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How much water?

[Sep 29,2004 4:47pm - swamplorddvm ""]
How much water can a Water buffalo, buffalo, if a Water buffalo could Buffalo water?
[Sep 29,2004 4:48pm - Assuck ""]

im gonna start using buffalo as a verb now

i buffaloed all over that bitch's face
[Sep 29,2004 4:49pm - Christraper ""]
A water buffalo would buffalo as much water as a water buffalo could if a water buffalo could buffalo water
[Sep 29,2004 4:49pm - Christraper ""]
Assuck said:i buffaloed all over that bitch's face


[Sep 29,2004 4:50pm - succubus ""]
buffalo cheese
[Sep 29,2004 4:56pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
buffalo is a funny word
[Sep 29,2004 5:03pm - Hooker ""]
Hmm. Yeah buffalo as a verb could be fucking great. I'm going to start that too.
[Sep 29,2004 5:04pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
the longest sentence you can make using only one word: buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
[Sep 29,2004 5:05pm - Assuck ""]
we can spread it around at the show tonight, for starters
[Sep 29,2004 5:10pm - Dissector ""]
I'm definitely start using it.
[Sep 29,2004 5:14pm - Hooker ""]
I just fucking buffaloed in the toilet. It was rough.
[Sep 29,2004 5:37pm - jellyfish ""]
swamplorddvm said:How much water can a Water buffalo, buffalo, if a Water buffalo could Buffalo water?

you are so stupid.
[Sep 29,2004 5:44pm - retzam ""]
What the buffalo are you guys buffaloing about?
[Sep 30,2004 3:36pm - swamplorddvm ""]
The response to this thread suprised the buffalo out of me.
[Sep 30,2004 3:47pm - dreadkill ""]
i ate buffalo wings last night then i buffaloed them out of my ass this morning after i got home from my girlfriend's house.
[Sep 30,2004 4:15pm - Wood ""]
This thread is so funny I just buffaloed myself.
[Sep 30,2004 4:18pm - dreadkill ""]
my buffalo is long and unwieldy
[Sep 30,2004 6:42pm - Assuck ""]
good lord what have i started?!
[Sep 30,2004 10:51pm - Aegathis ""]
This thread Buffalblows!! Haaha
[Oct 1,2004 3:18am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i buffaloed some boneless buffalo wings before i buffalowed a few martinis tonite

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