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Goratory cd release party cancelled.

[Oct 12,2004 12:42am - goratory ""]
Alright, i just got off the phone with Darren and he told me to put out the word. I am extremely sorry to all bands and people looking forward to comming. We were trying to make a good thing happen here and put the party back in the metal scene but we failed. The kids who live in the house started to freak out about it as it got closer to the show and backed out which completely fucks us and the other bands. Taste of Silver and Ascendancy, I am very sorry for this. Myself and Darren were going to far lengths to make sure this would run smoothly and be a good time for everyone and having to cancell was a shock to me, I have never looked forward to a show as much as this one. God damnit, I am having a bad day and I still have bugs in my room, hahaha. Anyways, if someone can find a last minute basement in the Boston area that is close to the T, let me know.
[Oct 12,2004 12:46am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
this blows, like nothing that has blown before
[Oct 12,2004 12:49am - goratory ""]
I know it. We had a freind from Florida who already bought a ticket up here for it, blows bigtime. It seemed too good to be true and I guesse it was.
[Oct 12,2004 12:51am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah there were people from NY and CT and shit telling me they'd be there and we'd check in on how sweet this was.

It's ok man, I was counting my blessings cause I knew if it DID work out God would come down and save all of humanity, and it just didn't seem right...the sweetest show of a lifetime...

well, I am still gonna look for a venue and see what happens.
[Oct 12,2004 12:57am - goratory ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:yeah there were people from NY and CT and shit telling me they'd be there and we'd check in on how sweet this was.

It's ok man, I was counting my blessings cause I knew if it DID work out God would come down and save all of humanity, and it just didn't seem right...the sweetest show of a lifetime...

well, I am still gonna look for a venue and see what happens.

thanks man. We appreciate that you guys were promoting this shit with us. Sorry it had to end horribly. I would still like to try to find a Boston house for future houseparties though. I refuse to let my vision die god-damnit, hahaha. This shit really fucked up my day though.
[Oct 12,2004 1:04am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
isn't there any basements...wtf Jonah, George, people live in allston and shit....someone should help out
[Oct 12,2004 4:44pm - BornSoVile ""]
this sucks.
dude, some kid i know at grass bay said he heard there was something lined up in holliston.?
[Oct 12,2004 10:47pm - goratory ""]
whats in holliston??? I don't get it.
[Oct 13,2004 12:18pm - the_rooster ""]
that sucks...i was gonna drive out from albany for that shizzle.
[Oct 13,2004 12:27pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
if kids from other stater were coming up it's a good thing someone freaked out dude. my friend lived on pratt street, had bands play, and 7 cop cars came to shut it down.
[Oct 13,2004 4:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
hahaha you guys are playing holliston! good thing this show is cancelled cause it's really uncool, unelite, and ununderground to play basement shows. i guess people named fags go there and play them too.
[Oct 13,2004 4:52pm - RustedAngel ""]
BornSoVile said:hahaha you guys are playing holliston! good thing this show is cancelled cause it's really uncool, unelite, and ununderground to play basement shows. i guess people named fags go there and play them too.

yeah i heard that from some fag that post's here... :whipper: hehehe
[Oct 13,2004 4:57pm - BornSoVile ""]
you can't be south shore metal unless you think that way, that's the deal man. the more i think about it I realize elitists are just hardcore kids outcasted for being too sensitive and who get way to easily offended. contradictions nonetheless.
[Oct 13,2004 5:29pm - mammalsauce ""]
I don't get it...who's playing holliston? and why are you glad the show is cancelled?
[Oct 13,2004 5:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
because it's cool to hate basement shows. you can't be cool unless your negative.
[Oct 13,2004 5:37pm - blue nli  ""]
yeah, i liek teh mad hate!~
[Oct 13,2004 5:41pm - BornSoVile ""]
you can't be my friend unless you hate everything and even if you are my friend i will still talk shit about you cause i just can't hate enough. ; )
[Oct 13,2004 10:51pm - dEoDIUMmORTIS ""]
And what's with all this shittalking lately? I leave and everyone starts slinging mud. Someone explain to me what the hell happened.
[Oct 14,2004 12:29am - Terence ""]
This sucks, the local event of the year gets cancelled.
[Oct 14,2004 5:44pm - LordGrimballs  ""]
This is the worst birthday ever.

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