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do you want a free GMAIL account?

[Aug 31,2004 1:58pm - succubus ""]
i'll give you one...

just sign up for a free ipod!

here is my referral id if you wanna sign up under me:


i only need 4 people to sign up and choose an offer


thank you!
[Aug 31,2004 2:00pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
what is GMail?
[Aug 31,2004 2:01pm - powerkok ""]
thats what i was gonna ask
[Aug 31,2004 2:02pm - honor4death ""]
google mail you get like 5465464897546GB of mail space
[Aug 31,2004 2:05pm - powerkok ""]
ahh really
ill do it, but I must first poop.
[Aug 31,2004 2:06pm - succubus ""]
you get 1000 MB
and you can only get one if someone invites you to join and i have invites to give...

it really is pretty awesome
[Aug 31,2004 2:08pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
did you get your free ipod yet? or is this still the one you've been working on all along?
[Aug 31,2004 2:09pm - succubus ""]
same one...only 1 person signed up...so i need 4 more then i get it
[Aug 31,2004 2:26pm - dirteecrayon ""]
is gmail one of the offers?
[Aug 31,2004 2:31pm - powerkok ""]
in order to sign up, you have to also pick an offer? they all want cc#s!!
although you get alot of mb with gmail, hotmail is free. Ill stick with that! unless im stupid and doing it wrong?
[Aug 31,2004 2:37pm - succubus ""]
no, gmail is something i have...and to thank the person for signing up, i am giving away an invite to that person.

Yeah KOK, you do have to enter a CC number and that's the bitch of it...i know it's a pain in the ass which is why people don't wanna do it...BUT I did it, i chose the AOL offer and i canceled a couple of days later...got a confirmation that it's cancelled and everything.

I know people who've done it without any problems

~~hopefully i can get 4 people to sign up!
[Aug 31,2004 2:43pm - powerkok ""]
[Aug 31,2004 2:58pm - dirteecrayon ""]
how do i cancel with a debit card? do i have to call up and do the phone thing?
[Aug 31,2004 3:04pm - succubus ""]
i guess it depends on which offer you pick...

if you are not already on ebay..that one is easiest...

i did the AOL thingy and i had to call and cancel, so it's the same thing with a debit card.
[Aug 31,2004 3:17pm - powerkok ""]
well, I got no cc available, but can I get a high 5 for trying?
[Aug 31,2004 3:35pm - succubus ""]


thanks for tryin' <3
[Sep 2,2004 2:20pm - succubus ""]
[Sep 2,2004 3:15pm - succubus ""]
no one?
[Oct 12,2004 7:17pm - succubus ""]

a friend of myne just got his free ipod


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