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9/20/2004 Breaking: Beheading Video Of American Hostage Eugene Armstrong (Killed By Zarqawi Militant Group)

[Sep 21,2004 11:16pm - RustedAngel ""]
makes the nick berg beheading look like playtime... the sound on this one is horrid.

[Sep 21,2004 11:18pm - jake  ""]
[Sep 21,2004 11:26pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck is the sound brutal
[Sep 21,2004 11:26pm - Assuck ""]
jesus christ
[Sep 21,2004 11:27pm - Kalopsia ""]
i saw that this morning. for some reason it didn't disturb me as much as i thought it would. fucking brutal though. they didn't chop, they sawed it off
[Sep 21,2004 11:27pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
wmv doesn't work on my computer, ever.

what can I do?
[Sep 21,2004 11:32pm - RustedAngel ""]
they saw on the other ones too...

but this one i dunno... definetly had the most effect on me... fucking sucks for that guy I couldn't even imagine that happening to me.
[Sep 21,2004 11:34pm - RustedAngel ""]
I find it weird how in these beheading video's there is a 'cut' scene towards the time they fully pull the head off...kinda sketchy.
[Sep 21,2004 11:34pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Nuke em' high...
[Sep 21,2004 11:37pm - Kalopsia ""]
there's a cut scene probably because it takes a while to saw through the actual bone itself. i doubt they're faking anything. and i don't want to imagine that happening to me
[Sep 21,2004 11:42pm - BornSoVile ""]
fuck. that sound is brutal. thank you religion.
[Sep 22,2004 12:06am - powerkok ""]
ya I saw that first thing this am....I tend to turn the sound off when I watch those, but today I didnt.
I wish I had.
The sound in the Nepalize execution was fucking disgusting tho. Way worse.
[Sep 22,2004 12:08am - powerkok ""]
and ya....kalopsia is right it probly is sawing thru....a few of them tho, they must get right in between vertebrae, because the filipino one was real quick. took about 4 seconds. Theyve been getting too much practice. Insurgent scumbags.
[Sep 22,2004 12:12am - Abbath ""]
not fair man he wasn't even a soldier he went their to help the people
[Sep 22,2004 12:17am - powerkok ""]
ya...I guess he told his family that he thought they were being staked out, right b4 they got kidnapped...too bad....I would just get the fuck outta there and keep my head on my body.
I have decided tho...that you WILL NOT behead me...I will fight and claw and kick your nuts until you shoot me. but that knife isnt coming near my neck while Im alive!!!.
Did u guys see the cia execution? that guy was on so much sodium penathol he couldnt even keep his head up.
They macheted him.
[Sep 22,2004 7:33am - Kalopsia ""]
powerkok said:ya...I guess he told his family that he thought they were being staked out, right b4 they got kidnapped...too bad....I would just get the fuck outta there and keep my head on my body.
I have decided tho...that you WILL NOT behead me...I will fight and claw and kick your nuts until you shoot me. but that knife isnt coming near my neck while Im alive!!!.
Did u guys see the cia execution? that guy was on so much sodium penathol he couldnt even keep his head up.
They macheted him.

there are so many cases where people are taken hostage, being robbed, ect. and most of them cooperate with the suspects but are still killed anyways, and yet they say "if someone is trying to car jack you, just give them the car, it's not worth it." fuck you. if someone comes at me with a gun, the first split second opportunity i get to knock it out of his hands i'm taking it. i won't go down without a fight
[Sep 23,2004 12:46pm - RustedAngel ""]
ugh, still thinking about this one, brutal.
[Sep 23,2004 1:05pm - litacore ""]
it's a very duhamanizing way to kill someone. These guys are total douchebags.
[Sep 24,2004 8:14am - anonymous  ""]
I am in total shock....can't finish my breakfast. I think we should just nuke the whole country, sorry to the innocent bystanders, wipe them out.
[Sep 24,2004 8:18am - the_reverend ""]
I was eating apple pie and icecream while watching it.
it got really hard to finish, but I did.

the sound is brutal and he keeps making noises even after his head is off.
[Sep 24,2004 8:51am - Robdeadskin ""]
Fuck..Sounded like a pig getting slaughtered...that is the worst one..the others "where" like play time.
[Sep 24,2004 10:09am - litacore ""]
anonymous said:I am in total shock....can't finish my breakfast. I think we should just nuke the whole country, sorry to the innocent bystanders, wipe them out.

you know, I was thinking the same thing in the shower yesterday. Yeah innocents would die but think of the future victims of these psychos

then I realized things would just get worse because not only would we destabilize the whole region EVEN MORE but we'd probably get nuked OURSELVES in retaliation by an "ally"

so, tempting as it is . . . not a good idea. Alas.

[Sep 24,2004 10:37am - powerkok ""]
theres a new one out, of the other american being beheaded, too..and Im sure, there will be a new one of the briton.
they are supposedly releasing the vid of the two italian woman being beheaded as well.
Ive decided I wont watch these anymore, cuz they really are all pretty much the same..and its getting absurd.
I will prolly watch the women one tho. but thats it.
I say that now...but sometimes you have to watch....I hate that.
[Sep 24,2004 5:30pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
AWWW it won't play on my computer,this sucks
[Sep 24,2004 7:16pm - niccolai ""]
I actually have an article somewhere, I'll post it when I find it that claims this and all the other decapitations are fake and the beheaded men were long dead.
[Sep 24,2004 8:27pm - powerkok ""]

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