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[Oct 4,2004 3:47pm - Abraxas ""]
OK besides Porphyria and Life at Zero what are the other death metal bands coming out of NH? I thought there was something with members of Iranach and Life at Zero in it but I forgot who was involved.
[Oct 4,2004 4:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
nolin and jere are doing something brutal.

not sure when they'd start playing shows though.
[Oct 4,2004 4:02pm - the_reverend ""]
they are also playing with joubert (ex slow decay of time) and are looking for a bassplayer
[Oct 4,2004 7:03pm - boneripper1 ""]
what about old kubrick? them boys, n' girl, hail from the sou'western swamps of NH.

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