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what a cock sucker

[Oct 26,2004 11:36pm - dyingmuse ""]
i guess this is old, but i just saw this....i would beat this motherfucker down
[Oct 26,2004 11:41pm - powerkok ""]
no shit that shitbag woulda been in half, long before any of that crap happened.
[Oct 27,2004 2:31am - sacreligionbownt  ""]
how did no one tear that guy to pieces?

fuckin pussies
[Oct 27,2004 2:51am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i would have fucked that guy up. what an ass. he deserves to have his ass beat by a chick.
[Oct 27,2004 5:01am - BestialOnslaught ""]
That's from the Steve-o tour video right? That kid's awesome!
[Oct 27,2004 7:26am - Dave From The Grave  ""]
I would have shot that dude
[Oct 27,2004 7:29am - Kalopsia ""]
yea i've seen that video before, and i couldn't figure it out either. i don't know about everyone else, but if i see someone fucking with a friend of mine, i am NOT going to just stand by!!!!!!!!
[Oct 27,2004 8:41am - RustedAngel ""]
BestialOnslaught said:That's from the Steve-o tour video right? That kid's awesome!

yeah it's from the steve-o vid.

I think the skateboard thing is hillarious, and the fact that he's doing it to drunk rich jocks is even more hillarious. When he threw the board I don't think it hit the vehicle.
[Oct 27,2004 8:43am - RustedAngel ""]
MyDeadDoll said:i would have fucked that guy up. what an ass. he deserves to have his ass beat by a chick.

haha, that guy was fucking with guys twice his size...he's obviously got balls, I doubt you could touch him. PKok is the only one here that would probably stand a chance.
[Oct 27,2004 9:11am - Abbath ""]
i would have turned him into ash
[Oct 27,2004 12:48pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
RustedAngel said:PKok is the only one here that would probably stand a chance. :spineyes:

you are underestimating the mighty infraggable bulk!

[Oct 27,2004 12:54pm - assuck ""]
i was just thinking about this video...

[Oct 27,2004 1:01pm - Christraper ""]
id stab that bitch in the neck if he even acted like he was gonna hit me with that fuckin thing.
[Oct 27,2004 1:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
none of you are drunk club kids...shut up.
[Oct 27,2004 1:05pm - Christraper ""]
yea youre right. he probably wouldnt try that at a metal show.
[Oct 27,2004 1:15pm - powerkok ""]
Abbath said:i would have turned him into ash

with a spell?
Im totally kidding dude!
[Oct 27,2004 2:47pm - succubus ""]
[Oct 27,2004 2:49pm - the_reverend ""]
I saw this awhile ago.. I though it was on jackass or cky
[Oct 27,2004 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]
Abbath said:i would have turned him into ash

jim ash?
crazy > strong
[Oct 27,2004 5:12pm - Crucifire ""]
That's fucking weak. I'd find out who he was and beat his mother.
[Oct 27,2004 5:13pm - Crucifire ""]
If he had any balls he's drop the board and use his fucking fists.
[Oct 27,2004 5:37pm - swamplorddvm ""]
What a pussy. The guy didn't want to fight. I would have smashed a table over his head.

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