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This scene . . .

[Oct 4,2004 7:22am - dugoxistence  ""]
. . . needs a fucking coffee bean and poprocks enema.
[Oct 4,2004 7:29am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to go get coffee now.
I don't know about the poprocks, but i'll keep it in mind when I'm at DnD
[Oct 4,2004 7:43am - baneofexistence ""]
dugoxistence said:. . . needs a fucking coffee bean and poprocks enema.

i agree
[Oct 4,2004 8:37am - shatteredliz ""]
I'll tell you what I need...a gallon of OJ and a box of kleenex. I'm getting sick!
[Oct 4,2004 8:39am - the_reverend ""]
same here...
I took a swig of cough meds last night before hitting the hay and said "here's to 6 months of cough syrup!"
[Oct 4,2004 9:04am - succubus ""]
i just hope you didn't give it to me...i am feeling feverish
[Oct 4,2004 9:11am - Lynneaus ""]
great... rev breathed on me last night!

hahah after not drinking coffee for months... im workin on my second cup of the day... man this coffee at work sucks... good thing its free
[Oct 4,2004 9:21am - succubus ""]
he's spreading the virus!


at least you guys didn't exchange fluids! he took the coughs meds last night and this morning and he drank from the bottle


[Oct 4,2004 9:39am - shatteredliz ""]
Stay healthy Carina! Don't let him infect you!
[Oct 4,2004 9:42am - Lincoln ""]
shatteredliz said:I'll tell you what I need...a gallon of OJ and a box of kleenex. I'm getting sick!

I think this thread was about how this scene needs a kick in the ass before it dies completly...not how sick people are. This scene needs more that a coffee bean and pop rock enema.....it needs people who actually give a shit.
[Oct 4,2004 9:44am - shatteredliz ""]
Yes, I agree. But I am also sick and want to complain about it!
[Oct 4,2004 9:45am - Lincoln ""]
Theres a board to do that on I'm sure....this isn't it.
[Oct 4,2004 9:47am - Lincoln ""]
shatteredliz said:Yes, I agree. But I am also sick and want to complain about it!

...or just create a separate thread about being sick.
[Oct 4,2004 9:51am - Lincoln ""]
dugoxistence said:. . . needs a fucking coffee bean and poprocks enema.

....anyhow...elaborate on what you mean.
[Oct 4,2004 9:51am - shatteredliz ""]
I am just reinfoorcing the point of the thread. Yes, the scene needs people who care. Right now, we don't have enough people who care to even keep the thread on topic. I am playing the part of the uncaring scenster.
[Oct 4,2004 9:53am - Lincoln ""]
shatteredliz said:I am just reinfoorcing the point of the thread. Yes, the scene needs people who care. Right now, we don't have enough people who care to even keep the thread on topic. I am playing the part of the uncaring scenster.

Great thats just what this scene needs more of.
[Oct 4,2004 10:01am - sacreligion ""]
the scene does suck ass...maybe it's cause everyone keeps condescendingly calling it "the scene"

i need coffee right now...holy crap i can make some!
[Oct 4,2004 10:04am - Lincoln ""]
Theres no love anywhere around here...in order to even get recognized you will have needed to know someone who's been in this "scene" for the past thirty years and has a lot of friends. I feel badly for bands just getting started here...unless you had a bunch of friends from high school that will come and see your band. There is no room for advancment in Boston and thats too bad because theres a lot of talent here....but no one pays attention.
[Oct 4,2004 10:08am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Thats how its always been here. At least before we had places to play, the Ratt the Channel Local186 Baby Head (RI). Now? We got Obriens and THe Block which I'm not knocking, but no kids at 21+ venues = dying scene.
[Oct 4,2004 10:11am - Lincoln ""]
Thats what I don't get either...there are so many kids that want to see what these bands are doing and Boston doesn't give it even one inch of a chance. I haven't played an all ages show in years....it's too bad too because teenage girls make great groupies...HAHA!
[Oct 4,2004 10:15am - Lincoln ""]
But really is there any such thing as an all ages venue outside of a VFW hall anymore?????????
[Oct 4,2004 10:17am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Not really. Middle East is 18+ Bills used to do all ages Matinees. But there are no all ages venues in Boston.
[Oct 4,2004 10:21am - Lincoln ""]
Yeah I remember the Karma club...right in Bills bar..they were all ages I think...it sucks man....theres so many people that love heavy music in this town..but you couldn't get them all together at one club or venue to save your life....sad. No one cares anymore.
[Oct 4,2004 10:24am - Lincoln ""]
.................I realize I sound like a jerk but I woke up with this subject on my mind this morning. Theres just no love in Boston for heavy bands anymore.
[Oct 4,2004 10:47am - sacreligion ""]
actually your friend here is only mostly dead. and as we all know, mostly dead is slightly alive
[Oct 4,2004 10:49am - Lincoln ""]
sacreligion said:actually your friend here is only mostly dead. and as we all know, mostly dead is slightly alive

