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[Sep 18,2004 2:33am - RustedAngel ""]
[Sep 18,2004 2:48am - powerkok ""]
a bit early for flyerin eh?
looks like a good show, except that HCN isnt on it!
[Sep 18,2004 12:33pm - Flesheater ""]
Do I really have to wear a costume??
[Sep 18,2004 1:19pm - RustedAngel ""]
trying to see if people can get a discount for wearing a costume... I think this is going to be fun shit.
[Sep 18,2004 5:24pm - Goratory/Pillory Drummer  ""]
I really hope it's a good time, more of a party atmosphere. That would draw more people and probably be more fun than just a standard show. I am definitly not wearing a costume though.
[Sep 18,2004 6:47pm - RustedAngel ""]
darren quit being so pessimistic. of course this is going to be a good time.

i'm flyering for this tonight in worcester.
[Sep 18,2004 9:23pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I thought THH was from Worcester?
[Sep 18,2004 10:23pm - MattRCT ""]
yes they are from worcester
[Sep 19,2004 7:10pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
im going dressed as dan from street fighter or terry bogard from fatal fury 1
[Sep 20,2004 1:29pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
sweet. i thought we were playing? maybe not. i'm not sure. i really don't know what's going on. ever.
[Sep 22,2004 9:19am - RustedAngel ""]
I have no idea what's going on either, one of the guys from DWW set this up and he never mentioned shroud...
[Sep 22,2004 9:56am - Tortuous Threnody  ""]
What an awesome flyer!!!
[Sep 22,2004 10:24am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
RustedAngel said:I have no idea what's going on either, one of the guys from DWW set this up and he never mentioned shroud...

Right on. I'm not sure who Dan was talking to about it. If I have 10 bucks to spare, I'll be sure to come out for this.
[Sep 22,2004 11:30am - mammalsauce ""]
oh come on darren you have to wear a costume, you're in the band
[Sep 22,2004 11:35am - RustedAngel ""]
yes darren, don't be a party p00per....at least wear a mask or something.
[Sep 22,2004 1:00pm - powerkok ""]
I will probably go if were not playing that night.
I will be going as an actual sized Jason Voorhees part 6...
do they let you carry a machete into the bombshelter?
[Sep 22,2004 1:03pm - RustedAngel ""]
damnit, you guys should totally book one for the 30th and come to this... i want to see the gayest / coolest costumes imaginable.

i can't even fathom what hoser would go as.
[Sep 22,2004 1:08pm - powerkok ""]
hahaha dood...
last year he was 'oof' the mexican professional wrestler.

it was a riot. me him and ifuck almost went to jail for hucking a rock at a minivan that egged ifuck.
the bitch that was drivin actually lived up the road and sent some guy down with a big ass stick...I grabbed a firepoker and told him to drop the stick or I would fuck him up bad. He did. Then we all agreed to just drop it. ya. the cops showed up 10 minutes later. hahahaha buncha cunts.
[Sep 22,2004 1:10pm - powerkok ""]
Ohh and the bitch that egged him, was driving around egging people, with her 2 year old in the car. Pure Concord Class!!!
[Sep 22,2004 1:10pm - RustedAngel ""]
OOF?!?!! oh man

I'd give anythign to see hoser in a halloween getup.
[Sep 22,2004 11:21pm - retzam ""]
[Sep 22,2004 11:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
yeah, go to gwar if you want to pay $60 for a t-shirt that costs us $6 to make.
[Sep 22,2004 11:37pm - retzam ""]
Who says i'm gonna buy a t-shirt?
[Sep 22,2004 11:43pm - RustedAngel ""]
it's okay retzam you don't have to go to this...we all know you never go to local shows anyways.
[Sep 22,2004 11:45pm - retzam ""]
So true, i'm too busy at the sellouts with my leather pants and studded jackets and all.
[Sep 23,2004 1:06am - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
I almost want to go to the Gwar/Dying Fetus show. But who would Goratory get to fill in? Oh shit, no one can play my parts, nevermind.
[Sep 23,2004 1:24am - RustedAngel ""]
derek roddy could play your parts with one arm.
[Sep 23,2004 10:26am - RustedAngel ""]
bump for penile stumps.
[Sep 23,2004 8:09pm - retzam ""]
RustedAngel said:bump for penile stumps.

That, my friend, is one damn good reason to bump, so, I shall bump this back from the 3rd page.
[Sep 23,2004 10:47pm - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
Derek Roddy, yeah right. He can pull off my stuff off and i could play any of his Nile or HAte Eternal stuff. One arm, lol, keep dreaming.
[Sep 23,2004 11:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
ahahahah i knew you'd get up n' arms.

come on darren why aren't you in Hate Eternal or nile then? hahahahah. why didn't you play the drum benefit in RI??? hahahah. jk.
[Sep 24,2004 1:50am - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
Well, i haven't been offered the slots yet, it'll take alittle while for my name to get out. Anyways, i like both the bands i'm in and want to push them to their fullest. I've had offers to fill in for other bands and tour, which i may hopefully do, but i have full time commitments to Goratory and Pillory. As far as that drum benefit, i thought i should have been on it. Who are u anyways, if i don't know you, u shouldn't really be talking about my playing. I'm not angry or anything, just setting things straight.

Big Bucks
[Sep 24,2004 8:08am - RustedAngel ""]
Goratory/Pillory_Drummer said:Well, i haven't been offered the slots yet, it'll take alittle while for my name to get out. Anyways, i like both the bands i'm in and want to push them to their fullest. I've had offers to fill in for other bands and tour, which i may hopefully do, but i have full time commitments to Goratory and Pillory. As far as that drum benefit, i thought i should have been on it. Who are u anyways, if i don't know you, u shouldn't really be talking about my playing. I'm not angry or anything, just setting things straight.

Big Bucks

hahhahah darren i'm just playing around, don't worry.

it's tom / porphyria
[Sep 24,2004 7:17pm - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
[Sep 24,2004 7:24pm - dyingmuse ""]
this is weird....serge asked us to play this show, but hoestly, we didnt want to do it. we may be in ny that weekend, and or recording....and now i see a full line up....serge is a bit crazy at times. i was talking to hcn to see if they wanted this show...whats going on? well ill talk to serge on this....and would you guys mind if hcn played?
[Sep 25,2004 12:25am - Goratory/Pillory_Drummer ""]
Another band can be added, but then the show has to start earlier or the sets have to be cut down, i don't want to go on too late. I think i want to go on in the middle actually.
[Sep 25,2004 12:36am - powerkok ""]
Ya, whatever you guys wanna do...Im down for anything.
No bum touching tho.
[Sep 25,2004 2:37am - RustedAngel ""]
you guys would have to ask tom DWW the guy booking the show.
[Sep 25,2004 3:49pm - Earl M.S.B  ""]
Death Metal/ Thrash from N.Easton Ma.-Murder Steinbag- 5 song demo tape/cd available FREE!!!!!!!!!!E-Mail Murdersteinbag@yahoo.com now!
[Oct 25,2004 4:27pm - RustedAngel ""]
reminder, this show is friday....

please go and dress up like a douchebag if possible!
[Oct 25,2004 8:49pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i just realised... im i the only one that thinks its odd the hostage heart is on this bill?
[Oct 25,2004 10:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
nah, cause i'm good friends with their drummer, and all of ion is good friends with them.

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