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have you ever gotten a parking ticket in boston?

[Oct 23,2004 2:38am - succubus ""]
i've never gotten a parking or moving violation for that matter

what happens to me if i don't pay ?

it's $40 fine for parking in a residential area..however, i didn't see any signs right where i parked
[Oct 23,2004 2:39am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
it will only hurt when you need to re register something, otherwise go crazy and dont pay it
[Oct 23,2004 2:41am - succubus ""]
what do you mean reregister?

my car registration?
[Oct 23,2004 8:48am - anonymous  ""]
No, but listen to this, if you can believe it: I once got a speeding ticket. in Monson.

Can you handle that shit? Monson, of all places! You literally have to drive almost all the way down main street to see a cop car after the first one you see when you enter town. Monson, where you have to drive nearly 5 mph over the limit to get pulled over for speeding. Monson, where the cops ensure that the big dig receives adeaquate funding from those who should be paying for it: anyone who drives through the fucking town.
[Oct 23,2004 9:17am - succubus ""]
i jsut remembered that i met a drunk cop at a show and he gave me his business card..if i find it i'm going to email him.

nothing to lose
[Oct 23,2004 9:40am - Lynneaus ""]
you should fight it.... say there were no signs... it will mean having to take a day off but most of the time u will win
or u could just pay the damn thing

where u cross the boarder a lot its always better to just take care of things.
[Oct 23,2004 10:19am - SUBJUGATE ""]
i have gotten a couple

basicly what will happen if you don't pay it is when you go to re-register your car next time they won't let you cause of the ticket, on top of that i belive they charge interest on the unpaid ticket till it is paid and if you get pulled over you will be in a little bit of a jam too i belive

[Oct 23,2004 10:32am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
fight it...even if your completely guilty you'll get some of it taken off
[Oct 23,2004 11:26am - JoeJOE  ""]
[Oct 23,2004 11:35am - succubus ""]
you eat myne
[Oct 23,2004 12:54pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
anonymous said:No, but listen to this, if you can believe it: I once got a speeding ticket. in Monson.

Can you handle that shit? Monson, of all places! You literally have to drive almost all the way down main street to see a cop car after the first one you see when you enter town. Monson, where you have to drive nearly 5 mph over the limit to get pulled over for speeding. Monson, where the cops ensure that the big dig receives adeaquate funding from those who should be paying for it: anyone who drives through the fucking town.

oh man, i live right south of that town in CT, but i know what you're talkin about. bad place to speed, especially if you're a CT asshole like me
[Oct 23,2004 3:23pm - Kalopsia ""]
succubus i say just pay it. it's only $40. it's not worth to fight over that small amount. now when i got $115 parking ticket in NY, that's a different story. i say just pay it
[Oct 23,2004 3:25pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i got a 350 dollar speeding ticket once, me and my buddy were trashed too and the cop gave us the ticket and left us there, both piss drunk, was like, ok, just go home.... anyway, id pay it, my license got suspended for not paying a parking ticket one time, it catches up with ya eventually
[Oct 23,2004 3:37pm - BornSoVile ""]
my ex didn't pay two $15 parking tickets in mother fucking whitinsville and with two speeding tickets, she subsequently lost her license for a few months. never taken anything to court. i fucking hate court.
[Oct 23,2004 6:04pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I got two in the past month on North Beacon Street in Brighton. Some bullshit with the street cleaning days. Instead of starting at 10am like it does on my street they start at 12:01 am and last year they changed the days from Mondays and Thursdays to I'm not sure when.

I should have appealed them because the city put a sticker on the signs and expected them not to peel off over the winter rather than making new signs.

Watch out on North Beacon street, you can't park on Frondays and Thuendsdays
[Oct 23,2004 6:42pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I get Boston tickets a lot dammit... Fuckin street cleaning!!!
[Oct 23,2004 6:44pm - todayistheday  ""]
ha the same thing happened to me yesterday....40 dollar ticket for parking in a residential area...didnt see a sign
[Oct 23,2004 6:54pm - succubus ""]
todayistheday said:ha the same thing happened to me yesterday....40 dollar ticket for parking in a residential area...didnt see a sign


there were a few other cars around me with tickets

if you were near lansdown..maybe we were on the same street

[Oct 23,2004 8:06pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
I got a ticket once in boston for parking in a handicapped space...haha (if you know who i am this is really funny)
[Oct 23,2004 8:17pm - succubus ""]
Todd said:I got a ticket once in boston for parking in a handicapped space...haha (if you know who i am this is really funny)

umm w t f ?

you had best contested that one!
[Oct 23,2004 8:43pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
yea,well when i showed up, they brought the officer in ,who wrote the ticket,and asked him if he really wanted to persue it. You shoulda seen his face when they pointed me out and said i was there to pay my ticket for parking in a handicapped space.....priceless,apparently he did not see my placard hangin from my rearview(said my windshield was fogged or something,he could not recall)
[Oct 23,2004 8:51pm - the_reverend ""]
Todd said:my windshield was fogged

I would have given you another ticket for shooting porno in a handicap parking space.
[Oct 24,2004 2:30am - Dave From The Grave  ""]
humanbonedeathmachine said:anonymous said:No, but listen to this, if you can believe it: I once got a speeding ticket. in Monson.

