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Judge throws party, hands down life sentence

[Oct 26,2004 4:18pm - litacore ""]
DALLAS, Texas (AP) -- A judge threw a party complete with balloons, streamers and a cake to welcome a former fugitive back to her court -- and sentence him to life in prison.

"You just made my day when I heard you had finally come home," Criminal Courts Judge Faith Johnson told Billy Wayne Williams, who had been convicted in absentia of aggravated assault after he disappeared a year ago. "We're so excited to see you, we're throwing a party for you."

Williams, 53, was accused of choking his girlfriend until she was unconscious. He failed to appear for his trial last November and was not captured until Thursday.

Before he was brought into the courtroom Monday, Johnson directed staff members as they placed balloons and streamers around the courtroom. A colorful cake was decorated with his name.

"It seems like everyone wants to have a party, and it's fun for you people, but not for me," Williams told reporters as he was led away in handcuffs.

Calls to the judge's office and the State Bar Association were not immediately returned Tuesday.

Williams has a criminal record dating back to the 1980s, authorities said. During his year on the run, Williams used disguises, posed as an attorney and used aliases such as "Justin Burroughs" and "Bubba Lee Williams," authorities said.
[Oct 26,2004 4:20pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Wow. What a bitch.
[Oct 26,2004 4:21pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I read that.

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