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warehouse clearance sale --- musicians friend

[Oct 27,2004 6:59pm - dc nli  ""]
to the interested:

[Oct 27,2004 7:04pm - powerkok ""]
buncha crap in the guitar section. all crap. eff musicians friend...ebay.
[Oct 27,2004 7:05pm - dc nli  ""]
i love this comment

"Sep 26, 2004 - When I first picked it up, I was certain it was going to snap. It's made of plastic, I tell you; slapped together by children in Indonesia. It's the worst thing you could do with $$! I got so tired of it, I just dropped it out my window, which is like 12 feet. When I went to retrieve the rubble, I couldn't even tell it used to be a guitar. So shop smart; shop S-Mart, and don't buy this crappy instrument. :D"

[Oct 27,2004 10:32pm - Crucifire ""]
Don't buy anything from those pigs. Guitar center either.
[Oct 28,2004 3:16pm - niccolai ""]
Musicians friend and American musical suply are secure, but huge corporations that I don't like buying from.

the only perk is that when you order from them, theres no sales tax, and when you spend 6 grand, sales tax is alot of money.

I would never buy from guitar center, all guitars are used, hanging around all day, taxed, and setup by 12 year olds in the back.
[Oct 28,2004 7:50pm - Blue ""]
when it comes to purchasing guitars, i go with drumcityguitarland.com. best service youll ever get. i tend to stay away from mf and ams when buying guitars cus theyll ship it halfway across the country, only to have it mangled by the weather, and they wont take a bit of responsibility for it. i just stick to buying electronics from them.
[Oct 28,2004 7:55pm - retzam ""]
dc nli said:i love this comment

"Sep 26, 2004 - When I first picked it up, I was certain it was going to snap. It's made of plastic, I tell you; slapped together by children in Indonesia. It's the worst thing you could do with $$! I got so tired of it, I just dropped it out my window, which is like 12 feet. When I went to retrieve the rubble, I couldn't even tell it used to be a guitar. So shop smart; shop S-Mart, and don't buy this crappy instrument. :D"


hahahaha I also particularly enjoy this one:

"Sep 3, 2004 - I've been playing guitar for a while and I have some nice guitars. I bought this guitar so I could take it to school becouse I didn't want to screw up my other guitars. It turns out that this guitar is better than all my other guitars."

This guy must have some pretty shitty guitars.
[Oct 28,2004 8:00pm - powerkok ""]
I find that ebay has alot of great deals. wether theyre retards that spell the name wrong, or someone who just wants to get rid of something.
I got a jackson ps3t from one guy that didnt set a reserve price and spelled the title
Jackson Preformer ps37

since there were no keywords in the title, no one saw it, and I got the guitar for 182 bucks with a hardshell case.

another time, I bid on a 7 string esp and was outbid...at the last second the high bidder pulled out, and the auction ended, I emailed the guy, and offered to buy it directly from him for 150 bucks....suprisingly, he accepted and I sold it for 300 bucks.
[Oct 28,2004 8:24pm - Aegathis ""]
I still would like to sell my 7 string.

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