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YAY! Guess what I did last night???

[Oct 13,2004 9:49am - Christraper ""]
I got laid!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
But thats not why I posted this thread. I was learning a King Diamond solo for the Halloween show in Boston and part of the solo required me to bend a string with my pointing finger. WELL this was working fine untill the string slipped and went rather far underneath my fingernail thus partially ripping it off......which really sucked.
[Oct 13,2004 9:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Oct 13,2004 9:53am - dick_bloodeye ""]
first time I tries stainless steel strings, I shaved the tip of mypinky off with the high e string.
there was just and thin pancake of skin hanging off my finger

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