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succubus pics

[Sep 25,2004 10:57am - th3rdknuckle ""]
are you planning to post your pics of the Wargasm reunion show on defyunlearn? we're beginning work on the live cd/dvd and will be gathering ideas for the graphics/packaging soon; we'd love to see what you have
there are a lot of rev's pics that we'd love to use, and will be in touch w/him when we reach that stage of the project
[Sep 25,2004 11:56am - the_reverend ""]
she's uploaded them, but is too busy eating bonbons, watching soaps, and sleepin' to put in the database entries.
I'll make her do it today.
[Sep 25,2004 11:59am - the_reverend ""]
she read this and then ate part of my chocolate bar!
damn it!
[Sep 25,2004 2:47pm - succubus ""]
aaron you bastid!


sorry 3rd knuckle...i have not been on my computer as much lately (i had some health issues, but all is ok now) then i had family visiting and so again..not much computer time..anyhow!

i had copied them last week and figured i'd post all the bands at the same time...but i'm still not finished the rest...

i suck...

anyhow, at the show i was mainly on the other side of the stage...and i asked aaron who you were just now..and i did not get many photos of you...i'm sorry...


there is a link
again..sorry for not posting them right away...i will post the other bands asap
[Sep 25,2004 3:01pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
please don't apologize, real life happens. we're just psyched that you guys were even interested.

also, no problem about not getting many shots of me; those are the ones that i'm least interested in seeing lol

thanks again we'll check 'em out and get in touch eventually
[Sep 25,2004 5:01pm - subjugate ""]
great pic's succubus but um wrong club listed
[Sep 25,2004 5:07pm - the_reverend ""]
looks like the right club to me.
-- signed the SQL whizzzzahd
[Sep 25,2004 5:16pm - succubus ""]

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