It's early and I'm not thinking clearly...I have no idea what you meant right there.
[Oct 4,2004 10:49am - sacreligion ""]
the thing with all ages venues is that they're a lot harder to run as far as licenses and permits go. it's much easier to just have your bar be 21+ and make all your money selling booze.
[Oct 4,2004 10:50am - Lincoln ""]
Right but even at those places no one goes. It doesn't matter.....heavy music is dead in Boston.
[Oct 4,2004 10:50am - sacreligion ""]
Lincoln said:sacreligion said:actually your friend here is only mostly dead. and as we all know, mostly dead is slightly alive

It's early and I'm not thinking clearly...I have no idea what you meant right there.

haha...it's a quote from the princess bride

what i meant was that there's still life in local music, it just so happens that the embers are almost burnt out but a good spark should get it going again
[Oct 4,2004 10:55am - sacreligion ""]
Lincoln said:Right but even at those places no one goes. It doesn't matter.....heavy music is dead in Boston.

it is not. if it was then how are there so many good bands?

i remember back when i was like 12 or 13 and first started going to the espresso bar in worcester. for whatever reason kids went there ALL the time. every weekend that place would be packed and awesome bands would play there just cuz of the environment and crowd. then the place got closed down and local music has been on the downfall ever since, in this area at least.
[Oct 4,2004 10:57am - Lincoln ""]
Well theres plenty of bands here to make more than a spark...theres a bonfire going here and I think there are people out there in the scene that try to put it out. Damn I can't believe I didn't catch the Princess Bride quote...it MUST be too early.
[Oct 4,2004 11:09am - sacreligion ""]
too early? im used to waking up at 2 in the afternoon!

these 4pm-2am shifts are fuckin up my social life too much
[Oct 4,2004 11:10am - Lincoln ""]
I wish I could do that........waking up at 6am kinda blows.
[Oct 4,2004 11:14am - sacreligion ""]
haha true...

i bet you wouldn't enjoy working 10 hours in a dishroom where no one speaks english though
[Oct 4,2004 11:20am - Lincoln ""]
Believe me I've done it...while peeling potatoes, making pot roast and slinging sandwiches to cute little B.C. Law girls.....I loved the old days.
[Oct 4,2004 11:22am - sacreligion ""]

you must keep in mind i'm only 19(i'm no longer a teenager as of this friday!)
[Oct 4,2004 11:33am - Lincoln ""]
Yeah I was about that age too when I was doing that. I thought college wasn't good enough for me so I decided to join the work force instead......oh well.
[Oct 4,2004 11:37am - sacreligion ""]
haha sounds all too familiar
[Oct 4,2004 4:43pm - BornSoVile ""]
I wish musicians went to more shows aside from the ones they play.
[Oct 4,2004 4:44pm - swamplorddvm ""]
dugoxistence said:. . . needs a fucking coffee bean and poprocks enema.

Pfft No fucking shit!
[Oct 4,2004 4:47pm - BornSoVile ""]
book a show. go to shows.
think and therefore you are.
[Oct 4,2004 4:50pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Talking to me?
[Oct 4,2004 4:51pm - Lincoln ""]
BornSoVile said:I wish musicians went to more shows aside from the ones they play.

