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ATTN: Anyone who has the new Mastodon album

[Sep 1,2004 7:29pm - assuck ""]
how is it?

and i dont mean how does it compare to Remission, because i dont expect them to top that album.

but pretend they never put out remission, and then tell me how leviathan is.

[Sep 1,2004 7:47pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i like remissions better..........................i dunno i didnt listen to it enough times yet cause my cd player in my car stopped reading brand new cds. it only plays old scratched ones..........go figure. and i never listen to cds at home.

there alot of the mellow weird vox that they used sparingly on lifeblood. i dont like alot of the guitar tones too.

after i listen to it 10 more times ill give you a way better review.
[Sep 1,2004 8:53pm - dugoxistance  ""]
I like it. the drumming is fucking amazing. worth it just for that. if anyone cares, the new lamb of god is great. a step up from Palace.
[Sep 1,2004 8:55pm - armageddonday ""]
It sucks, I listen to it cause I got a promo for the store but it's way to radio friendly for me...Highly disappointed.
[Sep 1,2004 8:55pm - honor4death ""]
yea, the new mastodon is sick, wicked glad i bought that and the new lamb of god.
[Sep 1,2004 9:57pm - dugoxistance  ""]
good thing someone knows what they're talking about on this board.
[Sep 1,2004 10:01pm - honor4death ""]
so anne, if something is radio friendly it can't be good??
[Sep 1,2004 10:05pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
i klike it, the vocals are quite different but real good. Amazing all around. New LOG is decent too
[Sep 1,2004 10:21pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
She's giving her opinion. Relax.
[Sep 1,2004 11:01pm - assuck ""]
thank you. i heard parts of the new LOG monday and it was 1/2 decent
[Sep 1,2004 11:28pm - attendmyrequiem in maine  ""]
i picked it up saturday (yes i got it early) and i fucking love it. the muscianship is amazing. matt bayles engineered it amazingly as he always does.
[Sep 2,2004 2:03am - the_reverend ""]
I really don't know about this cd...
I've listened to it a few times..
musically, it's awesome..
but the vocals are killing me and I think ruin it for me.
[Sep 2,2004 2:05am - armageddonday ""]
honor4death said:so anne, if something is radio friendly it can't be good??

I'm just comparing to their previous CDs, I saw these guys in a warehouse with about only 80 people at the show and it was fucking amazing, I had a neckache for 3 days afterwards. This album is really not as jaming as the other one, there's really a commercial vibe to it (that what's I was refering to as far as radio goes). And by no means I meant these guys were bad musician, I just really don't like this particular album.
[Sep 2,2004 2:07am - the_reverend ""]
honestly, some parts reminded me of metallica's comercial stuff...
[Sep 2,2004 2:17am - attendmyrequiem in maine  ""]
i dunno if i hear 'commercial' in this at all. those gruff vocals aren't commercial. that shit wont make them sell anymore cds. the vocals remind me of neurosis on a sun that never sets from time to time. and the music seems to be more intricate. where as metallica's musicianship went way downhill.
[Sep 2,2004 2:19am - armageddonday ""]
the_reverend said:honestly, some parts reminded me of metallica's comercial stuff...

Yeah, I actually got the same thought.
[Sep 2,2004 2:46am - JellyFish ""]
im gonna give the new mastodon a shot. As for new LOG, unless i hear like 2 or 3 more of you say its ten thousand times better than palaces, im not even gonna think about it.
[Sep 2,2004 2:50am - attendmyrequiem in maine  ""]
new log is not any better. i think they should have spent more time on song writing. to me it sounded like they wrote bunch of riffs they knew the could play well together/write quickly and easily and stuck with it... i wish i heard a bit of improvement in it, but i reall didn't. track 2 is great tho.
[Sep 2,2004 2:53am - JellyFish ""]
well ive been sick to death of new american gospel for the better part of 2 1/2 years now, and i didnt really like palaces to begin with. I still like the burn the priest record.
[Sep 2,2004 6:37am - dugoxistance  ""]
Burn the Priest was the best one. They should've kept the name. And Mastodon is just as "commercial" now as they were on Remission . . . and they're still just as good too.
[Sep 2,2004 10:21pm - reuben ""]
First tune rules,still trying to get used to the rest
[Sep 2,2004 10:50pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i thoroughly enjoy the new mastodon; artwork/layout is awesome, music is great. vocals are different from the last 2 cd's, but i think it's good that they've experimented more with different vocal styles. there's a lot of clutch influence on this, and i just noticed the singer of clutch is on blood and thunder. go figure.

as far as the new lamb of god cd goes...it's a bit better than palaces in production and vocals. the vocals remind me more new american gospel than palaces, even though they are far from amazing. the music is good for the most part, but every now and then there are some generic swedish riffs that kinda get to me. i like the cd, but they need to incorporate more of the new american gospel style shit
[Sep 5,2004 11:14am - ASSUCK ""]
i picked up the new Mastodon yesterday. i've listened to it 3 times through, but it'll take at least 3 more before i can give you my whole hearted opinion on it.
[Sep 5,2004 1:16pm - El Justin  ""]
I picked it up yesterday...

