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the Bombshelter (Manchester, NH) - [black_widow][candy_striper_death_orgy][distrust][overlorde][randomshots][red_right_hand][seven_witches][tearabyte]
[Oct 2,2004 2:22am - the_reverend ""]
I'm just back.
working on pictures.
give me a few.
[Oct 2,2004 2:33am - the_reverend ""]
pictures will be uploading soon.
[Oct 2,2004 3:52am - the_reverend ""]
distrust: man.. i've seen these guys so many times since 97 with nile at the elvis room. I always had a problem with them cause the singer was always wicked super ultra mega maxi drunk on stage and it would be extremely sloppy. I guess this is what I get, the singer totally sober and it was probably the best performance I've seen. the last 3 songs were my favs. a black metalish harder song, then another song and the best of the night, a waste-youth/old-school-hardcore song that I really liked.

candy stripper death orgy: I never notice before that holocaustic sounds a lot like slayer. anyhow, they had their' wicked old bassplayer. I think I originally save him with eric back in 2000. they played a batman mosh song and a reign in blood teaser. in the end, they got to play an extra song "final war". the whole time a kid was yelling for slayer.

black widow: power-metal with a female singer. not really my style. the female singer sounded like old-queens ryche at point and at others, like the singer from the circle jerks, though she kept doing these "wohoo"s when she wasn't singing. it was different. the guitar player was really good to, I'm sure he could shred to that video.

red right hand: new members in this band from the last time I saw them, looks jamesRAOV on the bass now. they are rock-metal. not really my thing. the best part was the singers shirt! SIKFUK. color me jealous.

tearabyte: damn, they are originally from manchester.. had no clue about that. they now live in texas. they were very interesting. some effects on the vocals, but it was very motorheadish.

overlorde: power/heavey metal. the singer was so old-school metal. at one point the mic stopped working and the singer ran off the stage. while he was gone, the guys played on.. and I actually really liked it without the singing. the guitar player was really good. tons of nice riffs and the bass was the first bass player I could hear all night. when the singer came back he sent a song to his gf and their new baby.

seven witches: the singer's voice is so technical. I doubt I could ever listen to this on cd. something with the drums broke and the singer joked about why they do sound check and talked about doing shows in garages. I wished I had that recorded. would have been funny.
[Oct 2,2004 11:52am - tbone_r ""]
isnt candy striper death orgy that sick metal band from mass?
[Oct 2,2004 12:21pm - drdeath ""]
looks like a few cats in these bands potentially fart dust in their spare time. anyone have any geritol on them? i left mine in the van...
[Oct 2,2004 12:23pm - dyingmuse ""]
today will be the day!
[Oct 2,2004 12:26pm - drdeath ""]
p.s. who knew the "heavy" broad from Heart got a new gig with Black Widow! yikes...
[Oct 2,2004 1:16pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, I admit I thought of that heart thing too.
looks aside, she had a neat voice.
[Oct 2,2004 1:19pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: I hope people from the first day go to the second day though I wish more of the bands from the second day showed up to the first day.
[Oct 2,2004 9:01pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
rev yoru pictures are real good but I snickered looking at all of them for curiosity how was the turn out?
[Oct 4,2004 12:03pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
I was hoping that more people would have come out for this day, because Snake, they guy who put on the fest, is just awesome and he deserved a better turnout. I had fun, though. We sort of had a Bachelorette party thing going on for my friend who came up from Georgia. I liked Overlorde. The guitarist is really good.
[Oct 6,2004 4:34pm - Arrik ""]
Ive known All the guys from Distrust for a while and never seen them live until 10/1/04...
They are fucking FANTASTIC live!! Highly recommended!

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