Very true....
[Oct 4,2004 5:26pm - dugoxistence  ""]
while some valid points were made according to your own interpretation of my post, I was actually going off on another tangent but I didn't want to come off as the Taste of Semen guy (the real (fake) taste of semen, not taste of cigs) but I've come to the point where I really don't care anymore about my post or it's meaning, or this scene, or this genre, or this board. Eat a bowl of fuck! I still love the revvie though.
[Oct 4,2004 5:32pm - BornSoVile ""]
I wish musicians would book more shows instead of having grudging competing promoters beat up on each other, who only successfully make a horrible name for themselves and they're cause, it's all to common in MA. Personally I feel the scene here is very strong. The weakest link is the handfull of bands that refuse to do anything to get out of here. take acephalus for example. a great band nonetheless. bwtf? why did they pratically refuse every show offered to them that wasn't at the palladium? they could have done something or at least gone somewhere. fuck, dudes like abbath, mydyingbride and josiah the black, don't even know who the fuck they are! and we're talking about the biggest death metal band in MA 4 years ago here. it's just disappointing that bands take this negative approach and selective attitude speading this plague of a bitter downfall. the scene is yours. each one of us has the power to do something with it, wooo. get off your asses and live!
i know it sucks that bill's isn't around no more and the middle east is a pain in the ass but that's just one fucking city in this whole fucking state. what about cape cod, springfield, worcester, lowell, fitchburg, the entire south shore, as well as too many suburbs within 20 mintues of boston. then you got new hampshire, rhode island (which makes MA out to be a complete joke), VT is still alive, CT you can draw kids as long as there's a fucking place to play, and fucking ME which from what I hear is NE's best kept secret for violent crowds. I dunno. I'm so fucking proud to be a New Englander.
[Oct 4,2004 5:43pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
BornSoVile said: fuck, dudes like abbath, mydyingbride and josiah the black, don't even know who the fuck they are!

come again?
[Oct 4,2004 5:47pm - BornSoVile ""]
have you ever heard of or heard acephalus? i was talking to ya'll bout them on saturday and how sad it was that a band of that stature could all of a sudden be nothing in a matter of 2 years or so.
[Oct 4,2004 5:53pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
he means we dont know who they are...

ive been into metal for about a year and a few months...and im not sayin or bragin that i am all knowing bout metal and they local scene...but whatever... i dont like death metal, and probably wont buy any of it but i will go to as many dm bands shows as i can...for support.

fuck this scene this, scene that crap, play metal, draw a crowd, and stop arguing about stupid shit.

[Oct 4,2004 5:55pm - BornSoVile ""]
naw, i wasn't putting you guys down about not knowing bout them at all. i was just kinda shocked you guys havn't heard of them.
[Oct 4,2004 6:00pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
to tell ya the truth the only death metal cd i own is ascendancy
[Oct 4,2004 6:10pm - ninkaszi  ""]
i hated acephalus. a couple of those guys ended up in a creed style band. bleh.
[Oct 4,2004 6:15pm - subjugate ""]
acephalus used to be my favorate local metal band now teratism and phantom limb are , cannot wait to hear P.L. with the second guitarist and TERATISM with a bassist

i am glad we only have 3 shows left for the year

[Oct 4,2004 6:28pm - dirteecrayon ""]
all ages venue in my pants!!!

[Oct 5,2004 4:03am - sacreligion ""]
so...who's gonna take an initiative here?

i normally would but i don't know any of you...at all
[Oct 5,2004 1:16pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
The very quickest way to ruin about a "scene" is to call it that, and bitch about the state of it.

