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Mount St Helen's about to erupt!

[Oct 1,2004 3:27pm - succubus ""]
it's live on CNN
[Oct 1,2004 3:28pm - succubus ""]

[Oct 1,2004 3:30pm - succubus ""]
there are a lot of cool links that you can watch live on there
[Oct 1,2004 3:32pm - Hooker ""]
[Oct 1,2004 3:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I was reading this this morning...
but I had "other things" to deal with.
[Oct 1,2004 3:35pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hope it destroys entire towns.
[Oct 1,2004 3:35pm - the_reverend ""]
I told a kid at my work and he said
"the islamic terrorist must be thinking that God is doing all this to the US.
first the hurricanes and now this"
I said "the terrorists are probably doing it"
[Oct 1,2004 3:38pm - Abbath ""]
i'm hoping for some lava melting human flesh action!
[Oct 1,2004 3:39pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I heard that Scott from Teratism is convinced Bush created those Hurricanes, so he could send relief to Florida and gain more votes there.
[Oct 1,2004 3:42pm - Abbath ""]
those hurricanes were sent by god telling the people of florida not to fuck up the voting again
[Oct 1,2004 4:17pm - dreadkill ""]
step on these coasters on your way out. don't step on the hot lava, the carpet is hot lava.
[Oct 1,2004 4:21pm - the_reverend ""]

[Oct 1,2004 4:25pm - retzam ""]
It is done, It poured out ash and steam for a while and now all there is is a plume of smoke.
[Oct 1,2004 4:39pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I heard that Scott from Teratism is convinced Bush created those Hurricanes, so he could send relief to Florida and gain more votes there.

hahaha! scotts right!
[Oct 3,2004 6:53am - sacreligion ""]
dammit! i could've sworn after all the hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, volcano warnings, and whales fucking with surfers that the apocalypse was coming!
[Oct 4,2004 2:34pm - the_reverend ""]

looks like retzam was wrong
[Oct 4,2004 5:33pm - Crucifire ""]
I hope it just blows the west coast off the friggin' map!!!

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