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some things about the 9/11 attacks being faked.

[Sep 28,2004 4:28pm - the_reverend ""]

the flash is pretty interesting.
[Sep 28,2004 4:31pm - swamplorddvm ""]
What happened to all the people that were on the plane that "did not actually crash"?
[Sep 28,2004 4:32pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Their plane could have been shot down or something.
[Sep 28,2004 4:33pm - the_reverend ""]
makes me wonder when you see the size of a 757 next to the pentagon..
[Sep 28,2004 4:34pm - swamplorddvm ""]
hhhmmmm true but where? its not THAT easy to hide something like that. The jews did it! Martian jews!
[Sep 28,2004 4:36pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
No it was the Nazis in their UFO's inside their mountain base next to Varg's house
[Sep 28,2004 4:38pm - powerkok ""]
ya that pentagon one was interesting....swamplord showed me that while back, and its interesting at most..
although I wouldnt neccessarily rule out the last 2 planes being shot down....who knows....NORAD WAS scrambled by that time. That is a fact.
[Sep 28,2004 4:39pm - jellyfish ""]
thats crazy.
[Sep 28,2004 4:45pm - brendan  ""]
whats the point of faking it
[Sep 28,2004 4:49pm - goratory ""]
i don't mean to be ignorant but what is NORAD
[Sep 28,2004 4:52pm - mammalsauce ""]
holy shit that was the craziest thing i've seen since 9-11
[Sep 28,2004 4:59pm - powerkok ""]
ok first of all dont get me wrong...Im a stubborn proud american, but Ive read alot on this, and there are some very substantial theories.

1.) the reason they would fake it, is because after the highly delicate and emotional state that the country was in after the wtc attacks, that America couldnt and/or wouldnt swallow the fact that we blew 2 planes out of the sky, to protect the well being of our nations capital.

The portion of the pentagon that was hit, was under construction and basically empty at the time...

not hugely damning, but its stuff iIve read

Goaratory...NORAD is the us defense system, that was basically designed for nuclear defense.
[Sep 28,2004 4:59pm - mammalsauce ""]
NORAD protects the airspace with satellites
[Sep 28,2004 4:59pm - RustedAngel ""]
I kinda wondered that same thing...I figured that I just saw pictures of after it was cleaned up.
[Sep 28,2004 5:31pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 28,2004 5:47pm - tbone_r ""]
i like conspiracy theories. especially ones involving bush because he sucks
[Sep 28,2004 6:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
So you guys think our government shot a missile at the pentagon?
I find that hard to believe.
[Sep 28,2004 11:09pm - tbone_r ""]
maybe it was accidental and they needed a cover-up

im not saying i believe the whole thing, i just find it interesting
[Sep 28,2004 11:10pm - Abbath ""]
what the fuck i can't find the video
[Sep 29,2004 12:21am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
how about the missing planes were shot down in PA..who says it was just one plane....have you ever seen the crash site, why do you think Tom Ridge became head of the Homeland Security cause his state was the hosting ground, you think your government really cares if you live or die. that's right America go back to sleep your government is in complete control and would never lie to you.
[Sep 29,2004 12:25am - Abbath ""]
aliens! ahhhh!!!
[Sep 29,2004 12:30am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
goratory said:i don't mean to be ignorant but what is NORAD

north american aerospace defense thats what my dad says. i can defend all the air i want after i hit those huuuge jumps!

[Sep 29,2004 12:43am - retzam ""]
Ahhh man, this is weird. I don't know whether to believe it or not, but any conspiricy involving the US Government that Jesse doesn't completely dissagree with deserves to be looked at more closely.
[Sep 29,2004 1:49am - powerkok ""]
hahahahahahaha so true.
you know me retz .
[Sep 29,2004 7:43am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
All I know is that if it is a cover up it will never be publicly revealed because it doesn't matter. That doesn't effect us in the slightest.
[Sep 29,2004 3:14pm - grundlegremlin ""]
[Sep 29,2004 3:14pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Totally Staged
[Sep 29,2004 3:30pm - grundlegremlin ""]
So it doesn't effect us, huh? Okay, what about the Patriot Act? What about FEMA setting up deathcamps in the US? Nothing may be happening now but once they stage another attack like 9-11, it's time for marshal law. They are peparing us for it slowly,so expect some changes and say goodbye to your civil liberties.
[Sep 29,2004 3:39pm - BornSoVile ""]
the US hired top trained Saudi assault groups (or whatever the fuck they call them over there) to crash the planes. 9/11 was designed to coverup Enron and the several companies associated with Bush who have subsequently destroyed the economy. Bin Laden is in Saudi Arabia right now.
[Sep 29,2004 3:44pm - the_reverend ""]

the best is the banner "osam bin legend"
I got a long laugh off of that.
[Sep 11,2014 11:02am - 9/11 INSIDE JORB  ""]

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