Sure things aren't perfect here, but there are more decent local metal bands playing in Boston then ever since the late 80's... As well as plenty of bands I am NOT at all into, but at least they have opportunities to play shows. It'd be nice if there were 100+ people at every show and a few all ages venues to choose from, but complaining on a message board won't change that. I don't think we all need to "unify" or anything either... 2 or 3 friends can get together and talk to new venues or set up a basement show or something (or even just take an afternoon fliering trip for existing shows to a dozen record stores), it's not incumbent upon EVERYONE to take care of such things. If something is lacking in the "scene" (your band doesn't get enough shows, not enough people come out to shows, whatever), do what you can to fix it...
[Oct 5,2004 9:39pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
BornSoVile said:naw, i wasn't putting you guys down about not knowing bout them at all. i was just kinda shocked you guys havn't heard of them.

no no i know, i thought that was what you meant i just didnt remember you asking us about them
i do remember you talking about internal suffering and i wanna check them out
[Oct 6,2004 12:31pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
i just have shit luck
every band i start falls apart (except maggot feast, but because of conflicting schedules and line-up changes, we have played four shows and recorded one demo.....everything else we recorded is random rehearsals and live shit......... in the 6 years since we formed)

and i don't do to well in joining bands that already exist, because i'm alot better at remembering material i am involved in creating, as opposed to just copying/covering someone else's shit

we're hoping at some point we can get some free time and record a full length Maggot Feast c.d. featuring new recordings of the best shit from our old demo, and our first studio recordings of all the shit we played at our only 4 shows.....and maybe if we get lucky, our second guitarist (james) will move back from japan, our new vocalist will get his nuts out of his womans purse, and we can finally book some fucking shows again.

i know many people here have'nt heard us, and plenty who have don't really dig our shit.......but we're working and progressing, and i'm pretty sure that our first full length will leave a much bigger impression on people than our demo, and our rttp set.
[Oct 6,2004 12:39pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
BornSoVile said:I wish musicians would book more shows instead of having grudging competing promoters beat up on each other, who only successfully make a horrible name for themselves and they're cause, it's all to common in MA.

You can make fun of us promoters all you want, but it's not like keeping this going is incredibly easy for us. Book as many shows as I do and see if you are still so fucking upbeat about everything.
[Oct 6,2004 1:13pm - RichHorror ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:and i don't do to well in joining bands that already exist, because i'm alot better at remembering material i am involved in creating, as opposed to just copying/covering someone else's shit

Learn to play drums and join IWEIPH anyway.
[Oct 6,2004 1:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
People need to start putting on more shows at American Legions/VFW's or whatever places that are rentable again. It seems to me that more people use to show up to shows like that than any clubs shows now. Yet no one puts them on anymore.

We played a show with a couple of metalcore bands a month ago who I think are pretty damn good at what they do (awesome kids as well), we figured they would all hate us by the time we went on. Suprisingly almost everyone there came up to us after and said "awesome set!" ect. ect. It was cool shit. My best friends are in a metalcore band that just got on prosthetic records, I fuckin dig em and think they deserve whatever comes their way.

As I've said in other threads, I honestly think the elitist attitudes of the metalheads around here is playing a huge role in why the death / black metal scene is being pushed away from everything else that's going on. I don't think it's right, just because some 'metalcore kid' is into bands like unearth, the acacia strain ect... doesn't mean they're not into decapitated, necrophagist, decrepit birth and shit...As a matter of fact I have plenty of friends who are primarily into metalcore/hardcore but fuckin love death metal. If someone with tight pants, tight shirt, studded belt shows up to a metal show then they are automatically labeled a hardcore fag and that they shouldn't be there. I think that's so gay. Shawn the other guitarist in porphyria fuckin loves Hamartia, they were a pretty big influence on him but he's still playing death metal. I'm into primarily death metal, but I do listen to some metalcore, and shit like porcupine tree.

Another thing that is kinda lame is metal kids don't fucking dance anymore! I'm not bashing anyone in particular but it's turned kinda pussy, hardly anyone goes off anymore at metal shows. Whatever happend to people fuckin destroying eachother? It use to happen at dying fetus, nile, and local bands like eternal suffering people killed eachother as well.. Nowadays metal kids just stand there and frown upon anyone that doesn't just bump into their friends. I know there are issues between the hardcore dancing and metal dancing though which I won't get into...Personally I don't dance, but I'll go off to my favorite bands most definetly, I would most likely get hurt in any other situation due to my size, but I see plenty of people who 'look' rough enough to pit the way it use to happen that just stand there.