Can you handle that shit? Monson, of all places! You literally have to drive almost all the way down main street to see a cop car after the first one you see when you enter town. Monson, where you have to drive nearly 5 mph over the limit to get pulled over for speeding. Monson, where the cops ensure that the big dig receives adeaquate funding from those who should be paying for it: anyone who drives through the fucking town.

oh man, i live right south of that town in CT, but i know what you're talkin about. bad place to speed, especially if you're a CT asshole like me

yeah man. it's good when I remember to sign my posts.
[Oct 25,2004 9:41am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
No, but I've gotten my car broken into in Boston. That was a great time!
[Oct 25,2004 11:11am - Josh_Martin ""]
You can fight parking tickets through the mail, read the fine print on the back of the ticket. If you've never gotten a ticket in Boston before I can almost guarantee they will let you off. Just make up an excuse, like there was no visible sign. If you don't have a previous record, they don't even check out your story. I have done this twice and won both times.

[Oct 25,2004 11:12am - Josh_Martin ""]
Oh yeah, I also fought a ticket through the mail in NYC and beat that too.
[Oct 25,2004 11:27am - succubus ""]
Josh_Martin said:FIGHT IT!!
You can fight parking tickets through the mail, read the fine print on the back of the ticket. If you've never gotten a ticket in Boston before I can almost guarantee they will let you off. Just make up an excuse, like there was no visible sign. If you don't have a previous record, they don't even check out your story. I have done this twice and won both times.

Thanks Josh
i will do that!!

[Nov 30,2004 4:30pm - succubus ""]
ok i finally mailed it today

i typed up the letter and signed it

*crosses fingers*
[Nov 30,2004 4:37pm - the_reverend ""]
you typically have 10 days on these things to appeal, no?
[Nov 30,2004 4:42pm - succubus ""]
[Dec 1,2004 3:35am - damnose ""]
I got a parking ticket once because I was walking back to my car with a very FAT friend who kept insisting that we walk slower. By the time we got there, the meter had expired and a cop was just driving away after writing me a ticket...

I wanted to go to court and contest it, saying that I had to guide my disabled, legally obese friend and therefore was punished unfairly. He would have gone with me and played the part, plus he's Bangladeshi and his name is Arafat so it would have been pretty hilarious. But alas we were lazy and going to court to contest a $20 ticket in Boston really isn't worth it.
[Jan 5,2005 11:32am - succubus ""]


i got a letter in the mail telling me i am excused!
[Jan 5,2005 12:03pm - tbone_r ""]
the people who get ticketed in front of my dorm get 50$ tickets. they usuallyonly get ticketed when they park overnight though
[Jan 5,2005 12:04pm - succubus ""]
i'm just happy that i don't have to pay it..

all the while i had people at work telling me not to do it and stuff...and i have no idea why...
they said i was waisting my time and that it didn't matter that my record was clean BLAH BLAH
i don't know why people care so much..

my record remains in tact!

EDIT for the rev:
I'm just happy that i didn't have to pay for it..
[Jan 5,2005 12:13pm - Josh_Martin ""]
succubus said:i'm just happy that i don't have to pay it..

all the while i had people at work telling me not to do it and stuff...and i have no idea why...
they said i was waisting my time and that it didn't matter that my record was clean BLAH BLAH
i don't know why people care so much..

my record remains in tact!

EDIT for the rev:
I'm just happy that i didn't have to pay for it..

Please tell the people you work with that I was right and they were wrong. Throw in a few I Told You So's too.
I don't get people who act like they know stuff when they clearly have no idea what they're talking about. Actually, ask them why they told you not to do it and post their answers here.

[Jan 5,2005 12:17pm - succubus ""]
Kalopsia said:succubus i say just pay it. it's only $40. it's not worth to fight over that small amount. now when i got $115 parking ticket in NY, that's a different story. i say just pay it

KALOPSIA BLAH to you! it only cost me a stamp to mail it.

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