov. tonite. Wanna go with me to heckle the bands??? Im getting dragged to it anyway by some whore.
[Feb 17,2012 4:25pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]
I don't know I left halfway through to do blow in the bathroom and push some fat girl.
[Feb 17,2012 4:36pm - Josh_Martin ""]
HA! was it the fat girl that drove me there?
[Feb 17,2012 4:36pm - Josh_Martin ""]
doesnt matter though. Im like Andy Kaufmann. Undefeated female armwrestler champ!!!!!!
[Feb 17,2012 4:41pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]

Josh_Martin said:HA! was it the fat girl that drove me there?

yea, what was she like 19? hah
[Feb 17,2012 4:43pm - Josh_Martin ""]
[Feb 17,2012 4:45pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I dont take my under 21s to shows. One just turned 21. You guys will be seeing her soon.
[Feb 17,2012 4:48pm - Josh_Martin ""]
oh, and thanx for sharing the blow.
[Feb 17,2012 4:50pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Feb 17,2012 4:51pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]
a few years ago I banged two 18 year-olds who were best friends, and tehn found out one was only 17. proudest moment of my life.
[Feb 17,2012 4:51pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Hey Andy, get ur own sex stories. Stop living vicariously through two guys with game.
[Feb 17,2012 4:53pm - Josh_Martin ""]
apparently me and ross are the only ones who can score sluts AND maintain hot girlfriends at the same time.
The rest of you motherfuckers gotta go back to rocker school
[Feb 17,2012 4:53pm - AndrewBastard ""]
I dont kiss and tell
[Feb 17,2012 4:53pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]
plus, I'm ugly as sin and make shit money and still get fucked, so WHAT IS EVERYONE ELSE DOING WRONG
[Feb 17,2012 4:55pm - Josh_Martin ""]
no game, lame, and not insane
[Feb 17,2012 4:56pm - Josh_Martin ""]
I got more pussy when I was unemployed......I mean I like not being broke all the time but..... Chicks are STUPID
[Feb 17,2012 4:57pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]
give the horns ITT if you've raped someone
[Feb 17,2012 4:59pm - Josh_Martin ""]
does it count if they ended up liking it???
[Feb 17,2012 4:59pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]
yea, and double points if they called your gf at work afterwards and told her every detail
[Feb 17,2012 5:00pm - Josh_Martin ""]
'cause then yeah. But you cant rape the willing. But she wasnt willing at first. But she said she was glad I did it......chicken vs egg I guess
[Feb 17,2012 5:01pm - Josh_Martin ""]
bottom line is CHICKS ARE STUPID
[Feb 17,2012 5:39pm - Josh_Martin ""]
No joke, anyone that thinks they got game, go to the horrible show at Ruins in Prov tonight. Total slut central. Trust me. My band aint playin. I got no stake in this. Prove yourselves motherfuckers!
[Feb 17,2012 5:48pm - posbleak ""]

trioxin%20245nli said:give the horns ITT if you've raped someone

lol :newhorns:
[Feb 17,2012 5:49pm - trioxin_245 ""]
no seriously though
[Feb 17,2012 5:57pm - Lamp ""]

Josh_Martin said:No joke, anyone that thinks they got game, go to the horrible show at Ruins in Prov tonight. Total slut central. Trust me. My band aint playin. I got no stake in this. Prove yourselves motherfuckers!

I've never even heard of this place, what's going on?
[Feb 17,2012 6:01pm - trioxin_245 ""]

Lamp said:
Josh_Martin said:No joke, anyone that thinks they got game, go to the horrible show at Ruins in Prov tonight. Total slut central. Trust me. My band aint playin. I got no stake in this. Prove yourselves motherfuckers!

I've never even heard of this place, what's going on?

[Feb 17,2012 6:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
LOL your pain is endearing LOLOOLOLOLOL

[Feb 17,2012 6:03pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
josh you are in for a treat.
[Feb 17,2012 6:06pm - josh_hates_you ""]
ruins is part of colliseum. around the corner from hell. shitty club is shitty. $4 gansetts and & $7 mixed drinks. pretty sure i know josh martin's 21 year old friend.....

and ross pushing around the fat chick was funny. afterwards outside someone said to her "i felt bad when i saw that dude pushing you". her response was the best part of that whole night....."oh him? we have an understanding. cause we talked after and he told me i was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. says he never met anyone like me before and wants to take me out".....she really does say things like that to boost her own ego. and she lurks this board sometimes.
[Feb 17,2012 6:11pm - trioxin_245 ""]

josh_hates_you said:". her response was the best part of that whole night....."oh him? we have an understanding. cause we talked after and he told me i was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. says he never met anyone like me before and wants to take me out"


I didn't say a word to her, and she was disgusting.
[Feb 17,2012 6:15pm - trioxin_245 ""]
also I pushed her cuz she was pulling on my hoodie. you don't pull on a mans hood unless you want to get punched.
[Feb 17,2012 6:39pm - Lamp ""]
Yeeeeeeeesh, no wonder I haven't heard of that fucking place or that show
[Feb 17,2012 6:39pm - josh_hates_you ""]
dead serious. I lol'd so hard while her friends ate up the story.
[Feb 17,2012 10:44pm - Gay Abortion Fellating Mexican Lawn Boytoty  ""]
American girls are easy. Dysfunctional parents. Makes anal. For a drink or less.
[Feb 18,2012 1:48am - silvio  ""]
[Feb 18,2012 8:47am - the_reverend ""]
This needs more pictures
[Feb 18,2012 1:13pm - Captain Obvious  ""]
OP was trying to figure out which bands get drunk and put out.

[Feb 18,2012 11:15pm - satanic_biskmastr  ""]
how was the show last night? sick poon?

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