[Oct 6,2004 1:26pm - blue ""]
yeah, more hall shows. with the introduction of the psyopus show at my college, im going to continue to slowly book shows. maybe not at halls that i dont have the money for, but certainly at places where people of hardcore and metal walks of life can enjoy themselves.

kids need to dance more.
[Oct 6,2004 1:27pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
RichHorror said:orgymaggotfeast said:and i don't do to well in joining bands that already exist, because i'm alot better at remembering material i am involved in creating, as opposed to just copying/covering someone else's shit

Learn to play drums and join IWEIPH anyway.

actually, i am a drummer
i don't think i can play as fast eric/shemp though.

are you guys sticking with the sound that was on that kinda punk-ish sounding demo c.d.r., or doing the suffer now speed grind with better riffing??

email me and we'll see what happens man

[Oct 6,2004 1:28pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
blue said:yeah, more hall shows. with the introduction of the psyopus show at my college, im going to continue to slowly book shows. maybe not at halls that i dont have the money for, but certainly at places where people of hardcore and metal walks of life can enjoy themselves.

kids need to dance more.

i love to pit
i hate when people call it dancing
[Oct 6,2004 1:33pm - sacreligion ""]
hey blue where are you from? there's a good place that's like 5 minutes from my house and about 10-15 minutes out of worcester. i think they're booked up until january but i wanted to put on a small fest or something. they only problem was getting the money but if you want to go in on putting one together i'll gladly throw in a couple hundred bucks
[Oct 6,2004 1:38pm - RustedAngel ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:

i love to pit
i hate when people call it dancing

why does it matter what people call it? as long as people fucking move and kill eachother (not literally) then it's showing support for the band physically. another reason why hardcore is more popular, because it's expected to have people going off. It's not expected at metal shows anymore.
[Oct 6,2004 1:40pm - blue ""]
im from woburn (north of boston), but i currently reside in jaffrey, nh doing up my senior year in college. whats the place you speak of? im sure sarah (vocals, from millbury as well) knows of the place youre talking about.
[Oct 6,2004 1:40pm - RichHorror ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:sounding demo c.d.r., or doing the suffer now speed grind with better riffing??

We're mixing it up. The new stuff goes from the punky stuff to insane grind and back again in one song.
[Oct 6,2004 1:53pm - sacreligion ""]
the dudley-gendron. pretty much your standard vfw style hall but it's pretty big...easily could fit like 4-500 people
[Oct 7,2004 10:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think 'dancing' or 'pitting' is wicked gay. I think metalcore is wicked gay. I think alieneting itself from hardcore was the best thing that ever happened to the metal scene. I think people should move around, like they did at the Paradise show for instance. Also, the crowd at the DropDead show at RedRum I went to, that was cool. Anything else is fucking gay. If you book metal and hardcore together, maybe you can get more people, but they will be hardcore kids, the majority of them will hate the metal bands, unless they cater their sound to those pussies, which then the metal kids won't like them. If I was in a band, I'd rather play to fewer kids who liked us, then more kids who just hated us.

The reason there are no more hall shows is because halls will not book any more shows because of hardcore kids, like the ones who attacked Bob at the Chopping Block. That is exactly what you will get if metal and hardcore play together, then both styles can have nowhere to play and have a bad reputation.

But then again, what do I know. I am just a promoter like Josh Ascendancy said.
[Oct 7,2004 12:29pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
RustedAngel said:orgymaggotfeast said:

i love to pit
i hate when people call it dancing

why does it matter what people call it? as long as people fucking move and kill eachother (not literally) then it's showing support for the band physically. another reason why hardcore is more popular, because it's expected to have people going off. It's not expected at metal shows anymore.

ok.....it matters basically because the word dancing is a description of something that gay people, females and blacks do at clubs that play crappy ass dance music, hip-hop, rap and R&B.

you don't hit people when you dance, and typically apologise when you do by accident.

what people do in a pit is far from dancing (which by the way is nothing more than glorified, choreographed aerobics)

and what do you mean "it's not expected at metal shows anymore"?
when i saw ascendancy, rompeprop, bile, and inhume at club marquee, everyone (crowd and band members) was aggravated that those pricks had a "no pitting" rule.
[Oct 7,2004 12:44pm - RustedAngel ""]
dance ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dns)
v. danced, danc·ing, danc·es
v. intr.
To move rhythmically usually to music, using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures.

