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[Apr 18,2003 4:11pm - Kyle ""]
jesus fuckin christ, people need to shut the fuck up about who sucks and who doesn't, i mean you're are entitled to your opinion but dont' band mouth bands. you should be happy for the people that are out there doing their thing by making some sort of attempt at making music. for instance i read the review of ptw's new cd some people said it sucked some people said it didn't personally i haven't heard it yet but that's why i read the review, but some assholes take it too far by insulting other people because of their taste in music, Fuck come one now could you people be anymore stuck up about style of music. I'd like to quote a friend by saying "Hardcore isn't a fashion, its a feeling" lets get back to what really matters the music, i mean who really gives a fuck what other people think either you like it or you dont' just leave it at that. Kyle
[Apr 18,2003 7:29pm - jesus ""]
shut the fuck up :middlefinger: get over yourself man
[Apr 19,2003 9:37am - thegreatspaldino ""]
that new PTW cd DOES fucking suck. i gave it a fair chance TWICE. i downloaded all of the songs, listened to them a few times each and IT SUCKS. i dont care... you all may think im some biased death metal elitist but nope... just like jesus... i listen to more jazz and oldies then metal now-a-days... and i like SOME hardcore. preferably the bands that fairly decent. blood has been shed, caliban (mainly vent though) and anything along those lines. another thing about the reviews for PTW's newest album... anyone that is PRO tear from the red mainly says " they worked so hard to get where they are so this cd rules!" but too bad someone forgot to tell them that putting a lot of work into something doesnt guarantee quality. for hardcore, that album sucks. for mellow parts, that cd sucks. production wise, that album sucks. the end

BTW... you guys should buy Norah Jones - "Come Away With Me" it is such a great album. im not joking either. oh and Victor Wooten.
[Apr 19,2003 12:24pm - Kyle ""]
jesus if it wasn't so close to easter i'd tell you to kill yourself
[Apr 19,2003 12:56pm - Terence ""]
who gives a rats ass, no matter what, people are gonne be dicks, about EVERYTHING. There is no point in wasting the energy to try to convince people to be nice, esp. about criticizing.
[Apr 19,2003 4:29pm - jesus ""]
yeah dont mind me kyle, i'm an asshole
[Apr 19,2003 4:34pm - the_reverend ""]
that jesus comment is one of the funniest things ever.
This whole easter thing has gotten in my way.
madball tomorrow and I can't go... must eat easter with grandmother.
[Apr 19,2003 6:46pm - tyagxgrind ""]
the funniest thing ever Rev, is that people actually give a fuck about anything, haha nevermind. This kid who started the post is right. Back Ta Basics so to speak. I agree. Devon (TYAG)
[Apr 21,2003 1:39am - xmikex ""]
people are assholes, instictively. if you're in a band you've got to deal with the fact that theres gonna be people that won't like your band and will say bad things about it.

if you can't handle that then you shouldn't be in a band. i don't want to hear about unity. i don't want to hear about support. if you don't like something you've got every right in the world to express it. Alot of times it's unnessary, true, but who the fuck cares? Thats life. DEAL. if you can't, you shouldn't be breathing.

unity not shittalk is a waste of time to even say
lets go with reality not stupidity instead
[Apr 21,2003 2:24am - Terence ""]
I think Peter Steele summed it up best in "Race War" while in Carnivore, circa 1989..."This is the United States of America, you have the right to hate anyone you want...so lets start bustin' heads".
[Apr 21,2003 9:17am - josh ""]
And that summed up what Terence...this discussion???????????
[Apr 21,2003 9:53am - the_reverend ""]
hello... it's like Dio said "Pretend that all you really feel is pain. Just hide behind some sorrow"
er.. wait, maybe it's more like Paula Abdul on the Tracy Ulman show when she said:

Straight up now tell me
Do you really want to love me forever oh oh oh
Or am I caught in a hit and run

Straight up now tell me
Is it gonna be you and me together oh oh oh
Are you just having fun

Time's standing still
Waiting for some small clue
I keep getting chills
When I think your love is true

I've been a fool before
Wouldn't like to get my love caught
In the slammin' door
How about some information--please

or when COF said (in A Dream of Wolves in the Snow)

Oh, listen to them
The children of the night
What sweet music they make

May dreams be brought that I might reach...
the gentle strains of midnight speech
and frozen stars that gild the forest floor

Through the swirling snow
Volkh's children come
to run with me, to hunt as one
to snatch the lambs of christ
from where they fall...

now, does that make more sense?
[Apr 21,2003 1:43pm - Terence ""]
wow. Ive just been criticized for making a statement. Apparently I have to sum things up when I quote someone. What is this a UN meeting or something.
[Apr 21,2003 1:47pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm vetoing that last comment.
[Apr 21,2003 1:59pm - Terence ""]
I hereby resign from this discussion. Me and Peter Steele are going to go back and write songs about hating fat chicks. To quote Mike Patton,..."You're perfect yes its true, but without me you're only you"... what that pertains to this discussion, absolutely nothing, I just think it would be funny to see what someone will write about it. Ta-ta:shocker:
[Apr 21,2003 3:51pm - Kyle ""]
hey you guys are takin this all wrong i didn't write this as some unity bull shit, nope.............i wrote this because i was reading the review and people were talking shit over music probably people they never even met, and it was getting pretty harsh, now i'm not pussy but what do fags and homos have to do with music. i also just wanted to hear about the new cd. i might hate what you have to say but i will fight so that you can say it.
[Apr 21,2003 3:52pm - Kyle ""]
hey you guys are takin this all wrong i didn't write this as some unity bull shit, nope.............i wrote this because i was reading the review and people were talking shit over music probably people they never even met, and it was getting pretty harsh, now i'm not pussy but what do fags and homos have to do with music. i also just wanted to hear about the new cd. i might hate what you have to say but i will fight so that you can say it.
[Apr 21,2003 4:02pm - XmikeX ""]
i hearby declare this thread completely and utterly gay. kyle do us a favor and don't post anything ever again.

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