The production on this cd is amazing, as is the musicianship. There are some real standout/catchy parts on the album too... it's just that what brings it down sometimes are the vocals. I'm just not into the half-singing stuff... it would have been cool if there were more of the throaty vocals instead of the pseudo-Ozzy singing. It's a decent cd.
[Sep 6,2004 11:43pm - ASSUCK ""]
ok so i've listened to it about 10 times now, and here's my semi-review:

The first thing i noticed was that the drumming seems a little held back compared to what was on Remission. still some amazing drumming, just held back a little.

as far as being more commericial, i will agree with that, but i dont think it hurts the overall impact at all.

the vocals wook until about the 5th listen to finally click with me, and i find myself appreciating them more with each listen, which goes for the rest of the album as well.

definitley some really catch parts. i've had the opening riff to blood and thunder stuck in my head since i got the damn album.

i'm sure i'll think of more stuff to say later, and when i do i'll edit this. but for now, that's all.

i give it a 9/10
[Sep 6,2004 11:44pm - ASSUCK ""]
i'm gonna go listen to it again
[Sep 7,2004 10:03am - Mike FOD  ""]
Mastodon is the most random band to get so much hype as they have been lately.
What I’ve heard off Leviathan wasn’t too bad, one riff in particular stuck with me (riff near the end of Iron Tusk) but I haven’t heard the album in its entirety. The packaging and theme for this album is amazing, it’s what really caught my attention. However I don’t believe this album will be as memorable as ISIS – Panopticon or Neurosis – The eye of every storm. Mastodon has a problem of throwing in riffs that go absolutely nowhere and then busting into a good one. Why can’t they be as consistent as the above mentioned? I think one band that should be getting way more hype (long overdue) than these guys are Pelican; total riff masters.
[Sep 7,2004 10:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I've seen both mastodon and isis live, and I am going to have to disagree with you. I think Mastodon blows Isis away. Mastodon also has incredible stage presence, which might have effected my judgement, but as far as the music goes I like Mastodon better on CD too.
[Sep 7,2004 10:12am - RustedAngel ""]
armageddonday said: but it's way to radio friendly for me....

I think people forget RTTP is a radio show. HEHEHEH. :spineyes:
[Sep 7,2004 10:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think people forget Anne is french.
[Sep 7,2004 10:15am - Mike FOD  ""]
I've seen both as well, last time I saw Mastodon was with FF, I remember yawning a lot, but they were really cool guys on stage. ISIS live and on CD is an experience. ISIS live is like group meditation, only you don't feel like a dirty hippie. Way more dynamic (in my opinion).
[Sep 7,2004 10:18am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I havent seen Isis in a few years, so maybe I would appreciate it more now. I want to see Pelican live, that band is great.
[Sep 7,2004 10:21am - Mike FOD  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I havent seen Isis in a few years, so maybe I would appreciate it more now. I want to see Pelican live, that band is great.

Are they ever... I actually saw Pelican open for ISIS, tremendous show.
[Sep 7,2004 10:21am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I remember that, at the middle east right? I was gonna go but I dont recall why I didnt.
[Sep 7,2004 10:26am - Mike FOD  ""]
Yep, that's the one. Are you into stoner/weird bands?
[Sep 7,2004 10:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am into some bands like that, especially lately. Have you heard Conifer before?
[Sep 7,2004 10:31am - Mike FOD  ""]
I knew of a Conifer that was like symphonic/instrumental, but I don't think it's the same band you're referring to.
[Sep 7,2004 10:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Conifer, on my label, is primarily instrumental, I don't know about symphonic though. They are from ME, if you like Pelican I think you would dig them.
[Sep 7,2004 10:35am - Mike FOD  ""]
Yeah, this band was from the midwest. Not weird, experimental, or heavy for that matter. But yeah, if they use vocals very sparingly and are like Pelican, I'm down for checking them out.
[Sep 7,2004 10:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Sep 7,2004 10:39am - Mike FOD  ""]
When I get home from work i'll d/l their music on the site, let you know what I think.
[Sep 7,2004 10:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Cool man, I might have some other tunes on my site that arent on theirs as well.
[Sep 7,2004 10:52am - korpse-l- ""]
I think the new mastadon is pretty good. sounds like he's experimenting with his voice a little bit but thats cool. i got the double cd/dvd disc. i thought the dvd would have some live videos or something on it but it didn't. the drumming is insane. that drummer goes off into his own world and makes anything sound damn good. same goes for the guitarist. that guy can rip.

I heard the new Conifer a couple weeks ago. kicks ass. the sound quality is awesome. damn good recording job. I'll pick it up next time i get paid.
[Sep 7,2004 10:54am - Mike FOD  ""]
Last week when I was on Soulseek getting the new ISIS, the kid I was getting it front messaged me. He's in this new band from Germany called "Men in search of the perfect weapon." It's a lot like Buried at Sea, Pelican, etc. If I can find their web address again, i'll post the link. Good stuff from the samples I heard.
[Sep 7,2004 11:14am - Mike FOD  ""]
http://www.weapon.modusoperandi.de/ <- Men in search of the perfect weapon.
[Sep 7,2004 12:08pm - ASSUCK ""]
^^i'm listening to that band right now, and its damn good
[Sep 7,2004 1:26pm - armageddonday ""]
RustedAngel said:armageddonday said: but it's way to radio friendly for me....

I think people forget RTTP is a radio show. HEHEHEH. :spineyes:

I was more refering to mainstream radio crap...
[Sep 7,2004 1:32pm - armageddonday ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I think people forget Anne is french.

Oh don't worry about this, I get reminded of it everyday.

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