To leap or skip about excitedly.
To appear to flash or twinkle: eyes that danced with merriment.
Informal. To appear to skip about; vacillate: danced around the issue.
To bob up and down.

I stil consider pitting/mosh/whatever dancing. Regaurdless of what you're doing your body is moving to music.
[Oct 7,2004 12:53pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
RustedAngel said:

I stil consider pitting/mosh/whatever dancing. Regaurdless of what you're doing your body is moving to music.

not necessarily
i've been to fuckloads of shows where kids are not going to music at all

prime example
circle pits

your not doing anything to any rythm, your running in a circle, shoving people, trying to get everyone going

plus i've seen people pit to noisegrind bands which have no rythm to pit to

the only time it's really dancing is when there are hardcore kids punching the floor and doing the fucking windmill, or fashhioncore kids breakdancing and doing cartwheels and backflips

[Oct 7,2004 12:54pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
orgymaggotfeast said:

the only time it's really dancing is when there are hardcore kids punching the floor and doing the fucking windmill, or fashhioncore kids breakdancing and doing cartwheels and backflips

which by the way, is very gay

[Oct 7,2004 1:23pm - RustedAngel ""]
my friend tim does backflips, flips and cartwheels in pit's (and when he plays) and I find it amusing. not gay.
[Oct 7,2004 1:38pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
i forgot what this is about but i've been saying what tom has been saying for a long time now.

2ndly Regis is letting my friend put on a hiphop show for completely free, so i'm gonna try and get it for a metal show. hopefully they'll let it be free.
[Oct 7,2004 2:09pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
My biggest problem with the idea of a "scene" is supporting everyone. I'm not out to get in the way of anyone who plays shitty music, but the attitude that people need to come to shows where no bands they like are playing is something that has always come with "scenes"... And that sucks.

Same thing goes for getting into the music, whatever form of "dance" you like (this is the Metal way, btw :doublehorns... Sorry, but I'm not gonna "pit it up" for bands that bore me, or even bands that I've never heard before unless they really kick my ass. If this is viewed as "lack of support", oh well... Like I said, I don't think indiscriminate support for every band with a Metal Zone, a gruff vocalist and black t-shirts is a worthy pursuit.
[Oct 7,2004 3:05pm - dyingmuse ""]
i'm to old to pit it up, it really sucks to lay brick all day being sore as it is...but man the last time i really pitted i was sore for a month!

but i think as long as you are there banging your head or at least up fron when the band is playing, that is fine. and ha ha we don't get people pitting for us, and we never expect that. just being up front works for me!
[Oct 7,2004 3:21pm - armageddonday ""]
I really only know the RI scene better, cause that's where I book shows. It's pretty sick (aka Rattus show last Friday) most of the time, but we need to work hard for it, it just doesn't happen that way.
Most of you guys must hate my guts cause I haven't book your band yet, but the fact is that RI only has one all ages venue (and I refuse to book a 18+ or 21+ show whatsoever). That leave us with very little dates open. Again, I'm not the only one putting shows together here.
Most of the shows we book are touring punk/hardcore bands (80's style not metalcore or NYHC), most of the time from overseas, and most of these bands have politics and all, and for me to put a metal band in one of these shows, first I have to see them, and then I have to be sure that I'm not going to hear anything about faggots, rape, and pro war/Bush crap. I'm not being PC here but if I want to mix both scenes, then I have to be sure it's going to work out and not end up in negativity/fights whatever.
As far as bands, if someone put you on a show, you should promote it and not expect the promoter to do all the show by him/herself. That's how it used to work in the 80's and I don't understand why it stopped.
I defenitely know a lot of bands who only show up at their shows (or their buddies shows), and won't make to effort to go to other shows, that sucks but what can you do? You cant force people to go at shows. Bottom line.
RI is tough with bands they don't know, and sometimes, people won't move and will listen and clap, but that's tough when you play, and it takes a few time for the crowd to warm up here.

