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rttp appreciation

[Oct 19,2004 1:41pm - powerkok ""]
I just want to say, the new server is kick balls awesome!!!

The speed of the posts loading is great, and makes it possible to post approx. 3x more in the time u could post once b4..
Rev....wicked fuckin pissah job!!!
[Oct 19,2004 1:51pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
I appreciate RTTP. If my boss knew I was posting on message boards all day, she wouldn't appreciate it. Fuck 'em!

[Oct 19,2004 2:20pm - Abbath ""]
thanks to rttp i have no life now, i spend all my free time on this site! i'm cursed!
[Oct 19,2004 2:23pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
Abbath said:thanks to rttp i have no life now, i spend all my free time on this site! i'm cursed!

i felt that way for a while................but then i got a job. jobs suck. i wanna quit.
[Oct 19,2004 2:24pm - powerkok ""]
hahaha me 2.
[Oct 19,2004 3:13pm - powerkok ""]
well I mean, we were all on it b4 anyway, so its not like now that its faster, well use it more...well just be able to post more, quickly.
and thats what I am appreciating.

While on the subject I appreciate these things:

my band
your band
international delight french vanilla creamer
a clean pooping session.
[Oct 19,2004 3:25pm - the_reverend ""]
the new server is wicked fast..
I'm getting 1/2 the load time on most things.
[Oct 19,2004 3:33pm - powerkok ""]
yes.it rocks.
[Oct 19,2004 3:52pm - ieatnli  ""]
i appreciate the rev. for all he does between his show and this sight and the pics. and his hard rod late at night!!! jk
i also appreciate the public libraries of america.
it's the last great vestige of our society. nh motto "live free or die"
free information and internet access, books, videos and more
the public library is the only place you can walk into and then walk out of with something for free. ( besides the 5 finger discount but that's illegal)
[Oct 19,2004 5:12pm - BornSoVile ""]
Hail the Reverend!
[Oct 19,2004 6:37pm - Blue ""]
i appreciate the new love of anal sex aaron has given me.
[Oct 19,2004 11:01pm - Jellyfish ""]
powerkok said:

[Oct 20,2004 1:11am - powerkok ""]
hahahaha yes pot!!!
ask hoser...if I dont have pot...Im a prick.

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