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another whine about your job thread...

[Oct 1,2004 10:10am - succubus ""]
ok so get this...

yesterday at work...was like a party...everyone had to bring in food and we were all in a large conference room...

people were messing around with the voice program (that i posted a link to) and all sorts of stuff..

all i did was send an email to my co workers...which took a minute to write, this is what it said:

<<I'm in this week's Boston Phoenix..
Well my photo is. It's also online and my photo is on page 2.
Here is a link to the article:
Here is a link to the second page of the article with my photo.
Just wanted you to know. I was in Boston last night and picked up a few copies, the article is on the front page.

anyhow..some douche forwarded it to my bosses bosses boss...

and he was upset....said something like..."what...she's not busy working? She's sending out emails? what's this about? " blah blah..

same guy who right before i left came into that conference room and laughed while people played with the voice thingy...and was all smiley saying.."wow, you guys aren't busy, blah blah"

of course laughing with them..yet he talked to my boss about my email...

and my boss got yelled at...

what a fucking douche
[Oct 1,2004 10:13am - baneofexistence ""]
my room is being shut down and outsourced in march

the end
[Oct 1,2004 10:30am - succubus ""]
wait..what does that mean for you jim?

will you still have a job?
[Oct 1,2004 10:31am - jellyfish ""]
i wrote an essay in my english 102 class about my shitty, burger flipping job.
[Oct 1,2004 10:37am - baneofexistence ""]
succubus said:wait..what does that mean for you jim?

will you still have a job?

were being moved to receiving to receive in the stuff that ppl will have to order on line insted of comming down to get so yea we will have a job and shit but it's gonna blow big time and for the rest of the lab even worse cause insted of being able to get somthing today right now they are gonna have to wait a week
[Oct 1,2004 10:44am - succubus ""]
sucks =(

but at least you have a job still

still sucks though
[Oct 1,2004 10:53am - Siberia ""]
Today is my last day at this job!!! I'm really happy about it and I start my new job Monday. No more banking for this kid, my new job's dealing with Purchasing and Inside Sales.
[Oct 1,2004 10:59am - Christraper ""]
Im still an accountant working around a smelly old woman and a bunch of guys with combovers.
[Oct 1,2004 11:01am - Christraper ""]
Actually come to think of it I havent seen the smelly old woman all week. hmmmmm. perhaps my prayers have been answered and she finally shit the bed. or maybe she just broke her hip or something.
[Oct 1,2004 11:12am - baneofexistence ""]
succubus said:sucks =(

but at least you have a job still

still sucks though

that it does

sadly thats the attitude my union has towards it too
[Oct 1,2004 11:13am - baneofexistence ""]
office temps and out sourcing should be made a crime

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