[Oct 7,2004 3:22pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Are we still going on about this scene?
[Oct 7,2004 7:17pm - dugoxistance  ""]
my whole point was lost in the pit I guess. dance on.
[Oct 8,2004 4:25am - sacreligion ""]
i see why some people call it dancing, but old school moshing doesn't exist anymore...it's all about going apeshit now adays, which is fine by me
[Oct 8,2004 12:41pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
i got aids from a burger king milkshake
[Oct 8,2004 12:44pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
This scene is doing fine, none of you know what you are talking about. Sure, there could be more venues or all ages place, but there aren't and it's still getting bigger.
[Oct 8,2004 2:21pm - armageddonday ""]
I have to explain something, cause Joe gave me shit online.
About the bands who supports Bush/racism/homophobia...what I meant was that I would not book these bands on a punk show. I never said I wouldn't not book them overwise. I just wouldn't mix it.
[Oct 8,2004 2:30pm - assuck ""]
all john's lyrics are about is how cool it is when Bush rapes black guys
[Oct 13,2004 6:33pm - BornSoVile ""]
drama killed the scene!
[Oct 14,2004 12:43am - scream_bleed_repeat ""]
RustedAngel said:

...We played a show with a couple of metalcore bands a month ago who I think are pretty damn good at what they do (awesome kids as well), we figured they would all hate us by the time we went on. Suprisingly almost everyone there came up to us after and said "awesome set!" ect. ect. It was cool shit...

As I've said in other threads, I honestly think the elitist attitudes of the metalheads around here is playing a huge role in why the death / black metal scene is being pushed away from everything else that's going on. I don't think it's right, just because some 'metalcore kid' is into bands like unearth, the acacia strain ect... doesn't mean they're not into decapitated, necrophagist, decrepit birth and shit...As a matter of fact I have plenty of friends who are primarily into metalcore/hardcore but fuckin love death metal. If someone with tight pants, tight shirt, studded belt shows up to a metal show then they are automatically labeled a hardcore fag and that they shouldn't be there. I think that's so gay...

...Whatever happend to people fuckin destroying eachother? It use to happen at dying fetus, nile, and local bands like eternal suffering people killed eachother as well.. Nowadays metal kids just stand there and frown upon anyone that doesn't just bump into their friends.


I agree with these things RustedAngel said. It is a big problem of people with elitist attitudes on both the hardcore and metal side. We should concentrate on supporting more music of both genres so we can deter support for all the CRAP being playing incessantly on the radio. I know the mainstream stuff will always be there but that doesn't mean we can't respect everyone trying to make heavy music. I also understand a lot of hardcore fans and metal fans don't get along at shows, but that doesn't mean us as musicians, promoters, and anyone contributing anything to heavy music can't set an example by treating each other with respect. People need to stop acting like hardcore is better than metal or vice versa and making fun of each other. ANYONE can make fun of someone or something (as you can see constantly on this board) it requires no intelligence. It takes real thought to make creative music or creative ideas to help bands, promoters, and venues. So now, why don't we all stop fucking bashing everyone and saying everything is gay, because even if it makes you feel good after a nice long day of sitting on your ass and trying to think of witty ways to make fun of people online, your brain is still saying, " When is the last time time we did anything together? How come we don't go out anymore? " It's time to rekindle your relationship so you don't have to jerk off anymore.
[Oct 14,2004 1:23pm - RustedAngel ""]
scream_bleed_repeat said:RustedAngel said:

...We played a show with a couple of metalcore bands a month ago who I think are pretty damn good at what they do (awesome kids as well), we figured they would all hate us by the time we went on. Suprisingly almost everyone there came up to us after and said "awesome set!" ect. ect. It was cool shit...

