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COB fans...

[Oct 11,2004 10:50am - retzam ""]
What do you guys think of Trashed, Lost, And Strungout?? I've heard this song and She Is Beautiful, the latter of which I think is shit, but TLS, I don't know, it sounds sort of Slipknot-ish at parts, hahaha, but the song as a whole I think is pretty good.
[Oct 11,2004 10:51am - powerkok ""]
[Oct 11,2004 10:52am - powerkok ""]
Im a fan of corn on the C.O.B.
[Oct 11,2004 10:59am - retzam ""]

Children Of Bodom

And yes, I am also quite partial to corn on the C.O.B.
[Oct 11,2004 11:08am - anonymous  ""]
when is the album coming out?
[Oct 11,2004 11:16am - retzam ""]
It is an EP and I have no idea when it's being released in the states.
[Oct 11,2004 11:19pm - retzam ""]
bump because of my damn curiosity
[Oct 12,2004 2:31pm - retzam ""]
bump, there is no way that i'm the only one on here who's heard this
[Oct 12,2004 5:11pm - Jellyfish ""]
i think someone told me it was so-so, but ive still not heard it.
[Oct 12,2004 5:22pm - retzam ""]
I'm content now, this thread may die if it must.

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