As I've said in other threads, I honestly think the elitist attitudes of the metalheads around here is playing a huge role in why the death / black metal scene is being pushed away from everything else that's going on. I don't think it's right, just because some 'metalcore kid' is into bands like unearth, the acacia strain ect... doesn't mean they're not into decapitated, necrophagist, decrepit birth and shit...As a matter of fact I have plenty of friends who are primarily into metalcore/hardcore but fuckin love death metal. If someone with tight pants, tight shirt, studded belt shows up to a metal show then they are automatically labeled a hardcore fag and that they shouldn't be there. I think that's so gay...

...Whatever happend to people fuckin destroying eachother? It use to happen at dying fetus, nile, and local bands like eternal suffering people killed eachother as well.. Nowadays metal kids just stand there and frown upon anyone that doesn't just bump into their friends.


I agree with these things RustedAngel said. It is a big problem of people with elitist attitudes on both the hardcore and metal side. We should concentrate on supporting more music of both genres so we can deter support for all the CRAP being playing incessantly on the radio. I know the mainstream stuff will always be there but that doesn't mean we can't respect everyone trying to make heavy music. I also understand a lot of hardcore fans and metal fans don't get along at shows, but that doesn't mean us as musicians, promoters, and anyone contributing anything to heavy music can't set an example by treating each other with respect. People need to stop acting like hardcore is better than metal or vice versa and making fun of each other. ANYONE can make fun of someone or something (as you can see constantly on this board) it requires no intelligence. It takes real thought to make creative music or creative ideas to help bands, promoters, and venues. So now, why don't we all stop fucking bashing everyone and saying everything is gay, because even if it makes you feel good after a nice long day of sitting on your ass and trying to think of witty ways to make fun of people online, your brain is still saying, " When is the last time time we did anything together? How come we don't go out anymore? " It's time to rekindle your relationship so you don't have to jerk off anymore.

right on!
[Jan 30,2005 9:43pm - theeaglenature ""]

[Jan 30,2005 9:46pm - theeaglenature ""]
ninkaszi said:i hated acephalus. a couple of those guys ended up in a creed style band. bleh.

For the record, I wasn't one of those couple.

[Jan 30,2005 10:53pm - dugoxistance  ""]
is that you chris?
[Jan 30,2005 11:32pm - theeaglenature ""]
dugoxistance said:is that you chris?

Yep it is, what's up Doug? I started to write something in response to the whole Acephalus discussion but then I came to my senses and remembered why I don't post on message boards anymore.

Shoot me an email or something, it's been a while!
[Jan 30,2005 11:35pm - the_reverend ""]
ha! I read it and then refreshed.. and it was gone.
[Jan 30,2005 11:39pm - BornSoVile ""]
Chirs, sorry if you got offened by my comment.
[Jan 30,2005 11:57pm - theeaglenature ""]
BornSoVile said:Chirs, sorry if you got offened by my comment.

No worries. During the last months of the band's existence there was an assload of bogus information about us going around. I was going to try and clear a few things up, but I just realized it's not even worth going over it again. I moved on from that shit a long time ago.

Hopefully I'll run into some of you guys this year when Murder in the First has found our new frontman and is ready to do shows again. I'm also playing bass for the re-formed Zircon - we're looking for shows for March and beyond. I haven't played out since the final Despoilment show in September '03 and I'm dying to get back out there.
[Jan 31,2005 12:25am - MattRCT ""]
everything that RustedAngel said
[Jan 31,2005 2:21am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Lincoln said:But really is there any such thing as an all ages venue outside of a VFW hall anymore?????????

The Bombshelter is All Ages every sunday
[Jan 31,2005 11:26am - Hooker ""]
[Jan 31,2005 11:47am - RustedAngel ""]
Todd said:Lincoln said:But really is there any such thing as an all ages venue outside of a VFW hall anymore?????????

The Bombshelter is All Ages every sunday

doesn't wretched asylum play there on sundays?
[Jan 31,2005 11:52am - Christraper ""]
I can see everyones point. Im definitely not one to point fingers in this situation. The scene definitely would be alot stronger if the metal vs hardcore drama ended.

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